79-3. Definitions
The following terms are defined for purposes of this Chapter:
- 911 Charge - A charge imposed by Henderson County on each exchange access facility to pay for the 911 service start-up, equipment costs, subscriber notification costs, addressing costs, billing costs and nonrecurring and recurring installation, maintenance, service and network charges of a service supplier providing 911 service pursuant to this Chapter and all other payments authorized by ยง 79-8 of this Chapter.
- 911 System Or 911 Service - An emergency telephone system that provides the user of the public telephone system with the ability to reach a public safety answering point by dialing the digits 911. The term "911 system" or "911 service" also includes enhanced 911 service, which means an emergency telephone system that provides the user of the public telephone system with 911 service and, in addition, directs 911 calls to appropriate public safety answering points by selective routing, based on the geographical location from which the call originated, and provides the capability for automatic number identification and automatic location identification features.
- Addressing - The assigning of a numerical address and street name (the street name may be numerical) to each location within Henderson County's geographical area necessary to provide public safety service as determined by Henderson County. This address replaces any route and box number currently in place in the 911 database and facilitates quicker response by public safety agencies.
- County - The County of Henderson, North Carolina.
- Exchange Access Facility - The access from a particular telephone subscriber's premises to the telephone system of a service supplier. Exchange access facilities include access lines, PBX trunks and Centrex network access registers provided by the service supplier, all as defined by tariffs of telephone companies as approved by the North Carolina Utilities Commission. Exchange access facilities do not include telephone pay station lines owned and operated by the service supplier or Wide Area Telecommunications Service (WATS), Foreign Exchange (FX) or incoming-only lines.
- Public Agency - The state and any city, county, municipal corporation, chartered organization, public district or public authority located in whole or in part within the state which provides or has authority to provide fire-fighting, law enforcement, ambulance, medical or other emergency services.
- Public Safety Agency - A functional division of a public agency which provides fire- fighting, law enforcement, medical, suicide prevention, civil defense, poison control or other emergency services.
- Service Supplier - A person or entity who or which provides exchange telephone service to a telephone subscriber.
- Telephone Subscriber or Subscriber - A person or entity to whom or to which exchange telephone service, either residential or commercial, is provided and in return for which the person or entity is billed on a monthly basis. When the same person, business or organization has several telephone access lines, each exchange access facility shall constitute a separate subscription.