49-3. Historic Preservation Commission Established; Appointment; Terms and Qualifications of Members
- Creation. There is hereby established, by authority of Chapter160D-940, Part 4 Historic Preservation, of the North Carolina General Statutes, a joint historic Resources commission to be known as the Henderson County Historic Resources Commission ("HRC”). The Commission shall consist of not fewer than four and not more than nine members appointed by the Board of Commissioners as provided below.
- Appointment. In making appointments to the HRC, the Board of Commissioners shall appoint four members who do not reside in any municipality which adopts this chapter and one member who resides within the territorial limits of each municipality which adopts this chapter. For each municipality which adopts this chapter, the Board of Commissioners shall appoint the member who is required to reside in such municipality recommended by each municipality. At the time of original appointments to the HRC, Henderson County staff shall assign each of the seats initially to a term of one, two or three years. Subsequent appointments of each of the seats on the HRC shall be for a term of three years, so that after the expiration of initial appointments, the term of each HRC member shall be for three years, with the terms of approximately one-third of the membership of the HRC expiring each year.
- Qualification of members. Each of the members of the Commission shall have demonstrated experience, education or interest in history, architecture, archaeology, or related fields.