Subdivision Review

What is a subdivision?
- Subdivisions are any division of land regardless of the number of lots created.
What is the subdivision process?
- To subdivide your property, the first step is to hire a licensed/certified land surveyor to survey the property, place new lot lines, and certify the plat.
- The surveyor will need to contact the Planning Department to submit their preliminary plat for review.
- A Subdivision Application and Certificate of Understanding, completed by the property owner and/or applicant, will also need to be submitted with the plat. A $50 review fee is also due prior to approval.
- The review period for subdivisions (special & minor) is 72 hours. Comments on the plat will be provided to the surveyor if necessary for approval.
- Once all materials are received and the plat meets all requirements, a plat review officer and subdivision administrator can sign off on the plat.
- Signed plats should be brought or sent to the Register of Deeds Office for recordation.
- Subdivision materials and questions can be directed to Liz Hanson and Austin Parks.
- For in-person signing, you must schedule a time with either Liz or Austin via email or by calling the Planning Department at 828.697.4819
Please visit the additional pages on the website to find the type of subdivision that applies to your project.
How do I apply for my subdivision?
- Email a draft PDF, Subdivision Application, and Certificate of Understanding to Liz Hanson and Austin Parks *
- Your review will be processed in 72 hours. Once the review is preliminarily approved, staff will notify you and invoice you for payment
- Submit payment via mailed check or credit card
- Pay through the Citizen Portal (an account is required, instructions be found here)
- Staff will email the receipt of the payment
- Submit payment via mailed check or credit card
- Final approval/signatures will only be done once payment is received
- For in-person signing, you will need to schedule a time for signing with Liz Hanson and Austin Parks
- Email the plat via DocVerify or DocuSign for final approval
- Signed E-record plats can be sent to the Register of Deeds (via EPN, CSC, or Simplifile)**
*The SmartGov permitting system does not currently accept subdivision applications.
**Please note that you may only employ this option if you are authorized by the Register of Deeds via a Submitter's Agreement**
What is exempt from subdivision review?
Surveys that are exempt from subdivision review are ones that do not propose any creation of a new lot or are highlighted within §160D-802 of the North Carolina General Statutes:
Recombination of land;
The division of land into parcels greater than ten (10) acres if no new right-of-way is created;
The public purchase of land for street right-of-way;
The division of a parcel, two (2) acres or less in size, into two (2) or three (3) lots if each lot is on an existing right-of-way; and
The division of a tract into parcels in accordance with the terms of a probated will or in accordance with intestate succession
Subdivision Regulation
Under §160D-807, there is a penalty of a Class 1 Misdemeanor if one chooses to transfer lots in an unapproved subdivision. Subdividing without a plat can result in penalties under §160D-807 or longer wait times for recordation.
Mylar Option
- Email a draft PDF or bring a paper copy of the plat with the following materials:
- Completed Subdivision Application
- Certificate of Understanding
- Once the review is preliminarily approved (usually within 72 hours), staff will notify you and invoice you for payment
- Drop off at 100 N. King St. Second Floor
- A paper copy of the plat
- Check for the $50 review fee
- Addressed to Henderson County for the amount invoiced
- Call or email the Planning Department to notify staff that you have left a plat
- Staff will email the receipt of payment if you did not receive one from the front desk staff
- If there are no other issues, the planner will sign the plat and notify you of final approval
- You will need to pick up the signed mylar and take it to the Register of Deeds