Agricultural Preservation

Agricultural Preservation


Farmland Preservation Taskforce


The Henderson County Board of Commissioners voted to approve the creation of a County Farmland Preservation Taskforce at their April 1st, 2024 meeting. The purpose of the Farmland Preservation Taskforce is to preserve and protect agricultural land throughout Henderson County while supporting local producers and the rural character of the County. 


Taskforce Members

Name Entity 
Rebecca McCall, Chair  Board of Commissioners 
Sheila Franklin, Chair Board of Commissioners
Jason Davis  Planning Board 
Daniel McConnell Soil & Water Conservation District 
Joffrey Merrill  AgHC 
Gary Steiner  NC Cooperative Extension
Jimmy Cowan  NC Farm Bureau 
Randy Newman Hendersonville Board of Realtors 
Jason Edney At-Large
Justin Patwin At-Large
Linda Pryor  At-large 
Danielle McCall  At-large
Alan Ward  At-Large 


The Taskforce's meetings are held the second Monday of the month at 6:00 PM in the King Street Meeting Room. All who are interested are welcome to attend! Please contact Liz Hanson for more information. *The Taskforce may call an additional, Special Called Meeting if agreed upon by members.