42-351. Manufactured Home Park (MHP) Completion of Improvements (COI) Permits
- Purpose. Completion of Improvements (COI) Permits are required for the leasing of spaces and/or the ability to obtain set-up and building permits for manufactured/mobile homes and other structures within a Manufactured Home Park (MHP).
- Permit Issuance. The MHP Administrator shall issue the permit. No permit shall be issued until the MHP Site Plan (see §42-328 (Manufactured Home Park Site Plan Review)) has been reviewed and approved by the Technical Review Committee (TRC) through the issuance of an MHP construction permit by the MHP Administrator (see §42-350 (MHP Construction Permits)).
- Application
- Pre-Application Conference. None required.
- Application. Each application for a permit shall be submitted, along with the appropriate fee(s) and site plan, to the Manufactured Home Park Administrator. Applications shall additionally include one (1) as-built drawing (at a scale of one (1) inch equals 100 feet) of the completed MHP or phase thereof. Applications may be modified by the MHP Administrator as necessary, who may require the applicant to supply additional information pertaining to the MHP. If the application is found to be incomplete, the MHP Administrator shall notify the applicant of any deficiencies.
- Review Schedule. Applications shall only be accepted when site improvements for the MHP or phase thereof are complete and the applicant has provided evidence that property addresses have been assigned to each manufactured/mobile home and any other structures.
- Fees. Any review fee established by the Commissioners shall be submitted with the application.
- Staff Review. The MHP Administrator shall process and review all applications for the permit after submitted. The MHP Administrator shall: (1) make an inspection of the MHP to ensure compliance with this Chapter; (2) verify that required site improvements as listed on the MHP construction permit (see §42-350 (MHP Construction Permits)) have been made; and, if the inspection shows the MHP adheres to those standards outlined in the MHP Site Plan and contains all site improvements required by the MHP construction permit, and (3) approve the application.
- Formal Review. None required.
- Permit Validity. Upon the issuance of a permit, the applicant shall have the ability to lease spaces and/or the ability to obtain set-up and building permits for manufactured/mobile homes and other buildings within the MHP. The permit may be reinstated if the MHP applicant applies to the MHP Administrator and the MHP Administrator finds that the MHP is in compliance with the requirements of this Chapter.
- Permit Revocation. The MHP Administrator may revoke a permit for violations of any part of this Chapter, except for those regulated by the Health, Inspections or Solid Waste Departments. In these cases, the MHP Administrator shall work with the other departments regarding the revocation of a permit. If the MHP Administrator finds a MHP to be in violation, he shall notify the applicant in writing, stating the specific violations and setting reasonable time limits for corrective actions and subsequent inspections. In the event that the applicant takes no action to correct violations, the MHP Administrator shall notify him/her, by certified mail, that the permit for the MHP will be revoked at the close of ten (10) business days from the date of the written notice. Should the applicant correct the violations prior to the permit being revoked, he shall request that the MHP Administrator conduct an inspection. If the MHP Administrator finds that the MHP is no longer in violation, he/she shall notify the applicant that the permit will continue to be valid. If the violations have not been remedied, the permit shall be revoked. Such revocation and the reasons for such shall be made in writing to the MHP applicant.
- Implications of Revoked Permit. Where a permit has been revoked, the applicant shall:
- Not rent or lease any vacant spaces until the violations have been corrected and the permit is reinstated; and
- Notify each renter/lessee of a space within the MHP within ten (10) days after receiving written notification that the permit has been revoked. The applicant shall provide the MHP Administrator with a signed statement from each renter/lessee indicating that notice from the applicant has been received. Any lease that is renewed after revocation of the permit shall be at the renter’s/lessee’s own risk.