Your Library, Your Stories - Library Impact Stories of 2020
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Library Checks all the Boxes
In 1992 when my husband and I began our search for a happily-ever-after retirement location, our general checklist included the standard categories of medical facilities, churches, proximity to airports and interstates, golf courses, and…an above-average LIBRARY. The evaluation of the latter was my make-or-breaker! In my initial visit to the Henderson County Main Branch, I did my slow stroll with a list of specifics areas and soon began happily whispering “Check…check…” as I located sections marked New Fiction, Periodicals, Large Print…even a “Wow! An expanded children’s place”. Info desk gave me requested branch-library listings. Bottom line: Ideal Location had been found!! Henderson County zoomed to the top of our list. Flat Rock became our permanent address.
Fast-forward to Covid/pandemic/quarantine/lockdown 2019 existence, and our library continued to meet the challenge of providing The Best Service to the community. Curbside pick-up efficiency (complete with friendly voices promising “We’ll be right out with those.”), sanitizing of materials, convenient hours, and Wowbrary access - all were/are essential to my mental health normalcy of “getting lost in a book” amid our extended quarantining. DVD’s provided the needed visual escapes. Out-of-state friends readily heard me bragging of the Great Service provided here, and their responses were filled “I wish WE had a system like that where WE are!”
Aren’t we blessed!!!! Thanks to all who are contributing to the smooth services that make Life a little more bearable.
Library Books Help “Turn off the Worries”
A pandemic means you have to be on the alert and take precautions so much of the time. It means hearing sad stories day in and day out--from friends who have become ill or lost family members, and more sad stories on the news every night.
For me, that has made it harder me to sleep and get the good rest needed for coping and carrying on. But reading before bed--both fiction and non-fiction, can change the channel in my mind, so when I turn out the lights I can turn off the worries.
Thanks and kudos to the Henderson County Public Library! You have kept me supplied with the great books I've needed to get me through, and you found ways to make it safe for me and those helping me get those books. It's been tough going for almost a year now, but you have made all the difference for me and so many of us!
Reading Provides Connection During Quarantine
At the beginning murmurs of the arrival of the global pandemic, I didn’t panic-bulk-buy toilet paper, I panic-checked-out library books. On March 15, I checked out 8 books in preparation for a little bit of time at home. I was afraid all access to library books would soon cease, and I could at least read these 8. I was thrilled when the library rolled out its curbside program, and ended up reading 60 books between March 15 and the end of 2020. I took to writing reviews and posting them on social media which inspired many others to read more and started some great conversations in a time when connection was hard to find. I cannot thank the Henderson County Public Library enough for pivoting during difficult times and continuing to provide the escape we all needed in books in 2020!
Library a Valuable Resource for Families
After years of visiting the library (including a storytime on my due date with my second child), the library has continued to be a valuable resource in our home. In 2020, my family did curbside pickups, watched children’s storytimes, and eventually incorporated a library day into our newly established homeschool. As COVID took our routines, the library created a place for my spouse, my children, and me to continue to read and listen to new music and watch movies. We love our librarians and my kids are always excited for “Library Day”. Thank you HCPL!
Digital Library a Lifesaver
Books are my escape, my therapy, my recreation. I had a new baby on March 18, 2020 and needless to say, it was not the newborn stage I had pictured. Stuck in the house with a 2-year-old and a newborn with nowhere to go is a LOT. Having library access through my kindle saved my sanity. Because of the library, I was able to keep reading anywhere I had a quiet moment. The time with these library books made the middle of the night feedings more bearable and naptimes even more enjoyable.