Local Resources for Exceptional Communities
Children & Family Resource Center - 828-698-0674 | Childcare resource and referral; resource library; school readiness; developmental screenings; child development and parenting education.
Children’s Developmental Services Agency / NC Infant and Toddler Program - 828-694-7975 | Evaluation and service coordination for families and their children, birth to three who have special needs.
Family Support Network of WNC -A family support team that provides information, emotional support and social relationships to help you care for your child with special needs.
firstWNC - 828-277-1315 | Provides persons with disabilities and their families with programs and advocacy to support and foster healthy, inclusive and self-determined lives.
Henderson County Public Schools - All schools provide specially designed instruction, at no cost to the parent, to meet the unique educational needs of children ages three through twenty-one who have been evaluated and declared eligible and in need of special education services.
NC Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs Help Line - 1-800-737-3028 | A toll-free helpline for parents and professionals with children and youth who have special health care needs or send an email to: CYSHCN.Helpline@dhhs.nc.gov
North Carolina Preschool Program, ages 3-5 - 828-693-1711 | Western Carolina Community Action, Hendersonville.
Smart Start Partnership for Children - 828-693-1580 | Literacy programs, child care scholarships for at-risk children
St. Gerard House - Autism Spectrum Disorder - 828-693-4223 | St. Gerard House, a non-profit serving families facing autism, offers evidence-based treatment for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), learning disabilities, developmental delays and behavioral health needs. In addition, we provide training, consultation, and support for families, educators, institutions, and any others involved with the treatment or care of these individuals. Services are available to families and professionals in Western North Carolina.
Vaya Health - 1-800-849-6127 | Open for anyone in Western North Carolina who needs services for mental health, developmental disabilities or substance abuse. Call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.