Smoke-Free Restaurants and Bars Law
As of January 2, 2010, nearly all restaurants and bars in North Carolina and many lodging establishments are smoke-free, thanks to S.L 2009-27 (G. S. 130A-496), otherwise known as North Carolina's Smoke-Free Restaurants and Bars Law. For information about the law, frequently asked questions, tools for businesses to prepare for the law, and information for citizens, visit SmokeFree.NC.Gov.
How is the law enforced?
If you observe or note a possible violation, please notify the owner or manager of the establishment. They are responsible for compliance and are required to direct a person who is smoking to extinguish the lighted tobacco product.
For more information or to report a potential violation, please call the Tobacco Prevention and Control Branch at 919-707-5400 or your local health department. You may also submit this online complaint form.