Watershed Regulations

Site Development

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42-361. Watershed High-Density Development Permits

Purpose. A Watershed High-Density Development Permit shall be required for new development exceeding the requirements of the low-density option.

Application. An application for a Watershed High-Density Development Permit shall be submitted to the Water Quality Administrator on the proper form and shall include the following information:

A completed application signed by the owner of the property or his/her authorized agent; (Originals Required, Electronic version as well)
Electronic Copy of the development plan or site plan including information required by this Chapter and other documents as necessary concerning built-upon area;
Electronic copy of the plans and specifications of the stormwater control structure(s) consistent with the requirements of this Chapter and the Stormwater BMP Manual; and 
When required by law, written verification that a soil erosion and sedimentation control plan has been approved by the appropriate state or local agency.

Review Schedule. The Water Quality Administrator shall process and take action on all applications for Watershed High-Density Development Permits within 65 days.

Fees. (See tab to left)

Staff/Formal Review. Prior to taking final action on any application, the Water Quality Administrator may provide an opportunity for public agencies affected by the development proposal to review and make recommendations on the application. The Water Quality Administrator shall either approve or disapprove each application for a Watershed High-Density Development Permit based on the applicable criteria contained in this Chapter relating to water supply watershed regulations.

If the Water Quality Administrator approves the application, such approval shall be indicated on the permit and both copies of the site plan and both copies of the plans and specifications of the stormwater control structure.  A Watershed High-Density Development Permit shall be issued after the applicant posts a performance bond acceptable security as required by Article VIII (Natural Resources) Subpart B (Water Quality) and executes an Operation and Maintenance Agreement as required by Article VIII (Natural Resources) Subpart B (Water Quality).  A copy of the permit and one (1) copy of each set of plans shall be kept on file in the office of the Water Quality Administrator.  The original permit and one (1) copy of each set of plans shall be delivered to the applicant either by personal service or registered mail, return receipt requested.

If the Water Quality Administrator disapproves the application based on his/her findings, the reasons for such action shall be provided to the applicant in writing by mail, return receipt requested.  The applicant may make changes and submit a revised plan which shall be considered as a new matter. All revisions shall be submitted, reviewed, and acted upon by the Water Quality Administrator pursuant to the procedures of this section.

Water Supply Watershed (LOW DENSITY)


Limit the amount of built-upon surfaces per the most current state rules and local ordinances. (See watershed overlay tab on the left of page)
No collection system - (limited piping-only enough to get under a road, no inverted crown streets)

What makes up a complete low-density application package?

electronic sets (PDF Format) of layout & grading plans with road details and a swale drainage map for curb outlet systems.

Unrelated plan sheets such as water/sewer profiles or details are not necessary.

Electronic set (PDF Format), Applications, draft agreements, draft operations, and maintenance agreements, draft restrictive covenants, etc.

Review Procedures -

Original signature required on applications and supplemental documents, NO COPIES ACCEPTED. Must be uploaded into SmartGov and then mail originals to our office.
Submit correct draft restrictive covenants, and other agreements required.
Provide correct signature for the owner, If a corporation, Limited Liability Corporation, etc - must be designated on the NC Secretary of State website as having authority.


Wetlands, the applicant must calculate the site area to be used in the BUA per lot calculation by following the calculation methods outlined in the wetlands policy.
For curb outlet systems, swale velocity calculations are required, to include the individual swale drainage area, the built-upon area within each drainage area, and the Rational C-value calculated for each drainage area.

If a pocket of high density is formed, the application must include an engineered control suitable or the classification of the receiving waters.


The plan sheet should be kept to a minimum.  The plan set should consist of 1 - 4 sheets with the following information provided:

  • Developer/Project Name
  • Engineer Name and Engineering Firm
  • Legend contains all of the symbols used on the plans.
  • North Arrow
  • Location Map with the nearest intersection of two major roads shown. A major road is any 1, 2, or 3 digit NC, US or interstate highway.
  • Scale - Standard Engineering Scale
  • Date
  • Revision number and date, if applicable
  • Original contours, proposed contours, spot elevations, finished floor elevations, pipe inverts, swale inverts, etc.
  • Existing drainage (piping, swales, ditches, ponds, etc.), including off-site.  Include a map delineating the offsite drainage areas.
  • Property/Project boundary lines, bearing & distances.
  • Mean High Water Line, or Normal High Water Line if applicable.
  • Drainage easement location and width.
  • Wetlands, whether they are disturbed or not, are delineated or provide a note on the plans that none exist. Provide a copy of the wetlands delineation map signed by the Corp of Engineers, or include a copy of the unsigned delineation map that was submitted to the Corp of Engineers.
  • Details for the roads, parking area, cul-de-sac radii, sidewalk widths, curb and gutter, all dimensions and slopes. Note, if the dimensions are face of curb to face of curb (FC-FC) or back of curb to back curb (BC-BC).
  • The drainage area for each curb outlet swale is clearly delineated and numbered to match up the calculations and supplement. Only swales that actually receive road runoff have to be curb outlet swales with 5:1 side slopes. Delineation is best done as a separate plan sheet.
  • A curb outlet swale detail noting the 5:1 or flatter side slopes, the 100’ minimum length and the type of grass to be planted on the side slopes.
  • A level spreader is provided at the end of all swales that will drain into wetlands or surface waters. Level spreader O & M is provided.