Tuesday, October 15, 2002                                         Henderson County Land Development Building

7:00 p.m.                                                                     Meeting Room

                                                                                   101 East Allen Street

                                                                       Hendersonville, NC  28792


1.         Meeting Called to Order.


2.         Approval of Minutes – September 17, 2002 Regular Meeting.


3.         Adjustment of Agenda.


4.         Staff Reports.


Notice:   Reviews of subdivisions will be conducted informally unless the applicant or anyone qualified to participate in the proceeding requests that such review be conducted as a formal quasi-judicial proceeding.




5.         Group Development Application – Proposed Office Complex in a C-4 (Highway Commercial) District at the Corner of US Highway 176 and Mill Street – Ernest Williams, Applicant.


6.         Proposed Zoning Map Amendment – Application # R-04-02 to Rezone Approximately 1.25 Acres Adjacent to Cely Drive, off US 25 North from R-T (Transient Residential) to C-4 (Highway Commercial) – Nathan Benson, Applicant.


7.         Order for Amendment to Approved Development Parcel for Carriage Park Planned Unit Development, Section 23, Carriage West – Planning Staff.


8.         Proposed Amendments to the Henderson County Subdivision Ordinance – Planning Staff.




9.         Red Wing (File # 02-M14) – Master Plan and Development Plan Review (71 Lots Off Warlick Road) – Bronce Pesterfield, Agent for Red Wing Estates, LLC, Applicant.        


10.       Review of Conditional Use Permit Application # CU-02-14 – Proposed Shopping Center in a C-4 (Highway Commercial) District at the Corner of US Highway 176 and Mill Street – Ernest Williams, Applicant.    




11.       Public Input.


12.       Subcommittee Assignments and Meeting Dates.


13.       Adjournment.