2023 Schedules of Values
The Schedules of Values, Standards, and Rules for the 2023 general reappraisal of all real property in Henderson County was presented to the Henderson County Board of Commissioners at its regularly scheduled meeting on Monday, October 3rd, 2022. As required by North Carolina law, there are two sets of schedules; one for market value and one for present-use value. After review, public hearing, and adoption, these schedules go into effect January 1st, 2023 and will be the basis for appraised and assessed values in effect until the next reappraisal.
Both the market value and the present-use value schedules are available for public inspection in the "Supporting Documents" section below, in the County Assessor's office (in the County Courthouse on N. Grove Street), and at the Henderson County Library (at the reference desk). Property owners are encouraged to contact the County Assessor's office with any questions or comments at 697-4667.