93-70. Schedule of Fees.
The Henderson County Board of Commissioners and/or the District(s) Board shall enact a schedule of fees for the services to be provided pursuant to this Part 2 as required by Subsection 5.2 of the Regional Water Agreement, said Subsection 5.2 being incorporated by reference as if fully set forth herein. Such fees shall include usage fees equal to or greater than those usage fees set by the Authority pursuant to Subsection 5.3 and/or 4.1 of the Regional Water Agreement, said subsections being incorporated by reference as if fully set forth herein. All customers shall be required to pay the fees adopted by the County and/or the districts regardless of whether they connect into the water system or the water system owned by the City and maintained and operated by the Authority. The Authority shall be entitled to recover all fees, including usage and administrative fees or charges enacted by the Authority pursuant to Section 5.3 and 5.2 of the Regional Water Agreement, from customers connected directly to the water system owned by the city and maintained and operated by the Authority, except that water usage fees adopted by the Henderson County Commissioners in excess of those rates set by the Authority pursuant to Section 5.3 of the Regional Water Agreement shall be paid to the County to the extent of such excess. Notwithstanding the above, Section VIII of the Regional Water Agreement shall control the allocation of revenues generated from regional water lines. Nothing herein shall be deemed to grant to the County the ability to lower the usage rates established by the Authority.