The Henderson County
Board of Commissioners met for a special called meeting at 6:00 p.m. in the
Commissioners' Conference Room of the Henderson County Office Building. The
purpose of this meeting was a joint meeting with the Henderson County Planning
Board to review the draft County Comprehensive Plan (CCP).
Those present were: Chairman Grady Hawkins, Vice-Chairman Larry
Young, Commissioner Bill Moyer, Commissioner Charlie Messer, Commissioner
Shannon Baldwin, County Manager David E. Nicholson, Assistant County Manager
Justin B. Hembree, and Clerk to the Board Elizabeth W. Corn.
Also present were:
Budget and Management Director Selena Coffey, Planning Director Karen C. Smith,
Planners Josh Freeman and Nippy Page, Public Information Officer Chris S.
Coulson, Tedd Pearce and Jack Lynch of the Planning Board.
Chairman Hawkins called
the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and welcomed the members of the Planning
Board. Prior to review of the draft CCP, Chairman Hawkins stated he’d like to
address the memo received from Chairman Pearce regarding Highway #25 so the
Board of Commissioners could give some direction to the Planning Board.
Chairman Hawkins stated
that the letter from Chairman Pearce requested some kind of guidance from the
Board of Commissioners, specifically on how to deal with the report that the
Planning Board had gotten back from the consultant on the Hwy. #25 North Study.
The requested action referred parts of the study back to the Planning Board for
a detailed review following adoption of the CCP. He explained that the Planning Board and Planning Staff have a
pretty full plate right now.
Chairman Tedd Pearce
Chairman Pearce stated
that it’s one thing to approve a generalized text and concept of a plan that
size, we’re talking 40,000 acres plus/minus, which is basically ten times the
size of the Howard Gap study they did.
It took six months to do that and most of it was the nuts and bolts of
fighting over each individual lot, which one was included and which zoning,
This is a recommendation
that the consultant has made. Mr.
Pearce felt it was not practical for them to define zoning lines that tightly
and try to keep it from becoming a free-for-all at some later date for the
Board of Commissioners if they don’t give it an adequate amount of study. Basically, they were willing to accept the
report and forward it on to the Board of Commissioners with the understanding
that the actual zoning parts of the study need to be studied in detail (each
boundary line and each zoning district) by the Planning Board.
Chairman Hawkins felt
that the Board should be able to give the Planning Board the additional time
they requested.
Following some
discussion, it was the consensus of the Board for Mr. Pearce to look at the
study and develop a timetable for work on the study, breaking it into pieces
and bring that plan recommendation back to the Board of Commissioners.
Chairman Hawkins
explained that the purpose of this meeting was for both Boards to take a first
look at the draft CCP. He recognized
Josh Freeman to give staff overview.
Josh Freeman reminded
the Board that on March 3, 2003 the Board of Commissioners adopted a revised
schedule for the County Comprehensive Plan.
Among other things, that schedule established a public input process, directed
the hiring of a project manager, and established a planned submission deadline
of June 1, 2004. As of June of 2003 Mr.
Freeman has been the project manager.
Since March 3, staff and the Advisory Committee had been working on
implementing the public input part of the process. They had conducted a citizen survey that sampled 2,000 property
owners across the county with a very good response rate. They held 14 public input sessions or
community meetings across the county, one in each fire district. They held a Latino community meeting to get
the perspective of the Spanish speakers in our county. They held three public input sessions with
the agriculture community. They have
also used the “Designing Our Future” background information that they produced
through their process. Staff is
augmenting the CCP public input process with that information and several other
smaller miscellaneous public input mechanisms that were carried out in the
past, including the 1993 Comprehensive Plan public input process.
In January 2004, the Board
of Commissioners directed that the CCP Advisory Committee and the Planning
Board operate as a joint committee and they have been doing so since that time.
They have been working very hard to produce the current draft of the CCP.
Josh Freeman stated that
there were several other groups involved in the development of the draft
document. The agriculture chapter was
developed through a grant from the United States Department of Agriculture. We received $8,500 from the Sustainable
Agriculture Research and Education Program of USDA. That grant was administered cooperatively between the Planning
Department, the Cooperative Extension Service, the Henderson County Soil &
Water Conservation Service, and Land-of-Sky Regional Council. Land-of-Sky Regional Council and the
Division of Community Assistance provided help on the housing and economic
development chapters. Members of the
community committee were consulted numerous times throughout the process.
The draft CCP document
represents the hard work of the joint committee and there is more work to
go. This is not the formal final
recommendation of the joint committee.
That will come on June 1, 2004.
Mr. Freeman stated that Jack Lynch and Tedd Pearce were present to
answer questions from the Board.
Tedd Pearce congratulated
Josh and planning staff for the hard work they had put into the document. Jack Lynch stated that there had been a lot
of cooperation between everyone who worked on the document. They didn’t always agree on the issues but
they did come up with a consensus.
Josh Freeman reminded
the Board that at a recent Commissioners’ meeting the Board of Commissioners
established a schedule for the adoption of the document. He reviewed that schedule as follows:
June 1, 2004 Document submitted to the Board of
June 1, 2004 Recommendations of the joint committee
will be available on the Internet at the County Web Page and will be available
in all the public libraries across the county.
June 7, 2004 @5:30 p.m. at the Board of Commissioners’
regular meeting, staff and the joint committee will formally present the
document to the Board of Commissioners.
June 9, 2004 9:00 – 11:00 a.m. – there will be a
special called meeting at which the public will have an opportunity to give
their thoughts.
June 10, 2004 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. – a second special called
meeting at which the public will have an opportunity to give their thoughts.
June 18, 2005 9:00 a.m. – noon - a final meeting of the Board of Commissioners
to discuss the document and hopefully adopt and/or give any final direction on
There will be another
joint committee meeting on May 18.
There may also need to be additional meetings of the joint committee.
Board Discussion of the document
Chairman Hawkins asked for
comments from each Commissioner regarding the draft document. There will be
much time for a lot more detail over the next 20 years. This is a fluid document. He stated that if the individual
Commissioners had issues they would like to have addressed in the document,
that they be funneled through Mrs. Corn, the Clerk to the Board.
Commissioner Baldwin
Commissioner Baldwin
stated that the Comprehensive Plan is nothing more than us taking a look at the
past, assessing where we are currently, and trying to come up with a guide as
to what we’re going to do in the future.
He felt this document captures that.
Planning is about process. He
feels the Board of Commissioners now needs to see a summary and the
implementation schedule. His confidence
and emphasis is with the process.
He did echo Commissioner
Moyer’s concern about the use of unclear language, stressing the need for more
Commissioner Moyer
Commissioner Moyer felt
it was too soon to go into specific details.
He had problems with the use of statements “consider” or “think about”.
That is not a plan but rather a collection of things to study in the
He addressed the
introductory letter dated April 28, stating there is a statement which he did
not feel was in accord with what the Board directed – “please note that in
accordance with the prior direction of the Board of Commissioners, staff will
include with the final draft a report outlining significant items or
recommendations that met with disagreement and may have been removed or
substantially changed”. It was his
understanding that these would be presented to the Board long before we get the
final draft so the Board could consider them and give guidance in the final
He stated that there are
weak sections and good strong sections of the document.
County Manager
Mr. Nicholson stated
that staff had struggled internally.
They had made some staff recommendations to the Advisory Committee and
the Planning Board. Sometimes they
agreed with staff and other times they did not. At the end of the day the Board
will receive a document from the two Boards.
There will be some things that staff would want to bring up to the Board
for consideration. They would like to
have Board direction on how to do that.
Staff’s goal was to present staff’s comments when the Board received the
final document. He was open on how to mesh those two items.
Karen Smith
Ms. Smith addressed the
timing issue, stating that if staff needed to do something sooner, they would
get together and do that.
Jack Lynch stated that there were many differences from
the very beginning. They took many
hours to look at the differences and used consensus building techniques to come
to agreement on many issues.
Tedd Pearce stated that floodplains was one item of disagreement.
There were significant differences on how to proceed from there.
Commissioner Messer
Commissioner Messer felt
that the biggest problem might be with definitions in the language of the
document, such as the definition for “affordable housing”. He feels we can get this plan done and get it
done on time.
Commissioner Young
Commissioner Young
expressed concern about reducing farmland or agriculture land and at the same time
the need for affordable housing in our county.
Farmland has become so valuable for housing developments or development
that the land ends up being a “401-K” for the farmers. Many times their children aren’t interested
in farming.
Tedd Pearce stated there was general guidance worked out
but it needs refining. He stated that
public input didn’t show a big problem with affordable housing. He also stated that what is considered
“affordable housing” in Henderson County is not affordable housing in Idaho or
Oklahoma. Every area has different
“affordable housing”. It has to be
looked at in relationship to the community, our land prices, etc.
Chairman Hawkins
Chairman Hawkins stated
that we have a 1992-93 Land Use Plan, whether or not it was officially adopted.
If you look at that plan, there were about fourteen items the Plan had in it to
be accomplished. If you go back and
look at it, Henderson County has accomplished 9 or 10 of those 14. The ones that haven’t been accomplished,
Henderson County has no control over.
He stated that we need
to be cognizant and realistic about the things we take on to do that we can
do. We have little or no control over
water and sewer and that’s a big determinant of development and growth.
He stated there are a
number of action steps and recommendations that deal with tax breaks or incentives. He pointed out that in North Carolina we are
not in the tax break business, that is strictly controlled out of Raleigh.
Chairman Hawkins stated
that we need to consider housing for our older population. If our population continues to mature as
indicated in demographics, we may need to look at this issue more in our
long-range planning.
He felt that ordinances
will be a strong part of the implementation plan but the ordinances don’t need
to be text in the CCP. Some ordinances will have to be up-dated as part of the
implementation plan, such as the Zoning Ordinance.
Chairman Hawkins raised
the question of how much it would cost to implement this Plan.
There was some
discussion of whether or not the Board will commit to small area plans. Organizational considerations were mentioned
Chairman Hawkins made
the motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:17 p.m.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Elizabeth W. Corn, Clerk
to the Board
Grady Hawkins, Chairman