The Henderson County Board of Commissioners met for a special called meeting at 6:00 p.m. in the Commissioners' Conference Room of the Henderson County Office Building. The purpose of this meeting was a workshop and public input session on the County Comprehensive Plan (CCP).
Those present were: Chairman Grady Hawkins, Vice-Chairman Larry
Young, Commissioner Bill Moyer, Commissioner Charlie Messer, Commissioner
Shannon Baldwin, County Manager David E. Nicholson, Assistant County Manager
Justin B. Hembree, County Attorney Angela Beeker and Deputy Clerk to the Board
Amy Brantley.
Also present were:
Budget and Management Director Selena Coffey, Planning Director Karen C. Smith,
Project Planner Josh Freeman, Planners Anthony Prinz and Nippy Page, and Public
Information Officer Chris S. Coulson.
Chairman Hawkins called
the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and welcomed those in attendance.
Chairman Hawkins made
the motion to go into Public Hearing. All voted in favor and the motion
– Mr. Antrim spoke in his capacity as the Chairman of the Apple Country
Greenways Commission. The Commission had reviewed the recreation element of the
CCP, and requested a wording change. The wording as published was “consider
forming a community and regional greenway network.” The requested wording was
“form a community and regional greenway network.”
Mr. Antrim also stated
that as an Etowah resident, he was pleased to see the small area studies dealt
with in the implementation schedule. He hoped that element would remain in the
Chairman Hawkins questioned whether the current Interlocal Agreement covered Mr. Antrim’s concerns. Mr. Antrim answered that the concern was more with the decisions of future Board’s regarding greenways and the need for revision even with that current agreement.
Alman –
Mr. Alman expressed his displeasure with the speed at which road paving occurs
in the County, specifically with regards to the Highway 25 North project. He
discussed two projects of particular interest to him: the straightening of the
intersection of Erkwood and Shepherd and the extension of Grove Street south to
Old Spartanburg Highway.
– Mr. McGrady is the owner and director of Falling Creek Camp. He stated there
was much in the Plan that he would recommend, and appreciated the community
planning process. He noted that there were a few missing elements regarding
items such as public safety and libraries. At a previous meeting the Board had
directed staff to look at the following wording contained in the plan:
consider, may, study, and similar wording. Once those recommendations are
received from staff, Mr. McGrady felt he would be better able to respond to the
plan. He stated that the plan was worth doing right, and the Board should take
the time necessary to adopt the best possible plan.
– Ms. Luebbe spoke on behalf of the League of Women Voters of Henderson County,
on positions that the League had held on National and local levels that were
relevant to the CCP. She addressed the re-write of the zoning ordinance,
stating that it was the heart and soul of what would guide the Board and the
County in the future. She stated the League urged the Board to rewrite the
ordinance once the CCP was adopted. She also addressed recreational space
requirements within land development ordinances, as well as integrating
recreation to the transportation plan and educational facilities. She stated
the League stood in strong support for that collaborative effort.
She spoke to the reuse
of abandoned railroad lines to be used for greenways or for tourist lines. The
shortage of greenways would seem to be a more appropriate use and further add
to the quality of life in Henderson County with less negative impact on air
quality and a more effective way to add to quality of life for physical
fitness. She also spoke to the consideration of a sedimentation/erosion control
ordinance and a flood hazard prevention ordinance. The League strongly
supported both of these as must haves to protect the soil and mountains for
future generations.
Though the League had no
position on housing, she commended the Planning Board, the Advisory Committee
and all who worked on the plan for including that essential component in the
plan. She reiterated some of the missing elements in the plan such as health
needs, library and public safety.
Franz –
Mr. Franz is a member of the Faithlink Taskforce for Advocacy and Secretary of
the Affordable Housing Coalition. He commended John Freeman and his team for
their time and energy in producing the four drafts of the plan. He also thanked
the members of the Planning Board and Board of Commissioners for the time they
had given to its attention.
He stated that with
respect to affordable housing, nearly 5,000 low-income, disabled, elderly
families live in substandard, overcrowded rental housing. HUD says rent should
not exceed 30% of earnings. Single moms pay up to 60% of their income for
housing leaving little for food, clothing, transportation, child-care or other
needs. Local housing agencies use all available federal and private funds to
help, but they are only able to scratch the surface.
The housing section of
the plan reflects the growing short of affordable housing. It recommends many
things the County could, should and perhaps will do to ensure the availability,
affordability and livability of housing. Some of those items included
establishing a county building code to eliminate substandard rental units,
establishing a fair housing code to protect minorities, development of a strategic
affordable housing plan, creation of aesthetically acceptable manufactured
housing parks and multi-unit housing accessible to infrastructure.
He also spoke to the
housing trust fund used in Buncombe County, where a substantial commitment was
made out of County tax dollars to fund individuals and programs seeking to
build or occupy acceptable low-income housing. The funds are paid back at low
interest and are recycled over and over again without additional need for tax
dollars. He spoke to more action oriented wording, and the inclusion of a
commitment to funding.
Neal –
Mr. Neal echoed previous comments concerning the use of words like consider,
study and may. He felt tightening the wording up was the right thing to do. He
also felt it was right to put in a schedule and assign responsibility for each
item. He urged the Board to take the time to do the Plan right, and then
implement it.
Stepp –
Mrs. Stepp stated that she is the wife of a local farmer, growing apples and
berries, and having two greenhouses. She addressed the need within the County
for another place where farmers could go to sell their produce. She pointed out
the use of the parking lot at this building on Saturday mornings for that
purpose, but stated there should be an additional place to go during the middle
of the week.
Commissioner Messer
noted that the Board had recently rezoned a parcel of land on the Old
Spartanburg Road for just that purpose.
Ward –
Stated that he had been unable to read the whole Plan, but based on what he had
read he questioned where the meat of the Plan was. He spoke specifically to
floodplains, stating that 40 – 60% of the County’s farmland was in the
floodplain. If the Board allows residential development in the floodplain,
young farmer’s will not be able to compete with developers in buying the land.
He spoke to the flooding he had seen in his lifetime.
He also questioned where
the funding was going to come from to implement the CCP. He expressed concern
that taxes keep going up, and senior citizens have limited income already. He
felt there should be some way to tax the developer since they build the houses
and leave the Board to build the schools and take care of the roads.
Richard Alman addressed the Board
again, objecting to the use of an abbreviation in the Plan.
Vogel –
Mr. Vogel questioned whether the County planned to do anything about the
properties in the County piled with junk and/or junked cars. Mr. Vogel also
questioned whether there were any plans for sewer services in the northern end
of the county.
David Nicholson answered
that the Board had adopted a Master Interceptor Sewer Plan which called
eventually for a line to go down Highway 25 North. It is the next project on
the schedule after the Mills River Sewer Plan.
Commissioner Young
stated that he agreed there were several places in the County that needed some
face lifting, and he had asked the County Manager and the Board to pull the
Junk Car Ordinance out to look at it for a rewrite.
Josh Freeman had distributed
several letters to the Board from David Lowles, Pennie Melton and Nancy
Meister. Chairman Hawkins stated that these letters would be entered into the
record. Those letters are attached hereto and incorporated as a part of the
Chairman Hawkins made
the motion to go out of public hearing. All voted in favor and the motion
Chairman Hawkins thanked
everyone for their thought provoking comments. He stated that some of the
issues that had been raised were some of the same issues the Board had
considered before, such as the cost aspect. He also discussed the differences
in the CCP, and the ordinances that would need to be written to implement
aspects of the Plan.
Commissioner Baldwin
discussed the language in the draft CCP, stating that some of it seemed to be a
little weak. He stated that he would be more in favor of “support” or “fund”
rather than “continue to investigate the funding or the supporting of”. He
stated that in some instances it may come down to cost, and the Board would
have to work to try to find the money to do what they are committing to do. He
discussed future supplements to the Plan with respect to public safety issues,
fire suppression, health care, water supplies and agricultural marketing assistance.
Chairman Hawkins pointed
out that the CCP is one part of a three part overall strategic plan being
pursued by the County. Some of the items being discussed may be able to be
transferred from one strategy to another. Referencing Commissioner Baldwin’s
point about public safety, he discussed the example that in many cases members
of volunteer fire departments are really the County’s first responders.
Therefore, they may end up integrating into the plan in several fashions.
Commissioner Messer
stated that he would still like to see the Board have some communication with
the municipalities. Municipalities can essentially annex at will, and he would
like to see some annexation maps to have an idea of where the municipalities
are heading. He stated that he felt the draft was a very good document, and he
thanked Josh Freeman and staff for their work on the document.
Josh Freeman stated that
he did have the municipal land use plans for the different jurisdictions, as
well as a potential annexation plan for the City of Hendersonville. There was
discussion about future annexations plans for the various municipalities, and
the steps Staff had taken to communicate with the municipalities for the
process. There followed much discussion about annexation, why municipalities
annex, and how annexation possibilities affect different aspects of the CCP.
Commissioner Young
stated that he keeps hearing people talk about how the Board is rushing through
the Plan. The Board had given the Planning Staff the mandate to have the Plan
completed by March 2004. The date for adoption had been moved up, but the CCP
was right on track with the time schedule originally laid out.
Commissioner Baldwin
stated that one very important thing for the Board to do would be a periodic
review of the CCP. The document should be adjustable, but should also provide a
framework that any future Board could work with. Chairman Hawkins agreed, and
discussed how future Board decisions should directly support items in the CCP
so they may see the correlation between the plan, it’s implementation and the
Commissioner Moyer
stated that the Board had asked staff to look at where the language should be
changed. Josh Freeman spoke to a memo he had written to the Board. He stated
that the memo primarily contained his ideas, based on his position as Project
Manager and working with the Board on a daily basis, about where things should
go. Karen Smith and David Nicholson had reviewed the memo and offered guidance
along the way. Items included in this memo reflected areas where Staff felt the
document needed to be improved. It included items where Staff disagreed with
the Advisory Committee, where the Advisory Committee and Staff disagreed with
the public input.
Mr. Freeman then
reviewed that memo with the Board, discussing the following elements of the
Resources - The discussion about incentives to protect natural resources is
good in the document, however
discussion about historic and cultural resources is not there.
Development – Despite the fact that public input did not indicate significant
support for County involvement in economic development, Staff and the Advisory
Committee felt that the County’s involvement in such matters was a high
priority and should remain so.
– Another area where public input did not indicate significant support for
County involvement, but Staff and the Advisory Committee felt that the County’s
involvement was a high priority because it is a major part of our economy and
funding opportunities are available from the State and Federal government to
enhance tourism assets.
Regional Airport and its immediate vicinity – Though Henderson County no longer
has direct land use authority over the area around the airport, staff felt that
Henderson County still has a strong interest in the development of the area and
should take a leadership role in shaping the future of the airport area in an
advisory capacity, through economic development, or through sewer and water
was the consensus of the Board to maximize their ability to influence what
happens in the area around the airport, while recognizing they didn’t have the
land use authority.
Plan – Staff and the Advisory Committee agreed that the County should consider adopting
a Flood Hazard Prevention Ordinance that would meet the minimum FEMA
requirements. Additionally, Staff argued that the County recognize the failings
of the FEMA model ordinances and add more stringent requirements to those in
the areas of development and filling in the 100-year flood plain.
Chairman Hawkins noted that the Board of Commissioners had historically been concerned about building in the floodplain. He expressed concern about the number of residences already in the floodplain and the related safety factors. Commissioner Baldwin stated that if the Board takes the land in the 100-year floodplain out of the developer market, they would be encouraging farming which is rapidly leaving the county. Commissioner Moyer stated he did not feel there was anything the Board could do that would encourage agriculture more than taking that land out of the developer market.
was also discussion of how actions in the municipalities regarding the
floodplain can change the floodplain in the County. There was also discussion
about how much of the floodplain was still under the County’s control,
especially with the recent incorporation of Mills River.
was the consensus of the Board to take the land in the 100-year floodplain out
of the developer market and allow it to be set aside for agricultural or other
appropriate uses.
Resources – The Board returned to this item to give consensus that they agreed
with Staff’s position that historical and cultural resources should be
identified and protected.
– Calls for the development of a Master Plan, similar to the school facility
master plan, to plan for the long-term development of recreational facilities
based on projected population growth. Staff’s position was that there should be
a system of measuring performance against goals and objectives. Mr. Freeman
discussed how master planning worked and how it affected long-term facilities
planning with respect to several elements such as recreation, schools,
libraries, etc. There followed much discussion on this method of tying such
master plans to land development policies and whether the Board would stop
development or require fees, etc.
was the consensus of the Board that they wished to consider and study this
issue, and to echo in the CCP what had already been included in the Strategic
- Staff and the Advisory Committee agreed that the County should devote
attention to the development of affordable housing. Staff also recommended
adding an Action Strategy calling for the County to consider organizing and
participating in the establishment of a countywide affordable housing fund.
was the consensus of the Board that they would definitely like to study this
issue, with staff working on wording
regarding possible implementation following that study.
Chairman Hawkins made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 p.m. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Amy Brantley, Deputy
Clerk to the Board Grady
Hawkins, Chairman