Town of Laurel Park
Fast-Tract permitting is only available for eligible projects per 15A NCAC 02H.1043. It is a two-phase process, the fee for each phase is $505.00
To apply: Complete a Fast-Track Authorization to Construct Application found below, also see the instructions for completing the application. The ATC
phase does not entail a detailed technical review by Henderson County Staff, Instead, a qualified professional certifies that the project, once completed, will
comply with all of the Minimum Design Criteria (MDC). Henderson County Staff has thirty (30) days from receiving the ATC application to either issue the permit,
or return it as incomplete, or request additional information.
After the project is constructed, apply for the final permit using the HC-101 Application found below, also see the instructions for completing this application.
Include as-built plans, calculations, and other supporting documentation per the Fast-Tract Final Permit Submittal Checklist below. As-built certification forms for each
Stormwater Control Measure (SCM) AKA Best Management Practice (BMP) and deed restriction forms can be found under the tab to the left called forms (fast-track). (under construction call office for specific form)
If the project does not comply with the MDC, Henderson County Staff will either issue a permit with special conditions, initiate compliance and enforcement action, or deny the
permit. The applicant will be required to bring the site into compliance with the MDC before the final permit is issued.