Basis for establishing the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA)
42-233.2 Basis for Establishing the Special Flood Hazard Areas
The Special Flood Hazard Areas are those identified under the Cooperating Technical State (CTS) agreement between the State of North Carolina and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in its Flood Insurance Study (FIS) and its accompanying Flood Insurance Rate Map(s) (FIRM), for Henderson County dated October 2, 2008, which are adopted by reference and declared to be part of this Chapter. The initial Flood Insurance Rate Map(s) are as follows for the jurisdiction areas at the initial date:
- Henderson County Unincorporated Area, dated March 1, 1982
- Village of Flat Rock, dated March 1, 1982
- Town of Fletcher, dated March 1, 1982
- City of Hendersonville, dated January 20, 1982
- Town of Laurel Park, dated October 2, 2008
- Town of Mills River, dated March 1, 1982
NOTE: If detailed topographic mapping or surveying shows that a building site adjacent to a Special Flood Hazard Area is below the Base Flood Elevation, it must be regulated as being within the Special Flood Hazard Area, even if not shown within the boundaries of the Special Flood Hazard Area shown in the FIRM or any accompanying maps. For regulatory purposes, flood elevations are the ruling guideline.
Delineation of Floodway: For the purposes of delineating the floodway and evaluating the possibility of flood damages, the Floodplain Administrator may:
- Request technical assistance from the competent federal agencies, including the US Army Corps of Engineers, the Soil Conservation Service, and the US Geological Survey, or successor agencies, and
- Utilize reports and data supplied by federal and State agencies in delineating floodways and evaluating the possibilities of flood damages.