Postpartum and Infant Home Visit Assessment

Bringing home a newborn is exciting, but can also be overwhelming. We are committed to helping you during this wonderful time with the Postpartum and Infant Home Visiting Program.

We want to help you in these first few months, whether it's your first baby or you already have children.

Services offered include:

  • Home visit from a public health nurse
  • Health assessment for both mother and newborn
  • Social support and educational resources
  • Assistance with doctor's appointments
  • Discuss family planning options
  • Answer questions about the baby's care
  • Information on immunizations, baby safety, breast and formula feeding, safe sleep, and more

Who is Eligible? 

All mothers or birth parents in Henderson County who have had an infant within a year of birth are eligible. Infants must be seen for at least one follow-up appointment by a healthcare provider following hospital discharge. 

The services are provided at no cost, regardless of insurance status. 

Program Nurse

Margaret Becker, RN, IBCLC
Newborn Postpartum Home Visiting Program Nurse
(828) 273-8588 or (828) 694-6093

What should I do if I'm interested?

To schedule an appointment, call (828) 273-8588 or (828) 694-6093.

Healthcare providers can download and fill out this form. Please fax the completed form to 828-698-6170.