Tuesday, July 15, 2003 Land
Development Building Board Room
7:00 P.M. 101
E. Allen Street
NC 28792
1. Meeting Called to Order.
2. Approval of Minutes June 17, 2003
Regular Meeting.
3. Adjustment of Agenda.
4. Staff Reports.
Notice: Reviews of subdivisions will be conducted informally unless the
applicant or anyone qualified to participate in the proceeding requests that
such review be conducted as a formal quasi-judicial proceeding.
5. Request for Extension of Development Plan Approval for
Richmore Estates (01-03) Richard Phipps, Owner/Developer.
6. Request for Extension of Development Plan Approval for
Makaylas Place (01-09) , William Patterson, Agent for James Michael Pack,
7. Approval of Order for Amendments to
Carriage Park, Section 10, The Ponds, Phase II Planning Staff.
8. Shuey Knolls (03-M10) Combined Master and Development Plan
Review (103 Lots on 61.25 Acres off Chimney Rock Road (Highway 64 East)) - Jon
Laughter, Agent for Habitat for Humanity, owner.
9. Peaceful View Estates (03-M11) Combined Master and
Development Plan Review (15 Lots on 10.36 Acres off Stepp Mill Road) -
Cavanaugh & Associates, P.A., Agent for Cavanaugh & Associates, P.A.
10. Cliffs Valley North, Phase IV (03-M12) Combined Master and
Development Plan Review (30 Lots on 43 Acres Off Mountain Summit Road) - Paul
P. Foster, Agent for Cliffs of Glassy, Inc., Owner.
11. Carland
Commercial Subdivision (03-M13) Combined Master and Development Plan Review
Commercial Lots on 18.24
Acres off Boylston Highway (Highway 280)) - William G. Lapsley, Agent for
Carland Farms Inc., Owner.
12. Review of Amendment to Conditional Use Permit # CU-99-01 to
Allow a Bed and Breakfast Inn with Private Functions for Property at 2701
Kanuga Road (Pursuant to Section 200-13.C (4) of the Henderson County Zoning
Ordinance) Terry and Melanie Wetton, Applicants.
13. Proposed Amendments to the Henderson County Subdivision
Ordinance Subdivision Issues Subcommittee.
14. Status Report on Planning Initiatives Planning Staff.
15. Public Input.
16. Subcommittee Assignments and Meeting Dates.
17. Adjournment.