Family Planning
Family Planning is a program designed to help men and women prevent, delay or space the birth of children. All services are confidential regardless of age. Women of any age can provide their own consent for family planning services. Men are also eligible to receive family planning services. Services are affordable. Fees are based on family size and income.
Check out the Family Planning Services brochure for more information.
The NC Medicaid Family Planning Program is designed to reduce unintended pregnancies and improve the well-being of children and families in North Carolina. Information and applications are available to men and women eligible for the program.
Birth Control
The following birth control methods are provided in our clinic:
- Abstinence
- Birth Control Pills
- Condom
- Depo Provera (the shot)
- Diaphragm
- Intrauterine Device (IUD)
- Natural Family Planning
- Nexplanon (rod/implant)
Additional methods may be prescribed or recommended but are not currently available on our formulary. These options include:
- The Patch
- Vaginal Ring
- Seasonale
- Spermicide
Emergency Contraception
Emergency contraception is most effective if given within 24 hours, but it can be given up to 5 days (120 hours) after unprotected sex. Should you have unprotected sex or should your birth control method fail, and you would like emergency contraception, please call the health department as soon as possible at 828-692-4223 and ask for the earliest possible appointment for emergency contraception.