Public Safety & Rabies

Henderson County Sheriff's Department is in charge of handling animal control issues in the county. To report an animal control issue in the county please call 697-4912.

Senate bill 1994 became law on October 1, 1990. The Dangerous Dog Law requires the owner of a dangerous dog to take precautions against attacks by such dogs. It imposes criminal penalties and civil liabilities upon the owner of a dangerous dog which attacks and causes serious bodily injury to a person. The owner of a dangerous dog that attacks a person shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to five thousand dollars ($5,000), imprisonment up to two years or both.

Rabies is a deadly disease that has no cure and can be transmitted from wild or domestic animal populations to humans.  In Henderson County, most confirmed cases have been within the raccoon population. People are at risk for exposure if their domestic pets have come in contact with a rabid animal. Precautions people can take to reduce their risk of exposure:

Animal Enforcement is a division of the Henderson County Sheriff's Department. Animal Enforcement Officers will pick up stray dogs and cats on public property or on private property when reported. If you need a stray animal picked up or any other animal control issue please contact the Henderson County Sheriff's Dept. at 697-4912. If the animal has tags or a microchip, every reasonable effort is made to contact the the owner to come and pick up the animal at the shelter. It is County policy that the animal is to be held at the shelter for a minimum of 3 days.