Liquid Paint Recycling
Paint collection events are postponed until Fall of 2025 due to on site construction.
Questions about paint disposal can be directed to Environmental Programs.Please contact us at (828) 694-6304 or the Transfer Station (828) 697-4505
Proof of residency (driver's license, bill, etc.) is required to drop off material at the HHW events.
Paint collection events are postponed Fall of 2025 due to on site construction
Acceptable Items & Cost
- Spray paint
- Latex, acrylic
- Lacquer, enamel, varnish, primer, stains, wallpaper strippers, thinners, solvents
- Oil-based paints
What is the cost for recycling paint and related items?
All liquid paint can be recycled for a fee:
$5 each for 1-gallon cans
$25 each for 5-gallon buckets.
30-gallon limit per person per event
No charge for spray paint cans. We can accept cash, check, or credit card (except Amex) at the Transfer Station for your paint recycling fee. Recycling paint can be costly for the Solid Waste Division and reduce the amount of funding available towards new recycling programs for the community. This minimal fee helps Solid Waste cover this program and ensure that paints are being properly recycled or disposed of. We appreciate your understanding.
Can I leave paint products in front of the collection site if I don’t see a staff person?
Please do not! We ask that you do not leave any paint products outside of the collection facility at any time. It is important that citizens observe this request to help minimize accidental leakages that could harm environmental quality, humans, and wildlife.
Is there a recycling fee?
All liquid paint can be recycled for a fee of $5 per gallon and $25 per 5-gallon container, regardless of amount within. No charge for spray paint cans. Recycling paint can be costly for the Solid Waste Division and reduce the amount of funding available towards new recycling programs for the community. This minimal fee helps Solid Waste cover this program and ensure that paints are being properly recycled or disposed of. We appreciate your understanding.
If I have dried paint at home, can I bring that for disposal?
We ask that you only bring in liquid paint for the recycling at these special collection events. Dispose of dried paint by bringing it to the Transfer Station for disposal. If it’s completely solid and the lid fits tightly, it can be thrown away with regular trash as long as it is bagged.
Can I mix different kinds of paint together and bring fewer cans?
We ask that you only mix good quality, latex or acrylic paints together. Never mix oil-based paints or related items together, as these items are flammable. This ensures that the quality of paint we receive is high enough to be made into new materials or new paint.
How is the paint recycled? Can the containers also be recycled?
Depending on the quality of paint received , latex and oil-based paints can be refined and start a whole new life as something else or new, usable paint. A variety of open landfill operations around the country can use bulked latex and acrylic paints as spray-on daily covers. High quality non-hazardous paints can be reformed into new paints after the color is refined or even be mixed into cement fill. Oil-based paints can be used as alternative fuel bases and as cement block fill once the volatile chemicals are removed.
A majority of paint containers are now made out of plastic or metal and can be recycled once they are emptied and cleaned out. Spray paint cans that are made of steel can also be recycled. These items can be recycled at the Convenience Center daily as long as they are empty. Please be sure to remove plastic caps from metal cans.
Paint Purchasing & Storage Tips
- If your leftover paint is in good, usable condition, contact the organization below and ask if they would accept your paint donation, but please- always call first:
- Henderson County Habitat for Humanity (828-696-9524 Ext. 250)
- Paint must be new or ½ full
- Spray paint cans must be new or ½ full with lid
- No old, gummy, or rotten paint accepted
- No rusted paint cans accepted
- Henderson County Habitat for Humanity (828-696-9524 Ext. 250)