42-340. Master Plans
- Plan Preparation. Master plans must be prepared in conformance with this subpart and master plan requirements provided by the Planning Department. A master plan is required during review of all major subdivisions. The applicant shall submit four (4) full-sized copies and one (1) reduced-sized copy of the master plan, at a scale appropriate to clearly depict the proposed project. Reduced size copies should be legible and reproducible. If a reduced size copy of the plan (no larger than 11 inches by 17 inches in size) cannot be provided, at least 30 large copies shall be submitted in its place. The master plan may consist of multiple sheets, if needed. Applicants proposing single section or phased subdivisions may submit a combined master plan and development plan (“master/development plan”) that shall be prepared in conformance with this subpart and the requirements of a development plan provided by the Planning Department and §42-341 (Development Plans).
- Purpose of the Plan. The master plan is intended to provide general information about the proposed development to allow for an assessment of its impact on the orderly growth and development of the County, environmental quality, land values, natural features identified on the site analysis sketch and the County’s roads and governmental services.
- Review of the Plan. During review of the master plan for a major subdivision application, the reviewing agency shall take into consideration: (1) applicable recommendations of the Comprehensive Plan, (2) the potential use of the land to be subdivided and (3) the impact of the subdivision and proposed use whether residential, commercial or industrial.
- Revisions to the Plan. If during the development of the project, the master plan is revised to affect any of the following: increase the number of lots to be created or units to be constructed; create a substantive change in the subdivision configuration, road layout, etc.; substantially change the use of any portion of the tract; develop or build in areas that were identified as features in the site analysis sketch (see Article III (Subdivision Regulations) and Article XI (Review Processes and Procedures) Subpart C (Subdivision Review and Approval)) and that were identified in the master plan as open spaces or protected areas, the applicant shall then submit a revised master plan for the reviewing agency to review in accordance with Article III (Subdivision Regulations) and the applicable review process as outlined in this Article XI (Review Process and Procedures) Subpart C (Subdivision Review and Approval).
- Land Disturbing and Improvement Activities. The applicant may only proceed with the establishment of erosion and sedimentation control measures, clearing and other land-disturbing activities and improvement activities associated with the project upon receipt of approval of the development plan (See §42-341 (Development Plans).
- Approval Validity. Master plan approval is valid for two (2) years and shall be annotated on the plan. If, at the completion of the two-year period, no development plan has been submitted, the applicant must reapply under the current applicable requirements. Upon completion of a development plan, where no new development plan had been submitted for a period of four (4) years, the applicant must reapply under the current applicable requirements for the remainder of the project.