94-46. Application.
- Any person(s) who wish (es) to extend the County sanitary sewer system must make application to the Henderson County Utilities Department on the approved form. Said application form shall be completely filled out, properly signed, and notarized.
- Attached to said application must be a preliminary drawing (prepared by a North Carolina registered professional engineer) which shows the proposed sewer from the existing County-owned or County-controlled sewer line to the subject property (and any improvements thereon) on the appropriate Henderson County Tax Map.
- The adjacent property lines, owner's name and deed references for all properties affected by the proposed sewer line shall be shown on said drawing.
- Said completed and properly executed application form and the attached drawing must be submitted to the Henderson County Utilities Department.
- All required CCWSD fees shall be submitted to the Henderson County Utility Department at the same time the application is submitted.