94-37. Capacity Depletion Fees.
- A onetime charge which shall be payable to Henderson County by users of all of the County sewerage systems, the capacity depletion fee is intended to compensate the County for capacity utilized within the County sewerage system. The amount of the capacity depletion fee, the manner in which it is calculated and other particulars in regard to said capacity depletion fee shall be set and established from time to time by the Henderson County Board of Commissioners sitting as the Board of Commissioners or as Directors of Henderson County's water and sewer districts in a fee schedule. The moneys generated by the capacity depletion fee will be used in regard to Henderson County's sewer systems for capital projects, emergency repairs and operations and maintenance at the discretion of the Henderson County Board of Commissioners sitting as the Board of Commissioners or as Directors of Henderson County's water and sewer districts.
- Commissioners or as Directors of Henderson County's water and sewer districts. In addition to capacity depletion fees imposed by Henderson County, users of the County's sewerage system may be subject to fees imposed by other government entities which have contracted to transport/treat wastewater from the County's sewerage collection system.