STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA                                                                    BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

COUNTY OF HENDERSON                                                                                                         JUNE 16, 2004


The Henderson County Board of Commissioners met for a regularly scheduled meeting at 9:00 a.m. in the Commissioners' Conference Room of the Henderson County Office Building.


Those present were:  Chairman Grady Hawkins, Vice-Chairman Larry Young, Commissioner Bill Moyer, Commissioner Charlie Messer, Commissioner Shannon Baldwin, County Manager David E. Nicholson, Assistant County Manager Justin B. Hembree, County Attorney Angela S. Beeker, and Clerk to the Board Elizabeth W. Corn.


Also present were: Planning Director Karen Smith, Budget and Management Director Selena Coffey, Public Information Officer Chris Coulson, County Engineer Gary Tweed, and Finance Director J. Carey McLelland. Deputy Clerk to the Board Amy Brantley was present through nominations.



Chairman Hawkins called the meeting to order and welcomed all in attendance.



Commissioner Messer led the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.



David Nicholson gave the invocation.



Commissioner Moyer requested some time on the agenda to recognize Grace Poli for her service on the Board of Social Services. Chairman Hawkins stated that could be discussed before the Board goes into session as Cane Creek.     


Chairman Hawkins made the motion to accept the agenda as presented.  All voted in favor and the motion carried.



Chairman Hawkins stated that Angela Beeker had distributed a new Item “I” – Order for Mountain Home Motocross. He requested the Board make sure they had that most current item.


Regarding Item “F” – Request Public Hearing for Road Names, David Nicholson had two additional road names to be considered at the Public Hearing – Banks Mountain Drive and Bolt Action Trail. Mr. Nicholson also clarified that for Item “G” – Set a Public Hearing – Community Development Block Grant, the requested date for that Public Hearing was July 6th. 


Chairman Hawkins made the motion to approve the consent agenda as amended.  All voted in favor and the motion carried.



Draft minutes were presented for the Board’s review/approval of the following meeting(s):

            May 19, 2004, regular meeting


Tax Collector’s Report

No report was submitted for approval.

Tax Refunds

A list of four (4) tax refund requests was submitted for approval by the Board of Commissioners.


Tax Releases

A list of sixty (60) tax release requests was submitted for approval by the Board of Commissioners.


Vehicle Bids

On May 13, 2004, staff prepared a Motor Vehicle Request for Proposal (RFP) which was made available to interested bidders. The RFP was made available on the County’s website as well. An invitation to bid pursuant to the RFP was duly advertised in the Hendersonville Times-News on May 17, 2004. A pre-bid conference for the project was held on May 21, 2004 in the Office of Budget and Finance. On June 4, 2004 at 10:00 a.m., a total of two (2) bids were received by the Finance Director in the Office of Budget and Finance and were reviewed for responsiveness.


The RFP stated that total cost would be evaluated on the basis of the bid price offered plus the estimated fuel costs for 60,000 miles. Where miles per gallon for city and highway were listed, 40 percent of the 60,000 miles were considered city and the remaining 60 percent considered highway. Each bidder was required to submit the most recent projected gas mileage for each category of vehicle bid.


Staff recommended that the Board consider approving a resolution awarding the bid to Bryan Easler Ford as the lowest responsive bidder for the vehicles requested. The resolution authorized the Finance Director and the County Manager to issue a purchase order for the vehicles awarded.  


Request Public Hearing for Road Names

Rocky Hyder requested the Board to set a public hearing date for the following road names:

Present Road Name                                        Proposed Name

Cinnamon Breeze Lane                                           East Pacolet Road

Banks Mountain Drive

Bolt Action Trail


Staff’s recommended date for the public hearing was July 21, 2004 at 11:00 a.m.


Set a Public Hearing – Community Development Block Grant

Staff requested the Board of Commissioners set the second Public Hearing on the Howard Gap Waterline CDBG for Tuesday, July 6, 2004 at 7:00 p.m. The public hearing was being scheduled in accordance with Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) regulations. The CDBG process involves two public hearings, the first of which (held on March 8, 2004) allowed citizens the opportunity to express views and proposals prior to formulation of an application. The second public hearing would be held after the application had been prepared but prior to the submission of the application to the Division of Community Assistance. Staff requested the second Public Hearing be scheduled for July 6, 2004 at 7:00 p.m.


State ADM Fund Application

The current year budget included a revenue source from the Public School Building Capital Fund (“ADM Fund”) which the County had programmed to pay debt service on the financing for the Clear Creek and Etowah Elementary School Projects that were completed in 2003. Staff requested that the Board consider approving an ADM fund application for $655,000 to pay for this debt service.


Order for Mountain Home Motocross, Application No: SU-03-01

The Board was requested to approve a proposed order denying Variance Application #BOCV-03-01, and denying Special Use Permit Application #SP-03-01, submitted on behalf of Andrew Bennett, for the operation of a motorsports facility in Mountain Home. That order is attached hereto and incorporated as a part of the minutes.



Commissioner Moyer stated that Grace Poli had served on the Social Services Board as the Board of Commissioner’s appointee from 1996 to 2004. She had served as Chairman for the past two years, had been devoted to the children and people of Henderson County, and he asked that the Board join him in recognizing and offering their thanks to Ms. Poli for her service on that Board.


Notification of Vacancies

The Board was notified of the following vacancies which will appear on the next agenda for nominations:


1.       Henderson County Historic Courthouse Corporation – 1 vac.



Chairman Hawkins reminded the Board of the following vacancies and opened the floor to nominations:


1.       Child Fatality Prevention Team – 1 vac.

There were no nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.


2.       Henderson County Board of Health – 5 vac.

Chairman Hawkins noted that three of the five vacant positions were designated: #2 was for a dentist, #7 a Commissioner representative and #4 a veterinarian. At the last meeting Dr. Ty Hornsby was nominated to Position #2 and Larry Young was nominated to Position #7. Chairman Hawkins made the motion to accept those two nominees by acclamation. All voted in favor and the motion carried.


Also at the last meeting, nominated for Positions #9 and 11 were P. Richmond Meadows, Vollie Good and David Jones. There being no additional nominations, Mrs. Corn polled the Board allowing each Commissioner two votes. The voting was as follows:


Commissioner Moyer –             Meadows and Jones

Commissioner Messer –             Meadows and Jones

Chairman Hawkins –                     Meadows and Good

Commissioner Young –             Meadows and Good

Commissioner Baldwin -             Jones and Good


As a result of the vote, P. Richmond Meadows was re-appointed to the Board of Health. The Clerk will poll the Board at the next meeting for nominees Vollie Good and David Jones.


Commissioner Young nominated Jennie Hernandez to Position #4. Chairman Hawkins made the motion to accept her by acclamation. All voted in favor and the motion carried. 


3.       Henderson County Planning Board – 3 vac.

Nominated at the last meeting were: Todd Thompson, Marilyn Gordon, Gary Griffin, Renee Kumor, Jonathan Parce and Erica McArthur-Allison. There being no additional nominations, Mrs. Corn polled the Board allowing each Commissioner three votes. The voting was as follows:


Commissioner Moyer –                        Kumor, Parce, Allison

Commissioner Messer –             Kumor, Allison, Gordon

Chairman Hawkins –                     Parce, Allison, Griffin

Commissioner Young –             Parce, Allison, Griffin

Commissioner Baldwin -             Kumor, Parce, Allison


As a result of the vote, Renee Kumor, Jonathan Parce and Erica McArthur-Allison were appointed to the Henderson County Planning Board.


4.       Industrial Facilities and Pollution Control Financing Authority – 1 vac.

Chairman Hawkins nominated Kelly Leonard. There were no other nominations. Chairman Hawkins made the motion to accept Mr. Leonard by acclamation.  All voted in favor and the motion carried.


5.       Juvenile Crime Prevention Council – 6 vac.

Commissioner Moyer nominated Skip Sheldon for reappointment to Position #15 and Blaire Lamb for reappointment to Position #26. There were no other nominations. Chairman Hawkins made the motion to accept them by acclamation.  All voted in favor and the motion carried.


6.       Land-of-Sky Regional Advisory Council on Aging – 2 vac.

Chairman Hawkins nominated Cal Titus for appointment to Position #3. There were no other nominations. Chairman Hawkins made the motion to accept Mr. Titus by acclamation.  All voted in favor and the motion carried.


7.       Mountain Area Workforce Development Board – 4 vac.

There were no nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.


8.       Mountain Valleys Resource Conservation and Development – 1 vac.

Commissioner Messer nominated Meredith Galloway. Chairman Hawkins nominated J. B. Osteen. The Clerk will poll the Board at the next meeting.


9.       Nursing/Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee – 3 vac.

There were no nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.


10.   Planning for Older Adults Block Grant Advisory Committee – 3 vac.

There were no nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.


11.   Senior Volunteer Services Advisory Council – 1 vac.

There were no nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.


12.   Solid Waste Advisory Committee – 1 vac.

There were no nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.



Chairman Hawkins made the motion for the Board to adjourn as Henderson County Board of Commissioners and convene as Cane Creek Water & Sewer District.  All voted in favor and the motion carried.


Chairman Hawkins made the motion for the Board to adjourn as Cane Creek Water & Sewer District and reconvene as Henderson County Board of Commissioners.  All voted in favor and the motion carried.


Interlocal Agreement to have County operate the CCWSD Sewer System

While in session as the Cane Creek Water and Sewer District Board, Angela Beeker reminded the Board that as part of the recently adopted Strategic Plan, the Board stated as action item to “Determine the legal basis for programs”. Staff had prepared for the Board’s consideration a proposed resolution and Interlocal Agreement to clarify the legal basis upon which the Cane Creek Sewer District was owned, operated and regulated. Additionally the agreement was an effort to formalize the relationship between the County and the District, and to streamline the process by which business is conducted.


The agreement provided for the County to regulate and operate the sewer system owned by the Cane Creek Water and Sewer District. The agreement would give the County explicit authority to approve all extension requests, adopt sewer master plans, to acquire, construct, or add to the CCWSD sewer system, to adopt fees and assessments that either the County or the District could impose, etc. From a legal standpoint the agreement would clarify the lines of authority and broaden the powers that are available to operate and maintain the system. Additionally, meetings of the Cane Creek Water and Sewer District Board would be rarely necessary.


Personnel used to operate and manage the system would be general County employees for whom salary and benefits would be reimbursed to the County from the CCWSD enterprise fund on a direct, rather than indirect basis. All expenses associated with the operation and management of the system would be born by the CCWSD enterprise fund.


Ms. Beeker stated that such agreement would not allow the Board of Commissioners to issue debt in the name of the district. She also suggested that if the Board wished to levy a tax for the district, they would need to do that as the District Board. Any other actions would be able to be taken as the Board of Commissioners acting on behalf of Cane Creek pursuant to this Interlocal Agreement. The Interlocal Agreement and a Resolution had been prepared for the Board’s consideration.


Chairman Hawkins made the motion to adopt the Resolution and Interlocal Agreement as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried.


Sewer Ordinance Amendments

Angela Beeker stated that recently, an issue arose with respect to the NC Department of Transportation’s willingness to enter into three-party encroachment agreements to allow private sewer system lines to be placed within a DOT right-of-way, in that they will no longer do so. However, DOT stated that they would be willing to do a three-party encroachment agreement with a utility that had been recognized by the Utilities Commission as long as the utility would end up owning the system.  Therefore, the Board was requested to consider several amendments to the Sewer Ordinance to allow a sewer system owned and operated by a public utility to connect into the CCWSD sewer system, and a proposed rate sheet for the public utility customers. Those ordinance amendments would allow a public utility to connect to CCWSD, to provide another alternative to developers who want to place a system within the DOT encroachment area.


Commissioner Messer questioned who would be responsible for lines run outside of the DOT right-of-way. Angela Beeker answered that the County would have no risk or responsibility because the three party encroachment agreement would be between the public utility, DOT and the developer. She also clarified that DOT can only grant access to areas for which it has control, and it is always ultimately up to DOT as to who they will allow in their encroachment area. 


Additionally, in furtherance of Action Step, “Evaluate and update the County code book as needed”, these amendments were Phase I of an update/cleanup to the sewer ordinance contained in Chapter 152 of the Henderson County Code. References to the Mud Creek Water and Sewer District had been removed, and the sections impacted by the amendment to allow public utility customers had been updated to reflect current practices within the Utilities Department. Also, Part II of Chapter 152, Mountain Home Industrial Park Assessment Policy was being explicitly repealed in that those provisions had expired. Phase II will include a substantial rewrite of Chapter 152 over a period of several months; however, so as not to delay pending developments, the Board was requested to proceed with the presented amendments.  


Commissioner Moyer made the motion to approve the proposed ordinance amendments and the rate sheet. All voted in favor and the motion carried.    


Results of Bid Opening – Mills River Sanitary Sewer Extension – Phase I

Gary Tweed informed the Board that on June 10, 2004 bids were received for the Mills River Sanitary Sewer Extension – Phase I. Ten bids were received on the project and ranged from $1.6 million to over $3 million. The budget on the project was $1.66 million. There were two bids within the budget for the project, the lowest of which was submitted by Bryant Electric Company, Inc. The bids had been reviewed and a resolution making tentative award of the bid was presented for the Board’s consideration. Angela Beeker stated that she would like the opportunity to review Bryant Electric Company’s bid to ensure that there were no irregularities, and asked that the Board approve the resolution subject to her review. Mr. Tweed also pointed out that the project had to have the approval of the North Carolina Construction Grants Section, and they had requested the resolution tentatively awarding the contract. It is a 300-day contract, which will start around August 1st.    


Mr. Tweed then stated that they were in the process of easement acquisition on the two collector lines. They had all but one easement on the school line. Easement documents had been received for the attorney on the business line, and he hoped to be able to come to the Board within 60 days for an update on any that they might need to take action on.


Chairman Hawkins made the motion to approve the resolution making the tentative award of the bids for the Mills River Sanitary Sewer Project, Phase I subject to review by the County Attorney. All voted in favor and the motion carried.


Request from Historic Courthouse Corporation Board of Directors

Justin Hembree stated that the Historic Courthouse Corporation (HCC) had made several major decisions during the past month: the hiring of an Executive Director, beginning initial phasing and conceptual design work and planning their first community event. Through making those decisions and planning various activities for the upcoming year, the Corporation realized that the funds previously provided by the County, $10,000, would not be enough for the coming year. Therefore, the Corporation requested $50,000 for FY 2004-2005 for operational funds. Those funds would be used to pay for items such as the executive director’s salary, insurance, office supplies, start-up money for fund-raising activities and special events.


Mr. Hembree also noted that the County would enter into a formal agreement with the Corporation specifically laying out how the money is to be spent. He recommended that the Board provide the HCC $50,000 for operational costs from the $250,000 previously appropriated for the project “with an understanding that this total amount plus the previous amount appropriated will be “returned”, in-kind to the construction fund through the organization’s fund raising activities”. Mr. Hembree stated that at some point the HCC and staff would need some guidance from the Board on the relationship between the County and the HCC. He suggested that at some point, that relationship be clarified through a workshop or a joint meeting. 


There was discussion about confusion with the “will be ‘returned’, in-kind to the construction fund” language, the need for a meeting to clarify the relationship between the Boards, and the accountability of any monies going to the HCC. Chairman Hawkins made the motion to forward the $50,000 operational cost subject to the condition that it be fully repaid to the construction fund. All voted in favor and the motion carried.


Planning Board Report on Water Supply Watershed Protection Ordinance Issues

Karen Smith presented, on behalf of the Henderson County Planning Board, a report on issues related to the Watershed Ordinance. On November 19, 2003, during its discussion of an amendment to the County’s Water Supply Watershed Protection Ordinance (“Watershed Ordinance”), the Board of Commissioners requested the Planning Board, in cooperation with the Town of Mills River (“Town”), examine the larger issue of where the County should take its Watershed Ordinance in the future. The Board had indicated that such work might include studying issues such as whether the County should grant to the Town of Mills River any of the County’s “10/70” allocation in the event that the Town of Mills River decides to adopt its own Watershed Ordinance and/or whether the County should add, subtract or modify the “10/70” or other provisions in its ordinance.


A Subcommittee was formed to study the issue which included three members of the Henderson County Planning Board, and two members of the Mills River Planning Board.  That Subcommittee had discussed the approach that the Ordinance currently uses, mainly with respect to how to distribute acreage under the 10/70, or Special Intensity Allocation (SIA) provisions. Those provisions allow a greater percentage of a parcel of land to be developed through special provisions for a portion of each watershed outside a critical area. The subcommittee had concluded that the way the Ordinance currently works seemed to be fine. 10/70 is allocated on a first come first serve basis. There are three categories for that allocation, the first two are approved by the Watershed Administrator and the third category is reserved for Board of Commissioners approval.


However, because of anticipated development within the Town of Mills River, the Subcommittee decided to recommend that the County, under its Watershed Ordinance, consider reserving for projects within the Town a percentage of the Watershed balance available for SIAs in proportion to the acreage occupied by the Town. An exception to that was WS-III where a majority of the SIA projects that had been approved in the County had occurred. 92% of the WS-III watershed is occupied by the Town, and a majority of the SIA approvals had occurred there.


County Planning Department staff had consulted with the County Attorney regarding the best method of implementation of the Subcommittee’s recommendation. It appeared that the most straightforward manner in which to accomplish the reservation of SIA acreage for the Town of Mills River under the County’s Watershed Ordinance was for the County to amend it’s Watershed Ordinance and have the Town and the County amend the Interlocal Agreement.


A recommended amendment to the Watershed Ordinance was presented for the Board’s consideration. Staff requested that if the Board found the amendment to be worthy, they postpone scheduling a hearing on that amendment following resolution of some issues with the Interlocal Agreement. Mrs. Smith answered several questions from the Board on the various watersheds and the rules that apply to each. Angela Beeker then discussed the progress of the Interlocal Agreement and some meetings on that agreement that had been held between the County and the Town. The issue with that Interlocal Agreement currently surrounded the issue of litigation expenses and the fact that the Town and the County had not been able to reach an agreement on that matter.          


Commissioner Moyer expressed concern about holding up progress on other matters with Mills River pending the outcome of the litigation expenses discussions. He did not feel that was the route the County should take. Following some additional discussion about the current process, Chairman Hawkins made the motion to accept the report but wait to schedule a hearing on the Watershed Ordinance. the motion carried 4-1 with Commissioner Moyer voting in opposition.


Fletcher Solid Waste Ordinance

David Nicholson informed the Board that the County had received a resolution from the Town of Fletcher requesting that Henderson County enforce its Solid Waste Ordinance within their corporate boundary. The ordinance is currently enforced within the unincorporated areas of the County, the Village of Flat Rock by State approved Charter, and the Town of Mills River by contract. Should the Board wish to provide such service, an Interlocal Agreement would need to be developed.


Mr. Nicholson had spoken with Gary Tweed concerning this request. Mr. Tweed stated that the County already receives between 280 and 300 calls a year, and there is one staff person assigned to those calls. Mr. Tweed felt that one person would not be able to assume additional calls for service from Fletcher and the other municipalities. He also noted that the Town of Fletcher does not utilize the Solid Waste Facility, meaning that they provide no financial support for the self-supporting solid waste program. Because of that, he recommended the Board deny the request.


Commissioner Messer stated that he had spoken to the Town regarding the number of calls, and they had indicated receiving three or four calls in the past three year. Fletcher had indicated a willingness to enter into an Interlocal Agreement if they begin to receive more than three to four calls per year. There followed much discussion about the types of calls currently handled by Solid Waste, the regulations already in place in the Town of Fletcher, and problems the County already has given limited staff. Commissioner Young made the motion to accept the County Manager’s recommendation to deny the request. The motion carried 3-2 with Commissioner Moyer and Commissioner Messer voting in opposition.



David Nicholson stated that a number of items were coming up with respect to the Strategic Plan. He stated that over the course of the next four meetings, several issues would be brought forward where Staff needs further guidance or the Board needs to deliberate on how to address issues. He requested the Board provide input concerning the following issues at the assigned meeting date:

§         July 6, 2004           What issues should be addressed in regard to infrastructure development?

§         July 21, 2004           What issues should be addressed in the Growth Management Plan?

§         August 2, 2004         What definition should be used for “Natural Resources”?

§         August 18, 2004         What are the components of the County’s current economy?


Commissioner Messer stated that in addition to scheduling these discussions, the Board also needs to receive the dollar amounts of how much needs to be allocated into each item each year. David Nicholson agreed that while having those discussions, the cost would need to be one of those things discussed.


Mr. Nicholson stated that he would request a joint meeting with the Historic Courthouse Corporation, but that it would probably best be scheduled after the HCC receives more information from their architect.


Mr. Nicholson also proposed that the Board consider scheduling a joint meeting between the Transylvania County Board of Commissioners and Henderson County Board of Commissioners, with Mountain Laurel Community Services being invited to make a presentation to both Boards on mental health services and their needs as the area’s current mental health safety net provider. There followed additional discussion about the current status of Trend, its continued existence for accounts receivable purposes, as well as possible State budget impacts on providers and the County budget. The Board asked Mr. Nicholson to try to get the Transylvania County Board of Commissioners to join them at the mid-month meeting.


David Nicholson stated that the Board of Education would like to schedule a Joint Schools Facilities Meeting during the month of June. Chairman Hawkins and Commissioner Young stated that either June 28th or 29th would be agreeable.



1.                   Dick Baird – Mr. Baird stated that he wished to speak to the proposed budget. He questioned the status of a report requested by the Board on illegal aliens in Henderson County. He stated that funds to provide mass vaccinations were critical. He stated that funds for DSS and Parks and Recreation were essential. He asked that tennis courts that were in the budget be left there. He also spoke to the need for improvements in the schools, stating that he was opposed to the bond referendum. He stated that the budget process should be made more citizen friendly, and that public hearings should be held separately and in a larger room in the future.



Chairman Hawkins made the motion to amend the agenda to include a Closed Session as allowed pursuant to NCGS 143-318.11 for the following reasons:


1. (a)(6)            To consider the qualifications, competence, performance, character, fitness, conditions of appointment, or conditions of initial employment of an individual public officer or employee or prospective public officer or employee; or to hear or investigate a complaint, charge, or grievance by or against an individual public officer or employee.


All voted in favor and the motion carried.


Chairman Hawkins made the motion to go into Closed Session. All voted in favor and the motion carried.



Chairman Hawkins made the motion for the Board to go into public hearing.  All voted in favor and the motion carried.


Rocky Hyder reminded the Board that they had established a public hearing for this date for the following new road names:


                        Proposed Name

                        Enigma Lane

                        Lazy Lake Lane

                        Adams View Drive

                        Old Possum Holler Road


Public Input

There was none.


Chairman Hawkins made the motion for the Board to go out of public hearing.  All voted in favor and the motion carried.


Chairman Hawkins made the motion to approve the road names as presented.  All voted in favor and the motion carried.



Staff had drafted a Budget Ordinance for the Board’s consideration in adopting the FY 2004-2005 Budget.


Mr. Nicholson mentioned the following changes to the Budget Ordinance:


Chairman Hawkins requested Mr. Nicholson provide some additional information on the proposed compensation study, and the recommendation for action once the study is complete. David Nicholson stated that one of the items in the Strategic Plan was to do a staffing and salary study, which was difficult in a year where there were no additional revenues. The salary system is based on two different things: the Cost of Living Increase which is included in the performance appraisal process, and the eligibility based on the performance appraisal process of one-time bonus payments. Mr. Nicholson had recommended not funding the bonus payment program for one year. Those funds were then put into the HR Department’s budget to fund a salary study ($55,000), and implementation of the study ($180,000).


A staff meeting had been held regarding the issues that need to be studied, to assist staff in locating the best firm for the salary study. He anticipated the study would begin within the next two to three months, and recommended that the study include every position in County government. He continued discussion regarding the staffing and salary study process and to what level to do the study. There followed much discussion from the Board on the specifics of and funding for the program.


Mr. Nicholson stressed that the Board should not approve the study if they did not feel they would be able to implement it, the implementation was as important as the study. Commissioner Moyer felt it was a mistake to take the bonus program away from employees, and that he did support the salary study but not a staffing study we already know we are understaffed in many areas. Commissioner Baldwin stated that he believed the study would clarify those issues and they would be able to make decisions based on facts rather than debating the unknown. He also felt the study would show where we are with respect to County operations. There followed additional discussion about the need for the study in light of the requests from departments which outline what those needs are.


Commissioner Moyer stated that a DSS Board meeting had been held, at which that Board asked him to share additional information with the Board of Commissioners and clarify several points. He pointed out that all DSS programs are mandated, with optional services within mandated programs. Workfirst and Children Services programs are both mandated and funded by the Workfirst Block Grant. By law there is a higher mandate to protect children’s safety and health than Workfirst programs. The DSS Director’s objective has been to try to provide sufficient funds to do the Children Services programs, particularly given the number of children in custody. A tentative figure of $207,000 had been suggested to fund four social workers, and an additional $143,000 for a fifth social worker and additional attorney time. Commissioner Moyer distributed a sheet outlining which services would have to be eliminated to fund the $207,000, most of which were services in the Workfirst Program. Chairman Hawkins thanked Commissioner Moyer for that information, and asked Mr. Nicholson to bring information back to the Board as necessary.


Chairman Hawkins made the motion to adopt the Budget draft as presented. Commissioner Baldwin had some questions about the new contract procedures and the difference between the amount requested for education versus what was recommended by the County Manager. He also questioned the status of contracts with non-profits and how many non-profits were being provided funding. Selena Coffey answered that number was about 25. She had worked with the County Attorney, and had provided a sample contract to each non-profit so they would know what to expect. She recommended that after adoption of the budget, staff continue to draft those contracts including the level of funding allocated. Contracts would be put on the Board’s agenda for approval, then sent out to the non-profits for their execution.


Commissioner Baldwin questioned when the County would be entering into an agreement with the non-profits who were operating without a contract so the Board could begin looking at performance. David Nicholson answered that would have to be a negotiation between the Board of Commissioners and the non-profit’s Board, but he hoped to have most of those questions answered by mid-July.     


Commissioner Messer questioned when David Nicholson though the budget would be coming from the State so the County would have a final number for funding. Mr. Nicholson explained the State’s budget process, stating that it could take several months. Following that discussion, Chairman Hawkins reminded the Board that there was a motion on the floor and called for a vote on that motion. The motion carried 3-2 with Commissioner Moyer and Commissioner Messer voting in opposition.



Chairman Hawkins made the motion to adjourn the meeting.  All voted in favor and the motion carried.







Elizabeth W. Corn, Clerk to the Board                                   Grady Hawkins, Chairman