2010-01: City of Hendersonville Relinquished ETJ (City of Hendersonville to CC)
Acreage: 0.024 Acres
Location: Intersection of US Highway 176 and Upward Road/Highland Lake Road
Existing Zoning: None (City of Hendersonville Relinquished ETJ)
Requested Zoning: CC (Community Commercial)
Applicant: Henderson County as a result of City of Hendersonville ETJ Relinquishing
Review: The TRC considered the request at its September 7, 2010 meeting (See Request #R-2010-01 TRC Agenda Item) and provided a favorable recommendation. The Planning Board considered the request at its September 16, 2010 meeting (See Request #R-2010-01 Planning Board Agenda Item) and provided a favorable recommendation. The Board of Commissioners held a public hearing November 17, 2010 to consider the request (See Request #R-2010-01 Board of Commissioners Agenda Item) and voted 5 to 0 to rezone the Subject Area to a CC District.