94-42. Policies Concerning Encroachments.
Encroachments are required by the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) for sewer lines
to be constructed on the NCDOT rights-of-way. In cases where the NCDOT will not grant an encroachment
to a private party (to construct a sewer force main in the NCDOT rights-of-way) without CCWSD signing
the encroachment as the second party, it is the policy of CCWSD to (1) require the private party to sign an
agreement to indemnify CCWSD for any expenses CCWSD incurs due to the encroachment; (2) require the
private party to sign the encroachment as the third party; and (3) after which CCWSD will sign the subject
encroachment as the second party. It is the intent hereof that the private party own the sewer force main and
bear all the expenses associated therewith. CCWSD will resolve problems identified by the NCDOT and
then recover any resulting costs from the private party.