King Street Meeting Room
2:00 p.m. 100 N. King Street
Hendersonville, NC 28792
1. Meeting Called to Order – Approval of March 9, 2010 Meeting Minutes
2. Major Site Plan Review for Gym Facility – Located North of Interstate 26 and US 25 interchange on Maxwell Drive, Fletcher. Tom Jones, William G. Lapsley and Associates, Agent, on behalf of Rick and Beverly Moore, Owner. Presentation by Toby Linville, Code Enforcement.
3. Combined Master and Development Plan – Meadows at Rivers Edge (File # 2010-M01) – 54 Lots Located on Approximately 76.29 Acres off Eade Road – Terry Baker of Associated Land Surveyors, Agent, on behalf of Eade Road Investments, LLC, Owner. Presentation by Parker Sloan, Planner.
4. Major Site Plan Review – Expansion to Apple Valley Middle School and North Henderson High School – Located at 43 Fruitland Road – Mosley Architects, Agent on behalf of Henderson County Public Schools, Owner. Presentation by Toby Linville.
5. Adjournment.