Tuesday, February 17, 2004                                         Meeting Room, Land Development Bldg.

7:00 P.M.                                                                     101 E. Allen Street

                                                           Hendersonville, NC  28792



1.         Meeting Called to Order.


2.         Approval of Minutes – January 20, 2004 Regular Meeting.


3.         Adjustment of Agenda.


4.         Staff Reports.


Notice:   Reviews of subdivisions will be conducted informally unless the applicant or anyone qualified to participate in the proceeding requests that such review be conducted as a formal quasi-judicial proceeding.





5.         Status Report on Planning Initiatives - Planning Staff.






6.         Etowah Office Complex, (File# 04-M01) – Master Plan and Development Plan Review for Property Located off McKinney Road - (2 Lots on 4.83 Acres; 1 Residential Lot and 1 Non-Residential Lot) - James E. McKinna, Owner/Agent.

7.         Zoning Map Amendment Application # R-04-01 to Rezone Approximately 0.31
Acres Located at the Intersection of Resort Street and Shepherd Street, from R-15 (Medium-Density Residential) to C-2P (Preservation Neighborhood Commercial) - Charlene Rogers, Agent for Charles Pace, Applicant.

8.         US 25 North Area Study – Discussion of Preliminary Draft – Michael Harvey, CMR Services, Inc.


9.         Approval of Order for Amendment to Carriage Park, Section 14, Carriage Forest for the Sewer Lift Station Lot.


10.       Public Input.


11.       Subcommittee Assignments and Meeting Dates.

a.       Water Supply Watershed Issues Subcommittee

b.      Short Term Zoning Subcommittee

c.       Subdivision Issues Subcommittee

d.      Others


12.       Adjournment.