Code Enforcement and Zoning Services

Henderson County's Code Enforcement services and Zoning services are housed within the same department.


Zoning permits are issued between 8:30 AM and 4:00 PM Monday through Friday. Zoning permits can be applied for online through the Citizen Portal or in person. Visit the Zoning Permits page for more information regarding the Residential and Commercial Zoning Permit process. For information about the full permit process and how to set up a Citizen Portal account, visit the Permit Process page.


In addition to permits, this Department consists of Zoning EnforcementNuisance EnforcementMinimum Housing Enforcement, and Solid Waste Enforcement.


Business License Information - Henderson County does not require a Business License but you must contact the Zoning Department to determine if the business use is allowed. If the business use is allowed, you must obtain a Zoning Permit. Contact the Fire Marshal, Building Services, and Environmental Health for other permits that may be required.