King Street Meeting Room
2:00 p.m. 100 N. King Street
Hendersonville, NC 28792
1. Meeting Called to Order - Approval of March 4, 2008 Minutes.
2. Major Site Plan Review - Crab Creek Catfish Farm - Located on Approximately 38.15 Combined Acres of Land at 439 Crab Creek Road - Propose Outdoor Recreational Facility - Jon Laughter, Laughter, Austin and Associates, P.A., Agent for Larry Holbert, Owner.
3. Major Site Plan Review - Recreation Vehicle Park - Located on Approximately 1.35 Acres of Land at 350 Old Sunset Hill Road, Lot # 1, Hendersonville - Thomas S. McCanless, EAS Professionals, Inc., Surveyor for Rolando and Amelia Gayarre, Owners.
4. Major Site Plan Review -Retail Sales & Service - Located on 0.95 Acres of Land at 40 Etowah Town Square, Etowah - Dean and Associates, Inc., Engineer, Agent for John and Tina Owen, Owners.
5. Major Site Plan Review - Tuxedo Communications Tower - Located on 6.43 Acres of Land on Green River Road - Proposal of a Telecommunications Tower - SurveyOne, PLLC, Surveyor for SBA Towers Inc., Owner.
6. Rezoning Application # R-2008-02 - Rezone Approximately 1.83 Acres of Land - Located off Upward Road - Residential One (R1) to Community Commercial (CC) Zoning District - William Carl Swain and Mark White, Agents for William Carl Swain, Walter John Maki, and Joseph Franklin Swain, Applicants.
7. Rezoning Application # R-2008-03 - Rezone Approximately 19.15 Acres of Land - Located Along McMurray Road - Residential Two with Manufactured Housing (R2MH) to Industrial (I) Zoning District - Charles A. Wilkins, Agent for McNutt Investments, LLC, Applicant, Robert Camenzind, Owner.
8. Rezoning Application # R-2008-04 - Rezone Approximately 0.48 Acres of Land - Located at the Intersection of Mountain Road and Haywood Road - Residential One (R1) to Local Commercial (LC) Zoning District - Kirk Ledoux, Application/Agent for Gregory and Leslie Shipley, Owners.
9. Adjournment.