49-6. Procedure for Designating Historic Landmarks
- Application by Property Owner. Property Owners shall complete an application and return to the Planning Department who will disseminate it to the HRC. An application must be filed at least 30 days prior to the HRC’s regularly scheduled meeting.
- Recommendation by HRC. The HRC shall make, or cause to be made, an investigation and report on the historic, architectural, pre-historical, educational, or cultural significance of each building, structure, site, area or object proposed for designation. They shall evaluate the information presented and give a recommendation that will be presented to the Zoning Board of Adjustment as part of the record for the quasi-judicial proceeding.
- Review by State Department of Cultural Resources Historic Preservation Office. The HRC’s report will be sent to the State Department of Cultural Resources Historic Preservation Office who will have 45 days following receipt of the report to review and provide written comments upon the substance and effect of the designation. These written comments shall be included in the evidence before the Zoning Board of Adjustment.
- Quasi-judicial proceeding before Zoning Board of Adjustment (ZBA). The ZBA shall review all relevant information and hear testimony from interested parties in a quasi-judicial proceeding.
- Newspaper Notice. Notice of the hearing (if required) shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the County at least once. The notice shall be published at least ten (10) but not more than twenty-five (25) days prior to the date fixed for the hearing.
- Mailed Notice. Written notice of the hearing (if required) shall be mailed to all owners and occupants of properties at least ten (10) but not more than twenty- five (25) days prior the date fixed for the hearing.
- Order. The order shall describe each property designated, the name or names of the owner or owners of the property, those elements of the property that are integral to its historical, architectural or prehistorical value and a waiting period prior to any structural demolition on the site. An entire parcel, including land and any structures will not be designated unless an explicit explanation of the whole parcel’s historic significance is provided at the time of designation. Each order must specify what the historic components of the designated property are and only those will be subject to this Ordinance and receive any benefit under N.C.G.S. 105-278.
- Approval by Board of Commissioners of Historic Landmark Designation Order.
- Approval. The Board of Commissioners shall review the order prepared by the Zoning Board of Adjustment, any relevant evidence, the report by the HRC and the comments from the Department of Cultural Resources Historic Preservation Office in making its decision.
- The Board of Commissioners may hold a public hearing regarding the application.
- Recording and Notice of Historic Designation.
- Written notice of designation shall be provided to owners and occupants of each approved landmark.
- Copies of the designation shall be recorded with the County Register of Deeds.
- Notice of the designation shall be provided to the Clerk and to the Board of Commissioners.
- A suitable sign for each property may be placed on the property with the owner's consent and must adhere to the Land Development Code sign requirements.