Search Inspection Grades

Food, Lodging and Institution Sanitation

Restaurant and other establishment grades are available through the online Inspection Database.

Inspection Database

Establishments can be searched by name, city, date of inspection and more. The system allows users to view the inspection for each facility as well as view violations for any non-compliant items found during the inspection. 

Note: The database contains results from October 2021 to present. Please contact Environmental Health for prior records. 

Food, Lodging and Institution Sanitation

Food, lodging and institution inspection helps ensure establishments operating in Henderson County meet the minimum sanitation standards as required by the Environmental Health Section of the Division of Public Health.

Inspections include the establishment's level of cleanliness, food handling practices and proper food protection during preparation, storage and transportation. After inspection, the establishment receives a certified card with a grade of A, B, or C. A grade of 100 to 90 is an A; 89 to 80 is a B; and 79 to 70 is a C. Any facility receiving less than 70 would be closed immediately. Each establishment is required to display its grade card in a prominent location for the public to see.

Inspectors pay one unannounced visit to each restaurant each quarter. Restaurants do have the opportunity to correct problems and ask for a re-inspection, which must be given within 15 days of the request.