Tax Department Home
Tax Department Divisions
The Real Property Division is responsible for the appraisal and assessment of the County’s approximately 70,000 parcels. All appraisers within this division are certified real property appraisers by the North Carolina Department of Revenue.
The assessment of vehicles/motorcycles, airplanes, campers, travel trailers, mobile homes, and boats/personal watercraft are handled by the appraisers of the County Assessor’s Office. Annual listing of these properties is required in January of each year.
Business personal property assessed by the County Assessor includes but is not limited to machinery, computer/office equipment, furniture equipment, and farm equipment. Annual listing of these properties is required in January of each year.
Under specific circumstances, property owners may be eligible for reduced taxes, or participation in other deferment or special programs. Currently certain programs exist for property owned by elderly or disabled persons, disabled veterans, non-profit organizations, commercial farms, and wildlife management.
The Land Records section of the Tax Department maintains the data of Land Records, as well as assists the general public by use of computer technology, orthophotography, the public land records, and Go Maps, Henderson County’s Online GIS/Mapping System.
The Tax Collector’s office is responsible to collect all tax bills for real property, personal property, and business personal property. Many payment options are available in our office, over the phone, and online. The tax collector’s office continually works to collect on delinquent accounts through garnishments, attachments, and foreclosure.
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