Social Services Board

The Henderson County Board of Social Services is a five-member Board comprised of two members appointed by the NC Social Services Commission, two members appointed by the Henderson County Board of Commissioners, and one member elected by the Board. Members may serve two three-year terms.

To select and dismiss, if necessary, the county Social Services Director pursuant to the State Merit System Rules, to advise County and municipal authorities in establishing policies and plans to improve the community’s social conditions, to consult with the County Social Services Director about problems relating to the Department, to assist the Director in planning budgets for the Department, to transmit or present the budget to the Board of Commissioners, and to carry out other duties and responsibilities the General Assembly, DHR, the State Social Services Commissioner, or the Board of Commissioners assigns.  

Board Meeting Schedule


Meeting Schedule: Monthly on the 3rd Tuesday at noon in the Department of Social Services Board Room (1200 Spartanburg Hwy., Room A140, Hendersonville).

Term: 3 years, maximum of 2 terms


Candice Fowler
(828) 694-6308

Board Vision Statement

To ensure individuals and families seeking assistance receive efficient and effective service, to advocate for their needs, to advise the Director of Social Services, and to keep the people of Henderson County informed as to Department of Social Services programs and goals.

Joshua Simpson, Chair

Stephen Gwaltney, Vice-Chair

Amy Holt, Member

Rebecca McCall, Member

Melinda Lowrance, Member