July 17, 2008 Henderson County Planning Board Agenda

Thursday, July 17, 2008
King Street Meeting Room.
5:30 p.m. 100 N. King Street
Hendersonville, NC 28792

1. Called to Order.

2. Approval of Minutes - Regular Meeting - June 19, 2008.

3. Adjustment of Agenda.

4. Staff Reports.


5. Land Development Code: Text Amendment 2, Manufactured Home Provisions/Regulations - Presentation by Autumn Radcliff .


6. Revised Master Plan and Phase I Development Plan - Laurel Rock Reserve Major Subdivision (#2008-M11) - 137 Single-Family Residential Lots on 309.85 Acres - Located near the Intersection of Hutch Mountain Road and Clark Gap Drive - 137 Single-Family Residential Lots - McAbee & Associates, Agent for Andy Anderson (Lark Properties Inc.) - Presentation by Matt Cable .

7. Rezoning Application # R-2008-10 - Request to Rezone Approximately .83 Acres of Land - Fronting Directly on US Highway 64 West ( Brevard Road ) - from R-40 (Estate Residential) Zoning District to a CC (Community Commercial) Zoning District - Kevin Brown - Presentation by Jason Waddell.

8. Rezoning Application #R-2008-05-C - Request to Rezone 9.98 Acres of a 12.03 Acre Tract - Located in the Foxwood Subdivision and Adjacent to the County Landfill - from Residential One (R1) zoning district to Local Commercial Conditional District (LC-CD) - Initiated by the Board of Commissioners at the Request of the Emergency Services Department - Presentation by Autumn Radcliff .

9. Development Plan Approval Extension - Cobblestone Village Major Subdivision (#2006-M16) - Brian Ely, Developer - Original approval June 20, 2006 - Presentation by Matt Cable .

10. Development Plan Approval Extension - Summit Springs Major Subdivision (File #2006-M19) - Hunter Marks, Agent for Jeff Cosgrove - Original approval June 20, 2006 - Presentation by Matt Cable .

11. Public Input.

12. Subcommittee Assignments and Updates.

13. Adjournment.