Tuesday, January 21, 2003                                                                  Henderson County Land Development Building

7:00 p.m.                                                                                                  Meeting Room

                                                                                                                 101 East Allen Street

                                                                                                 Hendersonville, NC  28792


1.             Meeting Called to Order.


2.             Approval of Minutes – December 17, 2002 Regular Meeting.


3.             Adjustment of Agenda.


4.             Staff Reports.


Notice:       Reviews of subdivisions will be conducted informally unless the applicant or anyone qualified to participate in the proceeding requests that such review be conducted as a formal quasi-judicial proceeding.




5.             Status Report on Subdivision Plan Review Issues-Subdivision Issues Subcommittee.


6.             Review of Conditional Use Permit Application #CU-02-15 for Proposed Summer Camp at the Former Camp Riley at Lake Osceola (on South Lakeside Drive in an R-20 Zoning District) – Richard Hallberg and Kathy Harshman, Applicants.




7.             Taylor Forest (File # 2002-M21) – Combined Master and Development Plan Review (23 Single-Family Lots off Gilreath Loop Road).  Mike Taylor, Agent for LAM Investments, LLC, Owner.


8.             Carriage Park Planned Unit Development, Section 15, Carriage Crest – Development Parcel Review (48 town homes and 7 single-family lots off Carriage Park Way) – Vic Knight, Land Planning Collaborative, Agent for Carriage Park Associates, LLC, Owner/Developer.*


9.             Zoning Map Amendment Application # R-02-05, to Rezone Three Parcels Totaling 329.97 Acres at the Northeast Corner of the Intersection of the French Broad River and Butler Bridge Road from OU (Open Use) to I-2 (General Industrial).  William M. Alexander, Attorney, Agent for Tap Root Dairy, LLC; Big J Small J Partnership; and Juanita Johnston and Mary Louise Corn, Co-Trustees of the Estate of S.E. Johnston, Jr., Owners.               


10.           Zoning Map Amendments Application # R-02-06 to Rezone 2.32-Acre Parcel Adjacent to King’s Grocery in East Flat Rock, Northwest of the Intersection of Old Spartanburg Highway and Fairground Avenue, from R-20 (Low-Density Residential) to C-4 (Highway Commercial). Gordon McAuliffe, Owner/Applicant.


11.           Zoning Map Amendment Application # R-02-07 to Rezone Portions of a 180-Acre Parcel at the Intersection of NC 191 and North Rugby Road, from R-30 (Low-Density Residential) to R-20 Low-Density Residential (85 acres) and C-2 Neighborhood Commercial District (12 acres).  Conomo Properties, LLC, Property Owner/Applicant.





10.           Public Input.


11.           Subcommittee Assignments and Meeting Dates.


12.           Adjournment.



* Note: Review shall be conducted as a quasi-judicial proceeding.