The Henderson County
Board of Commissioners met for the continuation of a regularly scheduled
meeting held yesterday. The Board met at
5:30 p.m. in the Commissioners' Conference Room of the Henderson County Office
Those present were: Chairman Grady Hawkins, Vice-Chairman Larry
Young, Commissioner Bill Moyer, Commissioner Charlie Messer, Commissioner
Shannon Baldwin, County Manager David E. Nicholson, Assistant County Manager
Justin Hembree, County Attorney Angela S. Beeker, and Clerk to the Board
Elizabeth W. Corn.
Also present were:
Planning Director Karen C. Smith, Public Information Officer Chris S. Coulson,
County Engineer Gary Tweed, and Planner Autumn Radcliff.
Local Government Commission Meeting (LGC)
A week or so ago Mr.
Nicholson and Carey McLelland went to the LGC to discuss up-coming funding options. David Nicholson reviewed a chart with the
Board he had prepared entitled “Major Capital Project Debt Issuance”.
Issue #1 – Projects
begin in Spring 2005: ($38,027,343)
Dana Elementary (Phase I)
Hillandale Elementary
New Elementary Land Acquisition
County Services Building
Community College Classroom
Issue #2 – Projects
begin in Spring 2006: ($15,423,299)
Mills River Elementary (Phase I)
New Elementary Construction
Issue #3 – Projects
begin in Spring 2007: ($5,467.075)
Dana Elementary (Phase 2)
Edneyville Elementary
Issue #4 – Projects
begin Spring 2008: ($2,962,904)
Mills River Elementary (Phase 2)
Total for all these
projects = $61,880,621
The LGC said that there
was no reason we can’t proceed with a COPS issue. They will mail us an application. We would
begin borrowing in the spring of 2005.
Issue 1 would require a
2.5 cent tax increase to pay for these projects, with a total tax increase of 5
cents through 2009.
There was some
discussion about the Historical Courthouse rehabilitation not being in this
list of projects. Rehabilitation project
funds are reserved for Henderson County for this project even though we don’t
yet know what restrictions we may have on the building and the use of the
Proposal – County Services Building
Commissioner Young
explained that it troubles him that we’re going to build a county office
building that will cost $12 million and are projecting about 10 year’s growth
for the building. “If we’re gonna spend
that kind of money and build that kind of building, I think it’s only fair to
the taxpayers that we look at a way to make that building and project growth of
25 or 30 years rather than 10 years because 10 years passes very quickly and
with increased construction costs and different things if you put that third
story on that building then you’ve got it available to expand into and I find
out from every department, DSS, Health Department, and everybody else they’ve
got records stored everywhere – that they need access to and so that would be a
good place to do that because we’re gonna sell a lot of these properties I
understand and apply it back to the price of this building when we get the
building completed so that’s where a lot of those records are stored. And I
just think that it’s fair to the taxpayers to try to get the most bang for
their buck and if we don’t and we don’t project farther than 10 years then I
don’t think we’ve done the job that the taxpayers want us to do.”
Discussion followed
including that it is hard to project how much growth we’ll have for whatever
time we look at. It was asked how much
it might cost to add a third floor and just shell it in.
Mr. Nicholson replied
that the architect had estimated that it would cost about $50/sq. foot. The building is planned such that it could
have a third floor added some time in the future. The cost would likely be more if we chose to
do that. The architects feel that they
would look at more of a traditional type construction for the project if it
becomes a three story building and would then have to be repriced. Mr.
Nicholson explained that there is a timing element and if we’re going to make
this decision, we need to make it as soon as we can to get the architects
started on the new design.
Following much
discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to move ahead with the current
plan of a 2-story building.
Set Public Hearing on Special Use Permit Application # SU-04-01
for a Proposed Planned Unit Development known as Leoni’s Mountain Lake Homes.
Karen Smith and other
staff recommended that the Board of Commissioners schedule a quasi-judicial
public hearing for this application for Monday, November 1 at a time to be
determined by the Board, unless the Board wishes to schedule a special called
meeting for this purpose.
Chairman Hawkins made the motion to set the quasi-judicial
proceeding for Wednesday, November 10 at 6:00 p.m. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
NCDOT meeting re:Upward Road
Beverly Williams with
NCDOT – Statewide Planning called to schedule a date for the meeting with the
Board on Upward Road. Mr. Nicholson
discussed the dates with the Board they would be available.
Chairman Hawkins made the motion to set the special called
meeting for Monday, October 25 at 8:00 p.m. All voted in favor and the motion
Meeting with Fire Advisory Committee
Chairman Hawkins had
requested (via memo) that the meeting originally planned for this evening with
the Fire Advisory Committee be scheduled as a special called meeting at a later
date – some time after the new Board has been seated.
Change the date of the Board’s mid-month meeting in October
Following discussion, Commissioner Baldwin made the motion to move
the Oct. 20 meeting to Monday, October 18 at 6:00 p.m. All voted in favor and the motion
There was some
discussion about changing the mid month meeting for November but the
Commissioners could not come up with a date.
Chairman Hawkins stated he would work with the Board members to come to
a consensus for a date
and the Board could set that date at the next meeting.
There being no further
business to come before the Board, Chairman Hawkins adjourned the meeting at
6:17 p.m.
Elizabeth W. Corn, Clerk
to the Board Grady Hawkins, Chairman