42-183. Plant Specifications

  1. Plant Standards. Plant material shall: (1) meet the requirements of the latest edition of the American Standards for Nursery Stock (ANSI 260.1); (2) be healthy; and (3) be free of disease/insect infestation.
  2. Plant Material Size. Minimum plant size requirements are established to provide tree canopies and revegetate a site. Table 5.3 shows plant material size as required by this Chapter.


Table 5.3. Tree and Shrub Requirements
Tree/Shrub Type Height at Maturity (ft.) Minimum Size at Planting
Large Tree ≥35 2 inches in caliper; 12 to 14 ft. in height
Small Tree <35 1 ½ inches in caliper; 8 to 10 ft. in height
Shrub >4 3 gallon container or 10 inch root ball; 18 inches in height
Tree >20 6 ft. in height
Conical Tree ≥ 15 3 gallon container or 10 inch root ball; 18 inches in height
Shrub >4 3 gallon container or 10 inch root ball; 18 inches in height
Conical Shrub ≥8 3 gallon container or 10 inch root ball; 18 inches in height
  1. Plant Material Placement. Plant material shall be permitted in the sight visibility triangle (see Figure 5F) provided the area within the sight visibility triangle remain permanently unobstructed between three (3) and ten (10) feet above grade.

    Figure 5F. Sight Visibility Triangle Plantings
    Not to Scale