Procedures for obtaining a permit


Submittals shall include:

  • Application (Financial Responsible Owner Form)(Original Signature)
  • One (1) set of plans (24" X 36"") sealed by a North Carolina design professional
    • Self-Inspection requirements must be included on plan in the notes.
    • Two Sheets need to be added to the SESC plan for NPDES compliance. (See file below)
    • all erosion control design elements
    • details, construction and maintenance notes for each erosion control measure used on plan
    • legend of symbols used
    • Construction Sequence
  • One (1) electronic (PDF format) set of drawing (signed and sealed).
  • One (1) electronic (PDF format) set of design calculations.
  • All notarized paperwork with original signature.
  • Designer Checklist (PDF format - electronic)
  • Narrative (PDF format - electronic)
  • Payment. See link to left for current Fees and charges.

* All erosion and Sediment Control details must comply with the latest detail in the NC Erosion and Sediment Control Planning & Design Manual Chapter 6.

Financial Responsibility and Ownership (FRO) (Application).

This form is commonly filled out incorrectly which delay the permitting process. The form must be signed by the appropriate financially responsible party. If the applicant is not the owner of record a permission authorization form must be filled out and included with the FRO.

NCG01 Construction Stormwater (new requirements)

Provide the two adobe sheets in the "NPDES construction Stormwater Permit and Self-Inspection Requirements" tab on left to all plans that have over one (1) acre of land disturbance.

Review Time

Complete submittals (drawings, calculations, forms and fees) will be reviewed on a first in first out basis.

Review time for new submittals - 30 working days.

Review time for re-submittals - 15 working days.