K-2 Soil & Rocks

Hand touching soil

Learn more about the basics of rocks and soils in this lesson tailored to the K-2nd audience. 

Classroom lessons include a rocks and soil discussion, an experiment, and hands-on activities to explore soil properties. Activities can include videos, posters, soil examples, and hands-on investigation of various types of soil.  Students have the opportunity to touch various types of soil to determine the different characteristics that make soils unique. 

Some options include:

Rock Cycle Sandwich:  Learn about the different stages of the rock cycle in our rock cycle sandwich example.

Soil Exploration:  Students dissect soil to find out if they can identify the various components.

Soil Particle Sizes:  Using visual representations, students understand the size comparison between sand, silt, and clay.

Soil Components:  Learn the 4 components that make soil soil!

Perk through the Pores: Learn about the movement of water through soil in this fun game!

Super Soil Bracelets:  Learn about what makes soil so super as we create a take home bracelet to reinforce learning!

What's in my Lunchbox?  Learn how soil helps grow our lunch!