42-344. Comprehensive Plan Amendments
- Purpose. The Comprehensive Plan Amendment process is designed to allow for: (1) regularly scheduled amendment evaluation; (2) consistency in how amendments are handled; (3) the consideration of the current plan and the proposed amendment to the plan concurrently, with an evaluation of the consequences of each; (4) the consideration of land use changes in a countywide context by simultaneous amendment review; (5) the separation of land use issues from specific zoning issues; (6) thorough staff and board analysis and evaluation; and (7) meaningful public input. All actions taken to amend, supplement, change or repeal the Comprehensive Plan shall follow the appropriate process as outlined below.
- Administrative Amendments.
- Approval Authority. Board of Commissioners.
- Initiation. The Commissioners, County Manager, Planning Board and Planning Staff may submit administrative amendments to the Planning Director.
- Staff Review. The Planning Director draft submitted amendments and provides them to the County Manager for review, consideration and action by the Commissioners.
- Review Schedule. As needed.
- Public Hearing. See 42-370 (C).
- Public Notification. See 42-370 (C).
- Amendment Validity. The amendment is effective immediately following the decision of the Commissioners.
- Substantive Amendments.
- Approval Authority. Board of Commissioners
- Initiation. The Commissioners, County Manager, Planning Board and Planning Director may initiate substantive amendments.
- Review Schedule. Amendments shall be considered when initiated and in concurrence with rezoning applications. Other amendments shall be reviewed based on the following:
- Five-Year Review. The Comprehensive Plan is subject to a review every five (5) years. Planning Staff prepares draft amendments and submits them to the Planning Board for initial review. Planning Staff distributes copies of the draft amendments widely, invites public comment, addresses received public comments and submits amendments as revised to the Planning Board for review and recommendation to the Commissioners. The Commissioners review and decide whether to adopt the amendments. The Commissioners may hold a public hearing or public input session. If the Commissioners direct that further modifications to the proposed amendments be made, and such modifications are deemed by the Commissioners to be significant, the modified proposal shall be resubmitted to the Planning Board for further review and recommendation before the Commissioners take action.
- Public Hearing. See 42-370 (C).
- Public Notification. See 42-370 (C).
- Amendment Validity. The amendment is effective immediately following the decision of the Commissioners.