42-358. Water Supply Watershed Use Permits
- Purpose. Water Supply Watershed Use Permits are required for: (1) the erection, movement, additional or structural alteration of any structure, (2) the expansion of or change in any use and (3) the change of any land surface to an impervious surface.
- Permit Issuance. The Water Quality Administrator shall issue permits.
- Application.
- Pre-application Conference. None required.
- Application. Each application for a permit shall be filed on a form provided by the Water Quality Administrator. Applications may be modified by the Water Quality Administrator as necessary, who may require the applicant to supply additional information.
- Review Schedule. None established.
- Fees. Any review fee established by the Board of Commissioners shall be submitted with the application.
- Staff Review. The Water Quality Administrator shall process and review all applications for a permit. If the application is found to be incomplete, the Water Quality Administrator shall notify the applicant of any deficiencies. The Water Quality Administrator may consult with qualified personnel for assistance to determine if the application meets the requirements of this Chapter. The Water Quality Administrator, for projects not involving some other form of review, shall approve, approve conditionally or deny the approval of the application. Where the Water Quality Administrator denies the permit, reasons for the denial shall be stated.
- Permit Validity. Upon the issuance of a Water Supply Watershed Use Permit, the applicant shall have six (6) months from the date of issuance thereon to obtain a building permit. Failure to obtain a building permit within six (6) months shall render the Water Supply Watershed Use Permit void. The Water Quality Administrator may grant a single extension of this time period of up to six (6) months upon submittal by the applicant of sufficient justification for the extension. A Water Supply Watershed Use Permit must be issued prior to the issuance of building permit, which shall comply with the Water Supply Watershed Use Permit and all conditions of approval attached thereto.
- Revocation of Water Supply Watershed Use Permits. Violations of the sections of this Chapter relating to water supply watershed protection may also constitute grounds for revocation of Water Supply Watershed Use Permits if such violations are not corrected within 30 days following notification of such violations. No such permit shall be reinstated until the Water Quality Administrator finds that all provisions of this Chapter relating to water supply watershed protection have been met. Any revocation may be appealed to the Water Supply Water Quality Board if filed within 30 days of the effective date of the revocation. Following a hearing on the matter, the Water Supply Water Quality Board may concur with the revocation or order the reinstatement of the permit.
- Appeals. Questions arising in connection with the enforcement of this Chapter shall be presented first to the Water Quality Administrator and that such questions shall be presented to the Water Supply Water Quality Board only on appeal from the Water Quality Administrator.