1, 2004
The Henderson County
Board of Commissioners met for a regularly scheduled meeting at 5:30 p.m. in
the Commissioners' Conference Room of the Henderson County Office Building.
Those present were: Chairman Grady Hawkins, Vice-Chairman Larry
Young, Commissioner Bill Moyer, Commissioner Charlie Messer, Commissioner
Shannon Baldwin, County Manager David E. Nicholson, Assistant County Manager
Justin Hembree, County Attorney Angela S. Beeker, and Clerk to the Board
Elizabeth W. Corn.
Also present were:
Planning Director Karen C. Smith, Budget and Management Director Selena Coffey,
Public Information Officer Chris S. Coulson, Fire Marshal Rocky Hyder, and Finance
Director J. Carey McLelland. Deputy Clerk to the Board Amy Brantley was present
through nominations.
Chairman Hawkins called
the meeting to order and welcomed all in attendance.
Commissioner Messer led
the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.
David Nicholson gave the
Chairman Hawkins requested
the addition of Consent Agenda - Item “K” Subdivision for Willow Place. He also
requested the addition of Update on Pending Issues #2 – Powerline at Human
Services Building and #3 – Historic Courthouse. Commissioner Baldwin requested
the addition of Update on Pending Issues #4 – Communications with Staff.
Chairman Hawkins made the motion to approve the agenda as
presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Chairman Hawkins asked
that item “F-Temporary Access Agreement for Sewer” be pulled from the agenda
for some discussion.
Item F – Temporary Access Agreement for Sewer
The Board was presented
with a proposed agreement to allow Hunter Nissan Lincoln Mercury to continue to
utilize the County’s sewer lift station located on the property formerly known
as the Carolina Apparel Trading property until May 1, 2005. The lift station
served both the Hunter property and the Carolina Apparel Trading property and
was existing at the time the County purchased the property.
The Agreement provided
for an up front payment of $75.00, representing the County’s costs to operate
the lift station since the building was torn down. The Agreement further
provided that Hunter would pay all of the County’s expenses incurred in
operating the lift station between the date of the Agreement and May 1, 2005,
regardless of whether those expenses were for electricity, maintenance, repair
or clean up costs, if any, associated with the Transfer Station. Lastly, the
Agreement provided that on May 1, 2005, the County could discontinue operation
of the lift station and disconnect the line serving the Hunter buildings.
Chairman Hawkins questioned
why the issue of payment was coming up now, since they had been using the lift
station the entire time the County had owned the building. Angela Beeker
answered that station was used by both the Carolina Apparel Building and the
Hunter buildings. When the Carolina Apparel Building was torn down, the station
was solely for the benefit of the Hunter buildings. $75.00 had been the cost of
electricity for the station since the Carolina Apparel Building had been torn
Chairman Hawkins made the motion that the Board accept the
consent agenda as presented. All voted
in favor and the motion carried.
The Consent Agenda
consisted of the following:
Draft minutes were
presented for the Board’s review and approval of the following meeting(s):
October 4, 2004, regular meeting
October 5, 2004, continuation of regular meeting
October 5, 2004, special called meeting
Financial Report – September 2004
Cash Balance Report – September 2004
The YTD costs in the
General Fund Non-Departmental line item are the annual property/liability and
workers compensation insurance premiums paid to the NCACC Insurance Risk Pools
for FY 2005. These costs will be
allocated out to departmental budgets in succeeding months.
The YTD deficit in the
CDBG-Scattered Site Housing Project, the Mills River Watershed Protection
Project, the Mud Creek Watershed Protection Project and the Mills River Sewer
Capital Project are all temporary due to timing differences in the expenditure
of funds and the subsequent requisition of Federal and State funds to reimburse
these expenditures.
The County Services
Building Project deficit is due to architectural fees, demolition/abatement and
utilities relocation work performed at the former Carolina Apparel
Building. It is anticipated that these
costs will be recouped from financing proceeds for the project.
Henderson County Public Schools Financial Report – September
The Schools Financial
Report was provided for September for information and consent approval.
Tax Collector’s Report
Terry F. Lyda, Henderson
County Tax Collector, had provided the Tax Collector’s report dated October 28,
2004 for the Board’s information.
Resolution Designating Applicants Agent
In order to receive
state and federal disaster assistance associated with Hurricanes Frances and
Ivan, the Board had to designate a primary and secondary agent to act on behalf
of the County in those matters. The Finance Director and Emergency Management
Coordinator were responsible for development of reimbursement documentation;
therefore Staff suggested designating those individuals for the disaster
application process.
Temporary Access Agreement for Sewer
Discussed at the
beginning of the Consent Agenda – see above (page #1).
Pawnbroker’s License Renewal – Etowah Pawnbroker, Inc.
Bruce Gosnell who
operates Etowah Pawnbrokers, Inc. had filed an application to continue
operating a pawnshop at the Etowah Shopping Center in Henderson County.
Mr. Gosnell first
applied for a pawnbroker’s license in 1990 and has renewed his
application/petition every year since.
If approved, this license will expire on September 30, 2005. A complete renewal application had been
submitted and was attached for the Board’s review with the exception of his
financial records. They were submitted,
but were not included with the agenda item in order to maintain their
confidentiality in accordance with the public policy of the State.
The County Attorney had
reviewed the application/petition and the attachments and believed that
everything was in order. Should the
Board wish to renew such license, action at today’s meeting to renew Mr.
Gosnell’s pawnbroker’s license through September 30, 2005, would be
Request for Subdivision Improvement Guarantee for a Portion
of Riverwind, Phase IV
G. Thomas Jones, III,
P.E., on behalf of Carrollwood Development, LLC, (Developer) had submitted an
application for a subdivision improvement guarantee for a portion of the
proposed Phase IV of Riverwind Subdivision. Riverwind is located off Etowah
School Road. The Planning Board granted conditional approval of the Master Plan
and the Phase IV Development Plan for Riverwind on January 20, 2004. The
improvement guarantee is proposed to cover the grading and construction of
roads and the installation of water and sewer improvements to serve lots 1-5,
32 and 46-49 of the development.
Pursuant to Section
170-38 of the Henderson County Code, a developer may, in lieu of completing all
of the required improvements prior to final plat approval, post a performance
guarantee to secure the County’s interest in seeing that satisfactory
construction of incomplete improvements occurs. One type of permitted guarantee
is an irrevocable letter of credit. The Developer intends to post with the
County a letter of credit in the amount of $212,240.00 that includes the cost
of the remaining improvements ($169,792.00) as well as the required twenty-five
percent (25%) contingency. The proposed completion date for the improvements is
January 15, 2005.
A draft Performance
Guarantee Agreement was provided for the Board’s consideration. If approved,
the Developer must submit a letter of credit in accordance with the terms of
the Agreement. Once the County receives a letter of credit in the proper form,
the (Assistant) County Attorney must certify the Agreement as to form prior to
its execution by the Chairman and the Developer.
Set Public Hearing on Rezoning Application #R-04-03 (R-20,
R-15 and T-15 to C-2) Henderson County Manager, Applicant
Rezoning application
#R-04-03, which was submitted on June 4, 2004, requested that the County rezone
multiple parcels of land totaling approximately 150.31 acres, located at and
near the intersection of Stoney Mountain Road and Mountain Road, from R-20
(Low-Density Residential), R-15 (Medium Density Residential), and T-15
(Medium-Density Residential with Manufactured Homes) districts to a C-2
(Neighborhood Commercial) zoning district. Henderson County, the Henderson
County Board of Public Education and the North Carolina State Highway
Commission own the parcels that are the subject of the rezoning application.
Henderson County Manager David Nicholson was the lead applicant.
The Henderson County
Planning Board first considered rezoning application #R-04-03 at its regularly
scheduled meeting on Tuesday, August 17, 2004, at which time the Board agreed
to wait until its regularly scheduled September meeting to set a date to hold a
public input session on and revisit the rezoning request. On Tuesday, September
21, 2004, the Planning Board voted to hold the public input session during its
regularly scheduled October meeting and requested that staff notify adjacent
property owners.
The Henderson County
Planning Board held a public input session and reviewed the application at its meeting
on Tuesday, October 19, 2004, at which time the County Manager amended the
application to include an additional 12.03-acre parcel of land (PIN
9650-83-0296) that was not included in the original application. The Planning
Board voted (4 to 3) to send to the Board of Commissioners a favorable
recommendation on the amended application to rezone the entire subject area,
with the exception of two parcels (PIN 9650-83-0296 and 9650-92-0038) to a C-2
zoning district. Before taking action on the application, the Board of
Commissioners must hold a public hearing. Staff proposed that the hearing be
scheduled for Tuesday, November 30, 2004 at 7:00 p.m.
Cane Creek Extension
A report on a sewer line
extension for the Cane Creek Water and Sewer District was presented to the
Board for information only.
Subdivision for Willow Place
Mr. Charles M. Fisher,
Sr., had submitted an application for a subdivision improvement for the
proposed Willow Place Subdivision. Mr. Fisher was developing Willow Place on
property located on Willow Road. The Planning Board granted conditional
approval of a combined Master Plan and Development Plan for the project on June
15, 2004. The improvement guarantee was proposed to cover road construction and
water system installation to serve lots in the subdivision.
Pursuant to Section
170-38 of the Henderson County Code, a developer may, in lieu of completing all
of the required improvements prior to final plat approval, post a performance
guarantee to secure the County’s interest in seeing that satisfactory
construction of incomplete improvements occurs. One type of permitted guarantee
is an irrevocable letter of credit. The Developer intends to post with the
County a letter of credit in the amount of at least $78,872.50 that includes
the cost of the remaining improvements ($63,098.00) as well as the required
twenty-five percent (25%) contingency. The proposed completion date for the
improvements is June 30, 2005.
A draft Performance
Guarantee Agreement was provided for the Board’s consideration. If approved,
the Developer must submit a letter of credit in accordance with the terms of
the Agreement. Once the County receives a letter of credit in the proper form,
the (Assistant) County Attorney must certify the Agreement as to form prior to
its execution by the Chairman and the Developer.
Notification of Vacancies
The Board was notified
of the following vacancies which will appear for nominations at the next
Justice Partnership Act Task Force – 6 vac.
Communications Committee – 10 vac.
and Rescue Advisory Committee – 2 vac.
County Board of Adjustment – 4 vac.
County Planning Board – 1 vac.
Corporation Board of Trustees – 1 vac.
Crime Prevention Council – 1 vac.
Park Planning Board – 1 vac.
Board of Trustees – 1 vac.
for Older Adults Block Grant Advisory Committee – 5 vac.
Volunteer Services Advisory Council – 1 vac.
and Tourism Committee – 4 vac.
Chairman Hawkins
reminded the Board of the following vacancies and opened the floor to
Apple Country Greenway
Commission – 1 vac.
were no nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.
Cable Franchise Renewal
Advisory Committee – 6 vac.
were no nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.
Community Child
Protection Team – 3 vac.
were no nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.
Hendersonville Board of
Adjustment – 1 vac.
were no nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.
Hendersonville Planning
Board – 1 vac.
Hawkins nominated Nick Pryor for reappointment to the Board. There were no
additional nominations. Chairman Hawkins
made the motion to accept Mr. Pryor by acclamation. All voted in favor and the
motion carried.
Juvenile Crime
Prevention Council – 3 vac.
were no nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.
Mountain Area Workforce
Development Board – 1 vac.
were no nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.
Planning for Older
Adults Block Grant Advisory Committee – 2 vac.
were no nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.
Duke Power Presentation
Sandy Tallant, District
Manager for the Blue Ridge Area of Duke Power, thanked the Board for her time
on the agenda. In honor of Duke Power’s 100th Anniversary, and in
appreciation for the partnership they have with Henderson County she presented
the Board with a commemorative plaque of the Catawba Hydro station. Chairman
Hawkins thanked Ms. Tallant, and requested she pass along the Board’s thanks to
Duke Power.
Mental Health Grants
Chairman Hawkins stated
that at a previous meeting, the Board had charged David Nicholson with working
to alleviate some of the problems associated with the implementation of the
statewide mental health program particularly as it impacted local hospitals and
law enforcement. David Nicholson reminded the Board that Henderson County had
$528,342 in Mental Health Maintenance of Effort Funds in the FY 2004-2005
The County had requested
proposals for those funds with an emphasis on dealing with emergency crisis
situations. Proposals had been received from the Henderson County Public School
System for school safety and critical response teams, the Department of
Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, and Mountain Laurel.
Mr. Nicholson had
invited representatives from each of those agencies to present their requests.
Dr. Helen Owen was present representing the Henderson County Public School
System. Dr. Owen stated that the request was for school safety and critical
response teams for all 21 schools in the Henderson County Public Schools. The
request was for $18,880.00. There would be 42 certified staff members who would
be trained during a two day workshop. Those people would become trainers for
each school and would have the responsibility to train the entire staff at
their school, so the school would have a procedure in place to deal with
situations requiring critical response. The training would be in collaboration
with other agencies such as the Health Department, Sheriff’s Department, EMS,
City Police and Mental Health agencies. The certified staff members would also
participate on subcommittees to develop a critical response procedure for all
the school. They would write and develop a critical response tool kit that each
school would have, which would be a part of the safe school’s plan. Dr. Owen
answered several questions from the Board on possible future costs of the
Rodney Wesson, from the
Department of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, then presented their
request. Mr. Wesson thanked the Board for the opportunity to present the grant
request for a group counseling program – “The Adolescent Girls Group for Court
Involved Juveniles”. The program is currently in place, and provides group
counseling to between seven to ten girls. A goal of the program is to develop a
positive peer culture, where the girls learn the skills necessary to deal with
problems and issues. Funding for some aspects of the program is currently an
out of pocket expense for staff members. Mr. Wesson described many of the
positive outcomes of the program, and answered several questions from the Board
about issues such as charting the progress of group participants.
Will Callison was
present representing Mountain Laurel Community Services, and stated that their
proposal had been developed in collaboration with a number of organizations. He
expressed that there seemed to be a growing number of psychiatric emergencies
in the community. Pardee Hospital had stated that the number of psychiatric emergencies
presenting in the emergency department had tripled over the past year, and the
number of substance abuse patients had doubled.
Mountain Laurel felt
they should look at things from a comprehensive standpoint and determine how
they could make a difference impacting the quality of life for people in
crisis. They planned to focus on prevention of emergencies, while doing better
management of people who need access to the system quickly. Four basic
initiatives were proposed to implement these goals.
Mr. Callison answered
several questions from the Board, and explained that he hoped implementation of
the initiative would reduce the number of psychiatric emergencies presenting at
the emergency room. David Nicholson also discussed the role the LME is taking
when psychiatric emergencies require more care than local hospitals can
provide. There was much additional discussion regarding future funding needs,
how the initiatives would be measured for effectiveness and the overall process
that mental health patients must follow.
Chairman Hawkins made the motion to instruct the County
Manager to proceed with negotiations with the three entities not to exceed the
maintenance of effort funds ($528,342) and bring back to the Board performance
contracts with the units so they could award the maintenance of effort monies.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Animal Services Ordinance
Health Director Tom
Bridges, was not present to answer questions from the Board. It was the
consensus of the Board to have Staff schedule a meeting for all involved
parties to attend in the near future.
Staff Report on Public and Abandoned Cemeteries
At their last meeting, the
Board requested that staff research North Carolina law concerning the County’s
responsibilities associated with public and abandoned cemeteries. Angela Beeker
stated that she had done some research on the matter and shared that
information with the Board.
N.C.G.S. 65, Article 1
entitled “Care of Rural Cemeteries” was adopted by the legislature in 1917. Under
that statute the following duties and responsibilities were placed upon the
Board of Commissioners:
N.C.G.S. 65, Article 3
requires that the Board of Commissioner:
Ms. Beeker stated that the
key to the discussion was what was considered an abandoned public cemetery. She
was unable to find any pertinent case law for North Carolina, and had conducted
a nationwide case search for assistance. Based on that research she stated that
it appeared public cemeteries were those that were open to the public generally
for burial. Those could arise in the following ways: ownership or control by a
public body, express dedication and acceptance by the public or a public body,
or implied dedication and implied acceptance by the public. Because there is no
case law in North Carolina explicitly on point as to what a public cemetery is,
Ms. Beeker felt the Board had some discretion to define what they would
consider to be a public cemetery.
With regards to
abandoned cemeteries, most of the case law was in the context of an heir versus
a land owner dispute. This situation would be where the land owner wants to
move the bodies on his property while the heir doesn’t want them moved. The
minority view was that if a body is present, it’s not abandoned. The majority
view was that if there is no indication that there was ever a cemetery present,
it is abandoned. The public policy behind the majority view is that if the
heirs have abandoned a cemetery to such extent that one can’t tell there was
ever a cemetery present, the private property owner should not be penalized for
The State of Kansas has
an analogous statute which places ownership of all abandoned cemeteries with
the counties. In that statute their legislature defined an abandoned cemetery
in terms of failing to care for or maintain a cemetery.
Based on the information
she had compiled, Ms. Beeker proposed the following definitions for the Board
to consider:
Cemetery – “A cemetery that is or was
or controlled by a public body; or
for use by the public generally by an express or implied dedication, and
accepted by the public expressly by an act of a public body or impliedly by the
actual use of the cemetery by the general public”
Cemetery – “A cemetery for which there is no ascertainable person or entity
responsible for maintenance and care, and which has not actually been
maintained or cared for so that it has fallen into a state of disrepair as
evidenced by overgrown foliage, broken grave markers, loss of grave identity,
or such other circumstances indicating neglect or abandonment.”
Ms. Beeker stated that
she had found nothing in the statutes that explicitly authorized the County to
assume ownership of a private abandoned cemetery. While a County cannot assume
ownership, a municipality is allowed to do so.
An additional duty of
the Board of Commissions was with regard to removal of graves. Any private
person, firm or corporation which owns land on which abandoned cemeteries are
located and which are outside of a municipality must receive the prior consent
of the Board of Commissioners before moving a grave. There are no guidelines
other than the use of the word abandoned. Additional, the State had made the
Board of Commissioners the initial decision maker in disputes between heirs and
Ms. Beeker answered
several questions from the Board regarding the obligations of municipalities
with regards to abandoned cemeteries. Commissioner Moyer stated that while the
Board is working on the ordinance, he felt it would be very helpful to compile
a list of the cemeteries we have in the County and their condition. Chairman
Hawkins additionally suggested forming a preservation commission to help work
on the issue and compile some information. Commissioner Baldwin stated that he
felt those were both good ideas, but suggested the Board act with a sense of
urgency since several cemeteries are currently in jeopardy.
David Nicholson stated
that in the Commissioner’s Office was a book that contained a very detailed
listing of a lot of cemeteries, and categorizes many of them by public, church
or private cemetery. It also contains some described as other, which are
individual grave sites. The Comprehensive County Plan (CCP) contains a map of
known cemeteries, and Mr. Nicholson had requested the GIS department determine
how to incorporate such information into the GIS system.
Following additional
discussion, Commissioner Moyer suggested formation of a committee to begin
looking at the sites and suggest possibilities of the direction the County
might wish to take. Chairman Hawkins requested staff bring back some
coordinated ideas, a charter, and a plan of action in coordination with the CCP
with a stepped up schedule.
Federal Disaster Assistance Funds – Emergency Watershed
Protection Program
Chairman Hawkins stated
that he had recently attended a task force meeting the Governor had put
together primarily to deal with what small businesses in the area needed to
recover from the hurricane devastation. The Governor had been able to establish
a $1,000,000 fund to be administered through the United Way, and was designated
to deal with things not covered under small businesses or FEMA. Henderson
County was scheduled to receive about $33,000 from that fund. Chairman Hawkins
got the impression during that meeting that the State would pick up a required
25% match for disaster relief.
At that meeting there
was a lot of discussion about what needed to be done in the various counties. A
lot of counties were hit harder than Henderson County. One thing that Buncombe
County had planned was to waive building permit fees for rebuilding on the same
location. Chairman Hawkins suggested Henderson County might consider such a
possibility. He continued discussion about the variety of assistance programs
that would be available to small businesses and the time frame for applying for
FEMA loans.
Justin Hembree stated
that following Chairman Hawkins’ meeting, County Staff had been on the phone
with Staff in the Governor’s Office working out the details of how funds would
be flowing from Raleigh throughout the State. The amount of money allocated to
Henderson County was $33,550. Those funds were specified for emergency
assistance or lack of adequate resources. The Governor’s Office had asked
counties to form an unmet needs committee to set up the categories or people or
needs that will be eligible for funding. Recommended members of that Committee
were the DSS Director, the County Manager, and representatives from the
Emergency Management Department, the faith community, the United Way and the
Salvation Army. Mr. Hembree and Mr. Nicholson requested the Board authorize the
formation of that Committee. It was the consensus of the Board to have Staff
proceed with Committee formation and to have funds distributed at the
Committee’s discretion.
Mr. Hembree then noted
that within the past several weeks a considerable amount of federal funds had
been released to help with flood recovery activities. One program of particular
interest was the Emergency Watershed Protection Program. The purpose of the program
was to restore normal watershed functions through three functions: removing
debris from streams, stream bank stabilization, and landslide projects. The
program provided for 75% of construction costs, so there would be a 25% match
required. Mr. Hembree stated they were hoping the State would pick up the 25%
match. The General Assembly was scheduled to convene in special session at the
end of the week during which they would be looking at a major relief package
for Western North Carolina.
The following
contingencies on the funds were noted by Mr. Hembree:
must be economically feasible
cannot be used to replace or repair bridges or roads
cannot be used to enhance property
were for construction costs only. Design costs could count as in kind matching
If the Board would like
to pursue participation in the program, a letter to that effect should be
issued. Once a determination has been made regarding whether the State would
cover the match, formal application could be made. It was the consensus of the
Board to have Staff generate a letter of interest.
Chairman Hawkins made the motion for the Board to go into
closed session as allowed pursuant to NCGS 143-318.11 for the following
1. (a)(6) To
consider the qualifications, competence, performance, character, fitness,
conditions of appointment, or conditions of initial employment of an individual
public officer or employee or prospective public
officer or employee; or to hear or investigate a complaint, charge, or
grievance by or against an individual public officer or employee.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Housing Focus Groups
Selena Coffey updated
the Board on a letter which had been received concerning local housing issues.
She explained that three focus group meetings would be held in November on the
9th, the 16th and the 30th at the City
Operations Center, Hendersonville. In accordance with HUD requirements, the
Housing Consortium was required to submit a plan on how they would use
approximately $1.5 million dollars received annually for housing projects. Of
those funds, last year Henderson County received $435,000.
Over a five year period,
$7.5 million dollars is spread across the consortium. To determine the use of
those funds, a consolidated plan spanning 2005-2010 was developed by the
Consortium. Staff had requested the Consortium broaden the scope of that plan
to provide a more thorough assessment of housing needs in Henderson County.
Primarily this was requested to address CCP recommendation H-01 Action Step C.
Bay Area Economics had been contracted to develop such a study. The plan
required no funding from the County as the funds used would be taken from the
HUD allocation. Ms. Coffey discussed the advertising strategy to reach people
interested in affordable housing issues.
Powerline at Human Services Building
Chairman Hawkins
reminded the Board about the ongoing problem with the power line located on the
Human Services Building site. He asked Mr. Nicholson to update the Board on the
status of the line. Mr. Nicholson pointed out on a map where the line was
located. He stated that Duke Power had been contacted about the need to move
the line to the back of the property. The County had therefore been working on
a building design based on drawings and surveys provided by Duke Power. In the
past week, Staff had received a call from Duke Power stating that where they
showed the line was not correct, and the information they had previously
provided was always subject to change. Duke Power had modified the line
location, which showed the right-of-way for the line crossing the corner of the
Following discussions
with Duke Power, which resulted in their refusal to make any changes to the line
location, the architects had made modifications to the plan to accommodate the
right-of-way. Fortunately, the architect was able to mirror the building which
actually made the parking situation work better. Following that change,
everyone had again signed off on the drawings and the architects were actually
ahead of schedule with the design construction documents.
Historic Courthouse
Commissioner Young
stated that he had recently received some calls from members of the Courthouse
Committee regarding the future of that Committee. Some members indicated they
had heard that the Courthouse would not be renovated for a historic landmark,
but would be used as a County office building. He stated that if that were the
case, the public should know that grants would not be able to be used because
the jail could not be torn down.
Chairman Hawkins stated
that to his knowledge the last correspondence the Board had with the Committee
had been back on July 23, 2004. He was not aware of any other guidance that had
come from the Board of Commissioners. Justin Hembree stated that the Courthouse
Committee had recently met, and were proceeding with the architects on the
design work and conceptual design. He noted that the grant does not specify
what the use of the building should be, it would only specify that it be a
rehabilitation project to rehabilitate the building as closely as possible to
its historic manner.
Commissioner Baldwin
questioned what happened when North Carolina’s current codes, requiring a
modern building, broke with the spirit of returning a building to its original
design. Mr. Nicholson explained some previous designs for the Courthouse that
made large portions of the building handicapped accessible without making
changes to the footprint. There are about 25,000 square feet of space in the
building, but not all areas would be accessible.
Commissioner Young
stated that his concern was that the grants call for restoration rather than
renovation. Justin Hembree stated that this project was classified as, and the
grant was approved as a rehabilitation project. Commissioner Baldwin questioned why the County
hadn’t specified the agreed upon use. Mr. Nicholson reminded the Board that the
County had not applied for the grant, it had been put into a federal appropriations
act by Congressman Taylor. The money had been appropriated, and the County had
to go back after the fact and develop the application.
Chairman Hawkins stated
that he had not had conversations with the Courthouse Committee since July 23rd.
He questioned Commissioner Moyer on whether he had had any conversations.
Commissioner Moyer stated that he had been approached by several members of the
Committee regarding his views on the building, and he had shared those views
with them. There followed much discussion, some heated, about issues regarding
communications by the Board.
Communications with Staff
Commissioner Baldwin
reminded the Board that there had been some previous discussion about the
possibility of making the transition from the paper communications currently
received by the Board to more of an electronic format. He felt it would be
helpful to have communications in an electronic format that could be accessed
remotely. David Nicholson stated that he liked the idea, and stated that he
would like to have Staff do some research on the topic.
There being no further
business to come before the Board, Chairman
Hawkins made the motion to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the
motion carried.
Elizabeth W. Corn, Clerk
to the Board
Grady Hawkins, Chairman