42-342. Final Plat Review
- Final Plat Review for Minor, Special and Nonstandard Subdivisions.
- Approval Authority. Subdivision Administrator.
- Purpose. A final plat must be prepared and approved pursuant to this subpart and final plat requirements provided by the Planning Department, whenever a subdivision of land occurs.
- Staff Review. If the subdivision complies with the standards set forth herein the Subdivision Administrator shall provide approval in writing on the face of the final plat and shall retain a signed copy for departmental records. Once the plat has been approved, the final plat must be recorded within twelve (12) months from Subdivision Administrator approval.
- Final Plat Review for All Major Subdivisions.
- Approval Authority. Subdivision Administrator.
- Purpose. A final plat must be prepared and approved pursuant to this subpart and final plat requirements provided by the Planning Department, whenever a subdivision of land occurs.
- Staff Review. The Subdivision Administrator shall review the final plat and determine its completeness, finding that the regulations of this Chapter that set forth specific standards have been met for final plats. The Subdivision Administrator shall review the final plat for conformance with all applicable standards and conformance to any associated master plans and development plans. The final plat may be approved administratively if the plat meets all requirements of the Chapter and satisfies all conditions imposed by the reviewing agency. Upon approval, and before any lots are transferred, the applicant shall record the final plat at the office of the Register of Deeds within twelve (12) months from Subdivision Administrator approval. Incidental changes to the final plat, which do not in any way affect the character of the development, may be submitted prior to, or after, recordation and may be approved for re-recordation by the Subdivision Administrator. No lots governed by this Chapter may be conveyed until a final plat is approved and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Henderson County.