Tips on Using Your Account

Log in to your library account

Use your library account to view checkouts, renew items, make hold requests, or edit account information.

  1. From either the library homepage or the catalog, click on My Account.
  2. If you are the only user of the computer, you may want to check the box beside "Stay logged in?" This will prevent you from having to log in each time you want to use your account.
  3. Enter your library card number and your PIN (usually the last four digits of your phone number) and click Log in.  

Place holds

If an item is checked out or located at another library branch or library system, you can place a hold request to have the item moved to the pickup library of your choice.

  1. Search the library catalog for the title you would like to request. 
  2. Click the Place Hold button located beside the title you wish to request.Place hold button
  3. Ensure that the pickup library and notification method are correct and click Submit.

Enable your checkout history

You must opt in to save your checkout history by turning that option on in your account settings.

  1. Log in to your library account. You will be automatically directed to your Account Summary.
  2. Click on "Preferences", and then on "Search & History".
  3. Check the box beside "Keep history of checked out items?"
  4. Click the "Save" button.

Screenshot of Evergreen account with Preferences, then Search and History highlighted                       


      Screenshot of Evergreen account with Keep history of checked out items highlighted  

Access your checkout history

    1.  Log in to your library account. You will be automatically directed to your Account Summary. 
    2.  Click on "Items Checked Out", and then on "Check Out History".

Screenshot of Evergreen account with Items checked out and Checkout History highlighted


Saving Check Out History from Henderson County on Vimeo.