Chapter 5 - Mutual Aid Agreements
5-1. Authority of Sheriff.
- The Sheriff of Henderson County is hereby authorized to enter into a reasonable mutual aid assistance arrangement with other municipal and county law enforcement agencies, provided that the head of the requesting law enforcement agency requests assistance in writing.
- The Sheriff of Henderson County is hereby authorized to permit officers of the Henderson County Sheriff's Department to work temporarily with officers of other requesting agencies, including in an undercover capacity and in a regular capacity, as the officer's duties dictate.
5-2. Powers and Duties of Officers.
While working with the requesting agency, a Henderson County Deputy Sheriff shall have the same jurisdiction, powers, rights, privileges and immunities as the officers of the requesting agency, in addition to those he normally possesses.
5-3. Responsibility of County
- Henderson County shall in no way be responsible for personnel, financially and otherwise, of any other participating county, municipality or agency.
- Henderson County shall assume all liability and responsibility for pay for any Henderson County deputy sheriff and for death or injury to any Henderson County deputy sheriff responding to the request for assistance.
5-4. Requests for Assistance.
The Sheriff is hereby authorized to request mutual aid assistance from other law enforcement agencies in accordance with such reasonable arrangements, terms and conditions as may be agreed upon between the respective heads of the law enforcement agencies.
5-5. Other Mutual Agreements.
Nothing herein shall preclude Henderson County from entering into other mutual agreements as allowed by applicable law.