GIS Data Request Form

Henderson County, NC
200 N. Grove St.
Hendersonville, NC 28792

This form is for GIS data and map requests that are beyond the capacity of our online systems and require staff time.  This includes printing out paper maps, customized data searches, etc.

Please fill out the following information regarding your request.

Digital Data (SHP, XLS, DXF, etc.), Printed Map, or both? *
@ $1.25 ea.
@ $2.50 ea.
@ $10.00
@ $15.00 ea.
@ $20.00 ea.

(NOTE: custom labor is billed at a cost of $40 / hour, with a 1/2 hour minimum charge.)

Check all layers that apply


All information or data provided, whether subscribed, purchased or otherwise distributed, whether in hard copy or digital media, is provided by Henderson County without any warranty whatsoever, and its use shall be at the user’s own risk. Henderson County makes no warranties or guarantees, including the warranties of merchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose. Map data is not appropriate for, and is not to be used as, a geodetic, legal, or engineering base system. The data is not intended as a substitute for surveyed locations such as can be determined by a registered Public Land Surveyor, and does not meet the minimum accuracy standards of a Land Information System/Geographic Information System Survey in North Carolina (21 NCAC 56.1608).  The user should consult public primary information sources, such as recorded deeds and plats, to verify the accuracy of the data provided.
By agreeing below, and having purchased data from Henderson County for my personal use do hereby agree not to sell, reproduce, or distribute any part or all of the data for monetary or personal gain as described in NCGS 132-10.

Confirm *