42-298. Nonconforming Commercial and Industrial Uses/Structures within the former Open Use (OU) Zoning District
- Maintenance, Improvement, Alteration, Expansion, Remodeling, Repair and Reconstruction. Commercial and industrial uses/structures legally established in the former Open Use zoning district and made nonconforming by the adoption of this Chapter and its associated zoning map shall be allowed to be maintained, improved, altered, expanded, remodeled, repaired and/or reconstructed in adherence with the dimensional requirements and setbacks of the current applicable district. Uses/structures established in the former Open Use zoning district by the issuance of a special use permit and made nonconforming by the adoption of this Chapter and its associated zoning map may be allowed to be expanded or reconstructed only with the amendment of the special use permit or issuance of a new special use permit unless the use/structure is allowed by right in the current applicable district. The procedures set forth in §42-355 (Special Use Permits) shall govern the amendment or issuance of any special use permit.
- Discontinuance of Nonconforming Use. Standards found in §42-297 (Nonconforming Uses) shall apply.