Health Events
Column 1
Column 2
Column 3
Column 1
- County Administration
- Board of Commissioners
- County Manager's Office
- Meetings
- Board of Commissioner Meetings
- Official Meeting Calendar
- Boards & Committees
Column 2
Henderson County is known across the nation as an innovative county government. Our county has won numerous national, state, and local awards. In many cases, these awards are won in competition with thousands of other outstanding programs across the nation.
Below is a listing of all awards presented to Henderson County since 1990.
Ron H. Levine Public Health Award
Unfortunately, pets can lose their way from home. Some pets are found and kept safe by kind strangers. Other pets are taken to local shelters. Animal Services maintains a list of all reported lost and found pets and makes every reasonable effort to locate owners.
If you have lost your pet, it is best to visit the shelter. It is sometimes difficult to identify your pet over the phone. Stray animals are kept at the shelter for a minimum of 3 days before offered for adoption or if necessary, euthanized.
Purpose: To provide practical and supportive services to individuals who need help with essential daily activities in the areas of home management and personal care.
Services include:
Social Work Services:
- Provides an assessment of need
- Knowledge and access to community resources
- Development of a service plan and monitoring of service delivery
- Education, resource referral and advocacy for services and resources
Community Social Service Technicians:
As of April 14, 2003, the Henderson County Department of Public Health implemented the Federal Health Information Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Privacy Rule and HIPAA Privacy Policies of Henderson County Government. HIPAA regulates how protected health information about an individual can be used and disclosed and the rights of an individual regarding their medical information and privacy. Please read our Notice of Privacy. If you have any questions, please call the Privacy Official at (828) 692-4223.
Someone who has medical bills in one or all 3 months prior to application date may apply for these bills, if all other eligibility factors are met.
Carolina Access is a way of linking Medicaid recipients to a Primary Care Doctor for their health needs in their community. Dental or Eye doctors are excluded.
The data presented on GoMaps and other Henderson County GIS websites is not "live" data, but consists of map data that is updated on a regular basis. Parcel, Street, and Address data are usually updated daily, and other map layers are updated as changes become available.
Please visit our Metadata Page for further clarification of accuracy and currency of the map data on this website.
P: (828) 694-6019 | F: (828) 697-4504
Statistical data for North Carolina and Henderson County is also available.
The information contained in this website is provided and maintained by various individuals representing a number of agencies and entities, including Henderson County departments, non-profit agencies, and agencies managed by appointed or elected boards or officials. While the Henderson County Department of Public Health assists in maintaining this site and has attempted to make the information in this and other associated documents as accurate as possible, no guarantee is given as to the accuracy or currency of any individual item.
Computer novices should bring someone with them for assistance or should sign up for scheduled classes provided by the library. Please note the following ways that our staff can and cannot help.
Transfer Station Minimum scale fee (320 lbs or less) $10.00/load
Municipal Solid Waste (MSW)
Construction and Demolition debris
Clean, unpainted concrete and masonry debris
Sometimes it can be difficult to figure out exactly how much paint to purchase. Any suggestions?
Check out the "Tools" tab through the Paint Quality Institute to help decide on the exact amount of paint you'll need. This can save you trips to the store and aid in not having lots of leftover paint.
It is estimated that approximately 50% of the waste collected during municipal household hazardous waste events (HHW) is made up of only paint. This also mostly accounts for half the costs of recycling and disposal for HHW items. *Product Stewardship Institute
Can I leave paint products in front of the collection site if I don't see a staff person?
Purpose: To provide a stable lifestyle through management of funds for persons who are unable to manage their own money.
Target Population: Adults 18 years or older who are considered disabled and due to the disability, lack the capacity to manage their money.
Program Services:
The Child Care Subsidy Program office Hours are 8:00 am to 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday. For more information, please call (828) 697-5500. Service availability may be limited and names placed on a waiting list.
The Child Day Care Program's goal is to ensure safe, quality, accessible and affordable child care for children in Henderson County. This program supports the independence of families by enabling responsible adults to secure and maintain employment and meet the basic needs of their children.
Erosion Sketch Plan Permits have been eliminated. Contractors with Projects that require Erosion Control Plans will Continue to work with Natalie Berry to obtain required plan approvals. Plan approvals are required when:
* Land disturbing activity exceeds 1 acre; or when
* Land disturbing activity exceeds 1/2 acre and the average slope is 15-25%; or when
* Land disturbing activity exceeds 1/4 acre and the average slope is 25% or greater
A new program that began October 1, 1998.
Low-income families may still be able to get health insurance for their children. North Carolina's children's health insurance plan "NC Health Choice" will cover children from low-income families that still earn too much to qualify for Medicaid.
Right-of-way is a legal right of one to cross the property of another. It is usually granted in the form of a permanent lineal strip of land, which is established by a survey.
The Human Resources Department serves Henderson County by focusing efforts on the County's most valuable asset - its employees. This is achieved by developing and delivering innovative Human Resource programs and services designed to support the mission of the County.
The Human Resources Department provides personnel services for Henderson County departments and employees in the following program areas:
To be eligible for benefits, an employee must be assigned to a regular or project position and must regularly work at least 19.5 hours per week.
Brief Summary of Benefit
Effective Date
The federally funded HOME Investment Partnership Program provides grants to States and localities that communities use - often in partnership with local nonprofit groups - to fund a wide range of activities that build, buy, and/or rehabilitate affordable housing for rent or homeownership or provide direct rental assistance to low-income people. HOME is the largest Federal block grant to State and local governments designed exclusively to create affordable housing for low-income households.
Cost Burdened: Paying more than 30% of its gross income for housing costs. For renters, housing costs include rent paid by the tenant plus utilities. For owners, housing costs include mortgage payment, taxes, insurance, and utilities.
Extremely Cost Burdened: Paying more than 50% of its gross income for housing costs. For renters, housing costs include rent paid by the tenant plus utilities. For owners, housing costs include mortgage payment, taxes, insurance, and utilities.
Henderson County Sheriff's Department is in charge of handling animal control issues in the county. To report an animal control issue in the county please call 697-4912.
Household trash is ONLY accepted in bags at the Convenience Center IF accompanied with an equal amount of recycling. For example, you can recycle one garbage bag-sized amount of plastic bottles or aluminum cans with one bag of household trash. Household trash is considered waste typically generated in your kitchen or bathroom. NO bulky items such as furniture, appliances, mattresses, yard debris, tires, C&D debris are accepted at the Convenience Center at any time; these items must be taken to the Transfer Station.
Rabies is a deadly disease that has no cure and can be transmitted from wild or domestic animal populations to humans. In Henderson County, most confirmed cases have been within the raccoon population. People are at risk for exposure if their domestic pets have come in contact with a rabid animal. Precautions people can take to reduce their risk of exposure:
The process described below is based upon Chapter 200A, Land Development Code, Section 200A-333 and the general procedures followed by the Planning Department. Such procedures as well as application fees are subject to change. Please refer to Chapter 200A, Land Development Code, Sections 200A-333 or contact the Planning Department for additional information.
Purpose: Guardianship involves the provision of services to individuals who are alleged to be incompetent and their families. It includes legal proceedings in which the court finds an adult incompetent and another party is given responsibility for duties relative to the personal affairs and/or property.
Mailing Address:
Henderson County Department of Social Services
1200 Spartanburg Highway
Suite 300
Hendersonville, NC 28792
Maps of Henderson County soils can be obtained on Henderson County's GoMaps 4.0.
To find soils for a particular piece of property, look up a piece of property using the "Search Tools." Once you have results, click "Report." For more information about the soil types, see the soil descriptions in the Henderson County Soil Survey below.
If you have GIS software such as ArcGIS or ArcView, you can also download the soil data from the NRCS Web Soil Survey site.
For information call (828) 698-4481
In a partnership with Blue Ridge Humane Society, Henderson County will offer a Spay Neuter Incentive Program (hereinafter referred to as SNIP) for the purpose of spaying or neutering the companion animals belonging to residents who meet the following criteria:
Medicaid's Managed Care Program
Community Care of North Carolina/ Carolina Access (CCNC/CA), provides Medicaid and North Carolina Health Choice recipients with a medical home and Primary Care Provider (PCP). A Primary Care Provider manages care for continuity and ensures services are provided that are medically necessary.
Most Medicaid recipients are required to participate in the Carolina Access program. It provides outstanding benefits for Medicaid recipients. Choosing a PCP has many advantages for a recipient such as:
To provide Case Management services for Medicaid residents in an Adult Care Home or Family Care Home when they become totally dependent on staff for eating assistance, consistent help with toileting, and/or ambulation.
Program Services:
- Assessment of Need
- Monthly and Quarterly contacts to assure needs are met
- Yearly reassessment to verify on-going need for special help
Eligibility Requirements:
In the fall of 2004 a series of three focus group meetings were held on affordable housing issues for Henderson County. The purpose of these meetings was to establish priorities and strategies to address affordable housing needs. These priorities were ranked in order of importance and can be seen listed in order of priority below.
Historic Courthouse Annex
113 North Main Street
Hendersonville, NC 28792
Phone: (828) 697-4821
Fax: (828) 697-4569
Edneyville Community Park is located behind the Edneyville Volunteer Fire Department on US 64 East, about eight miles from downtown Hendersonville. Facilities include 2 tennis courts, a basketball court, playground, a covered picnic shelter (for up to 55 people), a little picnic table, benches, a rugged walking trail, soccer fields with nets, a level playing field and restrooms.
The shelter has 6 tables and a charcoal grill. The rental fee is $40.00 for 4 hours.
Edneyville Community Park covers an area of 3.42 acres.
The Veterans Services office assists veterans and their dependents in obtaining benefits from the United States Department of Veterans Affairs and the North Carolina Division of Veterans Affairs.
Essential Department Functions: Advise local veterans and their dependents of their entitlement under various Federal and State laws, counsel them, and actively assist them in obtaining Federal and State veterans benefits.
The tentative date for fares to return is July 1st, 2025, however, the Board of Commissioners may vote to extend free service during the FY26 budget year.
Security Note: Buses may be equipped with a video and audio observance system.
Henderson County EMS is committed to the continuing education and training of all of our employees. While all EMS professionals are required to maintain continuing educations requirements, not all EMS institutions provide this training for their employees.
HCEMS is proud to offer its employees in-house paid continuing education. As part of our efforts to remain at the forefront of emergency services, all HCEMS personnel complete at least 36 hours of continuing education annually.
Animal Enforcement is a division of the Henderson County Sheriff's Department. Animal Enforcement Officers will pick up stray dogs and cats on public property or on private property when reported. If you need a stray animal picked up or any other animal control issue please contact the Henderson County Sheriff's Dept. at 697-4912. If the animal has tags or a microchip, every reasonable effort is made to contact the the owner to come and pick up the animal at the shelter. It is County policy that the animal is to be held at the shelter for a minimum of 3 days.
General inquiries, comments, and suggestions should be directed to: [email protected]
Adult Day Care/Day health services provide an organized program of services during the day in a community group setting for the purpose of supporting the personal independence of older adults. The program focuses on the social, physical and emotional well-being of the person and offers a variety of activities designed to meet the individual needs and interests of the participants.
- Concise, safe handling methods for spills can be found at, or for CFLs.
- After a mercury spill, follow these steps immediately:
- All people and pets should leave the room for up to 30 minutes. Open or vent windows to the room if possible. Do NOT turn on overhead fans. Turn OFF AC system while you take care of the spill. Shut the doors to the room with the spill if possible.
Senate bill 1994 became law on October 1, 1990. The Dangerous Dog Law requires the owner of a dangerous dog to take precautions against attacks by such dogs. It imposes criminal penalties and civil liabilities upon the owner of a dangerous dog which attacks and causes serious bodily injury to a person. The owner of a dangerous dog that attacks a person shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to five thousand dollars ($5,000), imprisonment up to two years or both.
The Cane Creek Water and Sewer District has been consolidated with the Metropolitan Sewerage District of Buncombe (MSD) effective July 1, 2020.
Cane Creek customers should direct all questions to MSD. Please visit their website at Thank you!
The North Carolina Division of Soil and Water Conservation has a variety of cost share programs available. Each program offers best management practices (BMPs) targeted to meet specific goals and offers assistance to address agricultural, rural, and urban water resource issues. Typically, 75 percent cost share assistance is provided to an applicant. BMPs are simply the measures used to accomplish goals.
The cost share programs listed below are offered in Henderson County. Click the name to learn more.
- Any lamp containing mercury (LCM):
- 1-4 ft. fluorescent tubes
- 5-8 ft. fluorescent tubes
- CFLs (compact fluorescent bulbs)
- U-shape or circular lamps
- HID lamps (high intensity discharge)
- LPS lamps (low pressure sodium)
- Halogen lamps
- Neon lamps
- UV lamps
- Shield lamps
- Projector lamps
- Flood, plastic-encased spots
- Other mercury lamps or bulbs
Henderson County Department of Social Services has a Program Integrity Unit that is devoted to investigating cases of fraud, abuse, and waste in public assistance programs. These programs include: Work First, Food Assistance, DayCare, Emergency Assistance, Low Income Energy Assistance, Special Assistance, etc.
Please try to provide as much of the following information as possible when reporting suspected welfare fraud:
The North Carolina Services for the Blind provides the assistance of a community Social Worker to help family members, caregivers, civic groups, businesses, and other service providers gain access to information and services on topics related to vision loss, including:
Each year the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) of the United States and Canada present a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting to those governmental units whose annual financial reports are judged and adhere to program standards. In order to be awarded the Certificate of Achievement, a governmental unit must publish an easily readable and efficiently organized comprehensive Annual Financial Report, whose contents conform to program standards. Such reports should satisfy Generally Accepted Accounting Principles and applicable legal requirements.
Henderson County Facility Services is a department of Henderson County. Facility Services maintains the condition of all county facilities and the vehicle fleet. In addition, the department provides maintenance services to over thirty county buildings.
The Henderson County Department of Social Services does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability. Language assistance is available upon request.
To file a complaint of discrimination contact the North Carolina Office of Administrative Hearings, Civil Rights Division at 919-431-3036/Fax 919-431-3103.
- Get plant information at the NRCS Plants Database
- Find your USDA hardiness zone in North Carolina
- Identify and control Invasive Plants
Did you know our Education Coordinator, April Hoyt, is a certified NC Environmental Educator? This certification is obtained after 200 hours of instruction and is awarded by the Office of Environmental Education and Public Affairs through the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality. Visit this website to learn more about her certification.
Websites of Interest
Transportation services provides transportation to and from appointments with medical providers for the purposes of diagnosis, treatment, routine follow-up and any other necessary services. The individual requesting this service must be a current Henderson County Medicaid recipient in an independent living situation. This service is provided by Henderson County at no additional cost to the individual.
For further information, contact the DSS Transportation Unit at (828) 694-6163 from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm.
Flat Rock, Village of
110 Village Center Drive
Flat Rock, NC 28731
Phone: (828) 697-8100
Fax: (828) 697-8461
Fletcher, Town of
4005 Hendersonville Road
Fletcher, NC 28732
Phone: (828) 687-3985
Fax: (828) 687-7133
A report called "America's Children: Key National Indicators of Well-Being" is published annually, with the latest being released in 2017. "America's Children" is published by the Federal Interagency Forum on Child and Family Statistics, a consortium of 20 federal agencies. This year's report includes some recent data relevant to health and housing.
Henderson County EMS operates several special teams to enhance our ability to care for our community. These units include the EMS Bike Team, STAR Team, Competition Team, Public Relations Team, and Peer Support Team.
While many view the federal Fair Housing Act as a civil rights law, directed at preventing racial discrimination, in fact the federal Fair Housing Act prevents discrimination based on a number of consumer characteristics.
Foster Parent Association
The Henderson County Foster Parent Association holds various fund raising events throughout the year to raise money for the foster children's clothing closet, equipment to help foster parents with placements (cribs, etc), and education and training opportunities. These events may be raffles, golf tournaments, etc.
Anyone interested in enrolling can call the Health Department directly or fill out the NC WIC Referral Form.
To schedule your next WIC appointment, please check your vouchers to see when you will need to come in. Try to schedule your WIC appointment about 1 week before your last vouchers run out.
When you call the health department at (828) 692-4223, please press 5 to reach the WIC office.
You will need to bring in the following information to be certified:
1. What is the history of Henderson County's subdivision regulations?
In February of 1988, the Henderson County Board of Commissioners adopted an ordinance to regulate the division of land in all areas of Henderson County except municipal jurisdictions.
The proposed subdivision of land for purposes other than individual residential lot development including: (1) facilities such as utility substation sites, meter vaults, pump station sites, sign lots, etc.; (2) cemetery plots; (3) designated open space or common area sites; and/or (4) any other subdivision of land which is not otherwise designated by LDC Article III.
NC DENR's List of Common Household Hazardous Waste With Disposal Information and Alternatives
Adult Care Homes (ACH) also referred to as Rest Homes, Homes for the Aged, or Assisted Living, are homes which provide residential care for seven (7) or more aged and disabled adults.
Family Care Homes (FCH) provide for two (2) to six (6) individuals. These homes provide around-the-clock or live-in staff that prepare meals, supervise medications, and provide assistance with bathing, grooming and other personal care needs.
According to NC DENR, the following items are considered "household hazardous waste" and should not be disposed of in your home garbage. Also, these items should never be flushed down your sink or down a storm drain.
Important! All residents should fill out a Materials Collection Form for items being discarded without labels or original packaging!
There are two easy ways to do so:
A special subdivision is a proposed subdivision of land where there is insufficient acreage to meet the current zoning density regulations and the lots were recorded prior to September 19, 2007. The requirements to apply for a special subdivision are highlighted below:
A mercury products recycling program has been established to help the citizens of Henderson County safely and properly remove mercury-containing materials from the home.
This program is for use by citizens of Henderson County only. As with other recycling programs conducted at the Convenience Center, commercial entities are asked to please reserve operations for residents. Private businesses should contact Environmental Programs for recommendations on properly disposing of mercury products.
Hours and Days of Operation
Environmental Health
1200 Spartanburg Hwy.
Suite 100
Hendersonville, NC 28792
Phone: (828) 694-6060
Can I leave mercury products in front of the collection site if I don't see a staff person?
Please do not! We ask that you do not leave any mercury products outside of the collection facility at any time. It is important that citizens observe this request to help minimize accidental breakages that could harm environmental quality, humans, and wildlife.
On April 8th, 2016, Henderson County met with the current Seven Falls property owners to update them on the current status of the project. See April 8th, 2016 Meeting Powerpoint , See Map of Properties, and See list of Property Owners below.
[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Commissioners of Henderson County. Amended 8-1-2005; 10-15- 1980.]
[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Commissioners of Henderson County. Amended 11-18-1998. ]
§ 11-1. Inspection Department.
[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Commissioners of Henderson County. Amended 8-8-1991; 8-1- 2005.]
§ 24-1. Employment of Prisoners.
Such persons that are or may be confined in the County Jail, are liable to be worked under N.C.G.S. 148-26 and shall be worked on the public projects pursuant to N.C.G.S. 148-26.
Recycling is one of the best ways to lower your carbon footprint while reducing your waste stream significantly. Not only do you reduce your waste stream, but goods made from recycled products require less water, energy and pollution to produce. For example, producing recycled paper causes 74 percent less air pollution and 35 percent less water pollution than producing virgin paper. One ton of virgin paper uses 24 trees. By choosing to recycle and buy recycled you can reduce the waste stream further down the line, reduce your carbon footprint and save natural resources.
GIS Data Catalog | State and Federal Metadata
GIS metadata is detailed descriptive information about GIS data.
Metadata for Henderson County's GIS data is now acquired through our GIS Data Catalog.
We also provide links to metadata for layers maintained by State and Federal agencies.
Read the 2021 Community Health Assessment.
The 2022-2024 health priorities with focus areas are:
Under NC law, emails are public records*. If you do not want your email released in response to a public records request, do not send email to this department.
When sending an email, please include your phone number and the best time between 8:00am and 4:00pm to call. Email is not secure outside of our agency. Never send confidential or sensitive information by email.
The Henderson County Comprehensive Plan (CCP) is available online in pdf format.
Housing Discrimination is prohibited by Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 and by the North Carolina State Fair Housing Act. It is against the law to deny someone housing because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, handicap or family status (presence of children). This includes refusing to sell, rent or lease housing; lying about the availability of housing; and evicting someone from housing. Also, it is against the law to discriminate in terms or conditions of housing, such as rent, security deposits, sale prices and financing.
Henderson County provides the following policies and programs for the operation of Apple Country Public Transit.
Current updates to Henderson County Cemeteries:
Copyright © 1995 by Henderson County Genealogical and Historical Society, Inc.
Published on the Henderson County NC Official Website by permission of the Board of Directors of the Henderson County Genealogical & Historical Society, Inc., August 26, 2011.
The Green River-Tuxedo-Zirconia (GRTZ) Community Plan Advisory Committee's Draft GRTZ Community Plan is available in PDF format by section or in its entirety by clicking below. The document is sizeable and could take considerable time to download.
The committee consists of twelve (11) regular members. Ten (9) members are residents of the community; and two (2) ex-officio non-voting members (including a representative and liaison from the Planning Board and a representative from the Village of Flat Rock).
The Edneyville Community Plan is complete, following Board of Commissioners adoption of the plan May 11, 2010. The County is actively working to implement the various elements of the plan. The County is currently considering rezoning portions of the Edneyville Community, based on the recommendations of the Edneyville Community Plan.
Thank you for your interest in employment with Henderson County EMS. Henderson County offers an exceptional environment to practice prehospital medicine and offers a comprehensive benefits package to its employees.
In Henderson County, we recognize that it is increasingly important to use our resources sustainably. As a result, an energy plan and a 20-year solid waste vision plan have been developed and approved by our Board of Commissioners.
A minor subdivision is a proposed subdivision of land where not more than ten (10) lots or parcels will result after the subdivision is complete and all lots are proposed to contain residential uses. One (1) phase of a development cannot be considered a minor subdivision unless the entire development does not exceed ten (10) lots.
The following items must be submitted for consideration of approving a minor subdivision:
The process described below is based upon Chapter 42, Land Development Code, §42-314 and §42-338 and the general procedures followed by the Planning Department, Technical Review Committee (TRC), and Zoning Board of Adjustment. Such procedures as well as application fees are subject to change.
A major subdivision is the division of land into: (1) 11 or more residential lots or (2) any number of nonresidential lots.
The Conservation Subdivisions option is required for any residential subdivisions of 35 or more lots. Please see the Land Development Code Ordinance for more information regarding the requirements and additional density bonuses.
Vested rights are rights established by different means to undertake and complete the development and use of property. There are two types of vested rights:
Henderson County provides the following tips for traveling on an Apple Country Public Transit bus:
While waiting to board the bus, please stand at a designated & signed bus stop. Apple Country Public Transit's first priority is the safety of its customers and cannot guarantee that customers at any location will be picked up.
Henderson County does not maintain roads within the county's jurisdiction. Please call either North Carolina Department of Transportation at (828) 891-7911 or the appropriate Municipality (City / Town).
City of Hendersonville Public Works Department (828) 697-3084.
Town of Laurel Park Public Works Department (828) 692-7568.
Town of Fletcher Public Works Department (828) 687-3985
- Revise County ordinances to allow the private sector to develop a broad range of housing choices.
- Maintain an adequate supply of land zoned to allow the placement of manufactured housing in appropriate areas, and improve the appearance, quality, design, and maintenance of manufactured homes and the lots and manufactured home parks in which they are located.
The goal of the Inspection Division of Henderson County is to enforce the North Carolina State Building Code in the county and all city areas within the county as mandated by the North Carolina statutes. The enforcement includes building, electrical, plumbing, mechanical and fire sprinklers with associated statutes and licensing laws. Ensure that all construction in Henderson County complies with North Carolina State Building Codes.
Click on a link below for zoning information for the jurisdiction in which your property is located.
How do I determine if a building permit is needed?
Work that involves alterations to the structure, additions, extensions or replacement of insulation, wiring, plumbing, heating and air conditioning require permits & inspections. The scope of your project will determine if additional permits are required.
Extension or replacement of all technical trades requires permits and inspections.
Board of Commissioners Term Information
4th term, current term expires December 2018
Sworn into Office December 6, 2010
Born August 7, 1960
Married to Lisa Mazzeo Edney
Two children, Mitch & Megan
Graduated from Hendersonville High School, 1978
Graduated from University of North Carolina at Asheville, B.A. Political Science, 1982
Billing and collections services for Henderson County EMS after March 1st, 2023 are managed by EMS Management & Consultants.
When you sign up through the website, first responders like EMS and firefighters will be provided with important and vital information about you and your family, including any known medical conditions, allergies, the number of people or pets in your home and emergency contacts. This information is completely confidential and only becomes accessible when a 911 call is placed.
Smart 911 is:
All contractors must be licensed with the State of North Carolina. This includes setup contractor, electrical contractor, HVAC contractor, and plumbing contractor.
This page contains links to GIS metadata for GIS data not maintained by Henderson County.
Child Care Subsidy Program
The Child Care Subsidy Program office Hours are 8:00 am to 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday. For more information, please call (828) 697-5500.
The Child Day Care Program's goal is to ensure safe, quality, accessible and affordable child care for children in Henderson County. This program supports the independence of families by enabling responsible adults to secure and maintain employment and meet the basic needs of their children.
Purpose: APS receives and evaluates reports of abuse, neglect and exploitation of disabled adults (age 18 and older). Services are designed to identify, remedy and prevent problems that result in such cases. APS strives to protect the disabled adult while acknowledging the client's right to self-determination.
Program Services:
Plan Status
The Board of Commissioners adopted the East Flat Rock Community Plan as amended on May 7, 2018.
The Americans with Disabilities Act (hereinafter "ADA") Paratransit Service program is a service of Apple Country Public Transit (hereinafter "ACPT") providing a safe and reliable shared-ride public transit service for eligible persons with disabilities. The program serves only locations within ¾ mile of the ACPT fixed-route system (the service area). Click here for the guide and application.
The Henderson County Information Technology ("IT") Department provides information technology services to all Henderson County departments, assisting in the technology implementation process and maintaining information systems countywide. The IT department also includes the GIS Division.
The Department of Public Health's mission is to promote, protect, and advance the health and wellness of our community.
What is public health? Overall, public health is concerned with protecting the health of entire populations. These populations can be as small as a local neighborhood, or as big as an entire country. Find out more.
Funding public health protects our communities and kids, saves lives, and saves money. See how in the Public Health Infographic below.
Henderson County's Code Enforcement services and Zoning services are housed within the same department.
Clinic Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 - 11:30 a.m. and 1:00 - 4:00 p.m.
We are not currently accepting walk-ins. Please call the main number at 828-692-4223, option 4 to set up an appointment for special circumstances.
Immunization records may be requested during normal business hours.
Call (828) 694-6015 for more information.
Often, adults and children alike need special immunizations if they are traveling to another country. At the CDC's Travelers' Health you'll find guidance about the vaccines you'll need and any travel notices posted for your destination.
AppointmentsBefore an appointment can be scheduled for foreign travel services, you must:
We encourage all women to breastfeed their infants. We offer breastfeeding peer counselors and WIC nutritionists who are Certified Breastfeeding Educators.
For more information about the Breastfeeding Peer Counselor Program, please contact Breastfeeding Program Manager Amy McCall at 692-4223, or call a Breastfeeding Peer Counselor:
Below are links to the municipalities within Henderson County.
This division issues permits for Zoning, Signs, Manufactured Home Parks, and Communications Towers.
This division issues permits in accordance with the Henderson County Land Development Code - Chapter 42 of the Henderson County Code.
The entire county is currently zoned, which the Board of Commissioners approved on September 19, 2007.
Board of Commissioners Term Information
1st term, current term expires December 2018
Sworn into Office December 1, 2014
Born: June 20, 1948 (Englewood, New Jersey)
Married: Joan Vanoli Lapsley (1971)
Children: Christopher W. Lapsley (1973 - married 2 children)
Steven L. Lapsley (1976 - married 3 children)
Jonathan S. Lapsley (1980 - married 1 child)
ArcGIS REST Services (ArcGIS Server) allow you to load GIS data directly from the County's servers into an ArcMap / ArcGIS Pro session on your computer. This means the data will always be up-to-date; no need to re-download a shapefile. You'll be using the same data that Henderson County staff are using.
Our goal is to prevent the spread of disease and promote personal safety through proper sanitation, safe food, clean water, proper disposal of waste, and environmental education.
At the health department, our healthcare providers consist of a physician, a physician's assistant, 3 nurse practitioners and a clinical social worker. You are welcome to see any or all of our providers, or establish care with one provider. We will always try to meet your request.
All clinic staff are all deeply committed to you, our patient. We want you to feel comfortable at your appointment and feel free to ask any questions. If you have more questions, please call (828) 692-4223 and ask to speak to a clinic nurse.
In the event of a disaster or emergency, the Health Department has an emergency plan to help protect the community. This includes sharing information on ways residents can protect themselves and a plan to set up medication clinics, as necessary. We also participate with the emergency response community to work together on any public health emergency.
During a Public Health Emergency: You may be asked to go to a special Point of Dispensing (POD) site. We will use the media, this website and the Public Health Hotline (694-4040) to tell you where your POD is located.
The Etowah-Horse Shoe Community Plan is complete, following Board of Commissioner action September 16, 2009. The Board of Commissioners directed various staff and boards to begin implementing the plan. The entire Etowah-Horse Shoe Community Plan is available below. The document is sizeable and could take considerable time to download.
The Green River, Tuxedo and Zirconia (GRTZ) Community Plan is competed, following Board of Commissioners adoption of the plan February 19, 2014. The County will begin working to implement the various elements of the plan.
A conservation subdivision is where an applicant permanently sets aside land as open space, common area, recreational area, forested areas, wetlands, floodplains, or agricultural lands. Conservation subdivision standards apply to all subdivisions proposing 35 lots or more, except for conditional rezonings. A minimum of 25% of the project area is required to be set aside. Open space density bonuses may be available for subdivisions proposing more than 25% open space.
A "rezoning" is the term often used for a zoning change, also known as map amendment to the Official Zoning Map. In a rezoning all or a portion of the zoning applied to one or more parcels is changed.
A text amendment is change to the official text of Chapter 42, Land Development Code (LDC).
How are text amendments regulated?Chapter 42, Land Development Code, §42-346 and §42-370 provides the standards, regulations and procedures necessary to change LDC text.
Dana Park, approximately eight miles from downtown Hendersonville, is at the intersection of Dana Road and Upward Road, in the Dana community. Facilities include the Dana Park Community Building (one of our rentable spaces) that seats 82 people comfortably and is complete with a kitchen, decorative fireplace and restrooms with indoor and outdoor access. There are 8 six foot long rectangular tables and 8 round tables at 5 feet in diameter available with rental of the space. The Community Building rental fee is $120.00 + $125.00 refundable security deposit for a 4-hour booking.
East Flat Rock Park is located on the east end of East Flat Rock on US 176.
There are two rentable spaces on the property: one picnic shelter and one gazebo. Open to the public are a playground, swings, a quarter-mile paved walking trail and restrooms. The back area includes more walking trails and recreational fields.
Westfeldt River Park is located at the intersection of US 280 and Ferncliff Park Drive. It is on the French Broad River at the northern boundary of Henderson County where it meets Buncombe County. Facilities include river access, canoe/small boat launch ramp, picnic areas, walking trail, parking and an open field area.
Westfeldt Park covers an area of 15.19 acres.
HOURS: Office of the County Attorney in person office hours are by appointment only, during normal operating hours (8:30 to 5:00, Monday through Friday). Meetings should be scheduled in advance by and held by electronic means where at all possible.
SERVICES: As always, the Office of the County Attorney provides legal advice and services only to County government, and is not permitted to offer legal advice to others.
North Carolina State law requires that every county provide Child Protective Services in order to ensure the safety of all children in the state. The Department of Social Services is the agency that receives all reports of neglect or abuse, investigates those reports and provides services to maltreated children to prevent abuse or neglect from recurring.
Neglect is the most common form of maltreatment, but it receives far less attention than abuse.
Children younger than 4 years are at greatest risk of severe injury or death.
The Dana Community Plan is complete, following Board of Commissioners adoption of the plan March 16, 2011. The County will begin working to implement the various elements of the plan. The entire Data Community Plan document is sizeable and could take considerable time to download.
New Playground Delivery - December 20,2024 Installation to be completed by April 2025 Adult Fitness Staions Delivery November 30, 2024 Installation Spring 2025 Library Panels for Walking Trail - October 2024 Installation Spring 2025
The mission of the Henderson County Public Library is to provide informational, educational, cultural and recreational library services to the residents of Henderson County.
Reference Service Defined: Reference service is the assistance given to patrons in search of information.
Service Priorities: The Library provides reference service to all patrons on an equal, nondiscriminatory, non-judgmental basis without regard to race, national origin, age, gender, sexual orientation, background, appearance, or personal view.
To qualify for free home delivery service, you must be a resident of Henderson County who is unable to come to the library due to temporary or long-term health, mobility, or disability barriers. We deliver to private residences, assisted living facilities, nursing and retirement homes, adult daycare, and rehab facilities in Henderson County.
The Henderson County Budget Office is a division of the Office of the County Manager.
Essential Departmental Functions: The Budget Office analyzes budget requests from County departments and presents a proposed budget annually to the County Manager for submission to the Board of Commissioners.
To contact the Apple Country Public Transit Office call (828) 698-8571.
Henderson County's online GIS / mapping system. Answer property-related questions, and create printable, downloadable, or email-able maps of property, aerial photos, and other geographic information.
The Commissioners meet on the first Monday of each month at 5:30 pm and the third Wednesday of each month at 9:30 am. Meetings are held at 1 Historic Courthouse Square, Hendersonville. Their meetings are taped and can be seen on Henderson County Government Channel 11.
If you would like to speak to the Board during the public comment period, you can sign up just prior to their regular meeting times.
See document below to set up account or view permitting on line without an account.
The Henderson County Floodplain Development Local Program is led by Toby Linville.
An important health and safety service for our community's children, our staff members are available 24 hours a day year round to receive reports of suspected child abuse and neglect and conduct prompt investigative assessments. When abuse or neglect is determined, our staff works with the family in their home (when safe to do so). Through home based services, staff strive to enable abused and neglected children to remain with their families rather than be placed in foster care.
Mission: To provide a strong value to the Citizens of Henderson County with emphasis on Safety, Customer Service, and the Environment.
Essential Departmental Functions: The County Engineer provides professional engineering services to the Board of Commissioners, County Manager, and the County departments. In addition, the County Engineer oversees Environmental Programs and the following Departments: Animal Services, Facility Services, Solid Waste, and Utilities.
Site Development
What's New?
Online submittals are now available for all Site Development Permits. For information on setting up a portal account click here.
Applying for a permit? Visit this link: Online Permitting Portal
This page contains links to several forms that the Assessor's office uses regularly. You may click on the links to go to the form and print it using the "File - Print" command on your browser. All forms are in PDF format and will require Adobe Acrobat Reader.
All forms and applications may be sent to:
Henderson County Assessor
200 N. Grove Street
Suite 102
Hendersonville NC 28792
Fax (828) 697-4578
This division investigates complaints of accumulated garbage and solid waste violations.
The Henderson County Tax Collector is authorized to foreclose on real property for which delinquent property taxes remain unpaid. Sales are conducted on the courthouse steps at 200 North Grove St, Hendersonville, NC 28792. The properties listed for sale are subject to change without notice.
Local Elected Officials | State Elected Officials
FederalPresident (Republican)
Donald Trump
In 1985, North Carolina General Statute Chapter 106, Article 61, known as "The Agricultural Development and Farmland Preservation Enabling Act", authorized counties to establish farmland preservation programs by ordinance. The purpose was to encourage the preservation of qualifying farmland and to foster the growth, development, and sustainability of family farms. In 1991, the Henderson County Board of Commissioners adopted the Voluntary Farmland Preservation Program Ordinance (see Chapter 45 below).
The Henderson County Public Library program rooms are primarily available for library programs but may be reserved by Henderson County organizations for community programs presented in cooperation with the libraries. All programs must align with the library’s mission and strategic goals, fulfill a recognized gap in library programs or service, and be approved by the Library Director or designee.
The following checklist will assist you in preparing to apply for a Building Permit in Henderson County.
Residential Building Permit/Plan Review Submittal Requirements for Dwellings, Additions & RemodelsGeneral Submittal Requirements
The following checklist will assist you in preparing to apply for a Building Permit in Henderson County.
Permit fee is based on the cost of the project; commercial Fees are $7.00 per $1000 with a minimum permit fee of $75.00.
Manufactured Home Permits issued after December 31st 2020 will be required to comply with the 2019 NC Regulations for Manufactured Homes Code. Contractors will be responsible for code compliance.
The 2019 NC Regulations for Manufactured Homes Code is available to view and print from the NCDOI Manufactured Home Division.
The period of time for which taxes are levied, or the period taxes for a particular year are said to "cover" is a matter that has occasionally caused confusion. Units of local government operate on a fiscal year beginning July 1 and ending June 30; property is listed for taxation each year in January.
North Carolina General Statute 105-282.1 governs applications for exemption or exclusion. Strict compliance is necessary in order for property to be properly exempted or excluded from taxation.
Code Enforcement enforces the Henderson County Nuisance Prevention Ordinance. We investigate and correct nuisance complaints. This division also enforces the Henderson County Land Development Code when it pertains to Zoning, Signs, Manufactured Home parks, and Communication Towers.
Being prepared for a disaster before it happens can save you time, frustration, money and even your life or the lives of your family. Click on any of the links below for more information.
- Math and Science Resources
- Common Core
- Annenberg Learner: Teacher resources and teacher professional development programming for K-12 teachers
- National Association for the Education of Young Children: The nationwide professional organization for early childhood educators.
Thousands of children in North Carolina enter the foster care system each year, and range in age from infants to 18 years old. All foster children have unique backgrounds, experiences, personalities, strengths and needs. Some children in foster care require extensive care for physical or emotional handicaps and disabilities. Sometimes it becomes necessary to remove children from their homes. Maybe the home is not safe, maybe the caregiver could not care for them, or maybe they were abandoned... it does happen.
Henderson County Department of Social Services provides services to those interested in agency, relative, step-parent and independent adoptions. Agency adoptions involve children who are not able to safely return to their parents. Placement for these children is provided by licensed foster parents or relatives that are approved by the court. Often licensed foster parents or relatives are chosen as the adoptive parents for children who have been in their care. The process for becoming a licensed foster parent is outlined below.
Child Support Services is a nationwide program established by Congress in 1975 to ensure that both parents support their children to the extent of their ability. In Henderson county the program is administered by Social Services. The federal legislation mandating the Child Support Program is Title IV-D of the Social Security Act. Sometimes, the program is called the IV-D (4-D) program.
The Fire Marshal’s Office is responsible for a wide variety of tasks that directly relate to the life safety of Henderson County citizens. From fire investigations, building plan review, routine inspections, response to large scale emergencies and training for firefighters and rescue workers, the Henderson County Fire Marshal’s office plays a vital role in keeping our citizens safe.
- Library computers are available to use for three hour sessions per day per person. If all library computers are in use, you may make a reservation with a library staff member for the next available computer. There are express (15 minute) computer sessions available at some locations.
- Library computer sessions will automatically end ten (10) minutes prior to closing.
- If you do not have a Henderson County Library card, you may purchase a computer guest pass for $1. Guest passes are good for one week.
As a convenience to you, the user, Henderson County’s web site provides links to many other web sites, but when you link to another site you are no longer on our site and are subject to the policies of that new site. Henderson County does not endorse any content, viewpoint, product, or service available by link from this site.
Henderson County invites you to participate in your local government by volunteering for an advisory board. Join the team of more than 1,100 county employees, elected officials, members of advisory boards, and other volunteers who make things happen for our community.
The table below is a record of former County Commissioners from 1972-Present. If you are interested in information on County Commissioners prior to 1975, these records are kept on the ground floor of the Historic Courthouse in minute books.
Commissioner Name
The Governing Body budget consists of expenditures of the Henderson County Board of Commissioners during the fiscal year. The Board of Commissioners provide policy directives and adopt legislative actions through the adoption of county ordinances.
North Carolina General Statute 105-277.15(b) Classification - Wildlife conservation land is designated a special class of property under Article V, Section 2(2) of the North Carolina Constitution and is to be appraised, assessed, and taxed in accordance with this section. Wildlife conservation land classified under this section must be appraised and assessed as if it were classified under G.S. 105-277.3 as agricultural land.
105-277.15(c) Requirements - Land qualifies as wildlife conservation land if it meets the following size, ownership, and use requirements:
The Land Records section of the Tax Department maintains the data of Land Records, as well as assists the general public by use of computer technology, orthophotography, the public land records, and Go Maps, Henderson County’s Online GIS/Mapping System.
Pay in person at the Tax Collector's office: 200 North Grove Street, Suite 66 (Ground Floor), Hendersonville, NC 28792. Hours are Monday-Friday 8:30-5:00. Payments are accepted by cash, check, money order, and credit/debit cards. Convenience fees for credit/debit cards are the same rate as online. Click here to view the convenience fee schedule. A payment drop box is located in the North parking lot. While this box is checked daily, please do not deposit cash.
The assessment of vehicles/motorcycles, airplanes, campers, travel trailers, mobile homes, and boats/personal watercraft are handled by the appraisers of the County Assessor’s Office. Annual listing of these properties is required in January of each year.
The Real Property Division is responsible for the appraisal and assessment of the County’s approximately 70,000 parcels. All appraisers within this division are certified real property appraisers by the North Carolina Department of Revenue.
Henderson County government offices are located in downtown Hendersonville, 2 miles from I-26. From Exit 49B on I-26, follow U.S. Highway 64 west into downtown Hendersonville, and turn left on North Main Street. The Historic Courthouse is located five blocks up on the right on Main Street, between 1st and 2nd Avenues East. Other County offices are located within a few blocks.
Business personal property assessed by the County Assessor includes but is not limited to machinery, computer/office equipment, furniture equipment, and farm equipment. Annual listing of these properties is required in January of each year.
Beginning with September 2013 registration renewals, the NCDMV began sending a new combined notice for vehicle registration and the property tax for the motor vehicle, and both were due at the same time. The full amount of motor vehicle property taxes and NCDMV registration fees must be paid in full, to the NCDMV, before a registration renewal sticker can be issued.
It is the value of the land in its current use as agricultural land, horticultural land, or forestland. The land meeting the eligibility requirements is taxed on the present-use value instead of market value of the land.
To be eligible for present-use values, a farm unit consisting of one or more tracts must meet the following requirements of North Carolina General Statute 105-277.
Our office records documents Monday through Friday, 9:00AM to 5:00PM.
Marriage Licenses are issued BY APPOINTMENT ONLY between the hours of 10:00AM and 3:00PM Monday through Friday.
- In the Register of Deeds system, select "View Images"
- Book Type: 'Plat' (in the drop-down menu on the left side)
- Book: Book will be the year the plat was recorded OR Cabinet A, B, or C.
- Page: Plat number, such as "2763" or 025A, 123, etc.
Other Notes:
Who should report? It is the law that any person who has reasonable cause to believe that a disabled person is in need of Protective Services must report the case to the county Social Services Department (N.C.G.S. 108A-102). The reporter's identity is kept confidential!!
How are reports made? Telephone, write, or visit the Henderson County Department of Social Services when you have information about a disabled adult being abused, neglected, or exploited. You should give the following information pertaining to the disabled adult:
Henderson County Department of Social Services only provides TIPS-MAPP training three times a year. Since we need dedicated families and space is limited we require the following be completed before we will allow you to attend the first night of class. YOU MUST:
The Henderson Soil & Water Conservation District will not be selling seedlings this year.
We thank all of our customers and want to provide you with other options for seedlings. Nearby counties often sell seedlings in late February/early March.
Please check with:
Buncombe County Soil & Water at (828) 250-4785
or order directly from the NC Forest Service by calling 1-888-NCTREES (1-888-628-7337) or visit their online tree seedling store.
Henderson County has declared a State of Emergency due to Hurricane Helene. The State of Emergency is also proclaimed at the request of the Mayors in the Town of Fletcher, Town of Laurel Park, Village of Flat Rock and Town of Mills River. The City of Hendersonville has also declared a State of Emergency as revoking all special event permits until the end of the state of emergency.
The Henderson County Soil & Water Conservation District (SWCD) works with federal, state and local offices to provide educational, technical and financial assistance to conserve soil, improve water quality, and enhance the natural resources of Henderson County.
The Henderson Soil & Water Conservation District is governed by a five-member Board of Supervisors. Three supervisors are elected on the general ballot as non-partisan candidates during the regular election of county officers and two supervisors are appointed by the NC Soil & Water Conservation Commission. All supervisors serve four-year terms.
Soil & Water Conservation District Board of Supervisors:
Drew Brannon, Chairman
Greg Hoyt, Vice-Chairman
Wayne Carland, Treasurer
Danny McConnell, Secretary
Brent Coston, Member
What is the difference between an EMT and a paramedic?
Emergency medical technicians, or EMTs, are trained to provide basic-level life support to people who are hurt or injured. EMTs can perform CPR, automated defibrillation, artificial ventilation, oxygen administration, basic airway management, assessment of vital signs, splinting, and bandaging. EMTs can also administer a limited number of life-saving medications.
What kinds of items can I recycle during the holidays?
You can recycle these items at HOME OR at the CONVENIENCE CENTER:
- Flattened cardboard boxes
- Holiday or greeting cards
- Wrapping paper (non-cellophane)
- Catalogs, magazines, other mixed paper
- Cans, bottles, jars, jugs (plastic lids left ON plastic containers)- rinse well!
You can recycle these items ONLY at the CONVENIENCE CENTER:
All Solid Waste Facilities open at 7:00 am and close at 4:00 pm, Monday-Saturday, excluding holidays and inclement weather.This facility only accepts household trash if you participate in the bag for bag program. Household trash is defined as trash from your kitchen or bathroom.
Henderson County Environmental Programs facilitates recycling education and outreach for Henderson County. Environmental Programs also monitors Henderson County energy consumption and assists with sustainability projects for the county. The Environmental Programs Coordinator is available for outreach presentations or programs with schools, civic groups, associations, and other organizations upon request. Contact staff at (828) 694-6304 for inquiries.
Q. Where can I dispose of my electronics, batteries, paint, and household chemicals?
TVs & computer monitors are only accepted at the Transfer Station for $15 per item (effective July 1, 2016). All other electronics are recyclable every day at the Henderson County Convenience Center.
The Administration Division is responsible for all management functions that support clinical, community and environmental health services. It implements public health policies set by the Board of Health, which is appointed by the Henderson County Board of Commissioners.
The Henderson County Parks and Recreation Department (HCPRD) oversees the programming, maintenance, rental of facilities, safety, and usage of twelve parks in Henderson County. To learn more about each of our parks, visit the "Parks & Facilities" page.
The Henderson County Parks and Recreation Department (HCPRD) oversees the programming, maintenance, rental of facilities, safety, and usage of twelve parks in Henderson County. To learn more about each of our parks, visit the park pages listed to the left.
Library staff are available by phone from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday and Saturday. Call (828) 697-4725 and select option 3.
EmailEmail your question. Allow 2 business days for a response. (Please call if your question is time sensitive)
The Henderson County Athletics & Activities Center Park has a number of amenities including multiple classrooms for various activities, a dance room, a soccer field and a gymnasium where we host programs such as basketball, volleyball and pickleball.
To find programs here that you can register for click on the "Register for Programs" tab to the left.
To rent classroom space or the soccer field please call us at 828-697-4884 or stop by Monday through Friday between 8:30am and 5:00pm.
The North Carolina Room of the Henderson County Public Library is available during library hours for family history research. The following policies should clarify the library's ability to assist patrons with genealogical needs.
- The Henderson County Public Library offers free unlimited wireless Internet access to patrons using their laptop computers or other mobile devices.
- Use of the service constitutes acceptance of this Wireless Access Policy, the Library's Internet Use Policy and the Library's general rules governing behavior and conduct.
Bouncing Babies: This is a special program for babies ages 0 to 18 months. Activities include lap rhymes, songs, stories, and more. Each program concludes with playtime and exploration. Each program lasts approximately 20 minutes.
Toddler Time: This program is for children 18 months to 3 years. Activities include stories, finger plays, songs, action rhymes, and more. Each program concludes with a special craft kit for toddlers. Each program lasts approximately 30 minutes.
Henderson County residents and those who work, own property, or attend school in the county can acquire a library card at no charge. Applicants must appear in person at one of the library branches and present proper identification, a picture ID with a current address. A parent or Guardian must be present for a child 16 and under to be issued a card. Replacement fee for a lost card is $2. A non-resident may purchase a card for $30 per year. Currently, the library is only able to accept payment by cash or check.
American Poetry - Contains over 40,000 poems by more than 200 American poets from colonial times to the early 20th century.
Bills from the NC General Assembly - Search for bills in the current session and past sessions back to 1985-86.
Thank you for your interest in volunteering with the Henderson County Public Library! Volunteers are an integral part of the library and help out in many areas. Please fill out the applications below so we can know a bit more about your interests.
There are a variety of volunteer opportunities available. Please note that opportunities may be limited by availability and by branch location. Examples
Standard requirements
Applicants Standard Requirement
- Must be 14 years of age or older
- Be free of criminal convictions pertaining to juveniles
- Be a library patron in good standing (no LOST items on record)
Procedures for becoming a volunteer
Applicants Standard Requirement
- Must be 14 years of age or older
- Be free of criminal convictions pertaining to juveniles
- Be a library patron in good standing (no LOST items on record)
Procedures for becoming a volunteer
The Office of the Henderson County Manager includes staff responsible for implementing the directives and policies of the Board of Commissioners, as well as managing the day-to-day responsibilities of general county government, and developing the annual budget.
Henderson County encourages everyone to take advantage of the Apple County Public Transit system. However, it recommends checking this page before leaving to ensure there is no service outage or route change that may affect your travel plans. Please call the ACPT operators at (828) 698-8571 with any questions.
Service Alerts (will appear below if applicable)
**** ATTENTION ****
We are trying to get the Dog Area opened as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience.
Jackson Park is located at the southeastern city limits of Hendersonville. An entrance gate is at the end of Fourth Avenue East. The Glover Street entrance is accessible by turning onto Glover Street from US 176 (Spartanburg Hwy).
Games to be held April and May 2025 >>DETAILED INFO<<
Registration Dates: February 1 - March 15 >>Register Here<<
Click here for a PDF version of the FULL 2022 Statistical Brochure
Jackson Park took a big hit by the storm. There will be areas closed to the public. PLEASE!! make sure everyone stays out of those areas!!
All games played in Jackson Park, Hendersonville, NC
All classes are offered free of charge.
Schedule runs 12 hours then repeats.
Schedule Time Program NameAll Day
Board of Commissioners' Meeting - Wednesday, January 15, 2025
Our services for adults cover many areas including family planning and birth control methods, diagnosis and treatment for sexually transmitted diseases, pregnancy testing, prenatal and postpartum care, and breast and cervical cancer screenings for eligible women. You are welcome to see any or all of our providers, or establish care with one provider. We will always try to meet your request.
The Henderson County Public Libraries engage the community through experiences and services that educate minds and enrich lives.
Library PoliciesWe provide comprehensive medical services for children in Henderson County. This includes physicals and sick care from newborn up to 21 years of age. In addition, your child may benefit from many of the other services listed below. Your child is welcome to see any or all of our providers, or establish care with one provider. We will always try to meet your request.
Check out the Child Health Services brochure for more information.
We work to protect the health of the public by providing investigation, surveillance, and prevention activities to control communicable diseases. The health department tracks communicable diseases to ensure the safety of the community by seeking to prevent disease outbreaks. Disease prevention and control is a cooperative effort involving health care providers, local and state health departments, and members of the community.
The Henderson County Department of Public Health provides preventive health care for men and adolescents. If you have questions or concerns about your health or sexually transmitted diseases or birth control, we can provide these services in a comfortable, confidential setting. Most clinics, screenings, and prevention are based on a sliding fee scale and are available by appointment.
If you're a teen, check out services available through the TWC (Teen Wellness Center).
- We will not refuse you clinical services if you are unable to pay.
- For clinical services, you may apply for a sliding scale fee based on your income.
- We do not discriminate. Please read our policy.
The Department of Public Health is located at 1200 Spartanburg Highway, Suite 100, Hendersonville, NC 28792.
From I-26 West: Take Exit 53 for Upward Road. Take a left at the top of the exit. Go through 4 stoplights until you reach the Spartanburg Highway. Turn right and go through 2 stop lights (about 1.5 miles). The Human Services Building will be on your right just past Hunter Nissan. The Health Department is located in the Human Services Building in Suite 100.
"Attention Medicaid Beneficiaries:
Notice of Your Rights Under Hawkins v. Cohen"Notice from the United States District Court for the Eastern District of NC
What we eat can directly affect our ability to enjoy life to the fullest. Proper nutrition is an important component of overall good health. We offer nutrition counseling to help you prevent or manage certain medical conditions. Meet with a Registered Dietitian to develop a personalized plan to help you prevent or better manage medical conditions or simply to improve the way you feel.
Restaurant and other establishment grades are available through the online Inspection Database.
Mosquitoes are pests. The red bump and itching caused by an allergic reaction to the female mosquito’s saliva when it bites you is bad enough. But they also carry diseases that afflict humans as well as animals. Take measures to eliminate mosquito breeding areas and reduce the likelihood of mosquito bites.
(As of January 1, 2025)
2025 JANUARYMonday, January 6, 2025- 5:30 p.m. Regularly Scheduled Meeting
Wednesday, January 15, 2025- 9:30 a.m. Regularly Scheduled Meeting (Budget Workshop)
FEBRUARYMonday, February 3, 2025 - 5:30 p.m. Regularly Scheduled Meeting
Wednesday, February 19, 2025 - 9:30 a.m. Regularly Scheduled Meeting
Below you will find some very useful links to GIS data and services, both for online map users as well as GIS professionals.
The Solid Waste Division provides the County with a Transfer Station for waste disposal, tire disposal, construction debris, and wood waste.
Transporting waste in Henderson County
Thank you for your interest in employment with Henderson County Department of Public Health. The Department of Public Health's mission is to promote, protect, and advance the health and wellness of our community. Dept. of Public Health employees serve our local community through a variety of different programs and services.
The Henderson County Department of Public Health is located at 1200 Spartanburg Hwy., Suite 100, Hendersonville, NC 28792. View our contact information, hours, and directions.
Thank you for your interest in employment with Henderson County Local Government. Henderson County offers a comprehensive benefits package to its employees that includes medical, dental, retirement savings plans, & tax-free reimbursement accounts.
The Edneyville Community Center is one of our new facilities. This center is located at 15 Ida Rogers Rd, Edneyville NC off of Hwy 64E. The Edneyville Community Center is a 5,335 square-foot center with a meeting room, kitchen and restrooms. The 15.12 acres of land around the center will include multi-purpose fields, walking trail and playground equipment.
The rental fee is $120.00 for a 4-hour booking + $125.00 refundable security deposit. It is $30 per additional hour.
Hours of operation:
Our Mission:
To enrich the quality of life in Henderson County through parks, programs, and events that provide leisure and recreation activities to benefit Henderson County residents and visitors.
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
King Street Meeting Room 2:00 p.m.
100 N. King Street
Hendersonville, NC 28792
1. Meeting Called to Order – Approval of April 3,2012 Meeting Minutes.
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
King Street Meeting Room 2:00 p.m.
100 N. King Street Hendersonville, NC 28792
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Approval of March 5, 2013 Meeting Minutes
3. Major Site Plan Review-Innovative Solar 14, LLC- Laycock Road-Presenter, Toby Linville, Code Enforcement Services Director
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
King Street Meeting Room 2:00 p.m.
100 N. King Street Hendersonville, NC 28792
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Approval of December 16, 2014 Meeting Summary
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
King Street Meeting Room 2:00 p.m.
100 N. King Street Hendersonville, NC 28792
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Approval of February 3, 2015 Meeting Summary
3. Major Site Plan Review for The Warm Company, Manufacturing and Production Operations-Toby Linville, Code Enforcement Services Director
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
King Street Meeting Room 2:00 p.m.
100 N. King Street Hendersonville, NC 28792
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Approval of March 3, 2015 Meeting Summary
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
King Street Meeting Room 2:00 p.m.
100 N. King Street Hendersonville, NC 28792
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Approval of March 17, 2015 Meeting Summary
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Approval of April 21, 2015 Meeting Summary
3. Major Site Plan Review for Mountain Valley Baptist Church, New Sanctuary-Presenter, Toby Linville, Code Enforcement Services Director
4. Major Site Plan Review for City of Hendersonville, Epona Trace Utility Substation -Presenter, Toby Linville, Code Enforcement Services Director
Tuesday, June 2, 2015
King Street Meeting Room 2:00 p.m.
100 N. King Street Hendersonville, NC 28792
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Approval of May 5, 2015 Meeting Summary
Tuesday, June 16, 2015
King Street Meeting Room 2:00 p.m.
100 N. King Street Hendersonville, NC 28792
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Approval of June 2, 2015 Meeting Summary
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
King Street Meeting Room 2:00 p.m.
100 N. King Street Hendersonville, NC 28792
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Approval of June 16, 2015 Meeting Summary
King Street Meeting Room 2:00 p.m.
100 N. King Street Hendersonville, NC 28792
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Approval of July 21, 2015 Meeting Summary
Tuesday, September 1, 2015
King Street Meeting Room 2:00 p.m.
100 N. King Street Hendersonville, NC 28792
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Approval of August 18, 2015 Meeting Summary
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
King Street Meeting Room 2:00 p.m.
100 N. King Street Hendersonville, NC 28792
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Approval of September 1, 2015 Meeting Summary
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
King Street Meeting Room 2:00 p.m.
100 N. King Street Hendersonville, NC 28792
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Approval of September 15, 2015 Meeting Summary
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
King Street Meeting Room 2:00 p.m.
100 N. King Street Hendersonville, NC 28792
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Approval of November 17, 2015 Meeting Summary
Tuesday, March 1, 2015
King Street Meeting Room 2:00 p.m.
100 N. King Street Hendersonville, NC 28792
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Approval of December 15, 2015 Meeting Summary
Tuesday, March 15, 2016
King Street Meeting Room 2:00 p.m.
100 N. King Street Hendersonville, NC 28792
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Approval of March 1, 2016 Meeting Summary
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
King Street Meeting Room 2:00 p.m.
100 N. King Street Hendersonville, NC 28792
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Approval of March 15, 2016 Meeting Summary
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
King Street Meeting Room 2:00 p.m.
100 N. King Street Hendersonville, NC 28792
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Approval of April 5, 2016 Meeting Summary
Tuesday, May 3, 2016
King Street Meeting Room 2:00 p.m.
100 N. King Street Hendersonville, NC 28792
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Approval of April 19, 2016 Meeting Summary
PLEASE NOTE: The Henderson County Animal Service Center does not handle animal bites, animal pick ups or animal related complaints including animals at large or cruelty/neglect.
For help with an animal problem, call Henderson County Sheriff Office's Animal Enforcement Division at 697-4912.
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
King Street Meeting Room 2:00 p.m.
100 N. King Street Hendersonville, NC 28792
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Approval of May 3, 2016 Meeting Summary
Tuesday June 7, 2016
King Street Meeting Room 2:00 p.m.
100 N. King Street Hendersonville, NC 28792
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Approval of May 17, 2016 Meeting Summary
Tuesday August 2, 2016
King Street Meeting Room 2:00 p.m.
100 N. King Street Hendersonville, NC 28792
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Approval of June 7, 2016 Meeting Summary
Tuesday September 6, 2016
King Street Meeting Room 2:00 p.m.
100 N. King Street Hendersonville, NC 28792
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Approval of August 2, 2016 Meeting Summary
Tuesday September 20, 2016
King Street Meeting Room 2:00 p.m.
100 N. King Street Hendersonville, NC 28792
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Approval of September 6, 2016 Meeting Summary
Tuesday October 4, 2016
King Street Meeting Room 2:00 p.m.
100 N. King Street Hendersonville, NC 28792
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Approval of September 20, 2016 Meeting Summary
Tuesday October 18, 2016
King Street Meeting Room 2:00 p.m.
100 N. King Street Hendersonville, NC 28792
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Approval of October 4, 2016 Meeting Summary
Tuesday December 6, 2016
King Street Meeting Room 2:00 p.m.
100 N. King Street Hendersonville, NC 28792
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Approval of October 18, 2016 Meeting Summary
There are many pets at the Animal Services Center who need loving homes. The center always has a variety of cats, kittens, dogs, and puppies and the staff is ready and willing to assist you in your selection. Adoption fees includes rabies vaccination, spay/neuter, microchipping, vaccinations and boarding. Refer to the fee schedule below.
Beginning July 1, 2023, the following fees have been approved:
This division issues permits for Zoning, Signs, Manufactured Home Parks, and Communications Towers. Permits are issued in accordance with the Henderson County Land Development Code - Chapter 42 of the Henderson County Code. The entire county is currently zoned, which the Board of Commissioners approved on September 19, 2007.
The Department of Public Health's mission is to promote, protect, and advance the health and wellness of our community.
Scheduling Inspections
While we make every effort to accommodate everyone's busy schedules, we can not guarantee specific times for inspections. Inspection arrival times may vary, depending on workload and job site locations. Customers are encouraged to contact inspectors between the hours of 8:00 - 8:30 am the morning of there inspection to find out whether the inspection is scheduled for AM or PM.
- Subdivisions are any division of land regardless of the number of lots created.
Henderson County EMS (HCEMS) was established in 1975. The Henderson County Board of Commissioners appointed R. Thomas (Tom) Edmundson as the first EMS Director and initially hired only twelve employees. All personnel were required to attend an emergency medical technician program that comprised of approximately 120 hours of training.
In 1977, HCEMS started the EMT-Intermediate program. This program included an additional 40 hours of training that focused on IV fluid administration and airway management.
Providing good customer service is an important aspect of Henderson County government. The TRC is established to: (1) put applicants together with officials from County departments during the review of plans and projects, (2) review studies and plans containing recommendations for the future of Henderson County, (3) advise the Board of Commissioners on land use and development, (4) administer regulations regarding the subdivision of land, and (5) review requests for amendments to the Land Development Code and Official Zoning Map.
(9 appointed positions)
The Committee shall assist the Board and staff by providing input on the operations of Henderson County's Animal Control Department. The Committee may make recommendations concerning enhancements of the program and the Animal Services Ordinance. The Committee shall hear dangerous dog appeals.
Meeting Schedule: Quarterly beginning in January (January, April, July, and October) on the 2nd Thursday at 5:30 p.m. in the meeting room at 100 N. King Street.
ContactBrad Rayfield
(828) 697-4723
Current Members
(26 appointed positions – must meet specific requirements)
The Agricultural Advisory Board is composed of five appointed members who serve four-year terms. The purpose of the Board is to review and approve applications for qualified farmland and voluntary agricultural districts and make recommendations concerning the establishment and modification of agricultural districts, to hold Public Hearings, and to perform other related tasks as assigned. The Agricultural Advisory Board meets on the fourth Wednesday of every other month.
(7 appointed positions)
To develop, organize, and supervise an “Adopt-a-cemetery” program for Henderson County, to assist county staff in identifying and coordinating the upkeep and maintenance of abandoned public cemeteries.
Meeting Schedule: Monthly on the 3rd Monday at 6:00 p.m. at the King St Meeting Room 100 N King Street, Hendersonville.
Term: 2 years
ContactToby Linville
(828) 697-4857
(8 appointed positions)
To identify deficiencies in the delivery of services to children and families by public agencies, to make and carry out recommendations for changes that will prevent future child deaths, and to promote understanding of the causes of child deaths.
Meeting Schedule: Odd-numbered months on the 1st Thursday at 11:00 a.m. in the Henderson County Health Department Board Room (1200 Spartanburg Hwy., Hendersonville).
Term: No Set Term
ContactVicki Islas
(828) 694-6037
(19 appointed positions – must meet specific requirements)
To monitor and evaluate the medical and operational issues within the Henderson County Emergency Medical Services system and for the improvement of the system.
Meeting Schedule: Quarterly, beginning in January, on the 2nd Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. at the Thomas H. Thompson Emergency Services Headquarters located at 2529 Asheville Highway, Hendersonville.
Term: 3 years
ContactMike Barnett
(828) 697-4825
(9 appointed positions)
To advise the Board of Commissioners on matters related to environmental quality.
Meeting Schedule: The EAC meets the first Thursday of every other month at 3:00 p.m. in the King Street Meeting room at 100 North King Street, unless changed by a quorum of the voting members of the committee.
2025 meeting dates: February 12th, April 3rd, June 5th, August 7th, October 2nd, December 4th
Term: 2 years, maximum of 2 terms
(8 appointed positions) To be eligible for appointment to the special board, a person must have resided in Henderson County for at least three years immediately preceding the appointment and the board of county commissioners must find that the person has satisfactory knowledge of or experience in real estate, fee appraisals, banking, farming, or other business management.
(7 appointed positions – must meet specific requirements)
To act as a liaison between the individual Fire and Rescue Departments and the Board of Commissioners, and to advice the Board of Commissioners on the implementation of strategies for attaining and maintain the best possible fire and rescue services.
Meets as needed at the direction of the Committee Chair at the Emergency Operations Center (2529 Asheville Highway., Hendersonville)
Term: 3 years, maximum of 2 terms
ContactJimmy Brissie
(828) 697-4728
(8 appointed positions)
The historical heritage of Henderson County and its municipalities is a valuable and important asset. By endeavoring to preserve historic districts and landmarks, Henderson County seeks: (1) to safeguard the heritage of the County and its municipalities by preserving districts and landmarks therein which embody important elements of its culture, history, architectural history, or prehistory; and (2) to promote the use and conservation of such districts and landmarks for the education, pleasure, and enrichment of the residents of the County and beyond.
(8 appointed positions)
To make recommendations to the County Manager, who serves as the Lead Agency, for presentation to the Board of Commissioners for disbursement of the County’s allotment of Home and Community Care Block Grant funding, review contract performance and assessment, and assist with the recruitment of additional services providers.
Meeting Schedule: Monthly on the 4th Tuesday at 2:00 p.m. in the Community Room of the Historic Courthouse, Hendersonville.
(8 appointed positions)
To advise the Library Director and the Governing Body on library programs, policies, and regulations for the government of the library, and to make recommendations to the Governing Body concerning the construction and improvement of buildings and other structure of the library system and otherwise advise the Board of Commissioners on library matters.
Members of the Library Board are selected by the Board of County Commissioners and serve for a three year term.
(53 appointed positions – must meet specific requirements)
The primary function of the Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee is to maintain the rights of the residents living in adult care homes including assisted living facilities and family care homes.
The Recreation Advisory Board was established to advise the Recreation Department concerning the administration of Parks and Recreation affairs for Henderson County.
Meeting Schedule: The Recreation Advisory Board meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 12:00 p.m. Meetings are held at the Athletics and Activities Center at 708 S Grove Street, Hendersonville, unless otherwise noted.
If you would like to speak to the Board during the public comment period, you can sign up just prior to their regular meeting times.
The Henderson County Board of Social Services is a five-member Board comprised of two members appointed by the NC Social Services Commission, two members appointed by the Henderson County Board of Commissioners, and one member elected by the Board. Members may serve two three-year terms.
(9 appointed positions)
Hear and decide appeals from actions, decisions, etc. of the Zoning Administrator. Interpret unclear parts of the Ordinance. Have the power to grant special use permits. Potentially issue variances relative to provisions in the Ordinance other than land uses when practical difficulties or unnecessary hardshop would result from strict enforcement of the Ordinance.
Meeting Schedule: Monthly on the last Wednesday at 4:00 p.m. in the meeting room at 100 North King St., Hendersonville.
Term: 3 years
In 2011, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) replaced the color-coded alerts of the Homeland Security Advisory System (HSAS) with the National Terrorism Advisory System (NTAS), designed to more effectively communicate information about terrorist threats by providing timely, detailed information to the American public.
NC 2-1-1 is an information and referral service provided by United Way of North Carolina and supported by local United Ways and public and private partners across NC. The service is available in all 100 NC counties. Accessible via an easy-to-remember, three-digit number, families and individuals can call to obtain information on health and human services and resources within their community. The service is free, confidential, and available in most languages.
Being part of a Weather-Ready Nation is about preparing for your community's increasing vulnerability to extreme weather and water events. Americans live in the most severe weather-prone country on Earth. You can make sure your community is StormReady®. Some 98 percent of all presidentially declared disasters are weather related, leading to around 500 deaths per year and nearly $15 billion in damage.
The Board of Health consists of 11 members selected by the Henderson County Board of Commissioners. The Board must have representation from the following professions: pharmacist, physician, dentist, registered nurse, engineer, commissioner, optometrist, veterinarian, as well as three members representing the general public. The 2024-2025 Board of Health members are:
The Department of Public Health records all births and deaths that occur in Henderson County regardless of residency status. All births and deaths must be filed with the local Deputy Registrar within five days of the occurrence.
If you have questions concerning filing a birth or death record please contact the Deputy Registrar at 828-694-6037. The original copy is sent to the NC Vital Records Department, 919-733-3000. A copy is sent to Henderson County Register of Deeds at the Henderson County Courthouse.
CMARC is a program offered at no charge for children birth to 5 years of age who:
Please click on Publications & Brochures to view these brochures:
- Department of Public Health Services & Programs
- Community Resources for Health & Wellness - English
- Community Resources for Health & Wellness - Spanish
A sexually transmitted disease (STD), also known as sexually transmitted infection (STI), is a disease passed from person to person through sexual contact. Learn more about common STDs. The health department identifies, treats, and reports sexually transmitted diseases. Services are confidential. Call (828) 692-4223 to make an appointment.
Ticks are small, bloodsucking arthropods that can transmit diseases to humans and animals. Most of the tick-borne diseases in North Carolina are from a bacterial infection and can cause flu-like symptoms in people. They can be treated with antibiotics if caught early. Untreated, they may lead to serious health problems, including death in rare cases. Several illnesses transmitted by ticks are found in North Carolina.
The Community Health Assessment, or CHA, identifies and prioritizes health issues in our community. For more information, contact Juliana Whitaker at (828) 694-6065.
The State of the County Health Report, or SOTCH, is a yearly update of the Community Health Assessment.
As of January 2, 2010, nearly all restaurants and bars in North Carolina and many lodging establishments are smoke-free, thanks to S.L 2009-27 (G. S. 130A-496), otherwise known as North Carolina's Smoke-Free Restaurants and Bars Law. For information about the law, frequently asked questions, tools for businesses to prepare for the law, and information for citizens, visit SmokeFree.NC.Gov.
How is the law enforced?
New dining establishments in Henderson County must first have applicable licenses and permits. Inspectors will work closely with owners and management to ensure the quality and safety of food service to the public.
Plan Review Application RequirementsThe following information must be provided with plan review submittals. See the plan review checklist for plan submittal specifications.
Temporary food service permits are issued for events that are a maximum of 15 days duration. Inspections are conducted during the event to ensure compliance with all applicable rules and regulations.
Applications for lot evaluations for a subsurface sewage disposal permit can be made at the Henderson County Permit Center. An application fee is required as well as a plat of the property. The Environmental Health Specialist will make a site evaluation based on the following factors:
On-site Waste Water (Septic) Program North Carolina general statutes state that a person owning or controlling a residence, place of business, or place of public assembly shall provide an approved sanitary sewage system. As a result, the Commission for Health Services has compiled rules and regulations addressing the placement, design, installation, and maintenance of subsurface ground absorption sewage disposal systems.
Food, lodging and institution sanitation ensure that establishments operating in Henderson County meet the minimum sanitation standards as required by the NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources.
Henderson County Environmental Health Specialists routinely inspect the following establishments:
Applications for a well installation, repair or abandonment may be submitted online on the Citizen Portal or in person Monday through Friday between 8:00am and 4:00pm at the Environmental Health Department. An application fee of $480 is required for new wells. Once the site has been evaluated and approved the permit is issued.
Lead poisoning occurs when too much lead is in the body. Even small amounts of lead from old paint chips or leaded dust can harm the body, especially in children younger than 6. A blood test is the only way to detect lead poisoning and is recommended in children ages 1 through 5. If you suspect lead exposure, contact your health care provider about obtaining a blood test for lead. If an individual is found to have an abnormal level of lead in their blood, an Environmental Health Specialist at the Department of Public Health will help coordinate investigative services with the State.
The Environmental Health Public Swimming Pools Program regulates the construction and operation of pools used by multiple families for swimming, bathing, recreation or therapy. Frequent inspections are conducted to ensure proper water quality, construction, and safety standards are maintained. No pool can be open to the public unless an Operations Permit is obtained from the health department.
The Department of Public Health issues permits for any establishment and/or individual that offers tattoo services. The establishment and/or individual is inspected yearly by an Environmental Health Inspector.
Because there is neither a vaccine nor prophylactic medications available to prevent Zika virus infection, CDC recommends that all pregnant women consider postponing travel to areas where Zika virus transmission is ongoing.
CDC has issued travel notices for people traveling to regions and certain countries where Zika virus transmission is ongoing.
Our child passenger safety technicians provide education for caregivers on car seat usage and proper installation. Henderson County residents may also qualify for a free car seat if they do not already have an appropriate car seat for the child in the family.
To see if you qualify for a free car seat or to schedule an appointment, please contact Blanca Daniels at (828) 694-6086. Spanish and English-speaking technicians are available to answer your questions.
Thanks for helping keep Henderson County safe, on and off the road!
More Information:
The Health Department currently does not offer smoking cessation services. Quitline NC provides free cessation services to any North Carolina resident who needs help quitting tobacco use. Call 1-800-QUIT-NOW or 1-800-784-8669. QuitlineNC operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week. For service in Spanish call 1-855-DEJELO-YA (1-855-335-3569).
School nurses play an integral role in the health of not just students, but the overall schools in which they work. They optimize student health and learning every day of the year by removing the health barriers that prevent students from optimum learning. A school nurse is assigned to each public and charter school in Henderson County, serving more than 13,500 students in total.
Family Planning is a program designed to help men and women prevent, delay or space the birth of children. All services are confidential regardless of age. Women of any age can provide their own consent for family planning services. Men are also eligible to receive family planning services. Services are affordable. Fees are based on family size and income.
Check out the Family Planning Services brochure for more information.
We offer pregnancy care for women who are residents of Henderson County. Our healthcare providers include a physician, a physician's assistant, 3 nurse practitioners and a clinical social worker. You are welcome to see any or all of our providers, or establish care with one provider. We will always try to meet your request.
Care management services are available to individuals who are pregnant or in their postpartum period who are enrolled in North Carolina Medicaid. Our care managers are registered nurses who work with you and your prenatal care provider to ensure you receive the best possible care while you are pregnant and after you deliver your baby.
We partner with the North Carolina Breast and Cervical Cancer Control Program (BCCCP) to provide free or low-cost breast and cervical cancer screenings to uninsured or underinsured women who do not have Medicare Part B or Medicaid.
If you are in immediate danger, call 911
Safelight is a nonprofit agency that provides support for victims of interpersonal violence, sexual assault and child abuse. Call for help: 828-693-3840 - 24 hours a day - 7 days a week. Located at 133 5th Ave W, Hendersonville, NC, at the corner of Church St and 5th Ave.
Children & Family Resource Center
The Children & Family Resource Center promotes the well-being of children as it advocates for them and their families, facilitates coordination and collaboration among children’s programs, and provides services and resources for children and their families. See their resource Agencies Serving Youth in Henderson County.
Hola Carolina - Hola Carolina helps the community understand the presence, contributions and challenges of Latino families in the Carolinas. Its diverse outreach and public awareness programs inform, educate, enlighten and enrich the Spanish-speaking community.
El Centro of Henderson County - The mission of El Centro is to create a more inclusive community for Latinos by providing unique services, developing grassroots leaders, and working together to access community resources.
AdventHealth Hendersonville is located at 100 Hospital Drive in Hendersonville. Call (828) 684-8501 to learn more.
Blue Ridge Health is located at 64E & Howard Gap Road or 2579 Chimney Rock Road in Hendersonville. Call (828) 692-4289 to learn more.
Area Agency on Aging, Land of Sky Regional Council
Council on Aging of Henderson County - Provides and coordinates services to keep older adults living independently.
Healthy Aging NC - Individual and family resources.
If you or someone you know is struggling with substance misuse or addiction, it is important to know that recovery is possible.
Resources in Henderson County for Help and Support988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline: 24/7 access to trained crisis counselors who can help people experiencing mental health related distress. That could be thoughts of suicide, mental health or substance use crisis, or any other kind of emotional distress.
National Suicide Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255. The Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress and prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones.
Vaccines can help keep you and your growing family healthy. If you are pregnant or planning a pregnancy, the specific vaccinations you need are determined by factors such as your age, lifestyle, medical conditions you may have, such as asthma or diabetes, type and locations of travel, and previous vaccinations.
If you have questions, please speak to an Immunization Nurse. Call our Immunization Clinic at (828) 694-6015.
Vaccinations aren't just for kids. Adults need to keep their immunizations up to date to avoid carrying or contracting deadly diseases.
The cost is $14 for routine tests required for employment, but there is no charge if the client is symptomatic for TB or has been determined to be a contact with someone with active TB. For a client with a positive skin test, a Communicable Disease Nurse will offer counseling, chest X-rays, medical referrals, contact tracing and testing, and provide medication. Tuberculosis Control Services are provided at no cost to the client.
Being prepared for a public health emergency or disaster gives you the best chance of survival. There are steps you can take to prepare for the unexpected.
- Prepare a basic emergency kit.
- Make a plan.
- Be informed. is North Carolina's campaign to prepare for all types of emergencies. Their website has multiple resources and lists to help you prepare. (Español)
A bioterrorism attack is the deliberate release of viruses, bacteria, or other germs (agents) to cause illness or death in people, animals or plants. These agents are typically found in nature, but it is possible that they could be changed to increase their ability to cause disease, make them resistant to current medicines or to increase their ability to be spread into the environment. Biological agents can be spread through the air, through water or in food.
A pandemic is a global disease outbreak. It is determined by how the disease spreads, not how many deaths it causes. Are there currently any flu outbreaks? What is being done to track them? Read more about pandemics and the current flu situation in the United States and abroad.
When a new influenza A virus emerges, a flu pandemic can occur. Because the virus is new, the human population has little to no immunity against it. With no immunity in the population, the virus spreads quickly from person to person worldwide.
- A Marriage License must be obtained BEFORE a Marriage Ceremony is performed. NCGS 51-6
- This office will issue marriage licenses by appointment only from 10:00AM until 3:00PM Monday through Friday, holidays excluded.
Look up recorded documents such as deeds, plats, land transfers, and easements.
Blantyre Park, a river-access park, is in partnership with the NC Wild Life Resource Commission and offers parking and a canoe port into the French Broad River. Blantyre Park is located on the border of Henderson and Transylvania Counties. The park covers a total area of 3.46 acres.
Tuxedo Park was developed out of a partnership with Green River Community Association and it continues to grow each year with new amenities. There is a shelter available for rental, a small gazebo, a beautiful playground, a restroom facility, a veterans memorial, a walking trail and beautiful open green space to play in.
The shelter has 5 regular tables and 1 ADA table. The rental fee is $40.00 for 4 hours.
Tuxedo Park covers an area of 6.14 acres.
Located on Highway 74 in the northeastern corner of Henderson County this property is a trail access point. This trailhead park offers parking and access to hiking trails that lead to the Florence Preserve and the Upper Hickory Nut Gorge.
Upper Hickory Nut Gorge Trailhead covers an area of 26 acres.
For more information about the trail, visit Conserving Carolina.
Tumble Bears is a FUN 4 session program that teaches 3-5 year old boys and girls the basics of tumbling, balance, and group participation skills. Classes are held 10:00am-10:45am at the ECC on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
Art StartAn hour of fun for preschoolers and their care-takers to explore seasonal crafts & activities.
Ages 3-6 years of age.
The Tax Collector’s office is responsible to collect all tax bills for real property, personal property, and business personal property. Many payment options are available in our office, over the phone, and online. The tax collector’s office continually works to collect on delinquent accounts through garnishments, attachments, and foreclosure.
Rates are set annually by July 1 by the County Commissioners or local Council for municipalities. The helpful tax rate sheet below is updated annually.
Under specific circumstances, property owners may be eligible for reduced taxes, or participation in other deferment or special programs. Currently certain programs exist for property owned by elderly or disabled persons, disabled veterans, non-profit organizations, commercial farms, and wildlife management.
28. Saluda Future Land Use (not available in digital format)
Planning Area Boundary
Historical Overview, Community Beginnings
3.1. Natural and Cultural Resources
3.2. Agriculture
3.3. Housing
3.4. Community Facilities and Public Services
3.5. Transportation
3.6. Economic Development
3.7. Land Use and Development
3.8. Community Character and Design
1. Planning Area Boundary
2. Sensitive Natural Areas
3. Agricultural
4. Housing Stock (1930-2009)
5. Recreation and Multimodal Transportation
6. NCDOT Comprehensive Transportation Plan
7. Official Zoning
8. Land Use Recommendations
9. Dana Community Park Conceptual Master Plan
Planning Area Boundary
Historical Overview, Community Beginnings
3.1. Natural and Cultural Resources
3.2. Agriculture
3.3. Housing
3.4. Community Facilities and Public Services
3.5. Transportation
3.6. Economic Development
3.7. Land Use and Development
3.8. Community Character and Design
1. Planning Area Boundary
2. Sensitive Natural Areas
3. Cultural & Historic Sites
4. Agricultural
5. Housing Stock (1930-1970)
6. Recreation and Multimodal Transportation
7. NCDOT Comprehensive Transportation Plan
8. Official Zoning
9. Land Use Recommendations
9a. Land Use Recommendations A
9b. Land Use Recommendations B
9c. Land Use Recommendations C
9d. Land Use Recommendations D
Historical Overview
3.1. Natural and Cultural Resources
3.2. Agriculture
3.3. Housing
3.4. Community Facilities and Services
3.5. Transportation
3.6. Economic Development
3.7. Land Use and Development (Please see Rezoning Application #R-2010-02 for resultant zoning changes)
3.8. Community Character and Design
Planning Area Boundary
Historical Overview, Community Beginnings
Demographic Trends
Demographic Projects
3.1. Natural and Cultural Resources
3.2. Agriculture
3.3. Housing
3.4. Community Facilities and Public Services
3.5. Transportation
3.6. Economic Development
3.7. Land Use and Development
3.8. Community Character and Design
1. Planning Area Boundary
2. Sensitive Natural Areas
3. Agricultural
4. Housing Stock (1930-2009)
5. Recreation and Multimodal Transportation
6. Official Zoning
7. Land Use Recommendations
8. Tuxedo Park Master Plan
The Planning Board unanimously recommended a Draft Land Development Code to the Board of Commissioners on November 15, 2006. The following materials were given to the Board of Commissioners for review at the meeting on December 19, 2006.
Parcel-level Draft LDC Zoning Maps were also provided at the December Meeting (Please note that the zoom function can be used in Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the map on a parcel-specific level):
The Board of Commissioners voiced comments and concerns regarding the Planning Board recommended Draft Land Development Code at a workshop held February 20, 2007.
The Board of Commissioners then held five public input sessions during the months of March and April in locations throughout the County to gather public comment on the Planning Board recommended Draft LDC. Approximately 500 individuals attended the meetings to submit comments. Many more individuals submitted comments via e-mail or written letter.
The Board of Commissioners then held a workshop April 24, 2007 to discuss the public input that was gathered regarding the Draft LDC. The Board considered a number of options for changes to the text and map based on public input and Commissioner comment. The following materials were given to the Board of Commissioners for review at the workshop on April 24, 2007:
The Board of Commissioners then held a workshop June 12, 2007 to further discuss the text and the map options presented at the April workshop (as revised). The Commissioners also considered additional options based on discussions held at the April 24, 2007 workshop. The following materials were given to the Board of Commissioners for review at the workshop on June 12, 2007:
The Board of Commissioners, at its July 2, 2007 meeting, set additional workshops for August 2, 2007 and September 11, 2007. The Board of Commissioners also scheduled a Public Hearing for August 30, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. The following materials were given to the Board of Commissioners on July 2, 2007 to be reviewed at the workshops on August 2 and September 11, 2007.
The following materials were given to the Board of Commissioners on July 25, 2007, also to be reviewed at the workshops on August 2 and September 11, 2007:
The Board of Commissioners, at its August 14, 2007 meeting, set two additional workshops for August 23, 2007 and August 28, 2007.
The Board of Commissioners requested Planning Board review of the revised Draft Land Development Code and Zoning Map as well as review of the proposed issues the Board of Commissioners were discussing. The Planning Board made recommendations and suggestions on the Proposed Text and Map Options.
The Board of Commissioners, at its August 23, 2007 workshop, removed the LDC from the discussion items at its August 28, 2007 workshop.
The Board of Commissioners held a public hearing regarding the Draft Land Development Code and Zoning Map. At any time after the public hearing, Commissioners may vote to adopt the Draft Land Development Code and Zoning Map as County ordinance. The following were the notices provided regarding the public hearing:
The Board of Commissioners held an additional workshop regarding the Draft Land Development Code and Zoning Map on September 11, 2007. The following was provided to the Board of Commissioners for review at the workshop. The Board of Commissioners then referred the Draft Land Development Code and Zoning Map, as revised by the actions taken at the workshops held August 2, August 23, and September 11, 2007, to the Planning Board for review and recommendation at its September 18, 2007 special called meeting.
The Planning Board held a special called meeting regarding the Land Development Code and Zoning Map. At the meeting the Planning Board sent forward a unanimous favorable recommendation regarding the Draft Land Development Code and Zoning Map to the Board of Commissioners.
Chapter 200A, Henderson County Land Development Code and the Official Zoning Map were adopted as Official County Ordinance by Board of Commissioners resolution. These original documents are available below (Please note that the zoom function can be used in Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the maps on a parcel-specific level). The Board of Commissioners directed Staff to re-examine the Land Development Code after it was implemented and to bring back any corrections, clarifications, or changes/requests that the Commissioners needed to review by late December 2007 or early January 2008.
The Board of Commissioners held a workshop to discuss the proposed amendments to the Land Development Code text and Official Zoning Map.
The Board of Commissioners discussed the proposed amendments to the Land Development Code text and Official Zoning Map at its regularly scheduled meeting.
The Board of Commissioners held a public hearing regarding the proposed amendments (TX-2008-01 and R-2008-01) on Thursday, March 27, 2008, at 7:00 P.M. The public was invited to attend and comment on the proposed amendments. The following was provided to the Board of Commissioners for review. The public hearing was closed, and no final action was taken regarding to proposed amendments.
The Board of Commissioners took action on the proposed amendments to the Land Development Code text and map. Chapter 200A, Henderson County Land Development Code and the Official Zoning Map were amended and are available below as amended April 7, 2008: Chapter 200A, Henderson County Land Development Code (entire document).
The Board of Commissioners held a public hearing regarding the proposed amendment to the flood damage prevention regulations of Chapter 200A, Land Development Code on Monday, July 7, 2008, at 7:00 P.M. The public was invited to attend and comment on the proposed amendments (See additional information regarding TX-2008-02). The Board of Commissioners took action on the proposed amendments and voted 5 to 0 to adopt the new FIRMs and amend Chapter 200A, Land Development Code flood damage prevention regulations.
The Board of Commissioners held a public hearing regarding proposed amendments which would allow for the conservation subdivision option in the R-40 (Estate Residential) zoning district on Wednesday, September 17, 2008, at 11:00 A.M. The public was invited to attend and comment on the proposed amendments (See additional information regarding TX-2008-03). The Board of Commissioners took action on the proposed amendments and voted 5 to 0 to amend Chapter 200A, Land Development Code. The amendments were adopted and became effective immediately.
The Board of Commissioners held a public hearing regarding the proposed amendments which would allow for multisection manufactured homes in the R1, R2, R-40, WR, and LC zoning districts with changes to Supplemental Requirements (SR 1.5) on Tuesday, September 23, 2008, at 7:00 P.M. The public was invited to attend and comment on the proposed amendments (See additional information regarding TX-2008-04). The Board of Commissioners took action on the proposed amendments and voted 3 to 2 to amend Chapter 200A, Land Development Code.
The text amendments(TX-2008-02) adopted on July 7, 2008 became effective.
The Land Development Code (LDC) was adopted by the Board of Commissioners with the anticipation it would be reviewed each year and amended as needed. Text Amendment Request #TX-2008-05 represents the first annual review since the LDC’s adoption on September 19, 2007. Proposed text amendments address a range of issues including: (1) emergency vehicle access, (2) some community character and design standards, (3) clarifications to portions of the text, and (4) staff and Board concerns and suggestions.
At the Board of Commissioners January 5, 2009 meeting, Planning Staff provided a brief overview of the text amendments that would be presented to the Board.
At its March 2, 2009 meeting, Planning Staff supplied the Board with additional information.
The Board of Commissioners held a public hearing on proposed text amendments to Chapter 200A, Land Development Code (TX-2008-05) on Monday, April 6, 2009, at 7:00 P.M. The Board approved text amendments 1-11, 13-16, and 18-20. The Board tabled the remaining text amendments (12, 17, 21, and 22) to be considered at a later meeting, as determined by the Board (See Text Amendment Request #TX-2008-05 Board of Commissioners Agenda Item).
The Board of Commissioners, at its meeting on Monday, May 4, 2009 reviewed additional information provided by staff (See Text Amendment Request #TX-2008-05 Board of Commissioners Agenda Item) and approved text amendments 17, 21, and 22. Text amendment 12 remained tabled.
The Board of Commissioners, at its meeting on Monday, July 6, 2009 reviewed additional information provided by staff (See Text Amendment Request #TX-2008-05 Board of Commissioners Agenda Item) and approved text amendment 12.
The Board of Commissioners, at its meeting on October 5, 2009, directed County staff to draft stormwater management regulations which would allow for the delegation of a stormwater management program from the State of North Carolina. This would become text amendment #TX-2009-01.
The Board of Commissioners considers the proposed Text Amendment #TX-2009-01 at its February 1, 2010 meeting.
The Board of Commissioners schedules a public hearing regarding Text Amendment #TX-2009-01 at its meeting on March 1, 2010.
The Board of Commissioners holds a public hearing on Tuesday, March 30, 2010, at 7:00 P.M. regarding Text Amendment #TX-2009-01 (See Text Amendment Request #TX-2009-01 Board of Commissioners Public Hearing Agenda Item).
The Board of Commissioners held a public hearing on proposed text amendment TX-2010-01 on Monday, April 5, 2010 at 7:00 P.M. (See Text Amendment Request #TX-2010-01 Board of Commissioners Agenda Item) and approved the proposed text amendment.
The Board of Commissioners held a public hearing on proposed text amendment TX-2009-01 on Thursday, May 20, 2010 at 7:00 P.M. (See Text Amendment Request #TX-2010-01 Board of Commissioners Agenda Item) and approved the proposed text amendment.
Text Amendment #TX-2009-01 becomes effective. The Board of Commissioners modifies the proposed amendment, based on State requested changes (non-substantive), at its meeting September 7, 2010 to become effective September 1, 2010.
The Board of Commissioners held a public hearing on proposed text amendment TX-2010-02 on Wednesday, November 17, 2010 at 11:00 A.M. (See Text Amendment Request #TX-2010-02 Board of Commissioners Agenda Item).
A portion of Text Amendment #TX-2010-02 (subdivision amendments) becomes effective. The Board of Commissioners adopted the subdivision related portion of Text Amendment #TX-2010-02 at its meeting September 21, 2011 (See Text Amendment Request - Subdivision Regulations).
A portion of Text Amendment #TX-2010-02 (family cemetery amendment) becomes effective. The Board of Commissioners adopted the family cemetery amendment of Text Amendment #TX-2010-02 at its meeting February 15, 2012 (See Text Amendment Request - Family Cemetery).
The Board of Commissioners held a public hearing on proposed text amendment TX-2012-01 on Monday, March 5, 2010 at 5:30 P.M. (See Text Amendment Request #TX-2012-01 Board of Commissioners Agenda Item).
The Board of Commissioners adopted Text Amendment TX-2012-01 at its meeting April 18, 2012.
The Board of Commissioners previously approved a portion of Text Amendment #TX-2010-02 (subdivision amendments) on September 21, 2011. The text amendment consists of text that was included in the original text considered by the Board of Commissioners during the public hearing November 17, 2010 (See LDC Technical Correction - Subdivision Definitions).
The Board of Commissioners held a public hearing on proposed text amendment TX-2012-02 on Wednesday, September 19, 2012 at 9:00 A.M. (See Text Amendment Request #TX-2012-02 Board of Commissioners Agenda Item) and approved the proposed text amendment.
The review process includes several formal steps, as outlined below:
1. Pre Application Conference. Each applicant for a major subdivision must meet with the Subdivision Administrator in a pre-application conference at least 15 days prior to the submission of a Subdivision Application for a major subdivision.
In order to receive approval the applicant must submit the following on or before the first business day of the month (See Major Subdivision Application Submittal Deadlines):
1. Subdivision Application
2. The Appropriate Plan:
The review process includes several formal steps, as outlined below:
1. Pre Application Conference. Each applicant for a major subdivision must meet with the Subdivision Administrator in a pre-application conference at least 15 days prior to the submission of a Subdivision Application for a major subdivision.
In order to receive approval the applicant must submit the following on or before the first business day of the month (See Major Subdivision Application Submittal Deadlines):
1. Subdivision Application
2. The Appropriate Plan:
Applicants must meet the standards for a conservation subdivision as outlined in LDC §200A-86.
Applicants must meet the standards for a conservation subdivision as outlined in LDC §200A-86.
The review process includes several formal steps, as outlined below:
1. Pre Application Conference. Each applicant for a major subdivision must meet with the Subdivision Administrator in a pre-application conference at least 15 days prior to the submission of a Subdivision Application for a major subdivision and accompanying Rezoning Application for a major subdivision.
In order to receive approval the applicant must submit the following on or before the first business day of the month (See Major Subdivision Application Submittal Deadlines):
Lots can be recorded and sold once a final plat has been recorded. A final plat can be recorded: (A) once improvements are completed or improvements have been guaranteed (See Improvement Guarantee Application); or (B) where no new right-of-way is proposed and no other improvement is necessary.
Prior to recording the plat the the applicant must submit the following:
Lots: 54 Single-Family Residential
Acreage: 76.29 Acres
Location: Off Eade Road
Agent: Terry Baker of Associated Land Surveyors
Owner: Eade Road Investments, LLC
Lots: 11 Single-Family Residential
Acreage: 19.65 Acres
Location: Off Jackson Loop Road
Agent: Michael Gilbert (Surveyor: Gene Parker with Gene Parker Land Surveyors)
Owner: Michael Athanas
Approval: The TRC considered the request at its July 6, 2010 meeting (See Combined Master and Development Plan - Jackson Hollow Major Subdivision (2010-M02) TRC Agenda Item) and approved the Master and Development Plan with conditions.
Lots: 88 Single-Family and Duplex Residential
Acreage: 22.19 Acres
Location: Off Crest Road
Agent: Will Buie, William Lapsley and Associates
Owner: Henderson County Habitat for Humanity, Inc.
Lots: 1 Commercial/1 Residential
Acreage: 34.5 Acres
Location: Off US Highway 64 East
Agent: Mark Corn of Associated Land Surveyors
Owner: Riley Jones
Approval: The TRC considered the request at its April 7, 2009 meeting (See Combined Master and Development Plan - Edneyville General Store (2009-M02) TRC Agenda Item) and approved the Master and Development Plan.
Lots: 2 Commercial
Acreage: 12.77 Acres
Location: Off Old Spartanburg Road
Agent: David Hill of Hill and Associates Surveyors, P.A.
Owner: Leon Allison
Approval: The TRC considered the request at its June 2, 2009 meeting (See Combined Master and Development Plan - Leon Allison Commercial (2009-M03) TRC Agenda Item) and approved the Master and Development Plan with conditions.
Lots: 3 Single-Family Residential
Acreage: 8.07 Acres
Location: Off Ciccone Drive
Owner: Scott Orr
Lots: 2 Commercial
Acreage: 4 Acres
Location: Off Old Brickyard Road
Owner: Stan Robinson
Approval: The TRC considered the request at its December 15, 2009 meeting (See Combined Master and Development Plan - Champion Investments and Properties, LLC Major Subdivision (2009-M06) TRC Agenda Item) and approved the Master and Development Plan with conditions.
Lots: 24 Single-Family Residential
Acreage: 47.14 Acres
Location: Off US Highway 64 East
Agent: Tom McCanless, EAS Professional, Inc.
Owner: Frontier Land Company LLC
Approval: The TRC considered the request at its February 5, 2008 meeting (See Combined Master and Development Plan - Hickory Nut Preserve (2008-M02) TRC Agenda Item) and approved the Master and Development Plan with conditions.
Lots: 16 Single-Family Residential
Acreage: 13.59 Acres
Location: Off Oak Grove Road
Agent: Luther E. Smith and Associates, P.A.
Owner: Housing Assistance Corporation (Hugh Lipham)
Approval: The TRC considered the request at its March 4, 2008 meeting (See Combined Master and Development Plan - Three Seeds Neighborhood (2008-M05) TRC Agenda Item) and approved the Master and Development Plan with conditions.
Lots: 2 Commercial
Acreage: 14.76 Acres
Location: Intersection of Old Johnson Farm Road and Hendersonville Road
Agent: McAbee & Associates
Owner: Cu-Di-Mar, LLC (Curtis Youngblood)
Approval: The TRC considered the request at its June 3, 2008 meeting (See Combined Master and Development Plan - Cu-Di-Mar Major Subdivision (2008-M07) TRC Agenda Item) and approved the Master and Development Plan with conditions.
Lots: 11 Industrial
Acreage: 29.37 Acres
Location: Off McMurray Road
Agent: Charles Wilkins
Owner: Enno F. Camenzind Trust (Robert O. Camenzind)
Approval: The TRC considered the request at its June 3, 2008 meeting (See Combined Master and Development Plan - Blue Rock Commerce Center Major Subdivision (2008-M08) TRC Agenda Item) and approved the Master and Development Plan with conditions.
Lots: 137 Single-Family Residential
Acreage: 309.85 Acres
Location: Intersection of Hutch Mountain Road and Clark Gap Drive
Agent: Eric McAbee, PLS with McAbee and Associates Professional Land Surveyors
Owner: Andy Anderson of Lark Properties Inc. (formerly Couch Mountain Properties, LLC)
Lots: 3 Commercial
Acreage: 5.93 Acres
Location: Off Maxwell Road
Agent: Mark Corn
Owner: Dice LLC
Approval: The TRC considered the request at its October 7, 2008 meeting (See Combined Master and Development Plan - Mountain Home Commercial Park (2008-M12) TRC Agenda Item) and approved the Master and Development Plan with conditions.
Lots: 29 Single-Family Residential
Acreage: 43.82 Acres
Location: Off Charles Trail
Agent: Jon Laughter , Laughter, Austin & Associates, P.A.
Owner: Gary W. Firmender, Owner
Approval: The TRC considered the request at its January 2, 2008 meeting (See Combined Master and Development Plan - Adger Oak (2007-M18) TRC Agenda Item) and approved the Master Plan with conditions.
See 2008-M11 - Laural Rock Reserve major Subdivision Revised Master Plan and Phase I Development Plan Review.
Lots: 41 Single-Family Residential
Acreage: 114.96
Agent:Michael Witt
Owner: Richard R. Fritts
Lots: 23-Single-Family Residential
Location: Off Little Creek Road
Agent: Clifford Dalton
Surveyor: Jon Laughter
Owner: Clifford Dalton and Douglas W. and Janet Barnwell
Approval: The Planning Board considered the request at its October 19, 2007 meeting (See Combined Master and Development Plan âââ‰â¬Å Sugar Loaf Preserve Major Subdivision (2007-M32) Planning Board Agenda Item) and approved the Combined Master and Development Plan with conditions
Lots: 14 Single-Family Residential Lots
Location: Off Sky Valley Road and Old Pace Farm Lane
Agent: Melrose Design Group, P.A., Agent for
Owners: Old Pace Investors, LLC, Developer and Owner.
Approval: The Planning Board considered the request at its October 19, 2007 meeting (See Combined Master and Development Plan âââ‰â¬Å Old Pace Major Subdivision (2007-M33) Planning Board Agenda Item) and approved the Combined Master and Development Plan with conditions
Lots: 27 Single-Family Residential
Location: Off NC Highway 191 and Grandview Lane
Agent: Terry Baker with Associated Land Surveyors, Agent for
Owner: Flavor 1st Investments, Inc.
Approval: The Planning Board considered the request at its October 19, 2007 meeting (See Master Plan Review âââ‰â¬Å Grandview Estates (2007-M34) Planning Board Agenda Item) and approved the Master Plan with conditions.
Lots: 12 Single-Family Residential
Location: Off Riding Gate Road
Agent: Terry Baker with Associated Land Surveyors
Owner: Flavor 1st Investments
Approval: The Planning Board considered the request at its October 19, 2007 meeting (See Master Plan Review - The View at Hawthorn (2007-M35) Planning Board Agenda Item) and approved the Master Plan with conditions.
Lots: 5 Commercial
Acreage: 5.67 Acres
Location: Off Upward Road
Agent: Mark Corn, Associated Land Surveyors and Planners, P.C.
Owner: Wayne P. Morgan of DWM Investments LLC
Approval: The Planning Board considered the request at its November 15, 2007 meeting (See Combined Master and Development Plan Review - Upward Commercial Park (2007-M36) Planning Board Agenda Item) and approved the Combined Master and Development Plan with conditions.
Lots: 1 Commercial
Acreage: 5.29 Acres
Location: Off Naples Road
Agent: Kenneth Cob, Engineer for Fletcher Hospital
Owner: Fletcher Hospital, Inc.
Approval: The Planning Board considered the request at its December 20, 2007 meeting (See Combined Master and Development Plan - Park Ridge Hospital (2007-M37) Planning Board Agenda Item) and approved the Combined Master and Development Plan with conditions.
Lots: 3 Community Facilities Lots for Residential Development
Acreage: 13.9 Acres
Agent: Mark Cathey, Civil Design Concepts
Owner: Cummings Cove Company, LLC
Approval: The Planning Board considered the request at its December 20, 2007 meeting (See Combined Master and Development Plan - Cummings Cove Sports Complex - (2007-M38) Planning Board Agenda Item) and approved the Combined Master and Development Plan with conditions.
Lots: 50 Single-Family Residential
Location: Off Greenville Highway (US 225)
Owner: Brian Ely
Acreage: 26 Acres
Location: Brevard Road near the intersection of Banner Farm Raod (SR 1314)
Existing Zoning: I (Industrial)
Requested Zoning: R1 (Residential One)
Applicant: Mark Corn, Agent for Cecillia Salvadori
Acreage: 25.67 Acres
Location: Multiple locations around boundaries of City of Hendersonville, Town of Laurel Park, and Town of Saluda
Existing Zoning: Unzoned
Requested Zoning: R2 (Residential Two) and R3 (Residential Three)
Applicant: Henderson County
Acreage: 0.024 Acres
Location: Intersection of US Highway 176 and Upward Road/Highland Lake Road
Existing Zoning: None (City of Hendersonville Relinquished ETJ)
Requested Zoning: CC (Community Commercial)
Applicant: Henderson County as a result of City of Hendersonville ETJ Relinquishing
Acreage: 2.42 Acres
Location: Howard Gap Road
Existing Zoning: R1
Requested Zoning: I-CD (Industrial Conditional)
Applicant: Billy Corn
Acreage: 4.23 Acres
Location: South of the intersection of Erkwood Drive and Rutledge Drive
Existing Zoning: None (City of Hendersonville Relinquished ETJ)
Requested Zoning: R1 (Residential One)
Applicant: Henderson County as a result of City of Hendersonville ETJ Relinquishing
Acreage: 8.26 Acres
Location: Off McMurray Road
Existing Zoning: R2R (Residential Two Rural)
Requested Zoning: I (Industrial)
Applicant: William McKay Trust
Acreage: 2 Acres
Location: Off Ballenger Road
Existing Zoning: R1 (Residential One)
Requested Zoning: RC (Regional Commercial)
Applicant: William Hoffman
Acreage: 1.83 Acres
Location: Off Upward Road
Existing Zoning: R1 (Residential One)
Requested Zoning: CC (Community Commercial)
Applicant: William Carl Swain, Walter John Maki, Joseph Franklin Swain, and Mark White (Wild Hare Investments LTD)
Acreage: 19.15 Acres
Location: Off McMurray Road
Existing Zoning: R2MH (Residential Two with Manufactured Housing)
Requested Zoning: I (Industrial)
Applicant: Robert Camenzind, trustee to Enno F. Camenzind Trust
Acreage: 0.48 Acres
Location: Intersection of Stoney Mountain Road and Mountain Road
Existing Zoning: R1 (Residential One)
Requested Zoning: LC (Local Commercial)
Applicant: Gregory and Leslie Shipley
Acreage: 9.98 Acres
Location: Off Foxwood Drive
Existing Zoning: R1 (Residential One)
Requested Zoning: LC-CD (Local Commercial Conditional District)
Applicant: Henderson County at the request of the Emergency Services Department
Acreage: 2.36 Acres
Location: Off Walnut Cove Road
Existing Zoning: R-40 (Estate Residential)
Requested Zoning: R2MH (Residential Two Manufactured Housing)
Applicant: Donald Lee Burnett and Jennifer Heidi Long
Agent: Donald Lee Burnett
Acreage: 29 Acres
Location: Off US Highway 25 North
Existing Zoning: RC (Regional Commercial)
Requested Zoning: LC (Local Commercial)
Applicant: Henderson County subsequent to a petition submitted by a number of property owners
Acreage: 15.48 Acres
Location: Off US Highway 25 North near its intersection with Holbert road
Existing Zoning: CC (Community Commercial)
Requested Zoning: RC (Regional Commercial)
Applicant: Henderson County on behalf of: Bryan L. Vaughn; Gene A. Wilkie and Wife; and Geneco Inc.
Acreage: 0.83 Acres
Location: Fronts on US Highway 64
Existing Zoning: R-40 (Estate Residential)
Requested Zoning: CC (Community Commercial)
Applicant: Kevin Brown
Acreage: 4.54 Acres
Location: Fronts on Old Hendersonville Road approximately 0.41 miles south of its intersection with Old Brickyard Road
Existing Zoning: R1 (Residential 1)
Requested Zoning: I (Industrial)
Applicant: BTD-Asheville, LLC
Acreage: 0.72 Acres
Location: Off Crest Road and Oak Grove Road
Existing Zoning: R-15 (Medium-Density Residential)
Requested Zoning: C-4 (Highway Commercial)
Applicant: Floyd Barry Pruitt
Acreage: 322.46 Acres
Location: Off Butler Bridge Road and bounded by I-26 on the east and the French Broad River on the west
Existing Zoning: I-2 (General Industrial)
Requested Zoning: C-4 (Highway Commercial)
Applicant: Tap Root Dairy, LLC; Juanita Johnston and Mary Louise Corn, Co-Trustees of the Estate of S.E. Johnston, Jr.; and Big J Small J Partnership
Agent: Angela Beeker
Applicant: Henderson County Planning Department on behalf of applicant
Request: Amend Chapter 200A, Land Development Code to allow solar energy generation facilties (a.k.a solar farms).
Applicant: Henderson County Planning Staff on behalf of the the Henderson County Engineering Department
Request: Add a new use to Chapter 200A, Land Development Code to specifically regulate County Owned and Operated Solid Waste Facilities and to separate privately owned solid waste facilities from County owned facilities.
Applicant: Henderson County Planning Staff at the direction of the Board of Commissioners
Request: Seek delegated County Stormwater Management Program by adoption of amendments to Chapter 200A, Land Development Code .
- Residential Zoning Change 1 (R1 to R2MH) Staff Report - Located off Dana Road. Requested by the Henderson County Zoning Administrator. Multiple property owners.
- Residential Zoning Change 2 (R3 to R2) Staff Report - Located off Ridgeview Drive. Requested by property owners Karen & Edward Vogel Trustees, The Karen Vogel Living Trust.
The Board of Commissioners held a public hearing July 7, 2008 to consider the request (See Rezoning #R-2008-08 and Text Amendment #TX-2008-02 Board of Commissioners Agenda Item) and voted 5 to 0 to approve Rezoning #R-2008-08 and Text Amendment TX-2008-02, to adopt the new FIRMs and amend Chapter 200A, Land Development Code flood damage prevention regulations.
Adopt the finalized Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) and make the necessary associated amendments to the flood damage prevention regulations of Chapter 200A, Land Development Code.
A comparison of the New 2008 Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) and Old FIRMs (March 1982) is provided below. For an indication of Floodway and Floodplain reduction review the following maps (note that the reduced areas are identifiable where RED is visible):
The TRC considered the zoning change request at its May 6, 2008 meeting (See Rezoning #R-2008-08 and Text Amendment #TX-2008-02 TRC Agenda Item) and provided a favorable recommendation. The TRC considered the text amendment request at its June 3, 2008 meeting (See Rezoning #R-2008-08 and Text Amendment #TX-2008-02 TRC Agenda Item) and provided a favorable recommendation.
Applicant: Henderson County Planning Staff at the direction of the Board of Commissioners
Request: Allow for the conservation subdivision option in the R-40 (Estate Residential) zoning district.
Applicant: Henderson County Planning Staff at the direction of the Board of Commissioners
Request: Allow for multisection manufactured homes in the R1, R2, R-40, WR, and LC zoning districts with changes to Supplemental Requirements (SR 1.5).
Applicant: Henderson County Planning Staff at the direction of the Board of Commissioners
Request: Address the following areas: (1) emergency vehicle access, (2) some community character and design standards, (3) clarifications to portions of the text, and (4) staff and Board concerns and suggestions.
Subdivision Application Form - Must be submitted with all special, minor and major subdivision plans
- Appointment of Agent Form - May be submitted with a subdivision application to designate an agent who will represent the property owner in all matters
Minor Subdivision Form - Must be submitted with all minor subdivision plans
Master Plan Requirements Form - Must be submitted with all major subdivision master plans
- Zoning Change (Rezoning/Map Amendment) Application - Must be submitted for all requests for zoning change (rezoning/map amendment)
- Text Amendment Application - Must be submitted for all text amendment requests
- Common Law Vested Rights Application - Must be submitted for all common law vested rights requests
- Development Vested Rights Application - Must be submitted for all development vested rights requests
- Appeal Application Form - Must be submitted within 30 days where an applicant wishes to appeal an official decision of the Subdivision Administrator or Planning Director.
Natural hazards, such as winter storms, thunderstorms, floods, and landslides, are a part of the world around us. Their occurrence is natural and inevitable, and there is little we can do to control their force and intensity. We must consider these hazards to be legitimate and significant threats to human life, safety, and property.
NC LIVE is a statewide electronic library available to registered library users. This site is most useful for providing access to full-text articles from magazines and newspapers. To connect just click on the NC LIVE Logo. Click on one of the search options and a user validation screen will appear. Select Henderson County Public Library from the drop down menu of the NC Libraries and enter your library card number. NC LIVE has a lot to offer.
In keeping with its mission to engage the community through experiences and services that educate minds and enrich lives, the Library provides exhibit space in display cases.
This code of conduct is provided to ensure staff, volunteers and patrons experience a comfortable, safe, healthy environment that supports appropriate use of library services and grounds. This code is designed to foster an atmosphere of mutual respect and courtesy and applies to all patrons (regardless of age), volunteers, and staff while on library property.
The Henderson County Public Library is most appreciative of the many donations and monetary contributions received each year. Books are a valuable and lasting way to honor someone and contribute to the community as a whole.
The mission of the Henderson County Public Libraries is to engage the community through experiences and services that educate minds and enrich lives. The Library recognizes that citizens of Henderson County represent diverse religious, socio-economic, racial, cultural, and political viewpoints, therefore, it is essential that library resources represent this diversity.
Information on the I-26 Lane Expansion Project is now available here.
Press Release: Innovative Partnership to Promote Health Sciences Education.
A return on Investment Analysis is now available for the Wingate University Development Project. Wingate University began its partnership with Hendersonville in 2011 by offering a Doctor of Pharmacy program housed in an 11,000 square foot building in downtown. The University is growing and is searching for an expansion location. The new facility will house not only expanded Wingate University programs, but a new partnership with Blue Ridge Community College’s (BRCC) allied health sciences and Pardee Hospital.
From Exit 49B on I-26, follow U.S. Highway 64 west into downtown Hendersonville, and turn left on North Grove Street. The Courthouse is located four blocks up on the left, between 3rd and 1st Avenues East.
From downtown Hendersonville follow Spartanburg Highway south approximately 1.4 miles. The Human Services Building will be on your left.
From Exit 49B on I-26, follow U.S. Highway 64 west into downtown Hendersonville, and turn left on North Grove Street. The King Street Office Building is located five blocks up on the right, between 1st and 2nd Avenues East.
From Exit 49B on I-26, follow U.S. Highway 64 west into downtown Hendersonville, and turn left on North Main Street. The Historic Courthouse is located five blocks up on the right on Main Street, between 1st and 2nd Avenues East.
From Exit 49B on I-26, follow U.S. Highway 64 west into downtown Hendersonville, and turn left on North Main Street. The Sheriff Administration Building is located four blocks up on the right on Main Street, between 2nd and 3rd Avenues East.
Human Resources is located in the Historic Courthouse Annex. From Exit 49B on I-26, follow U.S. Highway 64 west into downtown Hendersonville, and turn left on North Main Street. The Historic Courthouse Annex is located five blocks up on the right on Main Street, between 1st and 2nd Avenues East and behind the Historic Courthouse. Enter via 1st Avenue East.
The Animal Shelter is located adjacent to the Henderson County landfill. From downtown Hendersonville travel North on Asheville Highway (Highway 25) approximately 1.5 miles, then turn left on Stoney Mountain Road. The Animal Shelter will be on your right near the end of Stoney Mountain Road, next to the landfill.
The Parks and Recreation office is located along South Grove Street (at the former location of Hendersonville Christian School).
From I-26, take Bat Cave exit to 64 East, also called Four Seasons Blvd. Take a left at first traffic light onto Francis Road. Follow Francis Road around curve, past Bon Worth. Take a left downhill at High Country Lane and follow signs to USDA Service Center.
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- You are a citizen of the United States.
- You are a resident of North Carolina and Henderson County for 30 days before the election.
- You are at least 18 years old by the next general election.
- Not be in jail or prison for a felony conviction.
The documents and information on this web site are for informational purposes only and the information herein is subject to change without notice. Henderson County makes every effort to insure the accuracy of information posted on this website. Because the site is frequently updated, materials and information may be deleted, modified or moved without advance notice. This is not an official copy of the Henderson County Code. For an official copy, please contact the County Clerk for a certified copy of the Code.
Henderson County Emergency Services maintains a database of citizens with special needs. The information provided is designed to notify our office of individuals in our community that have special needs. It provides us detailed specific information to enable us to better serve you in times of need.
Our office is not allowed to give legal advice or instruct you on how to fill out assumed business name forms. If you need assistance with completing these forms, please contact EDPNC Small Business Advisors at or 1-800-228-8443.
IMPORTANT: Please print these documents out one sided only. Printing out front and back on the same sheet of paper does NOT meet North Carolina Recording Requirements and will result in an additional non-standard document fee being assessed in addition to recording fees.
This page allows you to download Henderson County's tax parcels, buildings, and sales data. The TXT format can be read in Excel, Access, or other database/spreadsheet applications.
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- Click a location on the map to see oblique aerial images for that area. This opens the 'Pictometry View' window.
- Once in Pictometry View, use these tools to navigate the system:
- On the directional circle in the upper-left, click the arrows to change the compass angle of the image.
- Click the dot below the directional circle to change to vertical view. (i.e. directly above)
Students enrolled in the Henderson County Schools can use their student numbers to checkout library material - books, audiobooks, eBooks, articles, and more!
2 appointed positions - must meet specific requirements)
To act as a liaison between nursing homes, residents, family members, and the community, to educate the community on the aged and the facility, and to provide the catalyst for community development.
Meeting Schedule: Quarterly, beginning in January, on the 2nd Thursday at 9:30 a.m. at Land of Sky Regional Council Offices (339 New Leicester Highway, Suite 140, Asheville.
Term: 3 years, maximum of 2 terms
ContactLeAnn Tucker, Land of Sky Regional Council
(828) 251-6622
(4 appointed positions)
As a body corporate, to enable it to acquire, hold, and transfer real and personal property, to enter into contracts, to institute and defend legal actions and suits, and to exercise other rights and privileges as may be necessary for the management and administration of the Institution.
Meeting Schedule: Odd-numbered months on the 2nd Monday at 5:00 p.m. on the BRCC campus (meetings in March & September held at Transylvania County campus).
Term: 4 years
ContactDr. Laura Leatherwood
(828) 694-1700
(9 appointed positions)
To operate exclusively for charitable and educational purposes including the restoration, maintenance, and operation of the historic Henderson County Courthouse building and grounds.
Meeting Schedule: Monthly on the 4th Monday at 1:00 p.m. in the Community Room at the Henderson County Historic Courthouse (1 Historic Courthouse Sq., Hendersonville)
Term: 3 years, maximum of 2 terms
ContactCarolyn Justus
(828) 694-5007
(3 appointed positions - must meet specific requirements)
To govern the operations of Margaret R. Pardee Memorial Hospital at all tiers as a charitable, non-profit hospital, to establish and regulate an adequate and reasonable fee scale, to furnish equal access and service to each person admitted to the hospital for treatment, and to provide the facility with the necessary equipment for practicing physicians and surgeons to better serve their patients.
Meeting Schedule: Monthly on the last Wednesday at 3:00 p.m. in the 3rd floor board room at Pardee Hospital.
The “More Powerful” campaign is anchored in the message that together, we are more powerful than opioids, and we can all help end the epidemic. Get Help | Get Involved | Get the Facts
(2 appointed positions)
To apply for Housing and Urban Development (HUD) funds with documentation of housing needs and prioritizing strategies for meeting needs, and to develop criteria for distributing funds and establishing administrative policies and procedures for operation.
Meeting Schedule: Even-numbered months on the 4th Wednesday at 9:30 a.m.
Term: No set term
ContactCity of Asheville Community Development Division
(7 appointed positions – must meet specific requirements)
To issue tax-exempt bonds for the construction of industrial facilities for those industries wishing to locate in Henderson County.
Meeting Schedule: Meet as needed.
Term: 6 years
ContactDiane Grant
(1 appointed position)
To prepare a master jury list of prospective jurors for Henderson County as directed by N.C. General Statue 9-2.
Meeting Schedule: Odd-numbered years in July.
Term: 2 years
ContactJ. Tyler Ray
(6 appointed positions)
To provide policy guidance and independent oversight of the implementation of Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act programs within Buncombe, Henderson, Madison, and Transylvania counties.
Meeting Schedule: Monthly on the 4th Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. in the Conference Room of the Land-of-Sky Regional Council, located at 339 New Leicester Highway, Suite 140, Asheville, NC.
Term: 3 years
ContactMountain Area Workforce Development
(828) 251-6622
(6 appointed positions)
To plan and promote the orderly development of certain resources in the area including, but not limited to, human, land, water, wildlife, forestry, recreation and cultural.
Meeting Schedule: Quarterly on the 4th Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. within the eight county RC&D area (Buncombe, Cleveland, Henderson, Madison, McDowell, Polk, Rutherford, and Transylvania).
Term: 3 years
ContactJessica Hocz
(1 appointed position – must meet specific requirements)
To conduct studies of Fletcher and the surrounding area, to advise the Town Council of land use and development to administer subdivision review, and to review requires for new zoning or other amendments to the Fletcher Zoning Ordinance.
This Board also handles Zoning Board of Adjustments effective 08/01/2014.
(3 Henderson County appointed positions - must meet specific requirements)
Is established to advise the City Council on matters related to land use and community development. The Planning Board shall be governed by authority of Chapter 160D-301 of the North Carolina General Statutes, and by Chapter 40, Article II of the City's Code of Ordinances.
Meeting Schedule: Monthly on the 2nd Monday at 4:00 p.m. at the City Operations Building located at 305 Williams St., Hendersonville.
Term: 1 year, then 3 years
(1 appointed position - must meet specific requirements)
To conduct studies of Laurel Park and the surrounding area, to advice the Town Council of land use and development, to administer subdivision review, and to review requests for new zoning or other amendments to the Laurel Park Zoning Ordinance.
Meeting Schedule: Monthly on the 2nd Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. at the Laurel Park Town Hall (441 White Pine Dr., Laurel Park).
Term: 2 years
ContactTown of Laurel Park
(4 appointed positions - must meet specific requirements)
To advise Land-of-Sky Regional Council in matters related to the Senior Volunteer Programs – Foster Grandparent Program, Retired and Senior Volunteer Program, and Senior Companion Program.
Meeting Schedule: Quarterly, beginning in March, on the 2nd Thursday at 2:00 p.m. at Land of Sky Regional Council Offices (339 New Leicester Highway, Suite 140, Asheville).
Term: 2 years, maximum of 2 terms
ContactLand of Sky Regional Council
(2 appointed positions)
To stimulate a better focusing of all available local, state, private, and federal resources with the goal of enabling low-income families and individuals of all ages to attain the skills, knowledge, and motivation to become self-sufficient.
Meeting Schedule: Monthly on the 2nd Thursday at 6:00 p.m. at the Etowah Lion's Den (447 Etowah School Road, Etowah).
Term: 6 years
ContactDavid White
(4 appointed positions – must meet specific requirements)
Is tasked with directing the economic growth and physical development of the planning and development regulation jurisdiction of the City of Hendersonville. The Board of Adjustment is governed by authority of Chapter 160D-302 of the North Carolina General Statutes.
Meeting Schedule: Monthly on the 2nd Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. at the City Operations Center (305 Williams St., Hendersonville).
Term: 3 years
(2 appointed positions)
To hear and decide appeals from actions, decision, etc. of the Zoning Administrator, to interpret unclear parts of the Ordinance, and to potentially issue variances relative to provisions in the Ordinance other than land uses when practical difficulties or unnecessary hardship would result from strict enforcement of the Ordinance.
Meeting Schedule: Bi-monthly, beginning in January, on the 2nd Thursday at 4:00 p.m. at the Laurel Park Town Hall (441 White Pine Dr., Laurel Park).
Term: 2 years
Our clinical social worker offers counseling services to Henderson County residents to help with issues such as stress, depression, anxiety and parenting. Services are also available in Spanish. Contact your provider for more information.
Visit our Behavioral Health Page for additional resources.
Pregnancy testing is offered for free by appointment only. Tests are available Monday-Friday. Please call 828-692-4223, option 3 to schedule an appointment.
We can provide nurses trained in grief counseling for families affected by the death of an infant from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Home visits are available. To access this service, call 828-692-4223 and ask for the SIDS counselor. Counseling is available in English and Spanish. Additional help for grieving families can be found at First Candle.
As a party wishing to contract or otherwise do business with Henderson County, you must understand that you have a duty (imposed by North Carolina law in 2013), as a condition of payment for goods provided or services rendered, to comply with the requirements of Article 2 of Chapter 64 of the North Carolina General Statutes (E-Verify). Further, if you provide the goods or services to the County utilizing a subcontractor, you must require the subcontractor to comply with the requirements of Article 2 of Chapter 64 of the General Statutes as well. You are required to verify, by affidavit, compliance of the terms of this section upon the County's request.
P: (828) 671-3011 | F: (828) 697-4504
The cost for a screening or a TB skin test required for employment is $14. There is no charge if the client is symptomatic for TB or has been determined to be a contact with someone with active TB. For a client with a positive skin test, a Communicable Disease Nurse will offer counseling, chest X-rays, medical referrals, contact tracing and testing, and provide medication. Tuberculosis Control Services are provided at no cost to the client.
Find diseases by name, categories of disease (such as foodborne illnesses and vector-borne diseases), and selected disease topics (such as veterinary public health and tick bite prevention) in this A-Z list from the Epidemiology Section of NC Public Health.
Following these tips will help to protect you, your family, your friends, and your community from mosquito-borne illnesses. The more steps you take, the more protected you are!
Mosquito-borne diseases, which are spread by the bite of an infected mosquito, can lead to serious illness in people. They also carry diseases and parasites like heartworm, West Nile virus, and the Eastern equine encephalitis that can affect your dogs and horses. In Western North Carolina, the three most common viruses transmitted to both people and animals are:
Tick Bite Assessment Tool - an interactive tool that will assist individuals on removing attached ticks and determining when to seek health care, if appropriate, after a tick bite.
Protecting your home from ticks involves checking and treating your pets, creating tick-safe zones in your yard, and keeping deer away.
The Department of Public Health provides a variety of health services, both to keep you healthy, and if you are sick, to get you well. If you have questions, please contact us at (828) 692-4223.
Check out brochures about our services and additional community resources. Please visit Community Data to read the Community Health Assessment and the State of the County Health Report.
Reach Out and Read
The Henderson County Department of Public Health participates in the Reach Out and Read childhood literacy program. Offered at over 2,500 sites across the nation, Reach Out and Read® was created to make early literacy a standard part of pediatric primary care. At each well-child visit from six months through five years of age, providers give parents a free age-appropriate book and guidance on the importance of reading aloud to their child.
Have you ever wondered how to find help or a community service for yourself or someone in need? Simply dial 2-1-1 from your home, office or cell phone, any time 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to learn about vital services in your community. This call is free, confidential and available in any language. United Way's 2-1-1 of Western North Carolina is a local community service information line.
As of February 15, 2012 the SWAC was combined with the Environmental Advisory Committee. See below for archival materials.
Simply put, immunizations work! Watch this video to learn more.
Children and teens in schools and childcare settings should be immunized to protect themselves and others from diseases such as measles, whooping cough, meningitis and chicken pox.
Call or text (828) 712-8246 for an appointment or to speak to the Teen Advocate Nurse about concerns or questions you have.
We offer services designed specifically for patients age 12-19. By law, many of these services are confidential and can be obtained without a parent's permission. We encourage teens to discuss their health needs with their parents or guardians.
Teens who can't pay may qualify for free or low-cost care. Teens can pay with Medicaid or other insurance. Some of these services are free to all.
We offer confidential medical care for teens in Henderson County, including physicals and sick care up to 21 years of age. You are welcome to see any or all of our providers, or establish care with one provider. We will always try to meet your request.
Patients are seen by appointment for clinic services, usually on the same day. Teens who are sick can be seen the same day.
Our services include, but are not limited to:
The Board of Health will hold its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, March 13, at 6:00 p.m., in the Board Room of the Henderson County Department of Public Health.
Board of Health meetings are open to the public and include a public comment period. Free assistance is available for all persons with disabilities who need auxiliary aid. Please contact Cathy Nicholson at (828) 694-6036 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.
Step 1. Call 911.
Step 2. Follow the 911 dispatcher’s instructions or perform chest compressions if comfortable doing so.
Step 3. Give naloxone.
Step 4. Give a second dose of naloxone in 2 to 5 minutes if there is no response to the first dose.
Seek medical attention immediately due to the risk of re-overdosing when naloxone wears off and to avoid complications
Instructions on how to prevent and overdose and to administer naloxone:
N.C. Good Samaritan/Naloxone Access Law in North Carolina protects people who ask for help from 911, the police, or E.M.S. because they or another person is having a drug overdose. People cannot be tried in court for having small amounts of drugs or items used to take or store drugs (drug paraphernalia) if the police find the drugs or drug paraphernalia because the person was asking for help for an overdose.
Naloxone is available with a prescription to those at risk of overdose and for individuals who have a loved one at risk. A prescription is required, but pharmacies may prescribe it through a “standing order”, so you do not have to get a prescription from a healthcare provider. Naloxone is available through participating pharmacies. You can contact your local pharmacy to determine whether it is currently dispensing Naloxone under a standing order.
Rebecca McCall
Commissioner Representative
William Scott Rhodes
Board of Education Representative, appointed 7/21/2016
The Henderson County Immunization Coalition is a partnership of Henderson county providers, which includes Henderson County Department of Public Health, Rainbow Pediatrics, Park Ridge Pediatrics, Hendersonville Pediatrics, Hendersonville Family Health Center and Blue Ridge Community Health Services (two locations: Hendersonville Family Health Center, Blue Ridge Health Center).
Cash, check, and VISA, MasterCard, and Discover credit cards or debit cards are accepted for payment.
Please be sure to bring your insurance card. We accept the following:
With rising health care costs even families with middle income can have trouble with medical and insurance costs. Our goal is to assist families with these medical costs. On average, 5,000 elderly and disabled people and 12,000 children received health care through our Medicaid program in Henderson County. Forty three percent of all children ages 0 to 6 in Henderson County received health care paid for by Medicaid.
Food, lodging, and institution inspections ensure that establishments operating in Henderson County meet the minimum sanitation standards as required by the NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources.
Henderson County Environmental Health Specialists routinely inspect the following establishments:
Before an operator can prepare and sell food in NC, a permit for retail food service will most likely be required. Permits are issued by Environmental Health after a thorough review of menus, plans, and equipment considerations. If you are in doubt whether the food service you are planning needs a permit, please contact us at (828) 694-6053.
To submit a permit application, please:
The Department of Public Health issues permits for any establishment and/or individual that offers tattoo services. The establishment and/or individual is inspected yearly by an Environmental Health Inspector. Please refer to the fee schedule for tattoo permit fees.
Mrs. Nancy Diaz
The Henderson County Board of Health was awarded the 2022 Outstanding Board of Health by the Association of North Carolina Boards of Health.
Rabies is a fatal but preventable viral disease. A healthy animal or human can get rabies when bitten, licked or scratched by a sick animal. The virus infects the central nervous system. If a person does not get proper medical care after a potential rabies exposure, the virus can cause disease in the brain, ultimately resulting in death.
To prevent rabies vaccinate pets, stay away from wildlife and seek medical care after a potential exposure.
Even if a pet’s bite can be explained (for example, someone stepped on your dog’s tail or a child reached through your fence to pet the animal), it’s important to take responsibility for your pet’s actions.
To minimize health risks to human, NC law addresses what to do when a person is exposed or potentially exposed to rabies. The responsibilities of public health and animal control officials vary depending on the situation and on the level of health risk, but include the following components:
- Mandatory reporting
- Confinement of animals
- In some cases, destruction of animals
If a health care provider treats a person for an animal bite, the local health director must be notified within 24 hours.
The HRC consists of eight (8) members, including four (4) representatives from participating municipalities (appointed by the municipalities). HRC members are appointed to serve three (3) year terms. The Planning Department Staff appoints staff to the Historic Resources Commission. Individuals interested in serving on the HRC may contact Deputy Clerk to the Board of Commissioners (Denisa Lauffer - (828) 697-4808), to obtain an application.
The TRC consists of up to seven (7) regular members. Department heads, or their designated representative(s), from the following County offices shall be appointed as regular members of the TRC:
On February 4, 2008 the Board of Commissioners adopted a revised Henderson County Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) Charter to re-focus the purpose and structure of the TAC. The TAC consists of eleven (11) members, including five (5) representatives from municipalities (appointed by the municipalities), two (2) Henderson County representatives and four (4) at-large appointments by the Henderson County Board of Commissioners. TAC members are appointed to serve two (2) year terms.
Henderson County Animal Enforcement (AE) consists of 6 sworn officers who are tasked with answering calls for service relating to dangerous animals, animal cruelty/mistreatment/neglect, larceny of animals and animal nuisance violations. AE also documents animal bites and works alongside the Henderson County Health Department on rabies control issues. Each AE officer is sworn by the Sheriff to uphold and enforce animal laws in accordance with Henderson County Ordinances, North Carolina Criminal Statutes and United States Federal Law.
The Planning Board consists of nine (9) members who reside in Henderson County and are appointed by the Board of Commissioners. Planning Board members are appointed to serve three (3) year terms. The Planning Department Staff serves as the primary County staff to the Planning Board.
Child care centers are businesses that provide supervision and care at least 4 hours per day for children from birth through school age. The Environmental Health Division inspects child care centers at least once every 6 months.
In order to conduct library transactions, patrons must present a library card or be able to supply the library card number along with the PIN or password. In the event that a card is lost, a replacement card may be purchased for $2.00.
Select your preferred pickup location below to upload or email your documents to the print service.
East Conference Room (C2104)/Human Services Bldg.
Rescheduled from 12:00PM, 7/18/2017
You will need to bring a photo ID, a piece of mail for your physical address, and proof of Medicaid OR Food Stamps OR income. **Medicaid and Food Stamp recipients automatically qualify for WIC.
Audiobooks eBooks Videos Magazines
Browse an extensive collection of downloadable ebooks and audiobooks.
The Board of Health will hold its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, April 10, at 6:00 p.m., in the Board Room of the Henderson County Department of Public Health.
Board of Health meetings are open to the public and include a public comment period. Free assistance is available for all persons with disabilities who need auxiliary aid. Please contact Cathy Nicholson at (828) 694-6036 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.
Habitat for Humanity - Homeowners build their own homes alongside volunteers and pay an affordable mortgage. With Habitat’s help, homeowners are able to achieve the independence they need to build a better life for themselves and their families.
We help families in Henderson County who have special healthcare needs. We work with parents, schools, doctors, and other local groups to make life better for families with special needs.
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Meeting Summary 2-28-18
3. SUP-18-01 Simple Life RV Park
4. V-18-02 Barnwell RV Park Variance
5. Adjournment
The Minimum Housing Division investigates complaints of minimum housing code violations. These include substandard housing such as mechanical, plumbing or electrical deficiencies.
Librarians are not available to provide detailed on-demand computer instruction.
Computer novices should bring someone with them for assistance or should sign up for scheduled classes provided by the library. Please note the following ways that our staff can and cannot help.
- The Henderson County Public Library offers free unlimited wireless Internet access to patrons using their laptop computers or other mobile devices.
- Use of the service constitutes acceptance of this Wireless Access Policy, the Library’s Internet Use Policy and the Library Code of Conduct.
- The service is available during normal hours of operation.
- Most WiFi equipment will be compatible. However, the Library makes no guarantees as to compatibility of a patron’s hardware with the Library's network.
The Henderson County Public Library (“Library”) seeks a mutually beneficial and cooperative relationship with the local art community, in order to foster its mission to provide informational, educational, cultural, and recreational services to the residents of Henderson County.
Site Development
What's New?
Online submittals are now available for all Site Development Permits. For information on setting up a portal account click here.
Applying for a permit? Visit this link: Online Permitting Portal
If your development project falls within the town limits of Fletcher North Carolina, the following regulations apply. The Town of Fletcher Council and the Henderson County Board of Commissioners signed an agreement on August 9, 2010. This agreement, which went into effect September 1, 2010, allows Henderson County Water Quality staff to enforce and administer the Municipality's stormwater regulations, which address post-construction runoff, within Municipality's boundaries including by not limited to: a) Enforcement, b) Administration, c) Inspection, d) Investigation of complaints and vio
Requirements one (1) or more acres of land disturbance in Town of Laurel Park, Town of Fletcher, Village of Flat Rock, and City of Hendersonville. Refer to the links on the left side of this webpage for more information regarding "Fee Schedule", "Forms" and "NPDES and self-inspection requirements".
Submittals shall include:
Application (Financial Responsible Owner Form)(Original Signature)
Flood Insurance Rate Map Index
Flood Insurance Rate Map Index 37089CIND0A Henderson County 37149CIND0B Polk County
Flood Insurance Rate Map Panel Revision Effective Date 3700951800 K October 2, 2009
- Any land disturbing activity which uncovers one or more acres (43,560 Square Feet) of land.
- Any land disturbing activity which uncovers one-half (1/2) acre or more (21,780 square feet) of land with an average slope of 16 percent (7.2 degrees) to 25 percent (11.25 degrees) in its natural state. The average slope shall be calculated only for the disturbed area.
Below you will find a document entitled "Stormwater Phase II Post-Construction Close Out Requirements" for Henderson County Stormwater Phase II Post-Construction projects (High Density). You will find additional documentation below explaining each item required for a Certificate of Occupancy to be issued on the completed project.
Below you will find a document entitled "Stormwater Phase II Post-Construction Close Out Requirements" for Henderson County Stormwater Phase II Post-Construction projects (High Density). You will find additional documentation below explaining each item required for a Certificate of Occupancy to be issued on the completed project.
If your non-residential (new or redevelopment) development project falls within the town limits of Fletcher North Carolina, the following regulations apply. The Town of Fletcher Council and the Henderson County Board of Commissioners signed an agreement on August 9, 2010. This agreement, which went into effect September 1, 2010, allows Henderson County Erosion Control staff to enforce and administer the regulations, within Municipality's boundaries including by not limited to: a) Enforcement, b) Administration, c) Inspection, d) Investigation of complaints and violations, and e) Review o
If your non-residential (new or redevelopment) development project falls within the town limits of Fletcher North Carolina, the following regulations apply. The Town of Fletcher Council and the Henderson County Board of Commissioners signed an agreement on August 9, 2010. This agreement, which went into effect September 1, 2010, allows Henderson County Erosion Control staff to enforce and administer the regulations, within Municipality's boundaries including by not limited to: a) Enforcement, b) Administration, c) Inspection, d) Investigation of complaints and violations, and e) Review of
Site Development
What's New?
Online submittals are now available for all Site Development Permits. For information on setting up a portal account click here.
Applying for a permit? Visit this link: Online Permitting Portal
Post-Construction Stormwater Permitting Map (Inter-Active), just enter your address with the search tool. Once you locate your address, click on the map area around the subject address and the permit authority information will display.
Session Law 2013-82 required the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) to convene a stakeholder team to help develop fast track permitting rules for issuing state stormwater permits without an initial technical review by DEQ staff. Fast track permits must be prepared by a qualified professional who will certify that the as-built project will comply with all Minimum Design Criteria (MDC). The new Fast track stormwater permitting process rules became effective January 1, 2017.
A pushcart or mobile food unit is a food establishment designed to be readily moved and vend food.
New and temporary dining establishments in Henderson County must have applicable licenses and permits. Inspectors will work closely with owners and management to ensure the quality and safety of food service to the public. Application is made on a prescribed form with submittal of full plans of the facility. Once plans are reviewed and approved, a letter is sent to the applicant. Once construction is complete and the applicant has obtained all building department, zoning and fire approvals, a pre-permitting inspection is conducted.
The Temporary Food Establishment (TFE) application shall be completed and submitted to the Henderson County Department of Public Health to provide information about all food preparation and sales to the public at any public event or exhibition within Henderson County. A TFE permit is required to sell food or drinks at a special event, such as in conjunction with a fair, market, festival, or public exhibition. In addition to this vendor application, a separate TFE Organizer Application shall be submitted by the organizer of the event.
Please Note:
High-Density Development Permits Require the following documents for close out prior to temporary certificate of occupancy (TCO) or certificate of occupancy (CO) is requested:
The NPDES construction stormwater permit process has changed as of April 1, 2019. See documents below for more information or go to NC DEQ Construction Stormwater Webpage by clicking on this link.
The Board of Health will hold its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, May 8, at 6:00 p.m., in the Board Room of the Henderson County Department of Public Health.
Board of Health meetings are open to the public and include a public comment period. Free assistance is available for all persons with disabilities who need auxiliary aid. Please contact Cathy Nicholson at (828) 694-6036 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.
May 8, 2018
8:30am until noon
Paint Recycling- Transfer Station
Household Hazardous Waste collection- Convenience Center
Henderson County began a food waste drop-off program at the Convenience center in September 2017 with 8 collection bins. Currently, the Convenience center has a red collection hopper for food waste collection.
Over 138 tons of food waste have been collected since the start of the program!
Storage tip: Keep your food scraps in a container inside your freezer to prevent pests and odors. If you use a paper bag for storage, the whole thing can be deposited into our bins at the Center.
Henderson County is excited partner with the City of Hendersonville for an informational Compost workshop!
When: Tuesday, May 14th from 5:30-7pm
Where: City Operations Assembly Room located at 305 Williams St. Hendersonville, NC 28792
A mercury products recycling program has been established to help the citizens of Henderson County safely and properly remove mercury-containing materials from the home.
This program is for use by citizens of Henderson County only. As with other recycling programs conducted at the Convenience Center, commercial entities are asked to please reserve operations for residents. Private businesses should contact Environmental Programs for recommendations on properly disposing of mercury products.
The Henderson County Soil & Water Conservation District (SWCD) provides FREE educational lessons to assist classroom teachers in providing dynamic education for students!
We come to you on your classroom schedule. This means no need for fundraising, bus scheduling, or field trip permission forms. Lessons are typically 45–90 minutes long, but can be tailored for your needs. We can fit our program into your existing Science time in class. No need to even change your schedule for the day!
The Henderson County Soil & Water Conservation District recently was able to participate in Earth Fest 2023 in downtown Hendersonville. We had the opportunity to showcase our new Conservation Learning Center, a mobile educational trailer that focuses on soil and water topics. News 13 WLOS documented the event and you can see our trailer in action here: Earth Fest 2023
Plastic bags, shrink wrap, and other forms of plastic film should always be returned to retail for proper recycling. If these items end up in your curbside recycling or are dropped off at the Convenience Center with other household recyclables, it can cause major problems for the sorting facility.
Curious to see how plastic bags affect recycling equipment at a sorting facility? Watch this video!
If your hauler requires recycling to be bagged, only clear/translucent bags are accepted. You must be able to see inside the bag.
If your hauler provides a recycling cart, please don't bag your recycling and keep it loose inside the cart.
Plastic bags and film should always be recycled at retail locations. Mixing them in with your regular recycling stream can wreak havoc on the equipment at recycling sorting facilities.
Check out these videos to learn more about how various types of recycling are processed!
The Board of Health regular monthly meeting for Tuesday, June 12, has been canceled. The Board of Health will not meet in July. The next regular meeting will be held Tuesday, August 14, at 6:00 p.m.
The Board of Health will hold its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, August 14, at 6:00 p.m., in the Board Room of the Henderson County Department of Public Health.
Board of Health meetings are open to the public and include a public comment period. Free assistance is available for all persons with disabilities who need auxiliary aid. Please contact Cathy Nicholson at (828) 694-6036 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.
Check out these videos to learn more about how various types of recycling are processed!
Emily Pieski, a sixth grade student from Immaculata Catholic School in Hendersonville, won first place in the Soil and Water Conservation State Level Essay Contest.
Emily delivered an essay on the 2017-2018 theme “Water – the Cycle of Life”. Students competing at this level have advanced through three and sometimes four tiers of competition before representing their area against winners from across North Carolina.
With support from Henderson County, Blue Ridge Humane Society offers low-cost spay-neuter as part of its Spay-Neuter Incentive Program (SNIP).
In April of 2016, the Henderson Soil & Water Conservation District was awarded a grant from the NC Foundation of Soil and Water Conservation for the Multi-Species Cover Crop Initiative. The grant was awarded with the intent of demonstrating the improvement of soil health through the use of cover crops. A diverse seed mixture and proper management contribute to successful cover crops. The grant funded the cover crop demonstration and Field Days in 2017, 2018, and 2019.
Additional grant funders included:
During the summer of 2015 and winter of 2016, approximately 1,000 feet of Mill Pond Creek was restored on the campus of Rugby Middle School. The project was funded by a combination of grants from the Division of Water Resources, the Community Foundation, and Community Conservation Assistance Program cost share funds. The stream had become incised with eroding streambanks. The plant community was dominated by invasive species and there was very little woody debris to inhibit erosion of the streambanks. Additionally, the stream’s dimension, pattern, and profile needed to be adjusted.
To fulfill its mission of meeting the informational, recreational and lifelong learning needs of its users, the Henderson County Public Library offers access to a broad range of information resources, including those available through the Internet. By accessing the Internet at the library an individual has agreed to abide by this Internet Policy.
Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance Application Fees
July 1, 2020
Flood Development Permit for property located in the Floodway or Non-Encroachment Area (New or Renewal)
$500.00 plus expenses
Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Application Fees
Updated on July 1, 2020
Plan ReviewPlan Review
$200.00/planPlan Review - Renewal (original expired and no new regulations have been adopted)
Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Application Fees
July 1, 2018
Plan ReviewPlan Review
$200.00/planPlan Review - Renewal (original expired and no new regulations have been adopted)
Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Application Fees
July 1, 2018
Plan ReviewPlan Review
$200.00/planPlan Review - Renewal (original expired and no new regulations have been adopted)
Town of Laurel Park
Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Application Fees
July 1, 2018
Plan ReviewPlan Review
$200.00/planPlan Review - Renewal (original expired and no new regulations have been adopted)
Village of Flat Rock
Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Application Fees
July 1, 2018
Plan ReviewPlan Review
$200.00/planPlan Review - Renewal (original expired and no new regulations have been adopted)
Stormwater Application Fees
NEW as of July 1, 2018
Vacant Parcels of Land to be developed:
Stormwater Phase II Post Construction - High Density - (Exceeds 24% impervious surface and land disturbance exceeds one (1) acre) - (New)
Stormwater Application Fees
NEW as of July 1, 2018
Vacant Parcels of Land to be developed:
Stormwater Phase II Post Construction - High Density - (Exceeds 24% impervious surface and land disturbance exceeds one (1) acre) - (New)
Stormwater Application Fees
July 1, 2020
Vacant Parcels of Land to be developed:
Stormwater Phase II Post Construction - High Density - (Exceeds 24% impervious surface and land disturbance exceeds one (1) acre) - (New)
Stormwater Application Fees
NEW as of July 1, 2018
Vacant Parcels of Land to be developed:
Stormwater Phase II Post Construction - High Density - (Exceeds 24% impervious surface and land disturbance exceeds one (1) acre) - (New)
Stormwater Quantity Application Fees
July 1, 2020
Vacant Parcels of Land to be developed:
Stormwater Quantity Only - land disturbance equals one (1) acre or more in non-residential developments (New)
Water Supply Watershed Application Fees
July 1, 2020
Vacant Parcels of Land to be developed:
Water Supply Watershed - High Density - (Exceeds 24% impervious surface and land disturbance exceeds one (1) acre) - (New)
Water Supply Watershed Application Fees
NEW as of July 1, 2018
Vacant Parcels of Land to be developed:
Water Supply Watershed - High Density - (Exceeds 24% impervious surface and land disturbance exceeds one (1) acre) - (New)
Stormwater Phase II Post-Construction
Fast Track Permit Process Fee Schedule
July 1, 2020
Fast-Track Permit Program (Project must qualify for this program)
Fast Track Authorization to Construct (ATC) (good for 5 years)
Not all projects will be eligible for permitting under the Fast Track Process. Review the eligibility requirements on the Authorization To Construct (ATC) permit application form for more information.
Even if your project is eligible for the Fast Track Process, you may choose to apply for a stormwater permit under the standard program.
website under construction - come back periodically for updates.
Water Supply Watershed
Fast Track Permit Process Fee Schedule
NEW as of July 1, 2019
Fast-Track Permit Program (Project must qualify for this program)
Fast Track Authorization to Construct (ATC) (good for 5 years)
The Henderson Soil and Water Conservation District uses Henderson County's online GIS/Mapping System, GoMaps. This Geographic Information System (GIS) can be used to find soil types for a particular parcel or determine whether or not property is in the Voluntary Agricultural Districts program, for example. Use the links below to explore GoMaps.
To visit GoMaps directly, click here. To visit Henderson County's GIS webpage, click here.
Did you know we sponsor contests? We participate in the NC Soil & Water Educational Contests, including Poster, Speech, Slideshow, and Essay contests on a particular theme each year. These contests give students an opportunity to explore soil and water conservation through art, writing, and public speaking. Educational Contests focus on a soil or water theme each year and align with NC Essential Standards. These contests are a great way to reinforce concepts learned with a homework option or extra credit. Students can compete locally through the school and county competitions.
Water conservation is an easy method we can all employ everyday, at our homes, schools, and businesses, to ensure that this critical resource is not wasted.
* Follow these simple tips to make an impact:
- Update/ fix your appliances- check out the WaterSense Program
Install a dual flush or low flow toilet or put a conversion kit on your existing toilet.
Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Application Fees
Land Disturbance (Greater than or equal to one (1) acre*
* Make checks payable to "Town of Columbus".
Our third grade soils material meets Standards 3.L.2 and 3.L.2.4
3.L.2--Understand how plants survive in their environments
3.L.2.4--Explain how the basic properties (texture and capacity to hold water) and components (sand, clay, and humus) of soil determine the ability of soil to support the growth and survival of many plants.
Our sixth grade soils material meets Standards 6.E.2, 6.E.2.3, and 6.E.2.4.
6.E.2--Understand the structure of the earth and how interactions of constructive and destructive forces have resulted in changes in the surface of the Earth over time and the effects of the lithosphere on humans.
6.E.2.3--Explain how the formation of soil is related to the parent rock type and the environment in which it develops.
Our fifth grade water cycle material meets Standards 5.P.2 and 5.P.2.1.
5.P.2--Understand the interactions of matter and energy and the changes that occur.
5.P.2.1--Explain how the sun's energy impacts the processes of the water cycle (including evaporation, transpiration, condensation, precipitation and runoff).
Classroom lessons are specifically tailored to your needs but can include a discussion of the water cycle, posters, music videos, songs, hands-on activities, an evaporation experiment, and the water cycle theater.
Our fourth grade material meets Standards 4.L.1 and 4.L.1.3.
4.L.1--Understand the effects of environmental changes, adaptations and behaviors that enable animals (including humans) to survive in changing habitats.
4.L.1.3--Explain how humans can adapt their behavior to live in changing habitats (e.g., recycling wastes, establishing rain gardens, planting trees and shrubs to prevent flooding and erosion).
The Brush Removal permit has been developed for projects that are clearing brush only. This permit is only allowed within the unincorporated areas of Henderson County. The brush removal permit application fees are $100.00/acre or any portion of an acre. Submit application and fees to this office for review.
** If the project requires clearing of trees, grading of land, etc, an Soil Erosion and Sedimentation control plan would be required in lieu of this option.
When developing an Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan, please utilize the following documents and resources.
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ)
NC Surface Water Classification Inter-Active Map
NC DEQ - Division of Energy, Mining, and Land Resources (NCDEQ-DEMLR)
Comments on the Draft Facility Use Policy can be submitted to the Board of Commissioners at comments@hendersoncountync.
The Henderson County Sheriff’s Office provides citizens with a free, environmentally safe, and convenient way to dispose of medications from their homes. Residents of Henderson County can also safely dispose of used sharps at the Convenience Center. Visit the Sheriff's Office Drug Disposal Program page for more information.
The Board of Health will hold its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, September 11, at 6:00 p.m., in the Board Room of the Henderson County Department of Public Health.
Board of Health meetings are open to the public and include a public comment period. Free assistance is available for all persons with disabilities who need auxiliary aid. Please contact Cathy Nicholson at (828) 694-6036 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.
Below are materials about our services and additional community resources. Please visit Community Data to read the Community Health Assessment and the State of the County Health Report.
Stormwater Application Fees
NEW as of July 1, 2018
Vacant Parcels of Land to be developed:
Stormwater Phase II Post Construction - High Density - (Exceeds 24% impervious surface and land disturbance exceeds one (1) acre) - (New)
NC TIMS - Live Traffic and Road Condition Information
The Board of Health will hold its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, September 11, at 6:00 p.m., in the Board Room of the Henderson County Department of Public Health.
Board of Health meetings are open to the public and include a public comment period. Free assistance is available for all persons with disabilities who need auxiliary aid. Please contact Cathy Nicholson at (828) 694-6036 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.
The ordinance can be viewed on-line by clicking the link below:
Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ordinance - Chapter 42 - Article VIII - Subpart E
Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Application Fees
Land Disturbance (Greater than or equal to one (1) acre*
* Make checks payable to "Town of Columbus".
The ordinance can be viewed on-line by clicking the link below:
Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ordinance - Chapter 42 - Article VIII - Subpart E
On April 1, 2019, the Henderson County Board of Commissioners unanimously adopted the Greenway Master Plan. The Greenway Master Plan Committee sought public input via a survey and two public input sessions. The public input sessions were held in late October. All public comment was analyzed and incorporated into the Plan's appendix.
During this public input period, multiple County committees and boards were asked to endorse the draft Greenway Master Plan. The following have endorsed the plan:
This ordinance allows tenants a procedure to have deficiencies in their rental properties remedied when their landlords will not make repairs.
Minimum Housing Ordinance
Who will use greenways?
- Children on bikes, babies in strollers, skaters, people in wheelchairs, runners and adults walking
or riding bikes to work, for pleasure or to connect with nature.
- Children on bikes, babies in strollers, skaters, people in wheelchairs, runners and adults walking
What about litter on greenways?
- In addition to providing trash cans and signage, patrol volunteers would be encouraged to pick
up any litter.
- In addition to providing trash cans and signage, patrol volunteers would be encouraged to pick
How will emergencies be dealt with?
Below you will find the rules on minimum design criteria (MDC) for stormwater treatment devices listed in the North Carolina Stormwater BMP Manual.
SECTION 6. G.S. 143‑214.7 is amended by adding two new subsections to read:
Low Impact Development (LID) is a voluntary approach to stormwater management that can benefit both the economy and the environment by reducing infrastructure costs, increasing lot yields and enhancing water quality protection.
The Definition of LIDA development is considered LID when the volume of runoff leaving the site after development matches the volume of runoff before development. In addition, the LID project should maintain adequate flows to the streams and wetlands on the site rather than piping stormwater to a single low point.
What is Storm EZ?
Not all projects will be eligible for permitting under the Fast Track Process. Review the eligibility requirements below before proceeding. If your project does qualify, below are the submittal requirements.
Below you will find the rules on minimum design criteria (MDC) for stormwater treatment devices listed in the North Carolina Stormwater BMP Manual.
Low Impact Development (LID) is a voluntary approach to stormwater management that can benefit both the economy and the environment by reducing infrastructure costs, increasing lot yields and enhancing water quality protection.
The Definition of LIDA development is considered LID when the volume of runoff leaving the site after development matches the volume of runoff before development. In addition, the LID project should maintain adequate flows to the streams and wetlands on the site rather than piping stormwater to a single low point.
What is Storm EZ?
Below you will find a document entitled "Close Out Requirements" for Fast-Tracked Stormwater Phase II Post-Construction projects (High Density). You will find additional documentation below explaining each item required for a Certificate of Occupancy to be issued on the completed project.
The Board of Health will hold its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, November 13, at 6:00 p.m., in the Board Room of the Henderson County Department of Public Health.
Board of Health meetings are open to the public and include a public comment period. Free assistance is available for all persons with disabilities who need auxiliary aid. Please contact Cathy Nicholson at (828) 694-6036 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.
Ad Valorem Tax. Ad Valorem means “according to value”. An ad valorem tax is a property tax based on the assessed value of the property, which may or may not be equivalent to its market value.
Appraised Value. Also known as “market value”. This is the value before any exemptions or deferrals are applied. Appraised value is the most probable price the property would sell for in the open market between a willing seller and an able buyer.
Within Henderson County, there are six incorporated areas also known as municipalities.
Pursuant to North Carolina law, property is appraised at 100% of fair market value. In North Carolina, property tax is the primary source of revenue for local governments. In FY2024, property tax represented 51.14% of Henderson County revenues.
The video linked from this page is the video of the actual meeting which occurred on the referenced date. However, you should be aware that the video is not the official or legal record of the actions taken at the meeting. The video cannot be cited as showing the official action.
What Is Real Property Reappraisal?
In North Carolina, a reappraisal is the way a taxing authority, in this case Henderson County Government, appraises the monetary value of real property and ultimately the tax assessed in proportion to that value. All appraisals, whether a mass appraisal conducted as part of a county-wide, general reappraisal, or an independent fee appraisal such as those associated with mortgage loans, are considered to be an "opinion of value".
1. What are the Laws that govern taxation and appeals in North Carolina?
The Legislative Act that covers property taxes in North Carolina is called the Machinery Act of North Carolina and it is subchapters II, III and IV of Chapter 105 of the General Statutes of the State.
2. What is the appeal process?
King Street Meeting Room 5:30 p.m.
100 N. King Street Hendersonville, NC 28792
Thursday, November 15, 2018
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Adjustment of Agenda
4. October 18, 2018 Meeting Summary
5. Informal Public Input
Old Business
Pertussis, also known as whooping cough, is a highly contagious respiratory disease. The best way to protect against pertussis is by getting vaccinated. Vaccination may lessen the severity of symptoms, prevent serious complications, hospitalizations and poor outcomes but does not prevent disease in all situations.
The letters below are from various organizations that support the Greenway Master Plan: 30-Year Vision.
We hope that you will show your support as well!
The Board of Health regular monthly meeting for Tuesday, December 11, has been canceled. The next regular meeting will be held Tuesday, January 8, 2019, at 6:00 p.m.
Hendersonville, N.C. (November 27, 2018) – Stacy Taylor, MPH, was awarded Outstanding Health Educator at the 2018 Annual Conference for the NC Society for Public Health Education (NC SOPHE) held in Hickory, November 8-9. The award is given in recognition of “outstanding, long-lasting career contributions and demonstrated commitment to the practice of Health Education in North Carolina.” Taylor was acknowledged for her leadership in advancing the development of innovative public health strategies.
Hendersonville, NC (November 27, 2018) – The Henderson County Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Program was recently given the Breastfeeding Award of Excellence by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). This award highlights WIC’s successful breastfeeding program, effective peer counseling, exceptional breastfeeding support, promotional activities and strong community partnerships. Henderson County WIC received Gold Premier level designation and was one of only 12 agencies in the United States to receive this award in 2018.
South Mountains Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan Update – Public Meeting
Henderson, Polk, Rutherford, and Transylvania counties are working together to update the regional Hazard Mitigation Plan. Natural disasters in our area are inevitably going to occur; however, the purpose of this plan is to assess our community’s natural hazard risks and determine how to lessen our vulnerability when disaster strikes.
All meetings are held in the Courtroom of the Historic Courthouse at 3:00 p.m.
January 21, 2025 Host Henderson County
April 15, 2025 Host Town of Fletcher
July 15, 2025 Host Town of Laurel Park
October 21, 2025 Host Town of Mills River
No TAC meeting is scheduled for December. The next meeting will be held on January 16, 2019 at 4:00 PM.
The Board of Health will hold its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, January 8, at 6:00 p.m., in the Board Room of the Henderson County Department of Public Health.
Board of Health meetings are open to the public and include a public comment period. Free assistance is available for all persons with disabilities who need auxiliary aid. Please contact Cathy Nicholson at (828) 694-6036 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.
The Board of Health will hold its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, February 12, at 6:00 p.m., in the Board Room of the Henderson County Department of Public Health.
Board of Health meetings are open to the public and include a public comment period. Free assistance is available for all persons with disabilities who need auxiliary aid. Please contact Cathy Nicholson at (828) 694-6036 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.
Notice is hereby given that the Henderson County Board of Health Budget Review Committee will hold a special meeting on Thursday, January 31, 2019 at 4:15 pm in the Henderson County Department of Health Board Room located at 1200 Spartanburg Highway, Hendersonville, NC 28792.
The purpose of the meeting will be to review and consider public health priorities and related revenue and expenditure considerations for the development of the FY 2019-2020 budget proposal.
The ordinance can be viewed on-line by clicking the link below:
For a list of Current Job Opportunities, please CLICK HERE
VolunteerIf you are interested in volunteering, please download the HCPRD Volunteer Application below.
Print it out, fill it in, and submit it to our office at 708 S. Grove St. Hendersonville, NC.
Our Patient Portal allows you to access your medical records, see lab results, and view upcoming appointments. For instructions, download the Patient Portal brochure.
The Board of Health will hold its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, March 12, at 6:00 p.m., in the Classroom of the Henderson County Department of Public Health. To access the Classroom, use the "Immunization Clinic" entrance on the southwest side of the building.
Board of Health meetings are open to the public and include a public comment period. Free assistance is available for all persons with disabilities who need auxiliary aid. Please contact Cathy Nicholson at (828) 694-6036 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.
Due to the threat of inclement weather, the start of the Board of Commissioners meeting on Wednesday, February 20 has been delayed until 10:00 am.
WIC gives you a monthly food package to buy foods that help you get the nutrients you and your kids need. The foods in your package will change as your needs change and your child grows.
For questions about food packages, please contact WIC at (828) 692-4223.
WIC gives you a monthly food package to buy foods that help you get the nutrients you and your kids need. The foods in your package will change as your needs change and your child grows.
For questions about food packages, please contact WIC at (828) 692-4223.
WIC gives you a monthly food package to buy foods that help you get the nutrients you and your kids need. The foods in your package will change as your needs change and your child grows.
For questions about food packages, please contact WIC at (828) 692-4223.
WIC gives you a monthly food package to buy foods that help you get the nutrients you and your kids need. The foods in your package will change as your needs change and your child grows.
For questions about food packages, please contact WIC at (828) 692-4223.
WIC gives you a monthly food package to buy foods that help you get the nutrients you and your kids need. The foods in your package will change as your needs change and your child grows.
For questions about food packages, please contact WIC at (828) 692-4223.
WIC gives you a monthly food package to buy foods that help you get the nutrients you and your kids need. The foods in your package will change as your needs change and your child grows.
For questions about food packages, please contact WIC at (828) 692-4223.
Appointments — Nutrition Services & WIC
Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Ask about our extended hours.
Call the WIC office on the day you wish to come in. We accept calls Monday - Friday starting at 8:00 a.m. Walk-in appointments are also welcome. Call (828) 692-4223 and select the following options:
5 for WIC (pause, wait for instructions)
1 for WIC (pause)
1 for appointments
The Board of Health will hold its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, April 9, at 6:00 p.m., in the Board Room of the Henderson County Department of Public Health.
Board of Health meetings are open to the public and include a public comment period. Free assistance is available for all persons with disabilities who need auxiliary aid. Please contact Cathy Nicholson at (828) 694-6036 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.
Dr. Diana Curran is the Medical Director of the Henderson County Department of Public Health. She is a family physician and faculty member with the Hendersonville Family Medicine Residency Program. In addition to patient care, Dr. Curran teaches and performs a wide variety of administrative services for the health department.
Crystal O'Dell is a Family Nurse Practitioner. She graduated from Western Carolina University in 2013 with her master's degree as a family nurse practitioner (FNP). Until that time she practiced as a registered nurse (RN) in both pediatric and postpartum units.
After graduating, she came to work at the Henderson County Department of Public Health. Here she provides well child and sick child care to children from birth to age 21. She has always enjoyed working with children and considers it a privilege to be a child's primary care provider.
Victoria Power is a Family Nurse Practitioner. She received her bachelor's degree in biology from Florida State University in 1997 and her master's degree in nursing and midwifery from Vanderbilt University School of Nursing in 2003. Prior to moving to Hendersonville, she provided midwifery care to the underserved and uninsured as a member of the National Health Service Corps in a community health center in St. Petersburg, Florida, for four years.
The annual County Health Rankings provide a snapshot of how health is influenced by where we live, learn, work, and play. For 2022, our county ranked 12th for health outcomes and 11th for health factors out of 100 counties in North Carolina for health outcomes.
Learn more about how healthy Henderson County is and explore factors that drive our health.
Our clinical social worker offers counseling services to clients of the health department to help with issues such as stress, depression, anxiety and parenting. Services are also available in Spanish.
Click here to take a short survey about transportation issues in the area.
Tell us about your Internet service! Residents in the WestNGN - Land of Sky Region - Is your service reliable? Do you want or need better service?
This survey is for all residents of Buncombe, Haywood, Henderson, Madison and Transylvania Counties.
Download shapefiles, connect to ArcGIS Server services, find documentation for County GIS data, and read metadata.
The Board of Health will hold its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, May 14, at 6:00 p.m., in the Board Room of the Henderson County Department of Public Health.
Board of Health meetings are open to the public and include a public comment period. Free assistance is available for all persons with disabilities who need auxiliary aid. Please contact Cathy Nicholson at (828) 694-6036 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.
According to, physical activity can make you feel better right away by:
Protect yourself and your family by being up-to-date with the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine. The Department of Public Health offers the MMR vaccine on a walk-in basis Monday - Friday, 8 - 11:30 a.m. and 1 - 4 p.m. For more information, call the Immunization Clinic at (828) 694-6015.
Chapter 42, Section 241.2.B Annual Inspection and Report. The person responsible for maintenance of any structural stormwater BMP installed pursuant to Subpart B shall submit to the Water Quality Administrator an inspection Report from either a qualified registered North Carolina Professional Engineer or Landscape Architect.
The inspection report shall contain all of the following:
The Board of Health will hold its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, June 11, at 6:00 p.m., in the Board Room of the Henderson County Department of Public Health.
Board of Health meetings are open to the public and include a public comment period. Free assistance is available for all persons with disabilities who need auxiliary aid. Please contact Cathy Nicholson at (828) 694-6036 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.
The Board of Health will not meet for its regular monthly meeting on July 9. The next scheduled meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 13 at 6:00 p.m. in the Board Room of the Henderson County Department of Public Health.
When sweltering temperatures are forecast, take steps to protect yourself from heat-related illnesses. People who spend time outdoors for work or recreation need to protect themselves from the sun and drink plenty of fluids to minimize the risk of heat-related illness. High temperatures with high humidity levels can be dangerous.
Hepatitis A is a vaccine-preventable, communicable disease of the liver caused by the hepatitis A virus (HAV). It is usually transmitted person-to-person through the fecal-oral route or consumption of contaminated food or water. The best way to prevent hepatitis A infection is to get vaccinated.
Use your library account to view checkouts, renew items, make hold requests, or edit account information.
Vital Signs is released the first Tuesday of every month. Issues include colorectal and breast cancer screening, obesity, alcohol and tobacco use, HIV testing, seat belt use, cardiovascular disease, teen pregnancy and healthcare-associated infections, asthma, and foodborne disease.
Have you had trouble finding a dentist for your child? Beneficiaries have two choices to find a dentist in North Carolina.
To find a dentist in Henderson County using the Insure Kids Now Website (for both adults and children), visit the List of NC Medicaid and Health Choice Dental Providers.
Hendersonville, NC (June 25, 2019) – The 2018 Community Health Assessment (CHA) is now available to the public, and it highlights the process the county undertook to determine health priorities and new focus areas for the next three years. A community health assessment, which is a process that results in a public report, describes the current health indicators and status of the community, what has changed and what still needs to change to reach a community’s desired health outcomes.
The Board of Health will hold its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, August 13, at 6:00 p.m., in the Board Room of the Henderson County Department of Public Health.
Board of Health meetings are open to the public and include a public comment period. Free assistance is available for all persons with disabilities who need auxiliary aid. Please contact Cathy Nicholson at (828) 694-6036 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.
WIC, which stands for Women, Infants, and Children, provides food to low-income pregnant, postpartum, and breastfeeding women, and infants and children until the age of five.
The WIC Program promotes healthy habits and healthy families.
Floods can start from rainfall, coastal storms, and overflows of dams or other water systems. These common natural disasters can develop slowly or quickly. They often cause outages, damage property, and create additional threats like landslides.
Landslides occur when masses of rock, earth, or debris move down a slope. They occur in all U.S. states and territories and can be caused by many factors including earthquakes, storms, volcanic eruptions, fire and human modification of land.
Debris flows, also known as mudslides, are a common type of fast-moving landslide that tends to flow in channels.
A Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference will be held at Atkinson Elementary School at 10:00 am on July
25, 2019.
Bids will be received by the Owner, Henderson County Public Schools, at Martin Ballard's office located in
246 Education Drive, Flat Rock, NC, until 2:00 PM on July 31, 2019 at which time said bids will be
publicly opened and read aloud.
Hendersonville, NC (July 26, 2019) – Moms, friends and families will gather to celebrate and support breastfeeding on Friday, August 2, 10:00 a.m. – noon, at East Flat Rock Park, 107 Blue Ridge Road. The free event takes place during World Breastfeeding Week, August 1-7, when thousands of women and their children across the world participate in activities to highlight the importance of supporting breastfeeding families. The celebration will showcase community resources that can support a woman in her breastfeeding journey.
As your children head back to school this fall, make sure vaccination is at the top of your checklist. August is National Immunization Awareness Month (NIAM), and this annual observance highlights the importance of getting recommended vaccines throughout your life. You have the power to protect yourself and your family against serious diseases like flu, whooping cough, and measles with vaccines. The CDC’s Interactive Vaccine Guide provides information on the vaccines recommended during pregnancy and throughout your child’s life.
Our Kids in the Creek Program is one of our largest and most specialized for 8th grade students. It involves a multi-day event to get every student in the 8th grade at your school involved. This event takes place at a stream at your school or nearby park. Dozens of volunteers and partner agencies present on a variety of topics related to water quality! Stations can include: sampling macroinvertebrates in a stream, identifying benthic life, stream measurements, stormwater, a stream survey, water treatment options, the water cycle, a macroinvertebrate mayhem game, soils, recycling and ene
Our fourth grade material meets Standards 4.P.2, 4.P.2.3, 4.E.2, and 4.E.2.3.
4.P.2--Understand the composition and properties of matter before and after they undergo a change or interaction.
4.P.2.3--Classify rocks as metamorphic, sedimentary or igneous based on their composition, how they are formed and the processes that create them.
4.E.2--Understand the use of fossils and changes in the surface of the earth as evidence of the history of Earth and its changing life forms.
Hendersonville, NC (August 14, 2019)—The North Carolina Breastfeeding Coalition (NCBC) has awarded the Henderson County Department of Public Health and WIC Program the Mother-Baby Friendly Clinic Award for outpatient healthcare clinics. WIC joins a growing number of awardees committed to evidence-based, high-quality breastfeeding support.
The Board of Health will hold its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, September 10, at 6:00 p.m., in the Board Room of the Henderson County Department of Public Health.
Board of Health meetings are open to the public and include a public comment period. Free assistance is available for all persons with disabilities who need auxiliary aid. Please contact Cathy Nicholson at (828) 694-6036 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.
The Board of Health will hold its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, October 8, at 6:00 p.m., in the Classroom of the Henderson County Department of Public Health. Please enter the Classroom through the Immunization Clinic located in the center of the building.
Board of Health meetings are open to the public and include a public comment period. Free assistance is available for all persons with disabilities who need auxiliary aid. Please contact Cathy Nicholson at (828) 694-6036 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.
The Board of Health will hold its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, November 12, at 6:00 p.m., in the Board Room of the Henderson County Department of Public Health.
Board of Health meetings are open to the public and include a public comment period. Free assistance is available for all persons with disabilities who need auxiliary aid. Please contact Cathy Nicholson at (828) 694-6036 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.
The Board of Health will hold its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, December 10, at 6:00 p.m., in the Board Room of the Henderson County Department of Public Health.
Board of Health meetings are open to the public and include a public comment period. Free assistance is available for all persons with disabilities who need auxiliary aid. Please contact Cathy Nicholson at (828) 694-6036 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.
Large-scale events, like the devastating hurricanes of recent years, remind us of how important it is to be prepared for what comes after the high winds die down and the rain stops.
A natural disaster or unexpected emergency can severely limit people’s access to food, safe water, medicines, and medical supplies for days or weeks or even longer. Be prepared to protect your family’s health and well-being by having the personal needs, prescriptions, paperwork, power sources, and practical skills you need to respond.
There’s no such thing as a calm season when it comes to natural disasters.
Late summer and fall are peak hurricane season in North Carolina, while tornadoes tend to strike most often in spring and late fall. Snow and ice storms can wreak havoc from December through March. And severe thunderstorms and floods can – and have – occur year-round.
Unfortunately, it’s not just severe weather that can cause problems. A public disturbance, chemical spill or explosion could happen at any time.
42-232.3 Objectives
The objectives of floodplain development regulations are to:
42-233.2 Basis for Establishing the Special Flood Hazard Areas
The Special Flood Hazard Areas are those identified under the Cooperating Technical State (CTS) agreement between the State of North Carolina and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in its Flood Insurance Study (FIS) and its accompanying Flood Insurance Rate Map(s) (FIRM), for Henderson County dated October 2, 2008, which are adopted by reference and declared to be part of this Chapter. The initial Flood Insurance Rate Map(s) are as follows for the jurisdiction areas at the initial date:
42-233.6 Other Approval Required
The granting of a permit under the provisions of this Subpart A and §42-350 (Floodplain Development Permits) or §42-355 (Special Fill Permits) shall in no way affect any other type of approval required by any other statute or ordinance of the State or any political subdivision of the State, or of the United States, but shall be construed as an added requirement.
42-235.1 General Standards
In all Special Flood Hazard Areas the following provisions are required.
42-235.2 Specific Standards
In all Special Flood Hazard Areas where BFE data has been provided, as set forth in this Subpart A, the following provisions in addition to those required in §42-235.1 (General Standards) are required:
Residential Construction. New construction and substantial improvement of any residential structure (including manufactured/mobile homes) shall have the reference level, including basement, elevated no lower than the Regulatory Flood Protection Elevation.
42-235.3 Subdivisions, Manufactured Home Parks, Manufactured Home Subdivisions, And Other Residential Development
42-235.6 Floodways or Non-encroachment Areas
Flood Insurance Rate Map Index
Site Development
What's New?
Online submittals are now available for all Site Development Permits. For information on setting up a portal account click here.
Applying for a permit? Visit this link: Online Permitting Portal
The NPDES construction stormwater NCG01 process changed on April 1, 2019. For more information please see document's listed below.
Requirements for one (1) or more acres of land disturbance in Henderson County Unincorporated Areas, Town of Laurel Park, Village of Flat Rock, Town of Fletcher and City of Hendersonville.
What's New?
Online submittals are now available for all Site Development Permits. For information on setting up a portal account click here.
Applying for a permit? Visit this link: Online Permitting Portal
Please chose one of the following tabs on left to proceed:
Standard Process - Review done by staff (30 days review process)
Fast-Track Process - Review of paperwork submittal only done by staff (30 day review process)
The ordinance can be viewed on-line by clicking the link below:
Below you will find the rules on minimum design criteria (MDC) for stormwater treatment devices listed in the North Carolina Stormwater BMP Manual.
Low Impact Development (LID) is a voluntary approach to stormwater management that can benefit both the economy and the environment by reducing infrastructure costs, increasing lot yields and enhancing water quality protection.
The Definition of LIDA development is considered LID when the volume of runoff leaving the site after development matches the volume of runoff before development. In addition, the LID project should maintain adequate flows to the streams and wetlands on the site rather than piping stormwater to a single low point.
SECTION 6. G.S. 143‑214.7 is amended by adding two new subsections to read:
Chapter 42, Section 241.2.B Annual Inspection and Report. The person responsible for maintenance of any structural stormwater BMP installed pursuant to Subpart B shall submit to the Water Quality Administrator an inspection Report from either a qualified registered North Carolina Professional Engineer or Landscape Architect.
The inspection report shall contain all of the following:
Post-Construction Stormwater Permitting Map (Inter-Active), just enter your address with the search tool. Once you locate your address, click on the map area around the subject address and the permit authority information will display.
Please chose one of the following tabs on left to proceed:
Standard Process - Review done by staff (30 days review process)
Fast-Track Process - Review of paperwork submittal only done by staff (30 day review process)
Quantity Only - Review done by staff (30 days review process) *Required for impervious surface in excess of 20,000 SF, regardless of land disturbance
Below you will find the rules on minimum design criteria (MDC) for stormwater treatment devices listed in the North Carolina Stormwater BMP Manual.
Low Impact Development (LID) is a voluntary approach to stormwater management that can benefit both the economy and the environment by reducing infrastructure costs, increasing lot yields and enhancing water quality protection.
The Definition of LIDA development is considered LID when the volume of runoff leaving the site after development matches the volume of runoff before development. In addition, the LID project should maintain adequate flows to the streams and wetlands on the site rather than piping stormwater to a single low point.
What is Storm EZ?
Stormwater Application Fees
July 1, 2020
Vacant Parcels of Land to be developed:
Stormwater Phase II Post Construction - High Density - (Exceeds 24% impervious surface and land disturbance exceeds one (1) acre) - (New)
SECTION 6. G.S. 143‑214.7 is amended by adding two new subsections to read:
Below you will find a document entitled "Stormwater Phase II Post-Construction Close Out Requirements" for Stormwater Phase II Post-Construction projects (High Density). You will find additional documentation below explaining each item required for a Certificate of Occupancy to be issued on the completed project.
Chapter 42, Section 241.2.B Annual Inspection and Report. The person responsible for maintenance of any structural stormwater BMP installed pursuant to Subpart B shall submit to the Water Quality Administrator an inspection Report from either a qualified registered North Carolina Professional Engineer or Landscape Architect.
The inspection report shall contain all of the following:
Water Supply Watershed Permitting Map (Inter-Active), just enter your address with the search tool. Once you locate your address, click on the map area around the subject address and the permit authority information will display.
Submittals shall include:
Application (Stormwater Phase II Post-Construction Management Form)(Original Signature), Supplemental EZ forms, and Operations and Maintenance Agreement EZ forms. Storm EZ (Optional method) for submittal.
One (1) set of folded plans (24" X 36") sealed by a North Carolina design professional
all stormwater control design elements
details for each stormwater control measure used on plan
legend of symbols used
Fast-Tract permitting is only available for eligible projects per 15A NCAC 02H.1043. It is a two-phase process, the fee for each phase is $505.00
To apply: Complete a Fast-Track Authorization to Construct Application found below, also see the instructions for completing the application. The ATC
phase does not entail a detailed technical review by Henderson County Staff, Instead, a qualified professional certifies that the project, once completed, will
One (1) set of plans (24" X 36") sealed by a North Carolina design professional
all stormwater control design elements
details for each stormwater control measure used on plan
legend of symbols used
One (1) electronic (PDF format) set of drawing (signed and sealed).
One (1) electronic (PDF format) set of design calculations.
All notarized paperwork with original signature must be submitted in hardcopy.
Narrative (electronic)
Payment. See link to left for Fees information.
If your non-residential (new or redevelopment) development project falls within the town limits of Fletcher North Carolina, the following regulations apply. The Town of Fletcher Council and the Henderson County Board of Commissioners signed an agreement on August 9, 2010. This agreement, which went into effect September 1, 2010, allows Henderson County Erosion Control staff to enforce and administer the regulations, within Municipality's boundaries including by not limited to: a) Enforcement, b) Administration, c) Inspection, d) Investigation of complaints and violations, and e) Review o
Below you will find the rules on minimum design criteria (MDC) for stormwater treatment devices listed in the North Carolina Stormwater BMP Manual.
Below you will find the rules on minimum design criteria (MDC) for stormwater treatment devices listed in the North Carolina Stormwater BMP Manual.
Low Impact Development (LID) is a voluntary approach to stormwater management that can benefit both the economy and the environment by reducing infrastructure costs, increasing lot yields and enhancing water quality protection.
The Definition of LIDA development is considered LID when the volume of runoff leaving the site after development matches the volume of runoff before development. In addition, the LID project should maintain adequate flows to the streams and wetlands on the site rather than piping stormwater to a single low point.
What is Storm EZ?
Stormwater Phase II Post-Construction
Fast Track Permit Process Fee Schedule
July 1, 2020
Fast-Track Permit Program (Project must qualify for this program)
Fast Track Authorization to Construct (ATC) (good for 5 years)
SECTION 6. G.S. 143‑214.7 is amended by adding two new subsections to read:
Below you will find a document entitled "Close Out Requirements" for Fast-Tracked Stormwater Phase II Post-Construction projects (High Density). You will find additional documentation below explaining each item required for a Certificate of Occupancy to be issued on the completed project.
Chapter 42, Section 241.2.B Annual Inspection and Report. The person responsible for maintenance of any structural stormwater BMP installed pursuant to Subpart B shall submit to the Water Quality Administrator an inspection Report from either a qualified registered North Carolina Professional Engineer or Landscape Architect.
The inspection report shall contain all of the following:
Post-Construction Stormwater Permitting Map (Inter-Active), just enter your address with the search tool. Once you locate your address, click on the map area around the subject address and the permit authority information will display.
The NPDES construction stormwater permit process has changed as of April 1, 2019. See documents below for more information or go to NC DEQ Construction Stormwater Webpage by clicking on this link.
The NPDES construction stormwater permit process has changed as of April 1, 2019. See documents below for more information or go to NC DEQ Construction Stormwater Webpage by clicking on this link.
The NPDES construction stormwater permit process changed on April 1, 2019. See documents below for more information or go to NC DEQ Construction Stormwater Webpage by clicking on this link.
The two sheets below are required to be included as part of the SESC plan. The plan sheets are provided below in PDF format for your convenience. If would like a CAD versions of these sheets contact our office.
Any improvement to land made by private citizens will affect the otherwise natural flow of water. The disruption of the natural flow of water drainage can be a nuisance and/or cause damage to neighboring landowners.
Harm caused by surface water drainage has been handled differently by various jurisdictions throughout the United States, but can be summarized by three (3) basic doctrines or rules:
The “Common Enemy Rule;”
The “Civil Law Rule,” or Anti-Common Enemy Rule; and
The “Reasonable Use Rule.”
Hendersonville, N.C. (September 25, 2019) –Numerous cases of Legionnaires’ disease have been reported to the Henderson County Department of Public Health. As of Tuesday, September 25, there are six confirmed cases of Legionnaires’ disease in Henderson County.
- This office will issue marriage licenses by appointment only from 10:00AM until 3:00PM Monday through Friday, holidays excluded.
- If you have been previously married, a copy of your most recent divorce decree (with judge's signature) or death certificate of your late spouse will be necessary before you can obtain a marriage license. A certified copy is not required.
Hendersonville, N.C. (September 26, 2019) –Numerous cases of Legionnaires’ disease continue to be reported to the Henderson County Department of Public Health. As of Thursday, September 26, there are 13 confirmed cases of Legionnaires’ disease in Henderson County.
Hendersonville, N.C. (September 27, 2019) –Cases of Legionnaires’ disease continue to be reported to the Henderson County Department of Public Health. As of 12:30 p.m., Friday, September 27, there are 22 confirmed cases of Legionnaires’ disease in Henderson County. The case count is updated by 2:00 p.m. on the website at
Hendersonville, N.C. (September 30, 2019) –The North Carolina Division of Public Health is conducting a survey of people who attended the fair NC Mountain State Fair in Fletcher, NC, between September 6-15, even if they did not become ill. Participation will help investigators understand the outbreak and could help prevent similar outbreaks in the future.
Hendersonville, N.C. (October 1, 2019) – Confirmed cases of Legionnaires’ disease continue to be reported. As of Tuesday, October 1, at 12:30 p.m., there are 33 confirmed cases of Legionnaires’ disease in Henderson County. The case count is updated by 2:00 p.m. on the website at
Make sure your pet is up-to-date on its rabies vaccination.
Hendersonville, NC (October 2, 2019) – A raccoon that fought with a pet dog has tested positive for the rabies virus. The incident occurred on September 26 in Mills River, and county officials received confirmation on September 28 from the North Carolina State Laboratory of Public Health.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency and North Carolina Emergency Management have received the following applications for Federal grant funding. Notice is hereby given of the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s consideration to provide funding in the form of a Hazard Mitigation Grant.
For additional information please view the below document.
Attached below are new & revised youth basketball schedules for the remainder of the season!
We are committed to ensuring that all persons who may have one or more disabilities has complete access to all the resources, communications, and services available to all citizens.
ConformanceThe Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) defines requirements for designers and developers to improve accessibility for people with disabilities. It defines three levels of conformance: Level A, Level AA, and Level AAA. This website’s goal is conformance with WCAG 2.1 level AA.
At 6PM
Biltmore Church
103 Education Drive
Flat Rock, NC 28731
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Wednesday, February 12, 2020
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Wednesday, February 26, 2020
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
You can register your child here:
Board of Health meetings are open to the public and include a public comment period. Free assistance is available for all persons with disabilities who need auxiliary aid. Please contact Anita Glance at 828-694-6038 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.
Board of Health meetings are open to the public and include a public comment period. Free assistance is available for all persons with disabilities who need auxiliary aid. Please contact Anita Glance at 828-694-6038 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.
Notice is hereby given that the Henderson County Board of Health and specifically its Budget Review Committee will hold a special meeting on Thursday, February 6, 2020 at 6:00 pm in the Henderson County Department of Health Board Room located at 1200 Spartanburg Highway, Hendersonville, NC 28792.
The purpose of the meeting will be to review and consider public health priorities and related revenue and expenditure considerations for the development of the FY 2020-2021 budget proposal.
This the 4th day of February, 2020.
The April 4th EAC meeting will be held virtually via Microsoft Teams. Please contact Christine Wittmeier to join the meeting at or (828) 694-6524.
Note: Mandatory Pre-bid Meeting: February 24, 2020 at 10:00 a.m.
Henderson County Solid Waste presented the 2020 Solid Waste Master Plan to the Board of Commissioners Monday, June 1st at 5:30 PM. Citizens are invited to review the plan and provide comments before the plan is submitted for Board approval (date TBD). All public comments will be included in an appendix of the final Solid Waste Master Plan.
We want to hear from you! Click here to make a public comment
See "Supporting Documents" below for a draft of the plan.
- Limit amount of built-upon surfaces per the most current state rules and local ordinances.
- No collection system - (limited piping-only enough to get under a road, no inverted crown streets)
- Sheet flow stormwater
The Henderson County Public Library offers the option to print from home or from a mobile device. This service is available at the Main Library, the Etowah Library, or the Fletcher Library. Select the preferred pickup location below for instructions on how to submit a document for printing.
Fletcher, N.C. --- FernLeaf Community Charter School’s fifth and sixth grade students submitted 39 posters and several essays to Henderson County’s Soil & Water Conservation District’s annual contest. This year’s theme was Wetlands are Wonderful. FernLeaf is extremely proud to have the first, second, and third place winners of the sixth grade poster contest for Henderson County: Congratulations Phoenix Work (1st), Liam Miller (2nd), and Izzy Service (3rd).
The Board of Health will hold its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, March 10, at 6:00 p.m., in the Classroom of the Henderson County Department of Public Health.
Board of Health meetings are open to the public and include a public comment period. Free assistance is available for all persons with disabilities who need auxiliary aid. Please contact Anita Glance at (828) 694-6038 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.
We would like to invite you to visit one of our many beautiful parks and to participate in an upcoming program with us. We have an online rental and registration system that we hope you will find useful; if you need assistance with this system please call us anytime Monday through Friday 8:30AM until 5:00PM. If you would prefer that we assist you in-person, please visit our Administrative Offices located at the Athletics & Activity Center on 708 South Grove Street, Hendersonville.
Review Time: (Original) 45 working days from submittal of complete application.
(Revision) 30 working days from re-submittal of complete application.
Please chose one of the following tabs on left to proceed:
Standard Process - Review done by staff (45 days review process)
Fast-Track Process - Review of paperwork submittal only done by staff (45 day review process)
Below you will find the rules on minimum design criteria (MDC) for stormwater treatment devices listed in the North Carolina Stormwater BMP Manual.
Low Impact Development (LID) is a voluntary approach to stormwater management that can benefit both the economy and the environment by reducing infrastructure costs, increasing lot yields and enhancing water quality protection.
The Definition of LIDA development is considered LID when the volume of runoff leaving the site after development matches the volume of runoff before development. In addition, the LID project should maintain adequate flows to the streams and wetlands on the site rather than piping stormwater to a single low point.
What is Storm EZ?
See Specific Forms for High or Low Density on sub-tabs
(B) High-density projects shall implement storm water control measures that comply with each of the following standards.
(1) Storm water volume. The measures shall control and treat the difference in storm water runoff volume leaving the project site between the pre- and post-development conditions for, at a minimum, the one-year, 24-hour storm. Runoff volume drawdown time shall be a minimum of 24 hours, but not more than 120 hours.
See Specific Forms for High or Low Density on sub-tabs
(A) Low-density projects shall comply with each of the following standards.
(1) Transporting storm water runoff. Storm water runoff from the development shall be transported from the development by vegetated conveyances to the maximum extent practicable.
SECTION 6. G.S. 143‑214.7 is amended by adding two new subsections to read:
If the stormwater BMP is not installed and required paperwork submitted to the office prior to request for a Certificate of Occupancy, a Performance Security or Bond of Surety, Cash Escrow, letter of credit, or other acceptable legal arrangements shall be utilized to ensure compliance.
Chapter 42, Section 241.2.B Annual Inspection and Report. The person responsible for maintenance of any structural stormwater BMP installed pursuant to Subpart B shall submit to the Water Quality Administrator an inspection Report from either a qualified registered North Carolina Professional Engineer or Landscape Architect.
The inspection report shall contain all of the following:
Post-Construction Stormwater Permitting Map (Inter-Active), just enter your address with the search tool. Once you locate your address, click on the map area around the subject address and the permit authority information will display.
Not all projects will be eligible for permitting under the Fast Track Process. Review the eligibility requirements listed in the documents below. If your project does qualify, below are the required forms to be submitted.
Below you will find the rules on minimum design criteria (MDC) for stormwater treatment devices listed in the North Carolina Stormwater BMP Manual.
Below you will find the rules on minimum design criteria (MDC) for stormwater treatment devices listed in the North Carolina Stormwater BMP Manual.
Low Impact Development (LID) is a voluntary approach to stormwater management that can benefit both the economy and the environment by reducing infrastructure costs, increasing lot yields and enhancing water quality protection.
The Definition of LIDA development is considered LID when the volume of runoff leaving the site after development matches the volume of runoff before development. In addition, the LID project should maintain adequate flows to the streams and wetlands on the site rather than piping stormwater to a single low point.
What is Storm EZ?
SECTION 6. G.S. 143‑214.7 is amended by adding two new subsections to read:
SECTION 6. G.S. 143‑214.7 is amended by adding two new subsections to read:
Below you will find a document entitled "Close Out Requirements" for Fast-Tracked Stormwater Phase II Post-Construction projects (High Density). You will find additional documentation below explaining each item required for a Certificate of Occupancy to be issued on the completed project.
Chapter 42, Section 241.2.B Annual Inspection and Report. The person responsible for maintenance of any structural stormwater BMP installed pursuant to Subpart B shall submit to the Water Quality Administrator an inspection Report from either a qualified registered North Carolina Professional Engineer or Landscape Architect.
The inspection report shall contain all of the following:
Post-Construction Stormwater Permitting Map (Inter-Active), just enter your address with the search tool. Once you locate your address, click on the map area around the subject address and the permit authority information will display.
The ordinance can be viewed online by clicking the link below:
Chapter 53 - Town of Laurel Park Ordinances - Stormwater Management
Agenda items will be considered by the Planning Board at its meeting on Thursday, April 16th.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resource Page:
Please note that due to excessive network traffic, we are unable to stream today's Board of Commissioners meeting. A recording of the meeting will be uploaded to the website and youtube channel within a few hours of the close of the meeting. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Para ver la información en español, haga clic aquí.
As a function of Henderson County government, Apple Country Public Transit is making a concerted effort to quell the spreading of COVID-19 while continuing to offer a critical community service. Until further notice, the following policies apply to all services of ACPT:
The Ecusta Trail remains closed to the public at this time as Hurricane Helene-related repairs are underway. Phase 1, 6-miles of the trail spanning from Downtown Hendersonville to Horse Shoe, is expected to open in Spring of 2025.
The TAC will be meeting virtually via Zoom for its next regularly scheduled meeting. Members of the public who wish to give public comment may do so until midnight on Tuesday, May 19 via this link.
Click here to watch the meeting live.
Click here to give public comment.
The Board of Health will hold its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, April 13, 2020 at 6:00 p.m.
Please click here to view our current newsletter.
Please Sign Up for our NEWSLETTER for the latest information
Register for Youth Sports Programs
Our Wetland lessons can meet the Essential Standards for multiple grade levels.
K.P.1 Understand the positions and motions of objects and organisms observed in the environment
K.P.1.2 Give examples of different ways objects and organisms move (to include falling to the ground when dropped):
- Straight
- Zigzag
- Round and round
- Back and forth
- Fast and slow
1.E.2 Understand the physical properties of Earth materials that make them useful in different ways
Our Watershed lessons can meet the Essential Standards for multiple grade levels.
K.P.1 Understand the positions and motion of objects and organisms observed in the environment
K.P.1.2 Give examples of different ways objects and organisms move (to include falling to the ground when dropped):
- Straight
- Zigzag
- Round and round
- Back and forth
- Fast and slow
1.E.2 Understand the physical properties of Earth materials that make them useful in different ways
Amendments to CD-2019-07 Skylaranna Monday, May 18, 2020 at 1:00 pm remotely via Zoom Summary of Request:
Special Meeting Notice – Virtual Meeting
Henderson County Board of Health
- Hours: 8:30 - 5:00 Monday through Friday
- Visiting: By appointment only.
- Special Instructions: For IT support please call 698-6137, or visit
- Other Information:
Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday 8:00-4:30
We are open to the public but will continue issuing permits by phone, mail or e-mail upon request
Practice Social Distancing
Avoid public spaces if you have Corona Virus symptoms which can include cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fever, chills, muscle pain, sore throat, and new loss of taste or smell.
Limit 10 people in Permit Center
Contact (828) 697-4857 with any questions
HOURS: Office of the County Attorney in person office hours are by appointment only, during normal operating hours (8:30 to 5:00, Monday through Friday). Meetings should be scheduled in advance by and held by electronic means where at all possible.
SERVICES: As always, the Office of the County Attorney provides legal advice and services only to County government, and is not permitted to offer legal advice to others.
Stormwater Phase II Post-Construction
Fast Track Permit Process Fee Schedule
July 1, 2020
Fast-Track Permit Program (Project must qualify for this program)
Fast Track Authorization to Construct (ATC) (good for 5 years)
Below you will find the rules on minimum design criteria (MDC) for stormwater treatment devices listed in the North Carolina Stormwater BMP Manual.
Below you will find the rules on minimum design criteria (MDC) for stormwater treatment devices listed in the North Carolina Stormwater BMP Manual.
Conditional Rezoning #R-2020-02-C, The Horseshoe Farms
Wednesday, May 27, 2020 at 1:00 pm remotely via Zoom
Summary of Request:
Conditional Rezoning #R-2020-03-C, SE Asphalt Plant - Jeff Shipman
Monday, June 8, 2020 at 1:00 pm remotely via Zoom
Summary of Request:
Hours: Monday through Friday 12:00 pm - 4:30 pm
Visiting: By Appointment Only
Special Instructions: For assistance or to make an appointment please call (828) 697-4723.
Hours: Monday - Saturday, 7:00 am - 4:00 pm
Visiting: Normal operations at Transfer Station and Convenience Center.
Special Instructions: Please practice social distancing when appropriate
Updated June 1, 2020 - Our Permit and Inspection Office have reopened with the following guidelines
- Inspectors are working remotely and can answer questions by phone. Inspectors contact information can be found HERE.
- Permit Hours: The Permit Center is open to the public weekdays 8:30am - 4:00pm.
Hours: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM; please make an appointment if you need to see a specific worker.
Special Instructions: Social Distancing will be maintained throughout the lobby area.
Other Information: Visitors to the Department of Social Services will have their temperatures checked by staff before proceeding into the lobby area. Anyone with a temperature over 100.4 degrees will be asked to return to their car and call in to the reception staff for assistance.
HENDERSONVILLE, N.C. (June 26, 2020) – The Henderson County Health Department will offer two COVID-19 testing sites for the public on June 30 and July 7 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at East Henderson High School, 150 Eagle Pride Drive, East Flat Rock 28726. The testing site will be set up at 85 Stadium Way in the gymnasium.
The attached guidelines also include an exemplar application for economic development assistance.
HENDERSONVILLE, N.C. (July 7, 2020) – The Henderson County Department of Public Health is seeking parents and guardians of children with special needs to serve on an advisory council that will improve overall services and resources for families and providers.
Get Free COVID-19 Home Tests: You can search for locations offering free COVID-19 home tests.
Want to buy tests with insurance? You may be able to buy rapid tests from a local or online pharmacy using insurance (including Medicaid) or get reimbursed.
HENDERSONVILLE, N.C. (July 9, 2020) – The Henderson County Health Department will offer another COVID-19 testing site for the public on July 14 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at East Henderson High School, 150 Eagle Pride Drive, East Flat Rock 28726. The testing site will be set up at 85 Stadium Way in the gymnasium.
The Board of Health will hold its regular monthly meeting virtually on Tuesday, July 14, at 6:00 p.m.
The meeting will be held in the class room at the Henderson County Department of Public Health.
Please make note of the meeting format, adjusted to meet social distancing compliance.
The public can participate in one of the following ways:
Virtual Public Access via Zoom Link or
Conference Call or
Limited Public Access (10 attendees) in the Classroom
Virtual Meeting
Henderson County Board of Health
Virtual Public Access via ZOOM Link at:
Meeting ID: 889 1131 2688
Password: 177707
Conference Call at: +1 646 558 8656 US
Meeting ID: 889 1131 2688
Password: 177707
February 9, 2021 @ 6:00 P.M.
Virtual Meeting
Henderson County Board of Health
Virtual Public Access via ZOOM Link at:
Meeting ID: 889 1131 2688
Password: 177707
Conference Call at: +1 646 558 8656 US
Meeting ID: 889 1131 2688
Virtual Meeting
Henderson County Board of Health
Virtual Public Access via ZOOM Link at:
Meeting ID: 889 1131 2688
Password: 177707
Conference Call at: +1 646 558 8656 US
Meeting ID: 889 1131 2688
Password: 177707
April 13, 2021 @ 6:00 P.M.
Virtual Public Access via ZOOM Link at:
Meeting ID: 889 1131 2688 Or Conference Call at: +1 646 558 8656 US
Password: 177707 Meeting ID: 889 1131 2688
HENDERSONVILLE, N.C. (July 16, 2020) – The Henderson County Health Department will offer another COVID-19 testing site for the public on July 21 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at East Henderson High School, 150 Eagle Pride Drive, East Flat Rock 28726. The testing site will be set up at 85 Stadium Way in the gymnasium.
All Henderson County Soil & Water Conservation District Education programs will be conducted virtually for the Fall/Winter 2021.
The Henderson SWCD strives to support teachers and students during this unprecedented educational delivery change.
We strive to continue to provide educational enhancement in an increasing variety of topics during this time. Please see our virtual content page for the most up to date offerings.
We will continue to offer our educational contests with the 2020-2021 theme of “We All Live in a Watershed”.
Per North Carolina General Statute 160A-412 and 153A-352, each inspection department shall implement a process for an Informal Internal Review of inspection decisions made by the Department’s inspectors.
The Internal Review Form for requesting an Informal Internal Review is available in the Permits and Inspections office at 100 N. King St. or by clicking the link below.
For more information on the Internal Review Process, please call the office of Permits and Inspections at 828-697-4830.
HENDERSONVILLE, N.C. (July 24, 2020) – The Henderson County Health Department will offer a COVID-19 testing site for the public on Saturday, August 1 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at East Henderson High School, 150 Eagle Pride Drive, East Flat Rock 28726. The testing site will be set up at 85 Stadium Way in the gymnasium.
The Saturday date is a shift from the weekly community testing sites the Health Department has offered on Tuesdays in order to better reach the working population.
The EAC will be meeting virtually via Zoom for its next regularly scheduled meeting.
**Click Here To Watch The Meeting Live**
The Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) will be meeting virtually via Zoom for their regularly scheduled meeting. Please submit any public comment in advance of the meeting in accordance with North Carolina general statutes. Public comments will be accepted via this link until 11:45 PM on August 18. Please call the Planning Department at (828) 697-4819 if you have any questions.
HENDERSONVILLE, N.C. (August 12, 2020) – The Henderson County Health Department will host a drive-thru COVID-19 testing site for the public on Saturday, August 15 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Health Department, 1200 Spartanburg Highway, Suite 100, Hendersonville, NC 28792.
HENDERSONVILLE, N.C. (August 27, 2020) – The Henderson County Health Department will host a walk-in COVID-19 testing site for the public on Saturday, August 29 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Health Department, 1200 Spartanburg Highway, Suite 100, Hendersonville, NC 28792.
On June 1st, 2020, the Henderson County Board of Commissioners voted to start the Henderson County Eco Heroes Awards program managed by the Environmental Advisory Committee.
Through the annual Henderson Eco Heroes Awards Program, the Henderson County Environmental Advisory Committee will recognize up to six individuals annually in Henderson County that demonstrate actions of sound environmental practice.
Thursday, September 17, 2020 at 5:30 PM
King Street Meeting Room
100 N. King Street
Hendersonville, NC 28792
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Adjustment of Agenda
4. August 20, 2020 Meeting Summary
5. Informal Public Comment
Update: With tomorrow’s weather forecast calling for heavy rainfall, the Health Department has decided to postpone its Sept. 17 Hepatitis A vaccination event to a later date to be announced.
Hepatitis A vaccines are available via appointment at the Health Department, 1200 Spartanburg Highway, Suite 100, Hendersonville 28792 by calling 828-694-6015.
HENDERSONVILLE, N.C. (September 21, 2020) – The Henderson County Health Department will offer a seasonal flu vaccine to the general public Saturday, September 26 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Health Department, 1200 Spartanburg Highway, Suite 100, Hendersonville, NC 28792.
HENDERSONVILLE, N.C. (October 1, 2020) – The Henderson County Health Department will offer a seasonal flu vaccine to the general public Saturday, October 10 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Health Department, 1200 Spartanburg Highway, Suite 100, Hendersonville, NC 28792.
HENDERSONVILLE, N.C. (October 12, 2020) – Jodie Williams, an early educator at Bell’s School for People Under Six in Fletcher, has been named Henderson County’s 2020 Go NAPSACC Teacher of the Year for her commitment in supporting the health of the county’s youngest residents.
HENDERSONVILLE, N.C. (October 22, 2020) – The Henderson County Health Department will offer a seasonal flu vaccine to the general public Wednesday, October 28 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Blue Ridge Community College.
The clinic will be held at the Thomas Auditorium in the Sink Building, 130 Eagles Reach Drive, Flat Rock. Signage will be set up to direct students and the general public to the location.
Only the flu injection (shot) will be offered. COVID-19 testing will not be provided at this clinic.
HENDERSONVILLE, N.C. (October 30, 2020) – Two family childcare homes in Henderson County have been recognized by the statewide program REACH (Recognizing ECEs Advancing Children’s Healthy Habits) for their excellence in child health.
Alexandra’s Family Childcare Home in Hendersonville was recognized for their achievements in child nutrition, Henderson County’s Go NAPSACC work group announced. Laurie’s Child Care, a partner of WCCA Early Head Start in East Flat Rock, was also recognized for their work in farm to early childhood education (ECE).
Fast-Tract permitting is only available for eligible projects per 15A NCAC 02H.1043. It is a two-phase process, the fee for each phase is $505.00
To apply: Complete a Fast-Track Authorization to Construct Application found below, also see the instructions for completing the application. The ATC
phase does not entail a detailed technical review by Henderson County Staff, Instead, a qualified professional certifies that the project, once completed, will
Notice: Due to inclement weather the flu clinic has been postponed from Nov. 10 to Tuesday, Nov. 17 at the same location from 3 to 6 p.m.
HENDERSONVILLE, N.C. (November 5, 2020) – The Henderson County Department of Public Health encourages residents to get a flu shot this season and will host a drive-thru vaccination clinic Nov. 17 in Hendersonville.
Thursday, November 19, 2020 at 5:30 PM
King Street Meeting Room
100 N. King Street
Hendersonville, NC 28792
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Adjustment of Agenda
4. September 17, 2020 Meeting Summary
5. Informal Public Comment
6. Continued Discussion 2020 Annual LDC Text Amendments (#TX-2020-01-): Presenter: Autumn Radcliff, Planning Director
7. Staff Updates
8. Adjournment
The TAC is meeting virtually on November 18, 2020 at 4:00 PM via this link. Public comment will be accepted at the meeting. Please contact Janna Peterson if you have any questions or concerns or if you need ADA accommodations.
The library circulates a limited number of mobile hotspots to provide remote Internet access to patrons. To borrow a mobile hotspot, users must meet the following criteria and agree to the following stipulations.
Wireless internet hotspots are now available for checkout. These hotspots provide free wireless Internet access to Henderson County Library users. Mobile hotspots connect to cellular data to allow users access to the internet on their own devices.
The Site Development Department can address only those erosion complaints regarding current land disturbing activities. If you have a complaint regarding such, contact this office with the address of the land disturbance and we will investigate. Either send an email to complaints or call (828) 694-6521.
HENDERSONVILLE, N.C. (November 23, 2020) – Henderson County has been declared a breastfeeding family friendly community by the Henderson County Board of Commissioners, paving the way for efforts that promote breastfeeding in the area.
The Board of Commissioners adopted a proclamation on Nov. 18 declaring Henderson County as a breastfeeding family friendly community. A similar proclamation was adopted by the City of Hendersonville in September.
The goals of these funds are to address critical housing needs across various vulnerable populations. The funds will ensure that families have access to adequate housing. The funds will aim to address and prevent homelessness by providing housing stability for individuals and families at risk.
Eligibility Criteria:
Types of Medical Assistance Programs
Medicaid may be available to people who are:
Disaster Energy Assistance Program
Disaster Energy Benefits can help those who suffered losses related to Hurricane Helene. Benefits can be used to help pay for:
State-County Special Assistance (For adult care home residents)
State and County Special Assistance provides a cash supplement to low income individuals to help pay for room and board in residential facilities. These facilities include:
Medicaid is required to assure transportation to medical appointments for all eligible individuals who need and request assistance with transportation. Transportation will be available if the recipient receives a Medicaid covered service provided by a qualified Medicaid provider (enrolled as a NC Medicaid provider). Medicaid only pays for the least expensive means suitable to the recipient’s needs.
For questions about eligibility or scheduling, contact the NEMT unit at 828-694-6161
The Health Department has the updated Moderna COVID-19 vaccine for ages 12 and older. Please call 828-694-6015 to make an appointment.
For other COVID-19 vaccine options, visit to find a local pharmacy.
It is recommended that everyone ages 6 months and older should get the 2024–2025 COVID-19 vaccine. This includes people who have received a COVID-19 vaccine before and people who have had COVID-19.
Thursday, December 17, 2020 at 5:30 PM
King Street Meeting Room
100 N. King Street
Hendersonville, NC 28792
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Adjustment of Agenda
4. November 19, 2020 Meeting Summary
5. Informal Public Comment
There is no TAC meeting scheduled for December due to the holidays. The TAC will meet January 20, 2021 at 4:30 PM.
Did you know that 40% of food in the United States never gets eaten?
Henderson County has a variety of compost programs available for the community to help save wasted food from the landfill.
CLICK HERE for Henderson County's Compost Brochure
The brochure describes two ways you can compost in Henderson County :
HENDERSONVILLE, N.C. (December 17, 2020) – The Henderson County Department of Public Health has identified a COVID-19 cluster associated with a holiday celebration event at First Baptist Church, Hendersonville over the Dec. 5 weekend.
HENDERSONVILLE, N.C. (December 21, 2020) – The Henderson County Department of Public Health will prioritize high-risk case investigations in response to the growing volume of COVID-19 cases, asking individuals to follow and self-impose restrictions as warranted.
Current caseloads make it increasingly unlikely for the Health Department to contact each positive case in a timely fashion. This is partly due to testing capacity in the community being overwhelmed paired with longer laboratory reporting times.
HENDERSONVILLE, N.C. (December 29, 2020) – The Henderson County Department of Public Health received its first shipment of the COVID-19 vaccine last week and will work to vaccinate front-line healthcare workers and other top priority groups in the weeks ahead.
On Dec. 22, Henderson County received 1,000 doses of the Moderna vaccine. Throughout the past week, front-line health department staff, paramedics and other EMT first responders received their first dose in the two-part vaccination series.
The meeting location will be 100 N. King St, Hendersonville, NC. The meeting will be in the First-Floor Meeting room.
HENDERSONVILLE, N.C. (January 11, 2021) – In an effort to prioritize COVID-19 vaccine distribution, the Henderson County Department of Public Health will sunset the Henderson County, COVID-19 Dashboard and transition solely to supporting the COVID-19 North Carolina Data Dashboard.
The Henderson County Department of Public Health (HCDPH), in partnership with the Henderson County Information Technology Department, has maintained the Henderson County Dashboard since April 2020.
HENDERSONVILLE, N.C. (January 14, 2021) – All individuals 65 and older are now eligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccination in Henderson County, following new state guidelines announced today.
The N.C. Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS) today announced new priority groupings that includes all adults 65 and over in the current vaccination group – now labeled Group 2 instead of Phase 1b, Group 1.
Thursday, January 21, 2021 at 5:30 PM
Remotely Via Zoom
Phone Call in Number: 1-646-558-8656
(See Attached Notice of Meeting Restrictions)
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Adjustment of Agenda
Thursday, February 18, 2021 at 5:30 PM
Remotely Via Zoom
Phone Call in Number: 1-646-558-8656
(See Attached Notice of Meeting Restrictions)
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Adjustment of Agenda
The Henderson County Department of Public Health accepts a limited number of Nurse Practitioner (NP) and Physician Assistant (PA) students for spring, fall and summer semesters for clinic rotations in Pediatrics and Women’s Health.
We currently accept students from Wingate University, Duke University and Western Carolina University.
We do not maintain a waitlist but will contact the clinical coordinator for the universities listed above if an unexpected opening occurs.
HENDERSONVILLE, N.C. (March 2, 2021) – The Henderson County Department of Public Health and its partners will remain focused on providing the COVID-19 vaccine to eligible seniors, healthcare workers, school and child care staff until supply increases enough to open up to additional essential workers.
Meeting Schedule: Monthly on the 2nd Thursday at 2:00 p.m. in the meeting room of Interfaith Assistance Ministry at 310 Freeman Street, Hendersonville.
Meeting Schedule: Monthly on the 4th Thursday at 8:00 a.m. in the meeting room at 100 North King St., Hendersonville.
Meeting Schedule: Monthly on the 2nd Tuesday at 2:00 p.m. in the meeting room of Interfaith Assistance Ministry at 310 Freeman Street, Hendersonville.
Meeting Schedule: Monthly on the 2nd Tuesday at 2:00 p.m. in the meeting room of Interfaith Assistance Ministry at 310 Freeman Street, Hendersonville.
Meeting Schedule: Monthly on the 2nd Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. in the meeting room of Interfaith Assistance Ministry at 310 Freeman Street, Hendersonville.
Meeting Schedule: Monthly on the 2nd Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. in the meeting room of Interfaith Assistance Ministry at 310 Freeman Street, Hendersonville.
Meeting Schedule: Monthly on the 2nd Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. in the meeting room of Interfaith Assistance Ministry at 310 Freeman Street, Hendersonville.
Meeting Schedule: Monthly on the 2nd Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. in the meeting room of Interfaith Assistance Ministry at 310 Freeman Street, Hendersonville.
Meeting Schedule: Monthly on the 2nd Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. in the meeting room of Interfaith Assistance Ministry at 310 Freeman Street, Hendersonville.
Meeting Schedule: Monthly on the 2nd Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. in the meeting room of Interfaith Assistance Ministry at 310 Freeman Street, Hendersonville.
Meeting Schedule: Monthly on the 2nd Tuesday at 2:00 p.m. in the meeting room of Interfaith Assistance Ministry at 310 Freeman Street, Hendersonville.
Meeting Schedule: Monthly on the 4th Thursday at 8:00 a.m. in the meeting room at 100 North King St., Hendersonville.
Meeting Schedule: Monthly on the 4th Thursday at 8:00 a.m. in the meeting room at 100 North King St., Hendersonville.
Meeting Schedule: Monthly on the 4th Thursday at 8:00 a.m. in the meeting room at 100 North King St., Hendersonville.
Meeting Schedule: Monthly on the 4th Thursday at 8:00 a.m. in the meeting room at 100 North King St., Hendersonville.
Meeting Schedule: Monthly on the 4th Thursday at 8:00 a.m. in the meeting room at 100 North King St., Hendersonville.
Meeting Schedule: Monthly on the 4th Thursday at 8:00 a.m. in the meeting room at 100 North King St., Hendersonville.
Meeting Schedule: Monthly on the 4th Thursday at 8:00 a.m. in the meeting room at 100 North King St., Hendersonville.
Meeting Schedule: Monthly on the 4th Thursday at 8:30 a.m. in the training room at the Hendersonville Police Department - 630 Ashe Street, Hendersonville.
**Note: December meeting to be held on the 2nd Thursday (12-09-2021)**
HENDERSONVILLE, N.C. (March 10, 2021) – Henderson County has been ranked as the healthiest county in Western North Carolina and among the healthiest in the state, according to the 2020 County Health Rankings report from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.
Henderson County achieved one of its highest combined rankings ever in the report, which evaluates both health factors and outcomes in all 100 counties. In overall health outcomes, Henderson County’s rank improved from 13 in 2019 to 8 in 2020. In overall health factors, the county improved from 5 to 3.
Obtaining a zoning permit is one of the first steps in the development process. Zoning permits are required for new construction, additions/alterations to existing structures, and change of use or occupant projects. Note: A zoning permit must be approved before a new address is assigned or before Environmental Health or Building permits can be issued.
Thursday, March 18, 2021 at 5:30 PM
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Adjustment of Agenda
4. February 18, 2021 Meeting Summary
5. Informal Public Comment
All rezonings are processed by the Planning Department and not the Zoning Department. If you are considering a rezoning, please call the Planning Department at 697-4819 to discuss the details and to see if you need to schedule a pre-application meeting. A flowchart describing the process is attached at the bottom of this page.
HENDERSONVILLE, N.C. (March 12, 2021) – Henderson County COVID-19 vaccine providers will move to Group 4 eligibility alongside the state on March 17, starting with vaccinations for individuals with high-risk medical conditions, experiencing homelessness or incarcerated.
Local providers have been scheduling appointments for frontline essential workers in Group 3 while continuing to prioritize previous eligible groups. As more seniors have been able to receive vaccination appointments, providers are comfortable signaling the official shift to Groups 3 and 4.
- costly to clean up
HENDERSONVILLE, N.C. (March 16, 2021) – The Henderson County Department of Public Health is utilizing a phone and email notification system for remaining individuals on its COVID-19 Vaccine Waitlist, which gives individuals the option to schedule an appointment or be removed from the waitlist.
This study kicked off in 2020 and aims to develop recommendations for cross-jurisdictional public transit in the FBRMPO planning area–Buncombe, Haywood, Henderson, and Madison Counties–by identifying potential routes and opportunities for coordination (such as establishing a Regional Transit Authority), developing funding strategies, and creating an implementation plan.
HENDERSONVILLE, N.C. (March 19, 2021) – The Henderson County Department of Public Health has opened COVID-19 vaccination appointments to all currently eligible groups to schedule online or by phone.
The Health Department has launched the COVID-19 Registry, which allows individuals in all currently eligible groups in North Carolina to be contacted for a vaccine appointment when available by phone or email. Individuals can register at
HENDERSONVILLE, N.C. (March 23, 2021) – The Henderson County Department of Public Health will move its COVID-19 vaccination clinics to the former JCPenney location at the Blue Ridge Mall starting Thursday, March 25.
The Health Department is currently conducting its vaccination clinics at East Henderson High School. With Henderson County Public Schools resuming in-person instruction, county officials needed to identify a new space that was accessible and provided ample parking.
Thursday, April 15, 2021 at 5:30 PM
Thomas Auditorium at BRCC
(Blue Ridge Community College)
130 Eagles Reach Drive, Flat Rock, NC
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Adjustment of Agenda
Henderson County is excited to partner with GreenZone to pilot a new textile recycling program at the Convenience Center!
We are lucky to have amazing thrift stores in our community but if items can't be reused or sold, bring them to our bin!
Remember to:
- Sort
- Donate
- then Recycle
What can be recycled in the textile bin?
HENDERSONVILLE, N.C. (April 20, 2021) – Over the next several weeks, residents will have the opportunity to help the Henderson County Department of Public Health identify the most critical health issues in our community. A national research firm will conduct phone surveys with approximately 200 individuals in the area between March and June of this year. The confidential survey will ask questions about residents’ health status, behaviors, and experiences.
Please Note: Videos are temporarily unavailable.
Main Library
301 N Washington St
Hendersonville, NC 28739
HENDERSONVILLE, N.C. (May 13, 2021) – School nurses were honored by Henderson County Public Schools on National School Nurse Day Wednesday for the role they play in keeping students and staff safe.
Megan Sales of Hendersonville Middle was named the 2020-21 School Nurse of the Year for Henderson County as part of the ceremony. Sales was nominated by her peers for the care she provides every day for her students and school.
Henderson County has 12 County Fire Departments. Some departments are staffed by all career members, most are staffed with a combination career and volunteer members and one department has solely volunteer membership. In total, there are 685 firefighters in Henderson County.
Each Department goes through a rigorous process of being rated. The NC Office of State Fire Marshal conducts inspections with fire departments to gather information needed to determine fire insurance classification, which will be used in the calculations of property insurance premiums.
HENDERSONVILLE, N.C. (May 13, 2021) – School nurses were honored by Henderson County Public Schools on National School Nurse Day Wednesday for the role they play in keeping students and staff safe.
Megan Sales of Hendersonville Middle was named the 2020-21 School Nurse of the Year for Henderson County as part of the ceremony. Sales was nominated by her peers for the care she provides every day for her students and school.
Henderson County Permits & Inspections has implemented a new permit & inspection software program called SmartGov. The goal of the program is to establish a permitting system that integrates all County Land Development Departments data to create a streamlined system for our patrons.
Thursday, June 17, 2021 at 5:30 PM
King Street Meeting Room
100 N. King St. Hendersonville, NC 28792
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Informal Public Comment
3. Adjustment of Agenda
Detention Officer
The Henderson County Sheriff's Officer is currently accepting applications for Full Time Detention Officer positions in the Henderson County Detention Center.
When a development project contains an approved erosion control plan for the entire (includes lot development) development, a separate erosion control plan shall not be required for the development of the residential lots within that development that disturb less than one acre if the developer and builder are the same financially responsible person.
Thursday, July 15, 2021 at 5:30 PM
King Street Meeting Room
100 N. King St. Hendersonville, NC 28792
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Informal Public Comment
4. Adjustment of Agenda
CLICK HERE to join to join the meeting
CLICK HERE to make a public comment
(3 appointed positions)
To administer the expenditure of occupancy taxes collected for the purpose of promoting tourism in Henderson County.
Meeting Schedule: Monthly on the 4th Tuesday at 1:00 p.m. at the Visitor’s Center (201 S. Main St., Hendersonville).
Term: 5 years, maximum of 1 term
Michelle Owens
(828) 693-9708
Monthly Henderson County Tourism Development Authority Board Meeting
July 27th, 1:00 PM
Visitor's Center
201 S. Main Street
Hendersonville, NC 28792
Henderson County EMS prides itself on providing exceptional prehospital emergency care. In order to do so, our paramedics are empowered by a progressive set of treatment protocols and employ a variety of cutting-edge techniques including, but not limited to:
The Henderson County EMS system consists of multiple agencies that work together to provide exceptional prehospital emergency care. Henderson County EMS (HCEMS) is the sole paramedic-level agency within the Henderson County 911 system. HCEMS operates eight advanced life support ambulances out of six strategically placed stations. An additional quick response vehicle (QRV) is staffed by an EMS supervisor to assist with large-scale or clinically complex incidents.
Henderson County EMS deploys a wide range of state of the art equipment in order to provide maximally effective prehospital care and ensure the safety of our paramedics and AEMTs. Some of that equipment includes:
Special Meeting Notice - Virtual Meeting
Henderson County Board of Health – Organizational Meeting
Virtual Access for Public via ZOOM Link at:
Meeting ID: 889 1131 2688 Or Conference Call at: +1 646 558 8656 US
Henderson County EMS is a 911-response EMS agency in beautiful western North Carolina. Our shift schedule, progressive treatment protocols, and state of the art equipment are just a few things that make Henderson County EMS a great place to work. Some additional benefits of working for HCEMS are:
Henderson County Application
The first step to becoming a paramedic or AEMT with Henderson County EMS is to submit a Henderson County application for employment to the Human Resources Department.
Assessment Center
Qualified applicants will be invited to attend an assessment center to evaluate their readiness to serve as a member of HCEMS. This event includes a physical abilities test, scenario-based evaluations, and a written examination.
Applicant Interviews
When paramedics begin their career with Henderson County EMS, they undergo a thorough training process to ensure that they are prepared to effectively operate within our EMS system. A new employee’s training process is tailored to his or her specific needs. If you are a new paramedic, our training staff will help you master the prehospital practice of medicine and grow in your career. For experienced paramedics, we will help you learn the specifics of the Henderson County EMS system so that you can apply your clinical and operational experience to the care of patients in Henderson County
Our paramedics and advanced EMTs respond to medical emergencies throughout Henderson County in settings ranging from downtown Hendersonville to backcountry areas of Pisgah National Forest. Henderson County EMS responds to 911 calls, whereas convalescent ambulance transports are provided by a separate agency, the Henderson County Rescue Squad.
HCEMS personnel are based out of six stations positioned throughout the county. The vast majority of our ambulances are staffed with two paramedics with units occasionally staffed by one paramedic and one AEMT.
Henderson County EMS provides opportunities for paramedics to grow and advance in their EMS careers. The opportunities for career advancement within HCEMS include:
The Henderson County EMS Bike Team provides rapid, efficient, and advanced medical care at special events by qualified paramedic personnel on specially equipped bicycles.
Members of this team are specifically trained to respond to medical calls during pre-arranged special events which present unique challenges to EMS operations. These events include the Henderson County Apple Festival, Farm City Day, Fourth of July, parades, and other events as requested.
The Special Trauma and Rescue (STAR) Team is comprised of Henderson County EMS paramedics that are highly trained in rescue, tactical, and austere medicine techniques. This team provides medical support for hostile, hazardous, or extended rescue situations. This includes support for tactical law enforcement operations, natural disasters, technical rescue operations, and wilderness search and rescue missions.
Henderson County EMS supports a team that studies and trains to compete at local, regional, and state-level paramedic competitions. The team members train in all aspects of emergency medicine and compete with other teams from agencies across the state. They must show the highest levels of proficiency in both written and practical exams. The practical portion is based on real-life scenarios. Teams are judged on several aspects including leadership, teamwork; complete, thorough and timely treatments, knowledge, and skill proficiency.
In 2001, North Carolina began developing State Medical Assistance Teams. In 2004 Henderson County was one of 28 counties selected to receive a Type III SMAT team. These teams were formed to provide rapid victim decontamination and mass casualty medical care at the local, regional, or state level to assist with disaster management.
Henderson County EMS's Public Relations Team focuses on community outreach and education. The team does everything from teaching CPR to the public, to providing education on warning signs of heart attacks and strokes, and information for prevention of injuries, and more.
The Henderson County EMS Peer Support Team is comprised of paramedics who have been trained in Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM). The Peer Support Team members are trained to assist individuals and groups in emergency services by providing crisis intervention, also known as "emotional first aid", during and after critical or highly stressful and emotional events. Team members are trained to provide defusings, debriefings, demobilization, strategic planning, and referrals and follow-up services as needed.
Thursday, August 18, 2021 at 5:30 PM
King Street Meeting Room
100 N. King St. Hendersonville, NC 28792
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Informal Public Comment
4. Adjustment of Agenda
Special Meeting Notice - Virtual Meeting
Henderson County Board of Health
Virtual Public Access via ZOOM Link at:
Meeting ID: 889 1131 2688
Password: 177707
Conference Call at: +1 646 558 8656 US
Special Meeting Notice - Virtual Meeting
Henderson County Board of Health
Virtual Public Access via ZOOM Link at:
Meeting ID: 889 1131 2688
Password: 177707
Conference Call at: +1 646 558 8656 US
Meeting ID: 889 1131 2688
Password: 177707
October 12, 2021 @ 6:00 P.M.
Special Meeting Notice - Virtual Meeting
Henderson County Board of Health
Virtual Public Access via ZOOM Link at:
Meeting ID: 889 1131 2688
Password: 177707
Conference Call at: +1 646 558 8656 US
Meeting ID: 889 1131 2688
Password: 177707
November 9, 2021 @ 6:00 P.M.
Special Meeting Notice - Virtual Meeting
Henderson County Board of Health
Virtual Public Access via ZOOM Link at:
Meeting ID: 889 1131 2688
Password: 177707
Conference Call at: +1 646 558 8656 US
Meeting ID: 889 1131 2688
Password: 177707
January 25, 2022 @ 6:00 P.M.
Special Meeting Notice - Virtual Meeting
Henderson County Board of Health
Virtual Public Access via ZOOM Link at:
Meeting ID: 889 1131 2688
Password: 177707
Conference Call at: +1 646 558 8656 US
Meeting ID: 889 1131 2688
Password: 177707
February 8, 2022 @ 6:00 P.M.
Special Meeting Notice - Virtual Meeting
Henderson County Board of Health
Virtual Public Access via ZOOM Link at:
Meeting ID: 889 1131 2688
Password: 177707
Conference Call at: +1 646 558 8656 US
Meeting ID: 889 1131 2688
Password: 177707
The Henderson County Board of Health meets Tuesday, April 12 at the Henderson County Department of Public Health, 1200 Spartanburg Highway. Please see the attached agenda for more details.
Please make note this meeting will be held in person. Visitors will enter through the front of the building via the Immunizations entrance.
Board of Health meetings are open to the public and include a public comment period.
The Henderson County Board of Health meets Tuesday, May 10 at the Henderson County Department of Public Health, 1200 Spartanburg Highway. Please see the attached agenda for more details.
This meeting will be held in person in the board room. Visitors will enter through the side of the building facing the Nissan of Hendersonville dealership.
What: Board of Health Regular Monthly Meeting
When: Tuesday, May 10, 2022
August 23, 2021
Henderson County has over 35 departments designated to perform specific tasks to ensure smooth operations throughout the County. Each department functions independently and provides excellent service. However, when these departments collaborate, services can be enhanced and improved for County citizens. With the common goal of providing educational summer enrichment for students after an educational year unlike any other, multiple departments combined their efforts to provide quality programming this summer.
HENDERSONVILLE, N.C. (Aug. 31, 2021) – The Henderson County Department of Public Health will move its COVID-19 vaccine clinics back to the former JCPenney site at the Blue Ridge Mall due to increased demand and in preparation for boosters this fall.
Starting Sept. 1, COVID-19 vaccinations for first, second and additional doses will be offered at the former JCPenney location at the Blue Ridge Mall, 1800 Four Seasons Boulevard in Hendersonville. Individuals seeking their first dose can schedule an appointment online Monday through Friday.
Thursday, September 16, 2021 at 5:30 PM
King Street Meeting Room
100 N. King St. Hendersonville, NC 28792
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Election of Officers
4. Informal Public Comment
5. Adjustment of Agenda
6. August 19, 2021 Meeting Summary
The ETC Institute administered a community needs assessment for Henderson County during
the Fall of 2019. The survey was administered as part of the County’s efforts to determine
priorities for parks, recreation facilities, program offerings, and special event offerings in the
community. The survey and its results will guide the Henderson County Parks and Recreation
Department in their ongoing efforts to grow and develop parks, facilities, and programs.
Thursday, October 21, 2021 at 5:30 PM
Remote Only
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Roll Call
4. Informal Public Comment
5. Adjustment of Agenda
6. September 16, 2021 Meeting Summary
We took all the most popular activities from all our other water related classes and turned them into one fun filled adventure! Students learn about water from all different aspects in this very hands-on activity based lesson! Some of our fan favorites include:
Evaporation Experiment: Learn about evaporation through a hands-on and wet experiment!
All our programs are adaptable to meet the needs of your exceptional children! Please reach out to us so we can best serve you!
Some examples on how we can adjust our programs include:
Have students that are learning English for the first time? The USGS offers posters about the water cycle in over 40 languages! We also provide our "Incredible Journey" water cycle game in English and Spanish!
The Envirothon is a team based program to help students in middle and high school learn more about the natural environment! We'd love to help you discover more about this program and how we can support you with study resources. Check out the links below to learn more or give us a call!
After years of creative design and hard work, we're pleased to announce the presentation of the Conservation Learning Center, a hands-on, interactive, mobile education center. With the Conservation Learning Center, we are able to bring hands-on learning to a larger group setting. This trailer is great for use on school career days and community events, when time for a full lesson is unavailable or there are a high volume of participants. Our trailer can be set up with a soil focus or with a water focus.
The Rail-Trail Advisory Committee (RTAC) was established by the Board of Commissioners on November 1, 2021. The committee is charged with assisting and advising the Board of Commissioners by providing input on the operations and policies of the Henderson County rail-trail. The RTAC shall adhere to its established bylaws.
Meeting Schedule: The RTAC meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 10:00 AM in the King Street Meeting Room.
Henderson County Rail-Trail Advisory Committee
10:00 am, Wednesday, November 29, 2021
Meeting Room, 100 North King Street, Hendersonville, NC 28792
1. Welcome and Introductions
2. Engineering Firm Selection Overview
3. Meeting Schedule Review: 2nd Wednesday at 10:00 am in King Street Meeting Room
4. Project Update
5. Public Comment
6. Adjourn
Optional pre-proposal meeting for potential proposers.
2. September 29, 2021 Meeting Summary
3. SUP-21-08 Greater New Zion Baptist Church Electronic Messaging Sign
4. Adjournment
Thursday, December 16, 2021 at 5:30 PM
King Street Meeting Room
100 N. King Street; Hendersonville, NC
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Roll Call
4. Informal Public Comment
5. Adjustment of Agenda
6. October 21, 2021 Meeting Summary
Meeting Contact Information:
Denisa A. Lauffer, Clerk to the Board - (828) 697-4808
The Henderson County Tourism Development Authority is the official destination marketing organization for Henderson County, North Carolina. Learn more about visiting or local tourism businesses partnering with us on the TDA’s website.
Directory of Alcoholics Anonymous meetings in Hendersonville.
Apple Country TransitApple Country Public Transit provides bus service throughout the City of Hendersonville, Town of Fletcher and Laurel Park. Printable route maps are available at the bottom of their Maps & Schedules page.
Tuesday, January 4, 2022
100 N. King Street, Hendersonville, NC 28792
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Approval of December 7, 2021, Meeting Summary
3. Rezoning Application R-2021-03 Laughter – Austin Parks, Planner
4. Adjournment
Henderson County Rail-Trail Advisory Committee
10:00 am, Wednesday, January 12, 2022
Meeting Room, 100 North King Street, Hendersonville, NC 28792
1. Welcome and Introductions
2. Approval of November 29th, 2021 Meeting Summary
3. Appointment of Vice Chair
4. Project Update
Tuesday, January 18, 2022
100 N. King Street, Hendersonville, NC 28792
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Approval of January 4, 2022, Meeting Summary
3. Blue Ridge Commerce Center MSP – Matt Champion, Zoning Administrator
4. Adjournment
Thursday, January 20, 2022 at 5:30 PM
King Street Meeting Room
100 N. King Street; Hendersonville, NC
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Informal Public Comment
4. Adjustment of Agenda
5. December 16, 2021 Meeting Summary
WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 26, 2022 AT 4:00PM KING STREET MEETING ROOM 100 N. KING STREET1. Election of Chair and Vice Chair
2. Meeting Called to Order
3. Introduction of Members
4. December 29, 2021, Meeting Summary
5. Order for SUP-21-08 Greater New Zion Baptist Church
6. Adjournment
Virtual Meeting
Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Virtual Meeting
Use the link below to join the webinar:
King Street Meeting Room
100 North King Street
Hendersonville 28792
Students learn more about plate tectonics when they have the opportunity to create earthquake resistant structures out of spaghetti noodles, mini marshmallows, and tape!
Tuesday, February 1, 2022
100 N. King Street, Hendersonville, NC 28792
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Approval of January 4, 2022, Meeting Summary
3. Blue Ridge Commerce Center MSP – Matt Champion, Zoning Administrator
4. Northview Major Subdivision 2022-M01 (Formerly Rugby Ridge Major Subdivision) - Matt Champion, Zoning Administrator
5. Assisted Living Facility SUP-22-01 & Major Site Plan - Matt Champion, Zoning Administrator
6. Adjournment
Wednesday, February 23, 2022, 4:00 pm
King Street Meeting Room
100 N. King Street
Hendersonville, NC 28792
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Introduction of Members
3. January 26, 2022, Meeting Summary
New Business
4. SUP-22-01 Assisted Living Facility
5. Adjournment
Next Meeting Date – March 30, 2022 @ 4:00 PM
Wednesday, March 30, 2022, 4:00 pm
King Street Meeting Room
100 N. King Street
Hendersonville, NC 28792
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Introduction of Members
3. February 23, 2022, Meeting Summary
New Business
4. Order for SUP-22-01 Assisted Living Facility
5. Adjournment
Next Meeting Date – April 27, 2022 @ 4:00 PM
Wednesday, April 27, 2022, 4:00 pm
King Street Meeting Room
100 N. King Street
Hendersonville, NC 28792
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Introduction of Members
3. March 30, 2022, Meeting Summary
New Business
4. SUP-22-02 Flynn Branch Tiny Home Park
5. Adjournment
Next Meeting Date – May 25, 2022 @ 4:00 PM
Microsoft Teams meeting
Wednesday, May 25, 2022, 4:00 pm
King Street Meeting Room
100 N. King Street
Hendersonville, NC 28792
1. Meeting Called to Order
Tuesday, March 1, 2022
100 N. King Street, Hendersonville, NC 28792
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Approval of February 15, 2022, Meeting Summary
3. Rezoning Application #R-2022-01 Elliot – Matt Champion, Zoning Administrator
4. Adjournment
Tuesday, April 5, 2022
100 N. King Street, Hendersonville, NC 28792
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Approval of March 1, 2022, Meeting Summary
3. SUP-22-02 Flynn Branch Rd Tiny Home Park – Matt Champion, Zoning Administrator
4. Flat Rock Playhouse Special Event – Matt Champion, Zoning Administrator
5. Adjournment
Tuesday, May 3, 2022
100 N. King Street, Hendersonville, NC 28792
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Approval of April 19, 2022, Meeting Summary
3. Simple Life-Hamlet Special Use Permit Amendment (SUP-18-01) – Matt Champion, Zoning Administrator
4. Belgian Waffle Ride Special Event – Matt Champion, Zoning Administrator
Tuesday, June 7, 2022
100 N. King Street, Hendersonville, NC 28792
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Approval of May 17, 2022, Meeting Summary
3. Ride Rock Creek Recreational Facility and RV Park SUP-22-05 & SUP-22-06 – Matt Champion, Zoning Administrator
Thursday, February 17, 2022 at 5:30 PM
King Street Meeting Room
100 N. King Street; Hendersonville, NC
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Informal Public Comment
4. Adjustment of Agenda
5. January 20, 2022 Meeting Summary
6. Presentation By the Partnership for Economic Development
Thursday, March 17, 2022 at 5:30 PM
King Street Meeting Room
100 N. King Street; Hendersonville, NC
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Informal Public Comment
4. Adjustment of Agenda
5. February 17, 2022 Meeting Summary
Thursday, April 21, 2022 at 5:30 PM
King Street Meeting Room
100 N. King Street; Hendersonville, NC
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Informal Public Comment
4. Adjustment of Agenda
5. March 17, 2022 Meeting Summary
6. Presentation on the Nantahala/Pisgah Forest Plan - Dave Casey, District Ranger
Thursday, May 19, 2022 at 5:30 PM
King Street Meeting Room
100 N. King Street; Hendersonville, NC
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Informal Public Comment
4. Adjustment of Agenda
5. April 21, 2022 Meeting Summary
Thursday, June 16, 2022 at 5:30 PM
King Street Meeting Room
100 N. King Street; Hendersonville, NC
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Informal Public Comment
4. Adjustment of Agenda
Meeting is in person or online via Microsoft Teams. Click here!
Henderson County Rail-Trail Advisory Committee
10:00 am, Wednesday, April 13, 2022
Meeting Room, 100 North King Street, Hendersonville, NC 28792
1. Call Meeting to Order
2. Approval of February 9th, 2022 Meeting Summary
3. Public Comment
4. Project Update
Henderson County Rail-Trail Advisory Committee
10:00 am, Wednesday, May 11, 2022
King Street Meeting Room, 100 North King Street, Hendersonville, NC 28792
1. Call Meeting to Order
2. Approval of April 13th, 2022 Meeting Summary
3. Public Comment
Henderson County Rail-Trail Advisory Committee
10:00 am, Wednesday, June 8, 2022
King Street Meeting Room, 100 North King Street, Hendersonville, NC 28792
Meeting Agenda
Call to Order
Public Comment
Business Items
HENDERSONVILLE, N.C. (January 27, 2022) – Thousands of free N95 respirators and COVID-19 tests have been given to community agencies to target populations with a high need for protection.
The Henderson County Department of Public Health, Department of Social Services and Emergency Management recently received 22,000 N95 respirators from the N.C. Department of Health and Human Services. The county agencies were tasked with creating a plan to distribute the N95s that included detention facilities and agencies serving individuals experiencing homelessness.
HENDERSONVILLE, N.C. (January 28, 2022) – Starting Jan. 31, drive-thru COVID-19 community testing will be offered at the Henderson County Department of Public Health.
Henderson County Rail-Trail Advisory Committee
10:00 am, Wednesday, February 9, 2022
Meeting Room, 100 North King Street, Hendersonville, NC 28792
Tuesday, February 15, 2022
100 N. King Street, Hendersonville, NC 28792
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Approval of February 1, 2022, Meeting Summary
3. TX-2022-01 Natalie Berry, Site Development Director
4. Adjournment
Meeting has been rescheduled to April 26, 2022 at 12pm
The Broadband Taskforce was established by the Board of Commissioners on February 16, 2022, with the first held meeting occuring on March 1, 2022 at 6:00 pm. The taskforce is charged with assisting and advising the Board of Commissioners by navigating public-private partnerships for the provision of adequate broadband/internet services in all areas of the county.
Meeting Schedule: The next meeting of the Broadband Taskforce is scheduled for Wednesday, February 19, 2025, at 5:30 pm, in the Historic Courthouse Commissioners' Boardroom.
The date of this meeting has been moved to Tuesday, April 5th. We will meet at the AAC at 708 S Grove St, Hendersonville, NC.
HENDERSONVILLE, N.C. (March 9, 2022) – The 2021 Henderson County Community Health Assessment (CHA) for Henderson County is now available to the public. The document highlights the collaborative process the county undertook to determine health priorities for the next three years.
A CHA is an important part of improving and promoting health of county residents. The process results in a public report, which describes health indicators, status of the community’s health, recent changes and health outcomes.
Auxiliary Detention Food Services Specialist
Henderson County Sheriff’s Office
(Less thank 1,000 hours in a 12-month period - Not benefit-eligible)
Duties and Responsibilities: This position performs responsible routine cooking duties in the Henderson County Detention Facility. (Duties listed below)
We will meet at the AAC at 708 S Grove St, Hendersonville, NC.
Tuesday, April 19, 2022
100 N. King Street, Hendersonville, NC 28792
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Approval of April 5, 2022, Meeting Summary
3. Two Wheel Dr Major Subdivision 2022-02-M – Matt Champion, Zoning Administrator
4. Deerfields Special Events Discussion – Matt Champion, Zoning Administrator
5. Adjournment
Henderson County transit service, known as “Apple Country Public Transit”, is committed to practicing nondiscrimination. If you believe you have been subjected to discrimination, you may file a complaint with Henderson County transit services or the Federal Transit Administration.
A complete copy of the County's policy is located below.
Published May 2, 2022
By Andrew Mundhenk, Henderson County Dept. of Public Health
We are all ready to get outside and enjoy the activities Western North Carolina has to offer. But the warmer weather also brings out mosquitos and ticks, and the diseases they can carry with them.
According to preliminary data from the N.C. Department of Health and Human Services, there were more than 1,000 cases of tick- and mosquito-borne illnesses in 2021. These insects are typically most active in the spring, summer and early fall in North Carolina.
We will meet at the AAC at 708 S Grove St, Hendersonville, NC.
Tuesday, May 17, 2022
100 N. King Street, Hendersonville, NC 28792
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Approval of May 3, 2022, Meeting Summary
3. Tuttle Rd Major Subdivision (2022-03-M) – Grayson Taylor, Planner
4. Lorena Major Subdivision (2022-04-M) – Grayson Taylor, Planner
2045 Comprehensive Plan Workshop
Special Called Meeting with the Board of Commissioners
Wednesday, May 25, 2022 at 9:00 AM
King Street Meeting Room
100 N. King Street; Hendersonville, NC
Special Called Meeting to be held in conjunction with a meeting of the Henderson County Planning Board Wednesday, May 25, 2022, at 9:00 a.m. in the King Street Meeting Room, 100 N. King St, Hendersonville, NC.
This meeting is in regards to the 2045 Comprehensive Plan (Workshop).
Visit the CDC's Respiratory Virus Guidance page for the latest guidance.
HENDERSONVILLE, N.C. (May 26, 2022) – As COVID-19 trends increase again it’s important to be prepared by knowing available testing options and staying up to date with vaccinations.
June 2, 2022
By Andrew Mundhenk, Henderson County Dept. of Public Health
Several food recalls have made headlines recently, notably the recall of Jif brand peanut butter and powdered infant formula.
Tuesday, June 21, 2022
100 N. King Street, Hendersonville, NC 28792
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Approval of June 7, 2022, Meeting Summary
3. Ingles #140 Major Site Plan - Matt Champion, Zoning Administrator
4. Adjournment
Tuesday, July 5, 2022
100 N. King Street, Hendersonville, NC 28792
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Approval of June 21, 2022, Meeting Summary
3. SUP-22-03 Skylaranna Campground
4. SUP-22-04 Skylaranna RV Campground
5. Carolina Towing Major Site Plan
6. Adjournment
Tuesday, July 19, 2022
100 N. King Street, Hendersonville, NC 28792
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Approval of July 19, 2022, Meeting Summary
3. Blue Ridge BioFuels Major Site Plan
4. Adjournment
The Tax Department has created the following Reappraisal Guide in order to inform taxpayers of the purpose, process, guidelines, and schedule surrounding the 2023 reappraisal.
Board of Commissioners Meeting
Historic Courthouse 1 Historic Courthouse Square
Hendersonville, NC 28792 September 22, 2022 Reappraisal Presentation to Mills River Town Council 6:30 p.m.
Mills River Town Hall
124 Town Center Drive
Mills River, NC 28759
The Schedules of Values, Standards, and Rules for the 2023 general reappraisal of all real property in Henderson County was presented to the Henderson County Board of Commissioners at its regularly scheduled meeting on Monday, October 3rd, 2022. As required by North Carolina law, there are two sets of schedules; one for market value and one for present-use value. After review, public hearing, and adoption, these schedules go into effect January 1st, 2023 and will be the basis for appraised and assessed values in effect until the next reappraisal.
We will meet at the AAC at 708 S Grove St, Hendersonville, NC.
Henderson County Rail-Trail Advisory Committee
10:00 am, Wednesday, July 13, 2022
King Street Meeting Room, 100 North King Street, Hendersonville, NC 28792
Meeting Agenda
Call to Order
Public Comment
Business Items
Auxiliary Office Assistant III
Parks & Recreation Department
(Less than 1000 hours in a 12- month period – not benefit-eligible)
The Henderson County Sheriff’s Office is currently accepting applications for Full Time Deputy Sheriff position in the Henderson County Sheriff Office Patrol Division.
Published July 11, 2022
By Andrew Mundhenk, Henderson County Dept. of Public Health
Prevention is a key aspect of many public health activities. When it comes to proper gun safety in the home, preventative measures can be the difference between life and unnecessary death among children and teens.
We offer oral health education to groups such as schools, nonprofits and churches that includes training, interactive demonstrations and printed educational materials. Instruction covers dental disease prevention, oral hygiene practices, dental injury prevention and professional dental care practices.
We provide free dental screening for children ages 2½-kindergarten at preschools and elementary schools in the county. Our dental hygienist will visit schools and screen children with parental or guardian consent for any potential oral health issues. The hygienist can make referrals to area dentists for treatment options.
The Henderson County Department of Public Health provides dental screening and education services in the community.
As you may be aware, Henderson County Permits & Inspections is nearing completion of implementing phase one of a new permit & inspection software program called SmartGov. This phase of the software will launch on Tuesday July 26, 2022.
The Edneyville Elementary Gymnasium is now open for Pickleball. Please see the above schedule. This is a shared facility with Edneyville Elementary School allowing us to provide more opportunities for open gym.
Henderson County Permits & Inspections is nearing completion of implementing the first phase of a new permit & inspection software program called SmartGov. This software will launch on Tuesday July 26, 2022.
We will be transitioning from the current software between this Thursday, July 21st until next Monday, July 25th. Phase 2 of the process will follow:
8 1/2" x 11" and 11" x 17" Plan or Detail Sheets (PDF)
8 1/2" x 11" and 11" x 17" Plan or Detail Sheets (PDF)
Published August 2, 2022
By Andrew Mundhenk, Henderson County Dept. of Public Health
How clean is your favorite restaurant in Henderson County? Now you can find out with the Henderson County Department of Public Health’s online inspection database.
We will meet at the AAC at 708 S Grove St, Hendersonville, NC.
Henderson County Rail-Trail Advisory Committee
10:00 am, Wednesday, August 10, 2022
King Street Meeting Room, 100 North King Street, Hendersonville, NC 28792
Meeting Agenda
Call to Order
Public Comment
Business Items
As soon as you feel sick, it's time to get tested for COVID-19. See the COVID-19 Testing Information page for more guidance.
Treatments are now available for COVID-19. Research shows they work by lowering your risk of going to the hospital and dying—but you have to get them in time.
Treatment ResourcesHENDERSON COUNTY
Tuesday, August 16, 2022
100 N. King Street, Hendersonville, NC 28792
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Approval of July 19, 2022, Meeting Summary
3. First Baptist of East Flat Rock Major Commercial Subdivision
4. Adjournment
The August 15th Historic Resources Meeting has been cancelled. The next scheduled HRC meeting is September 19th, at 1:30pm in the Henderson County King Street Meeting Room.
Thursday, August 18, 2022 at 5:30 PM
King Street Meeting Room
100 N. King Street; Hendersonville, NC
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Informal Public Comment
4. Adjustment of Agenda
5. June 16, 2022 Meeting Summary
Special Called Meeting - 2045 Comprehensive Plan
Thursday, September 8th, 2022 at 9:00 AM
King Street Meeting Room
100 N. King Street; Hendersonville, NC
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Roll Call
*To ensure the availability of staff, please call ahead and make an appointment before coming to the Planning Department.*
Surveys that are exempt from subdivision review are ones that do not propose any creation of a new lot or are highlighted within § 160D-802 of the North Carolina General Statutes:
Tuesday, September 6, 2022
100 N. King Street, Hendersonville, NC 28792
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Approval of August 16, 2022, Meeting Summary
3. SUP-22-07 Assisted Living Residence
4. Blue Ridge Commerce Center Major Commercial Subdivision
5. Adjournment
Published August 29, 2022
By Andrew Mundhenk, Henderson County Dept. of Public Health
September is here, which means it’s time for the North Carolina Apple Festival and North Carolina Mountain State Fair.
The North Carolina Apple Festival takes place Sept. 2-5 in downtown Hendersonville. Shortly after comes the North Carolina Mountain State Fair from Sept. 9-18 at the WNC Agricultural Center in Fletcher.
Thursday, September 22nd, 2022 at 5:30 PM
King Street Meeting Room
100 N. King Street; Hendersonville, NC
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Informal Public Comment
4. Adjustment of Agenda
On Monday, August 29, 2022, Henderson County Emergency Medical Services (HCEMS), in collaboration with Pardee UNC Health Care, launched a new program that provides EMS with the capability to administer a blood transfusion when caring for critically sick and injured patients who are in shock from blood loss. HCEMS is one of a few EMS agencies in North Carolina that have begun offering this life-saving treatment to patients.
HENDERSONVILLE, N.C. (September 16, 2022) – The Henderson County Board of Health has been awarded the 2022 Outstanding Board of Health by the Association of North Carolina Boards of Health.
HENDERSONVILLE, NC (October 5, 2022) – In partnership with Henderson County Public Schools, the Henderson County Department of Public Health will be providing afterschool drive-through flu vaccine clinics at local high schools throughout October.
The flu vaccine will be offered to children, staff and parents in Henderson County Public Schools – as well as the general public – on the following dates:
Thursday, October 20, 2022 at 5:30 PM
King Street Meeting Room
100 N. King Street; Hendersonville, NC
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Informal Public Comment
4. Adjustment of Agenda
We will meet at the AAC at 708 S Grove St, Hendersonville, NC.
The RTAC meeting in October is canceled. The committee will meet again in November.
Tuesday, October 18, 2022
100 N. King Street, Hendersonville, NC 28792
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Approval of September 6, 2022, Meeting Summary
3. Revised Combined Master & Development Plan for Dodd Meadows Major Residential Subdivsion
4. Adjournment
With MyLibro, you can conveniently search the library catalog and place items on hold.
Check your account and easily add family member’s accounts in one app.
No more fumbling through your wallet for your library card -- you can use myLibro as a digital library card for quick checkout at the library.
Published Oct. 13, 2022
By Andrew Mundhenk, Henderson County Dept. of Public Health
Teens are back in school, but also making a return is e-cigarette use among youth.
Results from the recent annual National Youth Tobacco Survey showed that 14.1% of high school students and 3.3% of middle school students reported current e-cigarette use. That’s 2.5 million youth nationwide.
Thursday, October 27, 2022 at 5:30 PM
King Street Meeting Room
100 N. King Street; Hendersonville, NC
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Informal Public Comment
4. Adjustment of Agenda
Tuesday, November 1, 2022
100 N. King Street, Hendersonville, NC 28792
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Approval of October 18, 2022, Meeting Summary
3. Variance Application V-22-01 Bridges – Matt Champion, Zoning Administrator
We will meet at the AAC at 708 S Grove St, Hendersonville, NC.
We will meet at the AAC at 708 S Grove St, Hendersonville, NC.
Over the last several months, the ARHC has been working to allocate HOME Program funds across the four-county region to create more affordable housing and increase housing access. Henderson County was awarded two projects, totaling $510,000. See below for project details.
Thursday, November 17, 2022 at 5:30 PM
King Street Meeting Room
100 N. King Street; Hendersonville, NC
1. Meeting Called to Order
We will meet at the AAC at 708 S Grove St, Hendersonville, NC.
Tuesday, November 15, 2022
100 N. King Street, Hendersonville, NC 28792
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Approval of November 1, 2022, Meeting Summary
Collection will now take place on the first and third Tuesday of each month.
Between Halloween and Thanksgiving, there will be plenty of jack-o-lanterns, pumpkins, and fall squash leftover. Don’t let them meet a spooky end in the landfill- instead, compost them with Henderson County Solid Waste!
Published Nov. 7, 2022
By Andrew Mundhenk, Henderson County Dept. of Public Health
Whether it’s the stomach bug, flu or other ailments, school nurses are seeing a lot of illnesses going around the classroom.
Thursday, December 1, 2022 at 5:30 PM
King Street Meeting Room
100 N. King Street; Hendersonville, NC
Tuesday, December 6, 2022
100 N. King Street, Hendersonville, NC 28792
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Approval of November 15, 2022, Meeting Summary
The Henderson County Department of Public Health was recently awarded reaccreditation status with honors by the North Carolina Local Health Department Accreditation Board.
Tuesday, December 20, 2022
100 N. King Street, Hendersonville, NC 28792
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Approval of December 6, 2022, Meeting Summary
No meeting in December. Next meeting scheduled for January 18, 2023 AT 4pm.
Tuesday, January 3, 2023
100 N. King Street, Hendersonville, NC 28792
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Approval of December 20, 2022, Meeting Summary
Tuesday, January 17, 2023
100 N. King Street, Hendersonville, NC 28792
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Approval of January 3, 2023, Meeting Summary
Thursday, January 19, 2023 at 5:30 PM
King Street Meeting Room
100 N. King Street; Hendersonville, NC
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Informal Public Comment
4. Adjustment of Agenda
Call to Order
Public Comment
Approval/Adjustment of Agenda & Draft Minutes – January 18, 2023............................Beau Waddell, Chair
Call to Order
Public Comment
Henderson County Rail-Trail Advisory Committee
Special Called Meeting
10:00 am, Wednesday, January 25, 2023
King Street Meeting Room, 100 North King Street, Hendersonville, NC 28792
Meeting Agenda
Call to Order
Public Comment
Business Items
Online at:
Automated Telephone: 877-313-3678
Payment drop box located at public (North) parking lot at courthouse pictured below.
Henderson County Tax Collector
Published Jan. 7, 2023
By Andrew Mundhenk, Henderson County Dept. of Public Health
Winter certainly made its debut last month in Henderson County. The winter storm over the Christmas holiday weekend sent temperatures near or below zero, leading to power outages and frozen water pipes.
Winter storms come in the form of snow, freezing rain, ice and — as we recently experienced — high winds and extreme cold. Their impact can cut off heat, power and communication services. They also put older adults, children, sick individuals and pets at greater risk.
Tuesday, February 7, 2023
100 N. King Street, Hendersonville, NC 28792
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Approval of January 17, 2023, Meeting Summary
3. Club/Lodge MSP off Cabin Creek – Matt Champion, Zoning Administrator
Monday, February 20, 2023 1:30PM
King Street Meeting Room 100 N. King Street Hendersonville, NC 28792
The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, June 26th 1:30 PM.
Published Feb. 6, 2023
By Andrew Mundhenk, Henderson County Dept. of Public Health
We are fortunate to live, work and play in Henderson County for many reasons, including being ranked as one of the healthiest counties in North Carolina.
There are two permit search systems for locating Henderson County Environmental Health septic and well permits. Start your search by reading the Permit Search Tips document. This will give detailed instructions on how to use both permit search systems.
Thursday, February 16, 2023 at 5:30 PM
King Street Meeting Room
100 N. King Street; Hendersonville, NC
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Informal Public Comment
4. Adjustment of Agenda
Tuesday, February 21, 2023
100 N. King Street, Hendersonville, NC 28792
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Approval of February 7, 2023, Meeting Summary
3. Lassonde Pappas Expansion MSP – Matt Champion, Zoning Administrator
Monday, October 23, 2023 - 1:30 PM
The HRC will meet on January 22nd, 2024 at 1:30 PM.
On September 6, 2022, the Board of Commissioners selected AECOM to perform consulting services for the Apple Country Public Transit Feasibility Study. As part of the study, a steering committee was formed from appointed members to help guide and direct various elements of the study (02/06/2023). These committee members represent diverse sectors of the community including education, health, business, nonprofits, and public safety.
Henderson County proposes registering an antenna structure with the Federal Communications Commission. The proposed structure is a lattice tower that is at an elevation of 2474 feet, located at 228 Tower View, Fletcher, Henderson County, North Carolina (35-23-55.0 N, 082-29-31.5 W). This tower will serve as a transmitter site for the County's emergency communications system and is adjacent to an existing tower site.
For additional information please view the below document.
Tuesday, March 7, 2023
100 N. King Street, Hendersonville, NC 28792
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Approval of February 21, 2023, Meeting Summary
3. SUP-22-08 Cold Spring Base Camp Campground - Matt Champion, Zoning Administrator
Tuesday, March 7, 2023
100 N. King Street, Hendersonville, NC 28792
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Approval of February 21, 2023, Meeting Summary
3. SUP-22-08 Cold Spring Base Camp Campground - Matt Champion, Zoning Administrator
On February 6, 2023 the Board of Commissioners appointed members of the community to serve on the temporary Transit Feasibility Study Steering Committee to assist in the preparation of the study through 2023. The committee consists of ten (10) members. Members are appointed for the duration of the study. The Planning Department Staff serves as the County staff to the committee.
Henderson County Rail-Trail Advisory Committee Meeting
10:00 am, Wednesday, March 8, 2023
King Street Meeting Room, 100 North King Street, Hendersonville, NC 28792
Meeting Agenda
Call to Order
Public Comment
Business Items
Published March 3, 2023
By Andrew Mundhenk, Henderson County Dept. of Public Health
For many, pets are family. And just as it’s important to keep your loved ones safe and healthy, so too is the health of your cats and dogs.
Eating with sustainability in mind is a tasty way to nourish ourselves during every phase of life and protect the environment. Get ideas on how to celebrate and download valuable resources from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics:
Thursday, March 16, 2023 at 5:30 PM
King Street Meeting Room
100 N. King Street; Hendersonville, NC
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Roll Call
March 10, 2023
Public Health Nurse II – Care Manager
Tuesday, March 21, 2023
100 N. King Street, Hendersonville, NC 28792
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Approval of March 7, 2023, Meeting Summary
3. Text Amendment TX-2023-02, Primitive Campground - Autumn Radcliff, Planning Director
This project was motivated by the necessity to deliver public sewer to Edneyville Elementary School. The school has secured a temporary on-site permit from the state pending installation and connection to this project. As the school was finished, the Board of Commissioners executed preliminary engineering studies, many public hearings, and a rate study. The Board decided the scope of the project, which begins at the Justice Academy at the top of the basin. The Academy is now served by a small, old package treatment facility, which will be decommissioned once connected to the project.
The Stryker Power Load System was installed across all the Henderson County EMS ambulances as a component of this initiative. These devices work in conjunction with the Power Pro stretchers used by our paramedics to significantly reduce the risk of injury while loading stretchers into ambulances. Henderson County has been able to drastically reduce the number of back injuries among EMS employees and First Responders after using the Power Pro stretchers. The inclusion of the Power Load system will help to decrease injuries and provide better treatment to our patients.
The Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Building, The North Main Street building located in Hendersonville, NC, was constructed in 1948 and was once the largest VFW chapter. The VFW provided support for veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces. Veteran Services connects veterans with federal, state, and county government agencies and charitable groups. These services include aid with veteran benefits, services for disabled veterans, and information on medical care, insurance, and educational advantages.
On Howard Gap Road in the town of Fletcher, a four bay EMS station will be constructed as part of the County's effort to strengthen its emergency response capabilities. The engineering and design phase of this project is currently underway, and it is anticipated to begin construction by the fall of 2023 and be completed by the summer of 2024. Currently, the EMS team assigned to this station works during the daytime hours out of the Fletcher Fire Station. When the new station is completed, a 24-hour truck stationed in Fletcher will have access to the amenities it needs.
Henderson County is actively looking to purchase land for a multi-use outdoor sports complex. We have seen numbers increase over the past few years in our youth sports programs. Our immediate need is for more soccer fields, as the county has more than 640 youth registered for soccer in 2023. The Board of Commissioners have allocated $2,032,830 of ARPA funds for this project.
Henderson County, in collaboration with the City of Hendersonville, intends to provide $1.5 million to crucial water and sewer infrastructure for the Apple Ridge affordable housing project. The Housing Assistance Corporation (HAC) intends to construct 60 apartments and 20 single-family homes across 19 acres between Sugarloaf and East Prince roads, just off Interstate 26. Hendersonville's City Council overwhelmingly approved $800,000 for infrastructure on December 1st, 2022, matching Henderson County's projected commitment of up to $1.5 million of their ARPA funding.
The Henderson County Board of Commissioners, Henderson County Tourist Development Authority, Pardee UNC Health Care, the Community Foundation of Henderson County, local businesses, and privately raised contributions collaborated to develop an all playground in Jackson Park in Hendersonville. According to design concepts given to commissioners over the summer, the playground's intended age range is 2-12 years old, with a total user capacity of 294. Climbers, swings, slides, ramps, play panels, and other features are included in the design.
An existing emergency communications tower in the town of Mills River is now being upgraded as part of the County's approved ARPA capital projects. Commercial wireless carriers will inevitably have the ability to co-locate on the County tower thanks to the upgraded tower and infrastructure. Once this construction is complete, several locations in the South & North Mills River Valleys will benefit from improved cellular coverage and service. Environmental impact assessments and engineering studies are currently being conducted towards this project.
The North Carolina Department of Information Technology's (NCDIT) Broadband Infrastructure Office provided state-funded grants to commercial providers of broadband services, specifically the Growing Rural Economies with Access to Technology (GREAT) grant, to promote the rollout of broadband Internet services.
The Foster Care Services ARPA Funding is for the provision of foster care services through DSS. This includes the county share of the foster care board payment that is paid monthly to licensed foster homes and group homes on behalf of the foster children they are serving. The funding amount used is determined by the eligibility of the child. IV-E is Federal funding and SFHF is state funding. The county pays the portion of the board payment not covered by the Federal or State funding.
Infusion therapy involves administering medications intravenously. This is done by injecting a needle directly into the patient’s arm. It makes it possible to treat chronic illnesses more effectively because it delivers medication, antibiotics, and/or hydration directly into the bloodstream. If you are infected with the virus that causes COVID-19, your immune system should develop antibodies — proteins that target the virus and aid in its removal.
Infusion therapy involves administering medications intravenously. This is done by injecting a needle directly into the patient’s arm. It makes it possible to treat chronic illnesses more effectively because it delivers medication, antibiotics, and/or hydration directly into the bloodstream. If you are infected with the virus that causes COVID-19, your immune system should develop antibodies — proteins that target the virus and aid in its removal.
Tuesday, April 4, 2023
100 N. King Street, Hendersonville, NC 28792
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Approval of March 21, 2023, Meeting Summary
3. Variance V-23-01 Advent Health - Matt Champion, Zoning Administrator
Published April 10, 2023
By Andrew Mundhenk, Henderson County Dept. of Public Health
Pediatrician Dr. Anne Smith knows firsthand the impact diseases have on young lives that could have been prevented through routine vaccination.
Tuesday, April 18, 2023
100 N. King Street, Hendersonville, NC 28792
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Approval of April 4, 2023, Meeting Summary
3. Rezoning R-2023-04 Ronnie Gray - Matt Champion, Zoning Administrator
Thursday, April 20, 2023 at 5:30 PM
King Street Building
EMS Training Room
100 N. King Street; Hendersonville, NC
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Informal Public Comment
4. Adjustment of Agenda
The purpose of the Safe Child Policy is to ensure the safety of children using the library. The
Tuesday, May 2, 2023
100 N. King Street, Hendersonville, NC 28792
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Approval of April 18, 2023, Meeting Summary
3. Storehouse Office Major Site Plan - Matt Champion, Zoning Administrator
Henderson County Rail-Trail Advisory Committee Meeting
10:00 am, Wednesday, May 10, 2023
King Street Meeting Room, 100 North King Street, Hendersonville, NC 28792
Meeting Agenda
Call to Order
Public Comment
Business Items
1. Approval/Adjustment of Agenda & Draft Summary .................................................................................Chuck McGrady, Chair
Tuesday, May 16, 2023
100 N. King Street, Hendersonville, NC 28792
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Approval of May 2, 2023, Meeting Summary
3. Advent Health Medical Office Building MSP - Matt Champion, Zoning Administrator
The Donnie Jones All-Inclusive Jackson Park Playground is now OPEN!
Click HERE for Playground walkthrough.
Thursday, May 18, 2023 at 5:30 PM
King Street Meeting Room
100 N. King Street; Hendersonville, NC
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Informal Public Comment
4. Adjustment of Agenda
In Henderson County, fire protection is provided by 12 contracted Fire & Rescue Departments who provide a variety of services to their communities. Funding for the Fire Departments' operations is provided by a rural fire tax district. Several departments also contract with municipalities they serve.
Tuesday, June 6, 2023
100 N. King Street, Hendersonville, NC 28792
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Approval of May 16, 2023, Meeting Summary
3. Gravity National Championships Special Event – Matt Champion, Zoning Administrator
Tuesday, June 6, 2023
100 N. King Street, Hendersonville, NC 28792
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Approval of May 16, 2023, Meeting Summary
3. Gravity National Championships Special Event – Matt Champion, Zoning Administrator
Thursday, June 15, 2023 at 5:30 PM
King Street Meeting Room
100 N. King Street; Hendersonville, NC
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Informal Public Comment
4. Adjustment of Agenda
Tuesday, June 20, 2023
100 N. King Street, Hendersonville, NC 28792
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Approval of June 6, 2023, Meeting Summary
3. Revised Tuxedo Falls Club/Lodge MSP – Matt Champion, Zoning Administrator
Wednesday, July 5, 2023
100 N. King Street, Hendersonville, NC 28792
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Approval of June 20, 2023, Meeting Summary
3. SUP-23-03 Rosie’s Backyard Campground – Matt Champion, Zoning Administrator
Henderson County Parks and Recreation offers a wide variety of day camps!
This 1.7 acre river access park was built in partnership with the NC Wildlife Resource Commission. The facility offers parking and boat launch into the French Broad River. The park is located just off US-64 West on the North side of the road before crossing the bridge toward Etowah.
Published July 3, 2023
Libraries are a great resource to nourish your mind, but did you know you can nourish your body at one as well?
The library at Blue Ridge Community College is home to a seed library, which opened in January. It’s a great resource to supply the community with a free source of seeds and encourage the growing of healthy, home-grown foods.
Wednesday, July 18, 2023
100 N. King Street, Hendersonville, NC 28792
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Approval of July 5, 2023, Meeting Summary
3. Bell Park Major Site Plan – Matt Champion, Zoning Administrator
Henderson County Rail-Trail Advisory Committee Meeting
10:00 am, Wednesday, July 12, 2023
King Street Meeting Room, 100 North King Street, Hendersonville, NC 28792
Meeting Agenda
Call to Order
Public Comment
Business Items
Duties and Responsibilities: This position Supervises subordinates and volunteers; plans, schedules, coordinates, and/or presents special programs and services for the youth to meet community needs; reviews, selects and purchases materials for the youth collections; provides reference assistance.
Henderson County Parks and Recreation is offering guided hiking opportunities. Join us as we safely explore, learn, and exercise! This is an inclusive program; however, the hikes will vary in difficulty. The PDF/Image at the bottom of this page will inform you of the next adventure and the degree of difficulty.
This is a FREE program, Registration Required.
Thursday, July 20, 2023 at 5:30 PM
King Street Meeting Room
100 N. King Street; Hendersonville, NC
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Informal Public Comment
4. Adjustment of Agenda
Duties and Responsibilities: Performs responsible clerical work requiring the application of basic library work practices for the County Public Library system; assists patrons in checking library materials in and out of the library; registers patrons for a borrower’s card; collects fees; shelves books and other materials; performs related work as required. Work is performed under regular supervision. Reports to Librarian II – Circulation Manager.
Duties and Responsibilities: Performs responsible clerical work requiring the application of basic library work practices for the County Public Library system; assists patrons in checking library materials in and out of the library; registers patrons for a borrower’s card; collects fees; shelves books and other materials; performs related work as required. Work is performed under regular supervision. Reports to Librarian II – Circulation Manager.
Duties and Responsibilities: Performs responsible clerical work requiring the application of basic library work practices for the County Public Library system; assists patrons in checking library materials in and out of the library; registers patrons for a borrower’s card; collects fees; shelves books and other materials; performs related work as required. Work is performed under regular supervision. Reports to Librarian II – Circulation Manager.
Duties and Responsibilities: This position Performs intermediate professional work requiring the application of specialized library techniques in reference services for the County Public Library system; performs related work as required. Work is performed under regular supervision. Reports to Librarian II - Circulation Manager
Learn more about biomes and what an ecosystem is in this fun lesson!
***This class can be combined with our Animal Adaptation lesson or our Wetland Ecosystem lesson***
Some activities for this lesson can include:
Food Pyramid: Students 'cup stack' to figure out how energy moves up a food pyramid.
Food Web: Students learn more about how interconnected species are through a whole class food web.
Biome Sort: Using species pictures, students work together to figure out what biome animals are best suited for.
Animal Adaptations helps students understand the variety of ways that animals adapt to their environment.
***This class can be combined with our Ecosystems Lesson***
Some examples of activities include:
Books and games to learn about Camoflauge
Structural vs. Behavioral Adaptations
Comparing Migration-Dormat-Hibernation-Active strategies
Games that teach about resources animals need and strategies to keep from being eaten!
Creative activities to see how animals might be specially adapted to their unique environment
Don’t Waste It! is a program covering waste management, recycling, composting, and waste reduction, which includes 11 lessons covering five themes: municipal solid waste, recycling, plastics, composting, and landfills. This program covers these themes with hands-on activities for Pre-K through 12th grade!
Modules include:
Municipal Solid Waste
Learn more about the basics of rocks and soils in this lesson tailored to the K-2nd audience.
Classroom lessons include a rocks and soil discussion, an experiment, and hands-on activities to explore soil properties. Activities can include videos, posters, soil examples, and hands-on investigation of various types of soil. Students have the opportunity to touch various types of soil to determine the different characteristics that make soils unique.
Some options include:
Watch how a stream is formed and changes over time in this large scale visual activity.
Students can see how water creates its own course and also how human impact can change the flow!
This activity is best suited for an outdoor space!!
Tuesday, August 15, 2023
100 N. King Street, Hendersonville, NC 28792
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Approval of July 18, 2023, Meeting Summary
Special Called Meeting (Notice)
Thursday, August 24, 2023 at 4:00 PM
Blue Ridge Community College (BRCC)
Thomas Auditorium
What we now call the “opioid crisis” was sparked by overprescribing of a certain group of pain medications- people typically know them as Hydrocodone or Oxycontin. The health providers prescribing them were told that these new pain killers were not as addictive as others they’d used, so they prescribed them liberally. Of course, we now know that they’re very addictive, so there are now appropriate restrictions placed on prescriptions.
Published August 15, 2023
August marks World Breastfeeding Month and throughout the month, Henderson County WIC is celebrating by promoting the many benefits of breastfeeding.
The theme for this year is "Enabling Breastfeeding – Making a Difference for Working Parents." This coincides with the commitment at WIC to make breastfeeding manageable with the help of nutritionists and the Breastfeeding Peer Counselors Program.
Despite the numerous proven benefits, many women struggle to breastfeed due to lack of family, employer and community support.
Tuesday, September 5, 2023
100 N. King Street, Hendersonville, NC 28792
Meeting Called to Order
Approval of August 15, 2023, Meeting Summary
R-2023-09 Peterson Property
September is National Preparedness Month
Published September 5, 2023
RTAC will not meet in September but will resume regular meetings in October.
Thursday, September 21, 2023 at 5:30 PM
King Street Meeting Room
100 N. King Street; Hendersonville, NC
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Informal Public Comment
4. Adjustment of Agenda
Special Called Meeting
Thursday, October 19, 2023 at 4:00 PM
Blue Ridge Community College (BRCC)
Thomas Auditorium
130 Eagles Reach Drive; Flat Rock, NC
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Adjustment of Agenda
4. September 21, 2023 Meeting Summary
Tuesday, October 3, 2023
100 N. King Street, Hendersonville, NC 28792
Mari Chadwick is a physician assistant/associate (PA). She received her Bachelor of Science in Clinical Research (BSCR) from Campbell University in 2009 and her Master of Physician Assistant Practice (MPAP) from Campbell University in 2014. Prior to working for the health department, Mari provided care in radiation oncology, cosmetic dermatology, and pediatrics. She also taught for the Gardner-Webb University PA program; she still lectures for PA programs and precepts PA students.
Henderson County Rail-Trail Advisory Committee Meeting
10:00 am, Wednesday, October 11, 2023
King Street Meeting Room, 100 North King Street, Hendersonville, NC 28792
Meeting Agenda
Call to Order
Public Comment
Business Items
Officially designated on September 5th, 2023, the Samuel J. Childs House displays excellent architectural design and craftsmanship for over 100 years.
HENDERSONVILLE, N.C. (October 19, 2023) – Henderson County Health Director Steve Smith has announced his plans to retire following 32 years of public health service.
*New Pay Rate*
The Henderson County Sheriff’s Office is currently accepting applications for Full Time Telecommunicator positions in the Henderson County E911 Center.
Tuesday, November 7, 2023
100 N. King Street, Hendersonville, NC 28792
HENDERSONVILLE, N.C. (November 1, 2023) – Families of youth with disabilities or special healthcare needs are invited to attend the Transitions to Adulthood Event Nov. 7 at Blue Ridge Community College – an event offering families support and resources for a successful shift into adulthood.
Henderson County Rail-Trail Advisory Committee Meeting
10:00 am, Wednesday, November 8, 2023
King Street Meeting Room, 100 North King Street, Hendersonville, NC 28792
Meeting Agenda
Call to Order
Public Comment
Business Items
Thursday, November 16, 2023 at 5:30 PM
King Street Meeting Room
100 N. King Street; Hendersonville, NC
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Informal Public Comment
4. Adjustment of Agenda
To submit updates or additions to the calendar contact the webmaster.
DROP IN to a group skate clinic!
*** Reservation required. ***
Helmet/Waiver are required.
Skilled Instructors
This program is designed to help children 9 to 14 learn the fundamentals of skateboarding, rollerblading and roller skating. No Scooters Please.
Skateparks can be intimidating. Henderson County Parks and Recreation is offering a safe and exciting way for participants to become comfortable in skatepark settings.
Tuesday, December 5, 2023
100 N. King Street, Hendersonville, NC 28792
Henderson County Parks and Recreation Egg Hunt !
April 12th 2025
12pm - 2pm
Thousands of eggs and candies will be scattered and some will contain special prizes! Don’t forget your basket or sack for gathering eggs. The Easter Bunny will be available for photos, so bring your cameras!
December meeting is canceled. Next meeting will be January 10th at 10 AM.
Call to Order
Public Comment
Approval/Adjustment of Agenda & Draft Minutes – November 15, 2023
Thursday, April 18, 2024 at 5:30 PM
King Street Meeting Room
100 N. King Street; Hendersonville, NC
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Informal Public Comment
4. Adjustment of Agenda
Thursday, May 16, 2024 at 5:30 PM
King Street Meeting Room
100 N. King Street; Hendersonville, NC
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Welcome New Planning Board Member
4. Election of Chair and Vice Chair
5. Informal Public Comment
6. Adjustment of Agenda
Thursday, June 20, 2024
The next meeting will be July 18th at 5:30 PM
Thursday, July 18, 2024 at 5:30 PM
King Street Meeting Room
100 N. King Street; Hendersonville, NC
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Informal Public Comment
4. Adjustment of Agenda
Thursday, August 15, 2024 at 5:30 PM
King Street Meeting Room
100 N. King Street; Hendersonville, NC
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Informal Public Comment
4. Adjustment of Agenda
Thursday, September 19, 2024 at 5:30 PM
King Street Meeting Room
100 N. King Street; Hendersonville, NC
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Annual Election of Chair and Vice Chair
4. Informal Public Comment
5. Adjustment of Agenda
Special Called Meeting
Thursday, November 14, 2024 at 5:30 PM
King Street Meeting Room
100 N. King Street; Hendersonville, NC
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Informal Public Comment
4. Adjustment of Agenda
Thursday, December 19, 2024 at 5:30 PM
King Street Meeting Room
100 N. King Street; Hendersonville, NC
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Informal Public Comment
4. Adjustment of Agenda
In our March 3, 2025 episode oft the Mike and Marcus Monday Morning Update, Chief Communications Officer Mike Morgan and County Engineer Marcus Jones discuss the Burn Ban that is in effect for Henderson County, they update the debris removal process and share other programs and events that are coming up this week in the County.
The Edneyville Community Center (Center) is a part of the Henderson County park system and the eastern property line borders Lewis Creek. The creek was straightened long ago and is now entrenched and disconnected from its floodplain. Large storm events have scoured the banks removing vegetation, soil, and part of the existing walking trail. This project will stabilize approximately 2,000 feet of streambank on the Center’s side by using natural stream channel design methodology to improve the overall health of the stream.
Thursday, December 21, 2023 at 5:30 PM
King Street Meeting Room
100 N. King Street; Hendersonville, NC
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Informal Public Comment
4. Adjustment of Agenda
Did you know that waste increases more than 25% during the holiday season? That’s a lot of trash going to the landfill! But there are many things we can do in our daily life to help decrease that number. Read through for some tips, tricks, and ideas to help reduce your impact on holiday waste this season.
For more information and to apply for an encroachment agreement, please contact the County Engineer:
Published Jan. 12, 2024
As we step into the new year, many set new health and wellness goals for themselves. There’salso another step you can take to make your home a healthy a safe place as well.
January is National Radon Action Month. Radon exposure is a preventable health risk. Testing radon levels in your home is simple, affordable and can save lives.
What is radon?
The Henderson County Adult Recovery Court (ARC) seeks to reduce drug and prison recidivism, while specifically providing guidance, treatment, and discipline to those facing recovery from addiction. The ARC Team, comprised of probation, law enforcement, treatment providers and court officials, offers individuals the tools necessary to help maintain sobriety years after program completion.
Behavioral health treatments are ways of helping people who are experiencing emotional distress, mental illness or substance misuse. If you or someone you know is struggling, there are resources available in Henderson County for help and support. Behavioral Health resources can be found on the Health Department’s website. If you or someone you know is struggling or in a crisis, help is available.
The Henderson County Board of Health will hold special called meetings on February 7, 2024, at 7:30 p.m., and February 12, 2024, at 6:00 p.m., at the Henderson County Department of Public Health, 1200 Spartanburg Highway, Suite. 100, Hendersonville, North Carolina.
It is anticipated that:
The Henderson County Board of Health will hold special called meetings on February 7, 2024, at 7:30 p.m., and February 12, 2024, at 6:00 p.m., at the Henderson County Department of Public Health, 1200 Spartanburg Highway, Suite. 100, Hendersonville, North Carolina.
It is anticipated that:
Published Feb. 11, 2024
February is a time devoted to young smiles. It’s National Children’s Dental Health Month, which highlights the importance of oral health at a young age.
Thursday, February 15, 2024 at 5:30 PM
King Street Meeting Room
100 N. King Street; Hendersonville, NC
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Informal Public Comment
4. Adjustment of Agenda
Henderson County Rail-Trail Advisory Committee Meeting
10:00 am, Wednesday, February 14, 2024
King Street Meeting Room, 100 North King Street, Hendersonville, NC 28792
Meeting Agenda
Call to Order
Public Comment
Business Items
The Department of Public Health issues permits for any hospital, nursing home, adult day service facility, assisted living, or other institution. The establishment and/or individual is inspected by an Environmental Health Inspector.
The Department of Public Health issues permits for any hotel, motel, or bed and breakfast. The establishment is inspected by an Environmental Health Inspector.
Tuesday, March 5, 2024
100 N. King Street, Hendersonville, NC 28792
Published March 3, 2024
You probably know someone in your life who has suffered from a fall. While falls are common – especially among older adults – they are not a normal part of aging.
Falls are the leading cause of injury for adults 65 years and older, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. It’s so common that one in four older adults report falling every year.
Thursday, March 21, 2024 at 5:30 PM
King Street Meeting Room
100 N. King Street; Hendersonville, NC
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Informal Public Comment
4. Adjustment of Agenda
HENDERSONVILLE, N.C. (March 15, 2024) – The Henderson County Board of Health has named David Jenkins as the new Henderson County Health Director beginning May 6.
- Purpose of meeting: To discuss and nominate a representative for the Henderson County Farmland Preservation Task Force
HENDERSONVILLE, N.C. (March 26, 2024) – Henderson County residents can help shape future health initiatives in the community through a newly launched survey.
Published April 11, 2024
The first three years of a child’s life are a roller coaster. From the first words to the sleepless nights, parents and guardians do what they can for their child to grow and thrive. But what happens when they notice certain delays or concerns in their child's development and don’t know what to do?
Registering a home birth in Henderson County must be completed within one year of the child’s birth.
The following documents are required for appointment:
Wednesday, April 10, 2024 @ 10:00 AM
King Street Meeting Room
100 N. King Street Hendersonville, NC 28792
Call to Order
Public Comment
Henderson, Polk, Rutherford, and Transylvania Counties and the municipal governments within these counties are working together to update the South Mountains Hazard Mitigation Plan.
Natural hazards, such as winter storms, thunderstorms, floods, and landslides, are a part of the world around us. Their occurrence is natural and inevitable, and there is little we can do to control their force and intensity. We must consider these hazards to be legitimate and significant threats to human life, safety, and property.
Tuesday, April 16, 2024
100 N. King Street, Hendersonville, NC 28792
The Henderson County Board of Commissioners voted to approve the creation of a County Farmland Preservation Taskforce at their April 1st, 2024 meeting. The purpose of the Farmland Preservation Taskforce is to preserve and protect agricultural land throughout Henderson County while supporting local producers and the rural character of the County.
Limited food service establishment (LFSE) means an establishment as described in G.S. 130A-248(a4), with food handling operations that are restricted by rules adopted by the Commission pursuant to G.S. 130A-248(a4) and that prepares or serves food only in conjunction with amateur athletic events.
1. Welcome and Introductions
2. Taskforce Background
3. Taskforce Goals and Outcomes
4. Discuss Meeting Schedule
5. Adjourn
Henderson County Parks and Recreation Egg Hunt !
Jackson Park
12pm - 2pm
Thousands of eggs and candies will be scattered and some will contain special prizes! Don’t forget your basket or sack for gathering eggs. The Easter Bunny will be available for photos, so bring your cameras!
12pm - 2pm
May 16 - Etowah Park - Sonic the Hedgehog 3
May 30 - Tuxedo Park - Dogman
June 13 - Dana Park - Moana 2
July 18 - East Flat Rock Park - The Wild Robot
Plant Swap
Edneyville Community Center
Wednesday, April 23, 2025
Plants must be healthy, mature, potted and ready to plant
Plants should be labeled as follows;
name, sun requirements, annual/perennial, indoor/outdoor
Purchased plants may be swapped
Participants will receive a swap ticket for each plant they bring
Participants must bring plants to take home plants
Set-up will begin at 3:00 PM and the Swap will begin promptly at 3:30 PM
Edneyville Community Center
Thursday, May 30, 2024
1:00pm - 2:00pm
Join us for ice cream sundaes, fun and games as we welcome Summer Break! This is a Free Event
for all ages!
Register Here
15 Ida Rogers Dr. Hendersonville, NC
HENDERSONVILLE, N.C. (April 25, 2024) – The Henderson County Department of Public Health has confirmed a current outbreak of 27 cases of pertussis, also known as whooping cough, in Henderson County.
Tuesday, May 7, 2024
100 N. King Street, Hendersonville, NC 28792
Wednesday, May 8, 2024 @ 10:00 AM
King Street Meeting Room
100 N. King Street Hendersonville, NC 28792
Call to Order
Public Comment
Tuesday, May 21, 2024
100 N. King Street, Hendersonville, NC 28792
Monday, July 8, 2024 - 6:00 PM
King Street Meeting Room
100 N. King Street, Hendersonville NC 28792
main st between 3rd ave & caswell st
Food trucks | Kids fun zone | Live music
Historic Courthouse Stage
5pm - JAM KIDS
6pm - Lonesome Road Band
7:45pm - Brightleaf Band
Visitors Center Stage
7pm - The Night Move Band
Firearms are now the leading cause of injury-related death for children and youth in North Carolina.
If you own a firearm, take steps to prevent a tragedy. When it comes to proper gun safety in the home, preventative measures can be the difference between life and unnecessary death among children and teens.
Tuesday, June 4, 2024
100 N. King Street, Hendersonville, NC 28792
This program teaches children basic tumbling, balance and group participation skills in a playful and fun environment. Space is limited!
Ages 3-5 years
$20 per session
Session 1: Tuesdays, 10:00 -10:45 AM April 22, 29, May 6, 13
Session 2: Wednesdays, 10:00-10:45 AM May 27, June 3, 17, 24
Session 3: Tuesdays, 10:00-10:45 AM July 1, 8, 15, 22
15 Ida Rogers Dr. Hendersonville, NC 28792
Wednesday, June 12, 2024 @ 10:00 AM
King Street Meeting Room
100 N. King Street Hendersonville, NC 28792
Call to Order
Public Comment
The Historic Resources Commission has canceled their regularly scheduled June 24, 2024 meeting. The Commission will reconvene on July 22, 2024 at 1:30 PM in the King Street Meeting Room at 100 N. King Street, Hendersonville NC 28792.
The Historic Resources Commission's July meeting has been canceled. The HRC will reconvene on August 26th.
Farmland Preservation Taskforce Meeting Materials
Please see the PDFs below for all past meeting agendas, PowerPoint presentations, guest speaker presentations, meeting minutes, and more.
For more information, please contact the Planning Department at 828.697.4819.
Were you unable to attend the previous Trail Partners meeting? Watch the meeting recordings below for trail and program updates, as well as hear from a variety of guest speakers! All meeting materials including informational exhibits, maps, and more can also be found at the bottom of this page in PDF format.
301 N Washington St
Hendersonville, NC 28739
828-697-4725, option 3
HENDERSONVILLE, N.C. (June 19, 2024) – The Henderson County Department of Public Health has seen an increase in calls about sick raccoons and raccoon encounters with humans and domestic animals. Avoid contact with raccoons and other wild or stray animals to reduce the risk of rabies exposure.
As a convenience to you, the user, Henderson County’s web site provides links to many other web sites, but when you link to another site you are no longer on our site and are subject to the policies of that new site. Henderson County does not endorse any content, viewpoint, product, or service available by link from this site.
(Less than 1,000 hours in a 12-month period – not benefit-eligible)
Duties and Responsibilities: Performs variety of responsible non-skilled custodial and routine maintenance duties in the care and maintenance of the County’s parks and facilities; responsible grounds and facilities custodial and basic maintenance work; performs related work as required. Work is performed under regular supervision. Reports to the Park Maintenance Supervisor and/or designee.
NOTICE: Due to circumstances beyond our control, GoMaps will be transitioning to a new system in the beginning of May. We cannot guarantee that all functions of the current GoMaps system will be available in the new system, although we will make every effort to do so.
Wednesday, July 10, 2024 @ 10:00 AM
King Street Meeting Room
100 N. King Street Hendersonville, NC 28792
Call to Order
Public Comment
Welcome New Member
Henderson County
Farmland Preservation Taskforce
As of February 2023, all Henderson County Environmental Health septic and well permits are available online. Below are detailed instructions on how to best search for these permits.
The School Sanitation Program monitors and oversees sanitation requirements for public and private schools.
Tuesday, August 6, 2024
100 N. King Street, Hendersonville, NC 28792
July 31, 2024
Public Health Nurse II – School Health Nurse Specialist
Duties and Responsibilities: The Re-Entry Specialist will work within the county detention center to facilitate the successful reintegration of formerly incarcerated individuals back into the community. This role involves providing guidance, support, and resources to clients as they navigate the challenges of re-entry. The Re-Entry Specialist will collaborate with various stakeholders, including social service agencies, community organizations, and law enforcement, to ensure an effective approach to re-entry.
National Crisis Line: 9-8-8: If you or someone you know is struggling or in a crisis, help is available. You can call or text 9-8-8, or chat at to reach a trained counselor who can provide support in a mental health, substance use or suicide crisis.
An hour of fun for Preschoolers and their care-takers to explore seasonal crafts & activities
Ages 3-6 Years
$10 per session
Session 1:
Thursdays, 10:00 AM
April 24, May 1, 8, 15
Session 2:
Thursdays, 10:00 AM
May 29, June 5,19,26
8am – 12pm
$10 for a 10 x 10 sale space
Bring your own table/tent & items to sell
Set-up 6:45am 7:30am
Registration Required by 5pm 9/20/24
Tuesday, August 20, 2024
100 N. King Street, Hendersonville, NC 28792
Black and white, single sided:
[email protected]
Henderson County recently purchased the Etowah Sewer System.
Black and white, single sided:
[email protected]
Black and white, single sided:
[email protected]
August 16, 2024
Auxiliary School Health Nurse Specialist
(Public Health Nurse I)
August 23, 2024
Environmental Health Specialist – On-site Wastewater/Well Program
View your notices online with It’s quick, it’s easy, and it’s FREE to go paperless on your next notice or statement.
1. Call Meeting to Order
2. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance
3. Adjustment and Approval of Agenda
4. Public Comment
5. Approval of August 26, 2024, Meeting Minutes
6. Discussion
a. Chapter 45 Amendments Continued
b. PUV Rollback
c. Draft Taskforce Recommendations
7. Staff Updates
8. Next Meeting: October 14, 2024
9. Adjourn
Henderson County has partnered with the Hope Coalition to launch a series of community events and strategies to reduce harm in September for National Suicide Prevention Month and National Recovery Month.
QPR is a 90-minute evidence-based training providing practical and proven suicide prevention strategies for work, school, home and in your community. Through a certified QPR trainer, you will learn to identify a person at risk and respond confidently.
Register for the December, 3 QPR Workshop
Question: Learn how to ask and not ask, about suicide
Join us for a fun time learning about all things Apple! Meet a Farmer, Taste Test, Apple Trivia & more. Free event for ages 12 & under.
September 25th
3:45pm - 4:45pm
Edneyville Community Center
Tuesday, September 17, 2024
100 N. King Street, Hendersonville, NC 28792
Tragically, more than 3,500 babies in the U.S. and over 100 babies in North Carolina die suddenly and unexpectedly every year while sleeping. The majority of these deaths are associated with unsafe sleep environments (for example, blankets in a crib, sleeping on an adult bed, or sleeping with another person in a bed or couch, etc.).
Tuesday, October 1, 2024
100 N. King Street, Hendersonville, NC 28792
Henderson County Board of Commissioners’ Chairman Rebecca McCall has declared a State of
Emergency for Henderson County effective 8:00 a.m., Thursday, September 26, 2024, due to the
weather related impacts from Hurricane Helene. The State of Emergency will continue until
emergency service officials advise otherwise.
The State of Emergency is also proclaimed at the request of the Mayors in the Town of Fletcher, Town of Laurel Park, Village of Flat Rock and Town of Mills River.
Henderson County Announces Curfew in Response to Hurricane Helene Aftermath
In response to the widespread damage caused by Hurricane Helene, Henderson County officials have declared a mandatory countywide curfew to ensure public safety and expedite recovery efforts. The curfew will be in effect from 8:00 PM to 8:00 AM daily until conditions improve. The curfew is an addendum to the State of Emergency already in effect.
There are 4 ways to apply for disaster aid:
Henderson County has been overwhelmed by the generosity of our community and beyond. We are grateful for the outpouring of support in the form of physical donations, (water, food, supplies) However, due to the current needs of our relief efforts, we are no longer in need of physical donations.
To report a power outage to Duke Energy in North Carolina, you can:
- Text "OUT" to 57801
- Call 800-POWERON (800-769-3766)
- Report it online
- Use the Duke Energy mobile app
View Outages at: Duke Energy Outages in the Carolinas
North Carolinians who lost access to water through a private well or damaged septic system as a result of Hurricane Helene may be eligible for FEMA assistance.
North Carolinians who lost access to water through a private well or damaged septic system as a result of Hurricane Helene may be eligible for FEMA assistance.
Henderson County Environmental Health is working to ensure flooded wells or wells that were damaged during the storm provide safe water for use at home. A flooded well is one where water has risen over the top of the well at any point during the storm. Additionally, wells may sustain structural damage. Any well that was flooded or damaged will need to be disinfected.
The call line for facilities to use if they have questions about reopening is 919-707-5999 and the email address is EHpreparednessquestions@dhhs
- If your septic tank has been flooded do not use the plumbing system while the septic tank is still under water.
- Do not use your plumbing system if sewage water has backed up into your home.
- Try to reduce the amount of debris that enters the septic tank or drains.
- Avoid contact with sewage from a septic tank that is not operating.
Many participants of the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) are impacted by the impacts of Hurricane Helene.
Henderson County will provide free curbside storm debris removal to all county residents. The county is working with a contractor to pick up all storm debris on DOT, municipal and private roads. The county is partnering with the municipalities within the county for this pickup service as well.
- The deadline for FEMA applications has been extended until March 8th.
My home isn't "unlivable", should I apply for Individual Assistance (FEMA IA)?
(Updated 12/2/24 9:00 am)
In the aftermath of Hurricane Helene, many in our community are facing tough challenges. You don’t have to navigate this alone. Support is here.
We are compiling information about resources to support persons struggling with emotional well-being during this difficult time. Note: this is not an exhaustive list of resources. We will post updates as they become available.
Thursday, November 21st
4:00PM - 5:30pm
15 Ida Rogers Dr. Hendersonville, NC
Register for Turkey Fest or visit our office at 708 S. Grove St. M-F 8:30-5 PM
D-SNAP is a temporary disaster food assistance program that provides one month of benefits to people impacted by a natural disaster.
The application window for Phase 1 of D-SNAP has now closed, according to the N.C. Department of Health and Human Services. As of Oct. 28, more than 164,000 individuals in North Carolina had been approved to receive D-SNAP benefits.
Tuesday, November 5, 2024
100 N. King Street, Hendersonville, NC 28792
Building and Trade Permits
Do I need a permit to repair storm damage caused by Hurricane Helene?
This factsheet provides information about cleaning up and making your home safe to live in again
The document you're looking for is not available online. The document either has not yet been scanned into the system, or is unrecorded.
Please contact the Register of Deeds at (828) 697-4901 for details.
- For damage that threatens a structure, such as a house or road, please report at:
Find a list of businesses (PDF) that are participating in the Veterans "Thank You for Your Service" Discount Program.
VeteransDD FORM 214 is the most important document a veteran receives!
Rail Trail Advisory Committee
Meeting Notice & Agenda
Wednesday, November 13, 2024 @ 10:00 AM
King Street Meeting Room
100 N. King Street Hendersonville, NC 28792
Call to Order
Public Comment
Thursday, November 14th at 4:30pm
Apple Rise
Tuesday, December 5pm - 7pm
Countdown to 7pm
Family Countdown Celebration
(These positions are classified as Project to assist with hurricane relief efforts. The length of this assignment will be 6 -12 months.)
Duties and Responsibilities: This position operates one or more types of motorized heavy equipment (i.e., bulldozer, front end loader, roll-off trucks, tractor trailer trucks, farm tractor, mowers and/or Track hoe), dump truck skid steer, wheeled excavator, weed eater, chainsaw, as assigned, to spread, pack, and load refuse and debris; assists in directing patrons and/or controlling disposal of refuse at transfer station site, assists with compost duties as needed, Loading metal in to trailer with
November 14, 2024 Meeting will be at Henderson County Law Enforcement Center.
Tuesday, November 19, 2024
100 N. King Street, Hendersonville, NC 28792
FEMA funding is available to support repairs on private roads and bridges, even if the owner’s home is not damaged. These funds are available through the agency’s Individual Assistance and Public Assistance programs.
Individual Assistance Money for Permanent Repairs
Funds for permanent repairs to privately owned access routes are available through the FEMA Individual Assistance program. To qualify, the following conditions must be met:
HENDERSONVILLE, N.C. (November 20, 2024) – New response bags filled with essential first-aid tools are now available to school nurses in Henderson County’s public and charter schools, enhancing their ability to handle emergencies.
Tuesday, December 3, 2024
100 N. King Street, Hendersonville, NC 28792
(This position is classified as Project to assist with hurricane relief efforts. The length of this assignment will be 6 -12 months.)
Duties and Responsibilities: North Carolina Cooperative Extension gives our residents easy access to the resources and expertise of NC State University and North Carolina A & T State University. Through educational programs, publications and events, Cooperative Extension delivers unbiased, research-based information to North Carolina citizens. For more information visit
A new Henderson County park opened today in Saluda, offering 1.8 miles of walking trails and an observation deck next to a rushing waterfall. The park is named Bell Park in honor of local summer camp pioneers Frank and Calla Bell, who headed Camp Mondamin and Camp Green Cove. Bell Park continues their legacy by providing opportunities for people to connect with nature.
Bell Park is located in Saluda on Spartanburg Highway (176) just south of the bridge over the Green River Gorge. There is a small parking area on the north side of the road.
At the request of the state of North Carolina, FEMA’s Transitional Sheltering Assistance program has been extended to Jan. 11, 2025, for Helene survivors who continue to need temporary shelter.
(This position is classified as Project to assist with hurricane relief efforts. The length of this assignment will be 6 -12 months.)
Rail Trail Advisory Committee
Meeting Notice & Agenda
Wednesday, December 11, 2024 @ 10:00 AM
King Street Meeting Room
100 N. King Street Hendersonville, NC 28792
Call to Order
Public Comment
Henderson County property owners impacted by Hurricane Helene, who do not have debris removal insurance, may apply to have qualified disaster debris removed from their property at no cost through the Private Property Debris Removal (PPDR) Program. The program also covers the demolition of eligible unsafe structures.
Henderson County property owners (unincorporated areas and cities) impacted by Hurricane Helene, have two options for debris removal.
Tuesday, December 17, 2024
100 N. King Street, Hendersonville, NC 28792
Bring your game face & a good attitude! Ages 5 & up welcome!
Whether you're a returning Alumi or just interested in a sneak peek of what the fun’s all about, join us for an hour of tumbling & creativity with friends!
Tumble Bears:
Tuesday, December 10th
Wednesday, December 11th
Tuesday, December 17th
Wednesday, December 18th
Art Start:
Tuesday, December 3rd
Thursday, December 12th
$5 per Fun Day Class Ages 3-5 (Tumbling), 3-10 (Art) 10AM-10:45 AM
Register Online Today!!!
Applications for Permits for Sewage Disposal Systems
Applications for lot evaluations for a subsurface sewage disposal permit can made online through the Citizen Portal or in person at 1200 Spartanburg Hwy.
Application forms:
Duties and Responsibilities: This position Assesses properties; collects data about property and structures which determines the value; utilizes data to assist in determining value; determines functional and physical depreciation of structures and determines the grade condition, desirability, and utility; reviews sales analysis on vacant and improved properties by neighborhood delineation; estimates fair market value.
Will you be my Valentine? Fun times will be had by all at this Valentines event complete with music, crafts, snacks & dancing! Spread the Love and Bring a Friend! Free Event for ages 12 & under
Thursday, February 6th 3:45-5:00 pm
Register on-line by February 4th 708 South Grove Street, M-F 8:30-5pm
Bring your Doll and join us for Afternoon Tea and Fun! This is a FREE event for ages 10 & under. Registration Required
Thursday 1.16.2025
3:45pm - 4:45pm
Edneyville Community Center
Register on-line by 1.13.2025 @ or in-person at 708 South Grove Street, M-F 8:30-5pm
Questions? Call us at (828) 697-4884
(This position is classified as Project to assist with hurricane relief efforts. The length of this assignment will be 3 -6 months.)
Duties and Responsibilities: This position performs general carpentry work; performs grounds maintenance such as seeding, fertilizing, mowing, and trimming of grasses on property; operates lawn and ground maintenance machinery; performs custodial duties; performs physically strenuous activities as required.
Tuesday, January 7, 2025
100 N. King Street, Hendersonville, NC 28792
Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 5:30 PM
King Street Meeting Room
100 N. King Street; Hendersonville, NC
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Informal Public Comment
4. Adjustment of Agenda
- Who will use greenways?
- Children on bikes, babies in strollers, skaters, people in wheelchairs, runners and adults walking
or riding bikes to work, for pleasure or to connect with nature.
- Children on bikes, babies in strollers, skaters, people in wheelchairs, runners and adults walking
- What about litter on greenways?
- In addition to providing trash cans and signage, patrol volunteers would be encouraged to pick
up any litter.
- In addition to providing trash cans and signage, patrol volunteers would be encouraged to pick
- How will emergencies be dealt with?
- Who will use greenways?
- Children on bikes, babies in strollers, skaters, people in wheelchairs, runners and adults walking
or riding bikes to work, for pleasure or to connect with nature.
- Children on bikes, babies in strollers, skaters, people in wheelchairs, runners and adults walking
- What about litter on greenways?
- In addition to providing trash cans and signage, patrol volunteers would be encouraged to pick
up any litter.
- In addition to providing trash cans and signage, patrol volunteers would be encouraged to pick
- How will emergencies be dealt with?
- Who will use greenways?
- Children on bikes, babies in strollers, skaters, people in wheelchairs, runners and adults walking
or riding bikes to work, for pleasure or to connect with nature.
- Children on bikes, babies in strollers, skaters, people in wheelchairs, runners and adults walking
- What about litter on greenways?
- In addition to providing trash cans and signage, patrol volunteers would be encouraged to pick
up any litter.
- In addition to providing trash cans and signage, patrol volunteers would be encouraged to pick
- How will emergencies be dealt with?
The goals of these funds are to address critical housing needs across various vulnerable populations. The funds will ensure that families have access to adequate housing. The funds will aim to address and prevent homelessness by providing housing stability for individuals and families at risk.
Eligibility Criteria:
Disaster Energy Benefits can help those who suffered losses related to Hurricane Helene.
Benefits can be used for:
Tuesday, January 21, 2025
100 N. King Street, Hendersonville, NC 28792
Duties and Responsibilities: The Peer Support Specialist will provide support, encouragement, and guidance to individuals who are facing challenges related to substance use recovery, mental health, or other life difficulties.
FEMA releases a daily fact sheet that contains important Hurricane Helene information
FEMA, State, USDA Team to host Agriculture Recovery Fairs
In Henderson County, the Recovery Fair will be held on Tuesday, January 28, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the Dana Community Center, 2879 Upward Road, Flat Rock NC 28731
One-day Agriculture Recovery Centers are planned to help North Carolina farmers recover from Helene damage
Please call (828) 697-4669 or email
Duties and Responsibilities: This position performs semiskilled and skilled building trades such as, carpentry, construction, painting, plumbing, landscaping, and exterior building and grounds maintenance, preventive maintenance, repair, and remodeling of county facilities. This position also performs a variety of intermediate semiskilled and skilled work in the maintenance of County buildings, grounds, and facilities; performs related work as required. Work is performed under regular supervision.
The Small Business Administration invites you to a Business Recovery Expo for Agricultural Industry on Thursday, February 6th, SBA’s Business Recovery and Assessment Center located at 1465 Sand Hill Rd, Suite 1060, Candler, NC 28715. The Expo will run from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
You can apply for disaster assistance at the County's Disaster Recovery Center (DRC) or online at The deadline to apply for FEMA assistance is Monday, April 7.
If you have applied for FEMA assistance and have been denied, you can still appeal the decision. There's currently no deadline for appeals submissions.
Henderson County remains in a State of Emergency due to Hurricane Helene. The State of Emergency is still in affect for the Town of Fletcher, Town of Laurel Park, Village of Flat Rock, Town of Mills River, and the City of Hendersonville.
There is still restricted travel along Highway 64, Highway 74 and Highway 9 in the Bat Cave and Gerton areas of Henderson County.
Currently, the Henderson County Emergency Operations Center (EOC) is open 8AM - 4:30 PM Monday-Friday.
The Henderson County Disaster Recovery Center (DRC) is in the Blue Ridge Commons complex at 2111 Asheville Highway, Hendersonville NC 28791.
Henderson County property owners (unincorporated areas and cities) impacted by Hurricane Helene, have two options for debris removal.
FEMA funding is available to support repairs on private roads and bridges, even if the owner’s home is not damaged. These funds are available through the agency’s Individual Assistance and Public Assistance programs.
Henderson County Emergency Management is currently evaluating interest from property owners in Henderson County who may be impacted by flooding and landslide hazards at their property.
You can dial 2-1-1 or visit the United Way of Henderson County's website for local community resources at This page lists assistance available for housing repairs, tree cutting/removal, food pantries, utility assistance and more.
Children & Family Resource Center - 828-698-0674 | Childcare resource and referral; resource library; school readiness; developmental screenings; child development and parenting education.
Children’s Developmental Services Agency / NC Infant and Toddler Program - 828-694-7975 | Evaluation and service coordination for families and their children, birth to three who have special needs.
(Less than 1000 hours in a 12- month period – not benefit-eligible)
(Less than 1000 hours in a 12-month period – not benefit-eligible)
Duties and Responsibilities: Registers voters; maintains voter registration records; assists in conducting elections in accordance with State and County laws; performs data entry tasks. Performs intermediate clerical work assisting the public in services offered by the Board of Elections and in conducting elections in accordance with State and County laws and regulations; performs related work as required. Work is performed under regular supervision. Reports to the Elections Director.
Duties and Responsibilities: Registers voters; maintains voter registration records; assists in conducting elections in accordance with State and County laws; performs data entry tasks. Performs intermediate clerical work assisting the public in services offered by the Board of Elections and in conducting elections in accordance with State and County laws and regulations; performs related work as required. Work is performed under regular supervision. Reports to the Elections Director.
Rail Trail Advisory Committee
Meeting Notice & Agenda
Wednesday, February 12, 2025 @ 10:00 AM
King Street Meeting Room
100 N. King Street Hendersonville, NC 28792
Call to Order
Public Comment
Tuesday, February 18, 2025
100 N. King Street, Hendersonville, NC 28792
In 2023, Henderson County hired a consultant, AECOM, to study the Apple Country Public Transit system. The study intends to identify opportunities to increase the ridership of ACPT’s transit while optimizing the level of service for current and potential riders, as well as allow safe and equitable access to employment, education, healthcare, and other regular destinations. Findings and recommendations from the study will support
Duties and Responsibilities: This position develops and implements comprehensive marketing strategies and tactics, ensuring alignment with organizational goals.
Duties and Responsibilities: This position maintains and updates website content and databases using WordPress, ensuring accuracy, engagement, and alignment with HCTDA objectives.
Duties and Responsibilities: Thorough knowledge of the care, control, and handling of dogs, cats and other small animals; federal, state and local laws and regulations applicable to the operation of an animal shelter; custodial/maintenance needs of a shelter facility, equipment and grounds; principles and practices of animal shelter operation, sanitation and disease control. General knowledge of various breeds of animals; symptoms of common animal diseases; humane euthanasia standards and certifica
Duties and Responsibilities: This position exercises independent judgment and initiative to manage branch library. Performs regular library duties. Participates in training, scheduling, and limited supervision of staff and volunteers. This position also Exercises independent judgment and initiative to effectively manage daily operations of a branch of the County library system.
Emergency Conservation Program (ECP)
The ECP is mainly for fence and field repairs needed due to hurricane damage.
Thursday, February 20, 2025 at 5:30 PM
King Street Meeting Room
100 N. King Street; Hendersonville, NC
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Informal Public Comment
4. Adjustment of Agenda
HENDERSONVILLE, N.C. (February 18, 2025) – Deceased waterfowl at Osceola Lake has tested positive for Avian Influenza H5N1, or bird flu.
Bringing home a newborn is exciting, but can also be overwhelming. We are committed to helping you during this wonderful time with the Postpartum and Infant Home Visiting Program.
We want to help you in these first few months, whether it's your first baby or you already have children.
Services offered include:
Bat Cave Baptist Church, 5095 Chimney Rock Road
The Disaster Resource Fair is available for Bat Cave and Gerton residents to work on applications for assistance through FEMA or the SBA.
Learn more about Hazard Mitigation Grants and apply for Private Property Debris Removal.
Duties and Responsibilities: This position provides legal representation for the Department of Social Services in all aspects of Social Services Law with the emphasis on Child Welfare Law and Abuse, Neglect and Dependency proceedings, Adult Guardianships and Protective Services and Child Support Establishment and Enforcement; works with Social Workers to prepare cases for trial and represent the agency in District Court and hearings before the Clerk; adheres to deadlines set by statue and follow dead
HENDERSONVILLE, N.C. (February 24, 2025) – The Henderson County Department of Public Health will host the first-ever Henderson County Behavioral Health Conference on Monday, March 24 at Blue Ridge Community College from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Duties and Responsibilities: This position has a primary responsibility of providing case management services to the child and its family while that child remains in the physical and/or legal custody of the Department of Social Services. This will include coordinating/obtaining services for the child and his/her family at an optimal level to promote the highest probability of reunification with the family. If reunification were unobtainable the services that the case manager has coordinated/
Duties and Responsibilities: This position is responsible for leading and coordinating the county’s on-going disaster response and recovery efforts in response to natural and man-made disasters. This role involves planning, implementing, and managing response and recovery programs as well as projects to restore public infrastructure, services, and community well-being; Serves as County’s representative on various recovery planning committees, e.g.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025
100 N. King Street, Hendersonville, NC 28792
Duties and Responsibilities: This position collaborates with departments and key stakeholders with grant procurement, implementation, and reporting; Performs grants administration to ensure compliance with regulatory, funding agency, and policy requirements.
North Carolina Department of Transportation is working hard in Western North Carolina to rebuild roads and help in the recovery from Hurricane Helene.
See below weekly updates provided on progress being made.
The Henderson County Wall of Honor is a program that places veterans’ ribbons, patches, and badges in 8” x 10” shadow boxes and displays them in the Veterans Services building at 5-Points, 900 North Main Street, Hendersonville, NC.
The name of participating veterans is on each shadow box and each veteran’s shadow box is supported with a website and QR code that describes each ribbon, patch, and badge plus has photos and other information about the veteran.
Rail Trail Advisory Committee
Meeting Notice & Agenda
Wednesday, March 12, 2025 @ 10:00 AM
King Street Meeting Room
100 N. King Street Hendersonville, NC 28792
Call to Order
Public Comment
Duties and Responsibilities: This position assists Chief Communications Officer as liaison for county government with content to the media, municipal, state, federal agencies or programs, and civic and community groups; assist plans, develops, and executes communication of information to keep the public and County employees informed of county programs, issues, and accomplishments in current social media platforms and other avenues as directed.
Henderson County Public Libraries will be hosting Disaster Recovery Fairs.
Get updates and help with your FEMA applications, learn about Hazard Mitigation Grants, apply for Private Property Debris Removal and meet with local non-profits as we continue to recover from Hurricane Helene.
The Disaster Resource Fairs will all be from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. at these locations and dates
Henderson County Public Libraries will be hosting Disaster Recovery Fairs.
Get updates and help with your FEMA applications, learn about Hazard Mitigation Grants, apply for Private Property Debris Removal and meet with local non-profits as we continue to recover from Hurricane Helene.
The Disaster Resource Fairs will all be from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. at these locations and dates
Tuesday, March 18, 2025
100 N. King Street, Hendersonville, NC 28792
This is the main contact form for Henderson County.
Phone: 828-697-4809
Hours of Operation:
8:30am - 5:00pm
Monday - Friday
Teens grades 6 - 12 can submit reviews of teen books.
*Only your first name and age will be displayed with your review*
You MUST complete ALL fields before you submit this form!
You may be asked to sign and submit Conditions of Use and/or Conditions of Return forms. See fee schedule for costs. Please complete the form below. Requests may take between 2 to 4 weeks to process and incomplete forms may result in delays.
By providing a telephone number and submitting the form you are consenting to be contacted by SMS text message. Message & data rates may apply. Reply STOP to opt out of further messaging.
Tell us what you think about our web site, your organizations, or anything else that comes to mind. We welcome your comments and suggestions to benefit your Emergency Services. You can remain completely anonymous if you wish.
The library welcomes suggestions for additions to the collection. Please check the NC Cardinal Catalog to see if the library already owns the item, and use this form to request the purchase of something that is not in the collection.
Librarians review each request for purchase based on the following criteria:
The documents and information on this web site are for informational purposes only and the information herein is subject to change without notice. Henderson County makes every effort to insure the accuracy of information posted on this website. Because the site is frequently updated, materials and information may be deleted, modified or moved without advance notice.
All information or data provided, whether subscribed, purchased or otherwise distributed, whether in hard copy or digital media, shall be at the user’s own risk. Henderson County makes no warranties or guarantees, including the warranties of merchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose. Map data is not appropriate for, and is not to be used as, a geodetic, legal, or engineering base system. The data is not intended as a substitute for surveyed locations such as can be determined by a registered Public Land Surveyor, and does not meet the minimum accuracy standards of a Land Information System/Geographic Information System Survey in North Carolina (21 NCAC 56.1608).
Please fill out the information below to register for a Northstar Digital Literacy Learner account.
- Must be a registered voter in Henderson County.
- Of good reputation.
- Ability to use computers.
- Friendly, professional, and interested in the political process.
- All polls are open from 6:30 am until 7:30 pm on Election Day.
- All precincts are non-smoking facilities.
- You are required to work the entire day
As students and teachers adjust to more online learning than ever before, the Henderson Soil & Water Conservation District is ready to provide support and resources to ease the transition. We are offering virtual content to help enhance your in-class or out-of-class offerings. Please email us to learn more about integrating these lessons into your programs!
We currently offer the following lessons:
We All Live in a Watershed for grades 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th & EC
We want to hear your library stories! Share your memories and stories of the library’s importance to you, your family, and your community.
Tell us what you think about our web site, our organization, or anything else that comes to mind. We welcome your comments and suggestions to benefit Social Services. You can remain completely anonymous if you wish.
Teens: If you like the public library, reading, and need volunteer/service hours for school, the Teen Advisory Board is for you!
What is the Teen Advisory Board (TAB)?
The Teen Advisory Board consists of a group of teens in grades 9-12 who are interested in volunteering and taking an active role in teen services and programs at the public library. Serving on the TAB can look great on your college application or resume and teens can complete volunteer/community service requirements for school.
Henderson County, NC
200 N. Grove St.
Hendersonville, NC 28792
This form is for GIS data and map requests that are beyond the capacity of our online systems and require staff time. This includes printing out paper maps, customized data searches, etc.
Please fill out the following information regarding your request.When we replace a patron's library card number, loss of checkouts and holds in Overdrive/Libby can result. Completing this form will ensure that action is taken to prevent those losses.
Use this form only if the patron getting a replacement library card currently has checkouts or holds in Overdrive/Libby or if they have history or lists in Overdrive/Libby they want to keep.
Accounts will be updated within one (1) business day.
Thank you for your interest in the Henderson County Community Health Assessment. To gain instant access to the Community Health Assessment, we kindly request that you help us understand how this data is being used in the community.